Patch Name and Summary | Release Date |
Dungeon Gameplay and QOL Improvements Dungeon Gameplay, Qol Improvement, and Equipment Fame Adjustment. |
Jun 27, 23 |
Season 7 Act 6. The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions New Legion dungeon, Noblesse Code: Dusk, Arad Adventure Season 4, New Arad Chronicle, Chaos Dragoon Kunoichi Avenger Shadow Dancer Renewal, item balance and other improvements. |
May 30, 23 |
Seria's Greeting Newly renewed version of Seria's Gretting |
May 30, 23 |
Season 7 Act 5. Bakal, the Cruel King of Dragon New Bakal raid along with many Qol and dungeon improvements. |
Apr 04, 23 |
Season 7 Act 4. The Machine Revolution: Total War New dungeon called Total War. Female Launcher, Female Spitfire, Mistress, Sader Renewal. Various Character Balance. Epic Balance, Arena Dudate, Dungeon Play Improvement, and more. |
Feb 21, 23 |
Season 7 Act 3. Ispins, the Usurped Lands New legion dungeon called Ispins, Dungeon Life Online, Storm's Wrath, Various improvements. |
Nov 08, 22 |
Season 7 Act 2. The Meister’s Laboratory New advance dungeon called Meister's Laboratory, Item Balance, Normal Dungeon Difficulty Levels, Normal Dungeon Farming Improvements, and Fatigue Acceleration System. |
Sep 06, 22 |
Season 7 Act 1. The Next Journey New level 110 cap with new epics, 8 new dungeons, 2 new advance dungeons, and various system renewals. |
Jul 12, 22 |
Seria's Greetings Renewal of Seria's Greetings for newbie and retunee benefit. |
Jul 12, 22 |
Season 6 Act 22. Deus Ex Machina New male gunner 5th class called Blitz is released |
Apr 19, 22 |
Character Balance & Renewal Asura, Vagabond, Female Striker, Female Brawler, Female Grappler, Male Launcher, Female Launcher, Female Spifire, Inquisitor, Necromancer, Dragon Knight, Secret Agent, Hitman, Dark Knight, Creator balance. New Awakening curscence changes and illustration update. Synergy removal. Emblem System Renewal. Weekly Auction System. Chat Window Improvement. Loading speed improvement. |
Feb 22, 22 |
Ozma Guide & Squad Mode Addition of Ozma guide and squad mode along with Sirocco raid hard mode. |
Dec 21, 21 |
Watcher in the Rift New epic farming dungeon called Watcher in the Rift along with Equipment Farming Improvement. |
Dec 07, 21 |
Season 6 Act 21. Lady Vengeance Addition of new female slayer 5th class called Spectre. Also include Community Improvement, Convenience, Damage Compression, and various character balance. |
Nov 23, 21 |
Season 6 Act 20. Ozma of Chaos Addition of Ozma raid, Neo Awakening for Dark Knight and Creator. |
Oct 26, 21 |
Season 6 Act 19. Blades 'n Bullets Addition of Agent Neo Awakening. |
Sep 28, 21 |
Grave Tower Addition of new dungeon in Valley of the Fallen Souls area along with Sirocco Raid Farming Improvement. |
Sep 07, 21 |
Season 6 Act 18. The Unshackled Addition of Lancer Neo Awakening. Black Purgatory Guide and Squad Mode. Window and Inventory UI. Adventurer Fame changes. |
Aug 24, 21 |
Season 6 Act 17. Her Will that Walks the Worlds Addition of Knight Neo Awakening. |
Jul 27, 21 |
Season 6 Act 16. Black Purgatory Addition of new weekly dungeon called Black Purgatory and Option Change System. |
Jul 13, 21 |
Season 6 Act 15. Locked and Loaded Addition of Female Gunner Neo Awakening |
Jun 29, 21 |
Season 6 Act 14. Aeterna Addition of Aeterna area, Sirocco Challenge Mode, Curse Ruby Expansion, Arad Adventure New Subjugation Ares, Conveniences, Arena Changes. |
Jun 01, 21 |
Season 6 Act 13. The Night of Revelation Addition of new weekly dungeon called the Night of Revelation and Exile Mountains Guide mode. |
May 04, 21 |
Season 6 Act 12. Echoes of the Abyss Addition of Male Mage Neo Awakening. |
Apr 20, 21 |
Season 6 Act 11. A Blade in the dark Addition of Thief Neo Awakeing. |
Mar 09, 21 |
Season 6 Act 10. The Exile Mountains Addition of new weekly dungeon called the Exile Mountain, talisman expansion, Adventure Subjugation, arena updates, and character changes. |
Feb 23, 21 |
Season 6 Act 9. The Revelator Addition of Female Priest Neo Awakening. |
Jan 26, 21 |
Sirocco Guide & Squad Mode Addition of Sirocco Raid Guide and Squad modes. |
Dec 29, 20 |
Season 6 Act 8. The Transcendent Girl Addition of Female Mage Neo Awakening. |
Dec 15, 20 |
Season 6 Act 7. A Ray of Enlightenment Addition of Male Priest Neo Awakening. |
Nov 17, 20 |
Season 6 Act 6. Sirocco the Intangible Addition of new Sirocco Raid, Arad Adventure, Convenience Improvement, and Character Changes. |
Oct 20, 20 |
Season 6 Act. 5 Ultimate Will Addition of Female Fighter Neo Awakening. |
Sep 15, 20 |
Season 6 Act. 4 Relentless Spirit Addition of Male Fighter Neo Awakening. |
Aug 18, 20 |
Dark Dimension: Signs of a Rift Addition of new farming dungeon called Dark Dimension, Farming Content and Rewards Improvement. |
Aug 04, 20 |
Season 6 Act 3. Crosshairs: Highnoon Addition of Male Gunner Neo Awakening, Area season 5, Pandemonium War challenge mode, Convenience improvement. |
Jul 21, 20 |
The Oculus: The Abysmal Sanctum Addition of Hard Oculus dungeon and Oculus Guide mode. |
Jun 23, 20 |
Season 6 Act 2. Slayerhood Addition of Male and Female Slayer Neo Awakening. |
Jun 09, 20 |
The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection Addition of new weekly dungeon called the Oculus. |
May 12, 20 |
Season 6 Act 1. Ascension Addition of level 100 cap, new level 100 epic equipment, 5 new dugneons, and more. |
Apr 21, 20 |
LEVEL 100 Update Preview Preview page for new level 100 expansion. |
Apr 21, 20 |
Season 5. Act 08. Soldoros's Decision Addition of new storyline and new dungeon called Pit of Incarceration. |
Mar 10, 20 |
Season 5. Act 07 Pandemonium War Addition of new weekly dungeon called Pandemonium War, Talisman system, character balance, system improvement, convenience improvement. |
Feb 11, 20 |
Prey-Isys Guide Dungeon Addition of Prey Isys Guide Dungeon |
Dec 03, 19 |
Season 5. Act 06. Pandemonium Meeting Addition of new weekly dungeon called Pandemonium Meeting, Spirit Heaven and Weapon Shape Forge (aka Weapon Skin). |
Nov 19, 19 |
Character Reboot Added Synergy Character Rebalanced, character balance patch, arena update, convenience improvement, enchanting changes, weekly dungeon information system. |
Oct 22, 19 |
Season 5. Act 05. Prey-Isys (Raid) Addition of new Prey-Isys Raid |
Sep 24, 19 |
Season 5. Act 05. Prey-Isys (Normal Dungeon) Addition of Prey Isys Normal Dungeon. |
Sep 03, 19 |
Fiend War Guide Dungeon Addition of Fiend War Guide Dungeon |
Aug 06, 19 |
Season 5. Act 04. The Fifth Destiny Addition of Female Mage 5th class Enchantress and Male Slayer 5th class Ghostblade. |
Jul 23, 19 |
Season 5. Act 03. Operation: Hope Addition of new buff swap dungeon called Operation: Hope, new farming improvement, economy improvement, Anton Subjugation, and character balance. |
Jun 18, 19 |
Celestial Rift Addition of new epic farming dungeon called Celestial Rift |
May 21, 19 |
Season 5. Act 02. Fiend War Addition of new Fiend War Raid |
Apr 23, 19 |
Tower of Dazzlement Addition of Tower of Dazzlement to Valley of the Fallen Souls and Tayberrs solo mode. |
Mar 26, 19 |
Season 5. Act 01. Harlem Addition of level 95 cap, new town Harlen, new dungeons, character balance, and convenience improvement. |
Feb 26, 19 |
Arad Times Preview pages for level 95 cap |
Feb 12, 19 |
The Imperial Arena Addition new weekly dungeon called The Imperial Arena. |
Nov 20, 18 |
Season 4. Act 06. The Beast Addtion of new Beast dungeon, raid reboot, Luke Raid Hard mode, character balance, convenience improvement. |
Oct 23, 18 |
Luke: A New Challenge Addition of Luke Raid solo mode. |
Aug 21, 18 |
Season 4. Act 05. Road to Glory Adddtion of 2 Agent classes called Hitman and Specialist. |
Aug 07, 18 |
Season 4. Act 04. Path from Exile Addtion of 2 Agent classes called Secret Agent and Troubleshooter. |
Jul 17, 18 |
2018 Summer Update - The Big Picture Addition of character balance, explorer club upadte, guild update, epic renewal, Interdimensional Rift: Otherworldly Adversaries, and Arena update. |
Jun 19, 18 |
Anton: Hero’s Ascent Addition of Anton Raid solo mode. |
May 23, 18 |
Season 4. Act 03. The Spears that Divide Destiny Addition of 2nd Awakening for Lancer classes Dragoon and Impaler. |
Apr 24, 18 |
DFO 3rd Anniversary - DFO Flea Market Preview page of DFO 3rd birthday events and contents. |
Mar 27, 18 |
Season4. Act 02. Demonic Penetrators Addition of 2 Lancer classes called Dragoon and Impaler. |
Mar 27, 18 |
Season 4. Act 01. Origin Reworks of scenario dungeon, character balance. Addition of buff enhance system, explorer club friend, new Echon: The Strong dungeon and valor system. |
Feb 27, 18 |
Season 3. Act 09. Triumphal March Addition of 2nd Awakening for Knight classes Lightbringer and Dragon Knight. |
Jan 09, 18 |
Season 3. Act 08. Knights Assembled Addition of 2 Knight classes called Lightbringer and Dragon Knight. |
Dec 19, 17 |
Temporal Rift Addition of new epic dungeon Temporal Rift and Epic Wish system. |
Nov 07, 17 |
Reunion Addition of Arad Explorer Club Update, weapon reinforcement and armor mastery update, Elementalish and Summoner renewal, character balance and arena balance. |
Oct 24, 17 |
Season 3. Act 07. Luke the Constructor Addition of Luke Raid |
Sep 19, 17 |
Season 3. Act 06. Into the Legend Addition of Echon : Ruined Sanctuary dungeon and Level 90 Quest Legendary Equipment. |
Aug 22, 17 |
Tower of Anguish Additon of Tower of Anguish to Valley of the Fallen Souls area. |
Aug 08, 17 |
All shall be as I prophesied... Preview page for upcoming summer contents. |
Jul 25, 17 |
Season 3. Act 05. Redemption Addition 2nd Awakening for Female Priest classes. |
Jul 25, 17 |
Season 3. Act 04. Saints of the Cursed Blood Addition of new class Female Priest and their 1sts Awakening. |
Jun 27, 17 |
A Little Girl's Journal Preview page for new Female Priest class. |
Jun 27, 17 |
Seria's Greeting Addition of Daily Visit Gifts, Weapon and Avatar Support, Special Buffs and Quest Clearup. |
Jun 27, 17 |
Addition of Infinite Difficulty for Ancient dungeons, exorcism system, items updates, character balances, arena character balances. |
May 30, 27 |
THE GOLDEN CAPSULE UPDATE Preview page for leveling event, INFINITE EQUILIBRIUM update, and summer update. |
May 30, 17 |
DFO Security System Renewal Renewal of DFO account security system. |
Apr 25, 17 |
Season 3. Act 03. Relentless Hearts Addition of 2nd Awakening for Male Mage classes Blood Mage, Swift Master, and Dimension Walker. Also include Ancient dungeon quest legendary reworks. |
Apr 11, 17 |
DFO 2nd Anniversary Preview page for DFO 2nd birthday events and contents. |
Mar 07, 17 |
Season 3. Act 02. Creations of the Abyss Addition of new Male Mage classes Blood Mage, Swift Master, and Dimension Walker |
Mar 07, 17 |
Arena Season 2 New season of Areana. Addition of Arena changes, character balance, and rewards. |
Feb 07, 17 |
Season 3. Act 01. PANDEMONIUM Addition of level 90 cap, new area Metro center, Luke normal dungeon, character balance, and new level 90 epics. |
Jan 17, 17 |
Pandemonium Prequel: Chronicles of Luke Preview page for level 90 cap and its contents. |
Dec 22, 16 |
Anton: The Endless War Addition of Anton Heroic (aka Anton daily) and its rewards. |
Dec 20, 16 |
Season 2. Act 07. N.E.W. - Part III: New Trial Addition of Guild Hideout War, Otherverse revamp, and epic equipment revamp. |
Nov 22, 16 |
Season 2. Act 07. N.E.W. - Part II: New Experiment Addition of new Season Server: Master's Realm. The server ends on Jan. 3, 2017. |
Nov 08, 16 |
Season 2. Act 07. N.E.W. - Part I: New Balance Addition of Supplementary Story Charactere called Dark Knight and Creator. Also have character balance, items updates, dungeons updates, and system updates. |
Oct 25, 16 |
Attack on Anton Addition of Anton raid |
Sep 27, 16 |
Season 2. Act 06. Part 2. Pierce through the Heavens Addition of 2nd Awakening for Lancer classes Vanguard and Skirmisher. |
Sep 06, 16 |
Season 2. Act 06. Part 1. Master of Demonic Lance Addition of 2 new Lancer classes Vanguard and Skirmisher. |
Aug 23, 16 |
Season 2. Act 05. Part 3. Dark Elf Ruins Addition of new story Dark Elf Ruins, new dungeon Dark Elf Temple. |
Jul 26, 16 |
Season 2. Act 05. Part 2. The Great Will Addition of 2nd Awakening for Knight classes Elven Knight and Chaos. |
Jul 12, 16 |
Season 2. Act 05. Part 1. The Guildpact Addition of Guild update, Guild dungeons, item, dungeon, system and character updates. |
Jun 28, 16 |
Season 2. Act 04. Oh My Goddess Addition of 2nd Awakening for Female Slayer classes. |
May 17, 16 |
Season 2. Act 03. Anton to Zelva Addition of new lore Anton Suppression and new area Noblesky. Also added new lore Castle of the Dead and new are Zelva. |
Apr 19, 16 |
Season 2. Act 02. Black Aria - Climax Addition of 2nd Awakening for Thief classes. |
Mar 22, 16 |
Season 2. Act 02. Black Aria - Prelude Addition of Thief class Shadow Dancer. |
Mar 08, 16 |
DFO 1st Anniversary Preview page for DFO 1st birthday events and contents. |
Mar 08, 16 |
The Plane: Mirror Arad Addition of Dimensional Rupture and Mirror Arad. |
Feb 23, 16 |
Coliseum Addition of Coliseum area. |
Feb 23, 16 |
Season 2. Act 01. Reborn Addition of 2nd Awakening for Female Gunner, Male Mage, Male Fighter. Also include system, dungeon, character balance, and PVP balance update. |
Jan 19, 16 |
Mt.Kulun Addition of new area and dungeon Mt. Kulum. |
Dec 15, 15 |
Season 1. Act 07. The Girl on Fire Addition of Thief class Kunoichi. |
Dec 01, 15 |
The Ninja Road Addition of event dungeons called Ninja Road. The event ends on Jan. 5, 2016. |
Dec 01, 15 |
Seria's Greeting All Day Every Day Renewal of special gifts, re-login bonus benefits, Special Buffs and Quest Clear Up. |
Nov 17, 15 |
DFO Zombie Crisis Addition of event dungeons called Zombie Crisis. The event ends on Dec. 15, 2015 |
Nov 17, 15 |
Rank Arena (Beta) Addition of Arena ranking system. |
Nov 03, 15 |
Season 1. Act 06. DIES IRAE Addition of 2nd Awakening for Male Priest classes. |
Oct 06, 15 |
New Area. Time Gate - Requiem Addition of new area Time Gate. New Ancient dugneon mode. Added Requiem and Liberation weapon. |
Sep 08, 15 |
Season 1. Act 05. Phantastic Four #4 - Female Fighter Addition of 2nd Awakening for Female Fighter classes. |
Aug 25, 15 |
Season 1. Act 05. Phantastic Four #3 - Male Gunner Addition of 2nd Awakening for Male Gunner classes. |
Aug 18, 15 |
Season 1. Act 05. Phantastic Four #2 - Female Mage Addition of 2nd Awakening for Female Mage classes. |
Aug 11, 15 |
Season 1. Act 05. Phantastic Four #1 - Male Slayer Addition of 2nd Awakening for Male Slayer classes. |
Aug 04, 15 |
New Area. Forgotten Land Addition of new area Forgotten Land. |
Jul 21, 15 |
Season 1. Act 04. A Lady Evil or Divine Addition of Female Slayer classes Sword Master, Demon Slayer, Dark Templar, Vagabond. |
Jul 07, 15 |
Season 1. Act 03. Eton Industrial Area Addition of level 85 cap and new area Eton Industrial Complex. |
Jun 09, 15 |
New Area: Suju Addition of new area Suju, New dungeon Dragon Tournament, Weapon Refining. |
May 12, 15 |
Season 1. Act 02. Time Gate Addition of level 80 cap and new area Time Gate. |
May 12, 15 |
Season 1. Act 01. New Journey: Knight Addition of Knight classes Elven Knight and Chaos. This is also the beginning of DFO global server. |
Apr 14, 15 |
Global Patch Archive
calendar_month Published On: Thursday, October 13, 2022
calendar_month Updated on:
July 16, 2023
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online
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