
About Me

calendar_month Published On: Thursday, January 14, 2021     calendar_month Updated on: January 28, 2022
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review 10 Comments so far

  • I am a DFO player in Global server who started way back in Nexon era. I came back when DFO is re-released in 2015.
  • My mascot is a raven because male ranger is my favorite class in the game. But in the community and through other social media, I go by DressUp_Fighter_Online. I picked that name because it's a on going meme about this game. Everyone jokes that DFO fashion is the true end game after all.
  • I created this blog because I was tired to searching through various platforms just to find the information I need (after all, this game is huge).
  • Therefore I wanted a place where the information about DFO can be organized and easily found. I wanted to present these info in a simple and easy to read format. Also I do not read Korean, Chinese, or Japanese, so I tried my best to use Google translate to make sense of the info and bring these contents from other servers to DFOG.
  • Lastly, please note that I do archive a lot of information but this is not a Wiki page. The people at DFOWiki already done a great job at it. If you want to find out the transcript of a particular quest, looking up the stat of as epic set, or even looking up skill name, DFOWiki is the place to go.
  • I'm an alterholic and play lots of characters. You can view a log of all my Epic drops here.
Discord: DUFO#3019

My Account

Character Equip
  • Below are screenshots of characters I use for daily and weekly content farming. As you can see, some are not greatly optimized, but ya know, baby steps, one alt at the time.


  1. Please keep up the fantastic work. You are truly our best source of DFO information, surpassing DFOWiki. Thank you!

  2. I am a returning player and getting information and guide is really helpful and a sense of direction for me which i enjoy and am alot more motivated since i know what to aim for. Thanks alot for the feedback mate, keep it coming. Cheeers

  3. I dont know how much you play now but this blog ist he reason I can keep coming back to the game. I thank you tremdenously for what you do and hope you dont stop any time soon

    1. Thank you! I still play on the daily basis and always looking out for dfo news and ways to help out others.

  4. Thx for the site very useful!

  5. Great site! I'm currently getting back into the game as well I used to play during the Nexon era too lol

  6. Hey man! Just wanted to say thank you for this amazing blog. You can't believe how much it helps new and more casual players. Is there any way to donate to your project? Like Patreon? ~

    1. Thank you so much. I usually don't take donations in terms of cash or actual currency. I have people sending in game item via mail and a nice message though. I'm not doing this for a living, so money is not really something I look for 😀, but nice message or comment on the blog is cool.


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A blog dedicated for all things DFO. Here you will find articles and pages that will help you progress through the game. Whether you're a new player or veteran, you will find something interesting here.