- The author thanks Weapon Master discord group for the useful feedback on the skill build. This page has been reviewed by two other players.
- Overview: General information can be found at DFOWiki
- Guides from the community
- Muka (Posted Feb, 2023)
- ShinKaizen: Part 1 / Part 2 (Posted Feb, 2023)
- Synchroneity - YouTube (Posted Dec, 2021)
- 20yrjacksoff (posted March 2019)
- Synchroneity (posted March 2019)
My Personal Guide
- Mechanics
increases weapon master for all your weapon. Of course weapon master can use all type of weapon
gives benefit for swapping weapon.
synergy skill, increases output damage for party.
- Which weapon do I use? Whichever RNG drop. Most players swap between Lightsabre
and Zanbato
- Skill Build
- Max these passive
- Then max these active first
- Then use the rest of SP for these
- My hotkeys
- Skill Rationale
at level 1 for utilities.
Physical critial
- Weapon Master can reach crit cap fairly easy.
- Max based on gear/enchant.
max recommended for party play. Albert quest steal skill
is also popular.
- Popular Talisman
- Shadow Work
and Whirling Dragon Slash
- Illustrious Grip is also a good option
- SP dump in order of recommendation
- Highly Recommended
- Low cooldown, great damage.
increase damage for
- Max 2 out of 3 skills based on reference. Most weapon masters I see max
- Can fit at least 3
rotation in 25-sec sandbag.
- Moderately Recommended
- Damage is decent to use in endgame.
- Can fit 2
in 25-sec sandbag.
- Does not have I-frame but have super armor for boss gimmicks if needed.
- Not recommended
Damage is not good enough to use in endgame.
Skill duration is too long and end game bosses tend to move around alot. Does have I-frame for boss gimmicks if needed.
- 8/14/2020
- ADDED: Acknowledgement statement
Thank you!