
Adventure's DFOlmanac

calendar_month Published On: Monday, June 15, 2020     calendar_month Updated on: August 6, 2023
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review 17 Comments so far

  • Hello, I am a DFO player in Global server who started way back in Nexon era. I came back when DFO is re-released in 2015. Ever since, the game has underwent many improvements and changes. I hope this DFOlmanac help you navigate around the amazing work of Arad.
  • In March 2023, this page has been revamped to Adventure's DFOlmanac (old page here). Note that this DFOlmanac is still in progress. Many sections are in the work of being written and there are many room for improvement. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to drop a ticket or put it on the comment section below. Thank you!
Table of Content

Chapter 1: Before First Log-in
Chapter 3: Let's Get Started

Section 1: Leveling

1.1: Fatigue Points

1.2: Scenario Dungeon

1.3: Quest Book

1.4: Skill Tree

Section 2: Advancement and Awakening

2.1: First Awakening

2.2: Second Awakening

2.3: Neo Awakening

Section 3: Class Guides
ClassAdvancement Guide Links
Slayer (M)
Blade MasterWeapon Master Guide
Hypervigilance and you
- Kaizen's DFOG Blade Master Guide: Part 1 / Part 2
A General Guide to Weapon Master
Soul BenderDFO Class Showcase : Soul Bender
Soul Bender’s Guide to Prey Raid
BerserkerDFO Class Showcase : Berserker
Low Int PVE Berserker Guide
“Live fast, die young and have a good-looking corpse!” - a Guide to Berserker Class
AsuraAsura Guide
DFO Class Showcase : Asura
Basic Asura Anton Holding Guide
GhostbladeGhost Blade Guide
Quick Exclusive knowledge about GhostBlade
DFO Class Showcase : Ghostblade
Slayer (F)
Sword MasterDungeon Fighter Online Swordmaster Guide
DFO Class Showcase : Sword Master
Dark TemplarDFO Class Showcase : Dark Templar
A Guide to Dark Templar and its Mechanics
Demon SlayerDemon Slayer Guide
DFO Class Showcase : Demon Slayer
VagabondVagabond pour les nuls
DFO Class Showcase : Vagabond
Comprehensive Vagabond Guide Infinity Patch (finally with Pictures)
SpectreDFO Class Showcase : Spectre
Fighter (M)
Nen MasterThe Neo: Nen Emperor Guide
Male Nen Rework - A Very (very) brief digest.
StrikerMale Striker Guide
Real Man's Road: Shitkicker Handbook (Retired)
BrawlerA Comprehensive Updated Male Brawler Skill Guide (Retired)
GrapplerTokugawa’s Guide To Titan (Retired)
FIghter (F)
Nen MasterNen Empress Guide
StrikerFemale Striker Guide
The True Master of Martial Arts, Kaiser
GrapplerFemale Grappler Guide
I Got You For Three Minutes, Three Minutes of Playtime.
Gunner (M)
RangerMale Ranger Made Simple
LauncherMale Launcher Guide
MechanicMale Mechanic Guide
Male Mechanic skill build
SpitfireMale Spitfire Guide
BlitzRobot man go brrrr - A guide to Blitz in 110 cap
Gunner (F)
RangerDFO 110 Cap F. Ranger Guide
Female Ranger Tech Guide
DFOG F.Ranger Guide
MechanicFemale Mechanic Guide
Mage (M)
Elemental BomberI'll Show You The End: Suveil's Oblivion Guide
Glacial MasterThe Coolest Class A Glacial Master Guide
Blood Mage
Swift MasterSwift Master Play Guide
Dimension Walker
Mage (F)
ElementalistDarny's Elementalist Guide
SummonerThe Power of an Eclipse Guide
Note of Sothis : Summoning Materials
Battle MageMelee Battle Mage Guide
Priest (M)
Crusader- Buffer: Priest Mcrusader from newbie to master ~
- DPS: Oppressed Battle Sader guide by the Best(tm) gamer (110 cap)
Priest (F)
HitmanRising Dusk
Secret Agent
Trouble ShooterWarfare is Based
Elven KnightAll About Elven Knight
Dragon KnightA Dragon Knight’s Guide
VanguardVanguard 110 Cap Guide by a loser who barely plays 110 cap
SkirmisherGo Tell the World You Main Lancer | 110 Cap Skirmisher Guide
DragoonDragoon | Demonic Lancer Guides
RogueGotta Go Fast! A Rogue Guide
NecromancerComprehensive Necromancer Guide
Shadow DancerShadow Dancer Primer
MuseMelodic Serendipity
Dark KnightDark Knight Guide
CreatorCreator guide - how to click!

Chapter 4: Expanding Your Knowledge

Section 1: Item Inventory

1.1: Equipment

1.2: Use

1.3: Materials

1.4: Profession

1.5: Quest

Section 2: Avatar & Emblem

2.1: Avatar

2.2: Avatar Sunder

2.3: Emblem

2.4: Emblem Synthesize

2.3: Avatar Market

2.4: Avatar Packages

2.5: Weapon Skin

2.6: Damage Skin

Section 3: Creature & Artifact

3.1: Creature

3.2: Artifact

3.3: Creature Food

3.4: Creature Skin

Section 4: Talisman & Runes

4.1: System Information

4.2: Talisman Usage

Section 5: Insignia

5.1: Guild System

5.2: Insignia & Gems

Section 6: Profession

6.1: Alchemist

6.2: Disassembler

6.3: Animator

6.4: Enchanter

Section 7: Communication

7.1: Chat Window

7.2: Friend Window

Section 8: Gearing System

8.1: Reinforcement

8.2: Amplification

8.3: Refinement

8.4: Enchantment

8.5: Retexturing

8.6: Engraving

8.7: Inheriting

8.8: Buff Enhancement System

Section 9: Game Money Shop

9.1: Cera Shop

9.2: Web Store

9.3: Privilege System

9.4: What to buy

Chapter 5: Level 110 Expansion

Section 1: New Systems

1.1: Point System

1.2: DFO Mission

1.3: Equipment Guide

Section 2: New Gearing System
Section 4: Useful Tools

4.1: DFCat

4.2: Class Discord Group

4.3: Useful Discord General Server: DFOGGBL Knowledge Base


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  4. First of all very nice post, very clean and objective.
    I yet have a doubt that would like to know..

    I saw the pack's on steam and for the price of it (mainly the Unlimited Fatigue Potion) i would like to buy it since i will initiate this game again with my friend (i didnt play it since 2015 i guess) can i buy it with my account that is made on the oficial site? Of yes, How can i do that?

    1. To my knowledge, you can't use account from official site to buy items from Steam, and vice versa. Unfortunately, Fatigue Point is a big turn off for many new players. However, the game is designed to be played with multiple characters. Fatigue won't be a problem once you progress further into the game.

  5. Do you have an updated link for the DFO leveling guide 1-100? Thank you.

    1. I do not have an updated link. Is that leveling guide not working for you?

    2. Says it's removed

    3. I'm not sure what you meant. The link is still active

  6. Hello as a new player, I am just wondering if there are any daily/weekly quests that I should do. I also read that there are dungeons that don't use FP if that's true which ones and are they still worth doing? I just got my first character to LvL 100 through the current quick level event from 110 cap. I'd appreciate any other advice too! Thank you in advance. (Also great guide btw it already helped me a lot)

    1. -At the minimum, you want to complete the daily in the DFO Mission tab on as many alt as you can. They give you Resonating Omnious Crystal that you can funnel to your main. The weekly on that same DFO Mission will give you Selective Epic box which is very nice. If you can, do the weekly Exile Mountain for talismans/runes (they're still relevant in 110 cap and won't be replaced for a while)
      -Beside that, it's in your best interest to burn all FP daily so you can get Play Point to buy entry tickets to Advance Dungeons.
      -As for dungeons that don't need FP, Pit of Incarnation 1 is okay for some daily gold (you can just clear the first few room to get trash equipment and sell for gold), Spirit Heaven is good for farming weapon skin (some skin can sell for good money if you're lucky), Forgotten Land is good for free repair tickets if you're into that.

  7. It's a bit outdated, but here's a very good Mistress guide that can be added here:

  8. Is there a way to fix the screen on steam?


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