
Level 110 Cap: Guide to Gear Progression

calendar_month Published On: Saturday, April 09, 2022     calendar_month Updated on: March 26, 2023
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review 7 Comments so far
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  • When Level 110 hit, how does one progress from previous cap? What about starting from scratch? No worries, I'll explain this level expansion for you.
  • Before we get to progression, it's important that you understand how the gear meta have changed and how these 240+ new epics works. Below is my plan of progression when 110 cap hit DFOG. If you see any error, let me know.
  • To read detail info about this cap, see this Season 8: The Next Journey post.
Table of Contents
New Meta
  • In previous level cap, all new epic equipment have a fixed stat. Whatever you get from dungeon and raids are that stat you're stuck with.
  • In level 100 cap, you get to use Raid epic gear such as Sirocco and Ozma pieces to fuse with your current gear, thus giving you more damage. But at the end of the day, whatever piece you fused, that stat doesn't change.
  • Until now, in level 110 Cap. These new epics can now levelled up and that piece will give you more stat. Along side what, damage mods (e.g. PMI, Bonus damage, Critical damage, etc.) are now merged into one called Damage Amplification.
  • In the picture below, you can feed un-used epic to your main piece to level it up. It doesn't even have to be a duplicate, any piece of the same slot will work.

"New" Way to Get Epics
  • This is not really new because we have seen this method before with the Spectre release.
  • Basically Spectre class had her own event dungeon. Here each of these sub event dungeons can drop epics at an insane rate, even mini-boss can drop level 100 epics. If you don't remember, there was even a website that guide you which dungeon drop which piece.
  • Now apply that to level 110 cap, it's every similar, all 10 new dungeons (Normal and Advance) can drop epic at any difficulty.
  • For the 8 normal dungeons, you now have 8 difficulties (Normal → King, then Heroes Normal → Heroes King). Each difficulty is progressively harder and requires more Adventure Fame to enter.
  • Well, Raven, if all of them drop epic, why do I need to clear harder difficulties?
    • Higher difficulties will still have the same drop pool, but the Growth level of those epic will be higher. Therefore, for example, instead of getting level 2 Growth level epic, you get level 25 Growth level, that would save you time and materials to level it up.
  • Well, Raven, how do I know which of these 10 dungeon I should farm? I'll get to that.
How 105 Epic are Organized
  • Even though there are no set piece in 110 cap, all 240+ of them can be organized in 2 major categories: Fixed Option and Custom Option
    • Fixed Option can further be sub-categorized as Normal and Advanced.
  • For your convenience, I have prepared this Spreadsheet so you can read about those epic.
  • Fixed Option Epics:
    • When looking at the Spreadsheet, you will see that each item will have 4 Options, and those are for the most part unique to that pieces.
    • You can have multiple pieces that can favor a specific build (e.g. Bleeding built, X-string built, etc) to your liking. That's why this 110 cap is so versatile.
  • Advanced Fixed Option Epics:
    • These are still for the most part unique in their options but a bit more OP, and they can only drop from from Advance dungeons (Noblesse Code, Destroyed Castle of the Dead, and Meister's Laboratory).
    • They are not necessary 2 or 3 times stronger than normal Fix-Option epics. You need to read their options and see which one worth swapping over.
    • For example: Tactical Drone Controller Armlet , one single option increases Damage Amplification by 356 AND stacks up to 10. Granted it decreases your movement speed by a bunch, so use at your own risk.
Custom Option Epics
  • These are unique in a way is that their Options are not pre-determined like Fixed Option. Rather when they drop, they get 4 out of a pool of options.
  • KDnF has a tier list of those custom option as well, but I'll let you judge for yourself which one you want. For example, "Crit chance +5%" option is pretty trash, duh.
  • Another perk is that you get to pick one of the 4 random option and change it. When a gear’s option is replaced this way, the gear can no longer have its options replaced except for the option that was changed.
    • In the left picture below, since this is a clean piece, you can pick any option to change. However, in the right picture, this piece already have option 1 changed, therefore, option 1 is the only one available to change again.
  • Replaceable options will be marked with yellow arrows next to them. Left pic is a clean piece, where as right pic has its Option 1 modified.
  • Where can you get these custom epic? Only from Normal dungeon at Hero difficulties and Advance dungeons at Expert difficulty or higher. Each slot has 3 possible custom epics and they're dropped in specific dungeons.
  • So What is the Point of Custom Option Epic?
    • The main point is to reinforce a certain build (e.g. "If 40% or lower HP, Skill Atk. +8%" option when using Suppressed Mana Bracelet  piece). The possibility is endless. If you don't have a specific build, generic skill attack options are good too (e.g. All lvl x skill atk +20%)
  • To learn more about this topic, visit this Custom Epic Made Simple post.
What About Legendary Gear
  • You read that right, 110 cap also have Legendary Gear. But from what I have read, they're not really used to bridge your way to epic gear.
  • They are kinda the other way around. Legendary Gear can only be obtained in Advanced Dungeons Expert difficulty or higher. And they're tradable.
  • The main point of them is that their options are better than Normal Fixed Option epic. AND their option can also be transferred to Custom Option Epics.
  • So in a way, I guess if you don't have a good option to transfer, you can buy a legendary and transfer an option from there.
How Do I Progress Now
Start From Scratch
  • This apply for players that have taken a long hiatus. Maybe you left at 86 cap and start to come back. Or maybe you leveling fresh character. This part is for you.
  • Start at normal dungeon difficulty Normal or Expert. They don't require a lot of Fame to enter.
  • Clearing those dungeons at Normal difficulty will give you entry level materials called  Frost Crystal Fragments and its account bound version.
    • If you don't already have some epic pieces, use these  to start buying unique gears from NPC shop. Moreover, use these entry materials to start buying your basic enchants as well.
    • Also don't forget to buy your Abyss swap set. I made a post about it a while ago, check it out.
  • Level 110 Normal dungeons at all difficulty also drop the next tier materials called  Ominous Crystals and its account bound version.
    • Their main purpose is for purchasing Selective Level 105 Fixed Option epic box. Yes, if you don't get the piece you want, you can just trade  for it. Getting epic at this cap is that easy. Each box cost 1,527 
    • Pro Tip: You can get more of these via daily mission. AND daily mission can be done PER CHARACTER. As you can see, the more alt you clear daily mission, the more  you can funnel to your mains.

  • Your next goal is to get enough fame to enter Advance dungeon (Noblesse Code and Destroyed Castle of the Dead)
    • Normal dungeon Hero difficulty start at 25,837 fame, where as Noblesse Code normal difficulty start at 16,880 fame.
    • Getting to 16,880 fame shouldn't be hard in this cap. So if you have 4 characters, I highly recommend you start doing Noblesse Code normal mode. Not only do they drop lot of epics, but you can pick and choose which piece to give to which alt. Thus gearing up multiple characters at the same time.
    • These advance dungeons will drop the next tier materials called  Red Dusk Crystals and its account bound version. You can use this  to buy Fixed Option Epic Selection box. This one is different than the one you buy with  in a way that it include epics that drop from Noblesse Code and Destroyed Castle of the Dead (aka Advanced Fix Option Epics)
  • Your next goal here is to level up your epics and get to 25,837 fame. Looking at the table below, getting that fame will grant you access to Hero difficulty and Advance dungeon Expert.

Normal Dungeons

Noblesse Code

Destroyed Castle of the Dead

King 21,675

Normal 16,880

Normal 17,612

Slayer 23,259

Expert 23,788

Expert 24,472

Hero Normal 25,837

Master 27,483

Master 30,267

Hero Expert 29,369


Hero Master 30,946


Hero King 32,523


Hero Slayer 33,989

    • This is pretty much your end game farming (for now). These difficulties will start dropping Custom Option Epics to complement with your current set. This part is also pretty much lots of RNG. There is a big pool of custom option, so you don't always get the top tier options.
    • At this high level difficulty is where you start seeing another tier material called  Harmony Crystal. This is used to safely amp your gear where if you fail, the amp level doesn't decrease. You can read more about it here.
    • A side content you should be doing around this progression is Storm's Wrath. This is a weekly dungeon that can drop epic with option level 30~60 and only require 25,407 to enter Expert level. These option level will boost your fame tremendously.

Start as 100 Cap Graduate
  • This part kind of depends on how strong and how many fame you have. 
  • If you're a whale with 17-18k fame with full Sirocco, Ozma, and BP gear. You can go straight to Destroyed Castle of the Dead Normal mode. Here's an example of 18.5k Male Nen clearing Normal Destroyed Castle of the Dead. 

  • Along side with Normal mode Advance dungeon, do normal dungeons at the highest difficulty you can to start gathering your 105 epics.
  • If you don't have enough fame, myself for example, my main is at 16,101 fame. With the mythic reworks, I probably would have a bit higher fame. Normal Castle needs 17,612 fame, so I would start at normal dungeons Master difficulty (requires 13,195 fame).
  • Then try to make your way to 25,837 fame for those higher level dungeons to get Custom Option Epics.
  • You can also feed your Ozma fused gear, Sirocco Fused gear, and Max BP gear to 105 epic.
Start at Guide of Wisdom Graduate
  • This would apply to a lot of my lower tier alts. Those are the character at about 12-13k fame.
  • Here you're probably strong enough to solo Oculus party mode or enough to get to Sirocco green party.
  • Here I would start with Normal dungeon Master difficulty if you have enough fame. If not, then start at Expert difficulty. Then follow the normal route mentioned above.
Final Milestones
  • Hitting 33,043 Fame grants you access to the first Legion dungeon, Ispins. This dungeon drop option level 50~70, which can help boost you fame.
    • This is the area where you acquire  Quad-Color Split Energy for your fusion epics for your Accessory slots.
    • Every dragon you kill here will give you 1 Tales of Bravery which can be converted into Conqueror's Token and used to buy various goods from NPC Flo. Some good items includes +30 Elemental damage Magic Stone Bead and Ispins Fixed-option epics.
  • Hitting 34,308 Fame grants you access to Machine's Revolution: Total War. This dungeon drop option level 60~65, which can help boost you fame.
    • This is the area where you acquire  Cruel King of Dragons' Seal for your fusion epics for your Armor slots.
    • Here you will get another version Tales of Bravery which can be converted into Conqueror's Token and used to buy various goods from NPC Flo. Some good items includes Warped Dimension Cube and Total War Fixed-option epics.

Some Final Info
  •  Golden Beryl is another materials used for option growth, transfer and level transfer of epics. They can drop at any normal dungeon difficulty. However, the tradable version  Flawless Golden Beryl only drops in Advance dungeons.
  • Level 110 cap comes with a Revamped Encyclopedia. Make sure to use it to look up where to get each epic piece.
    • From a quick glance, Vericollis Temple drops lots of Accessories and Special Equipment. Whereas Nasau Forest drops a lot more armor pieces.
  • Advance dungeons require Entry Ticket and FP to enter. These Tickets require Play Points to buy. You get 1 Play Point for every 30 FP spent. So it's in your best interest to burn all FP everyday. If I don't have time to play that day, I would use FP Express to burn them off in normal dungeons. Those ticket don't expire, so stock them up on your busy day then use them on your free day.
    • With the The Meister's Laboratory update, you no longer get Play Point from spending FP . Instead you get 10 Points from completing daily limited mission.
  • Keep your 100 cap Mythic. They got revamped and got a huge Fame boost. You can still use them for a while before being replaced with good Custom-Option epics.
  • You have reached the end of this progression guide. Really at the end of the day, it depends on your fame. You now know the general path. Now pick the appropriate dungeon difficult.

  • 3/26/2023: Added some final milestones.
  • 7/12/2022: Apparently you will need to clear the optimal dungeon to get the play point 
  • 5/1/2022: Adjusted fame requirements for various dungeon difficulties.
  • 4/11/2022: Add some clarification on Advanced Fix-Option Epics. They are not necessary 2 or 3 times stronger than normal Fix-Option epics. You need to read their option and see which one worth swapping over


  1. Hello, do you know what Time Guide Stones are used for in 110 cap?

    1. You can use it to buy Entry Ticket to Advance Dungeons normal difficulty. You can also use it to buy Power Essence since you will be needed them a lot to level up your gears.

    2. Correction, you can't use a Time Guide Stones to buy Power Essence

  2. They deleted Disaster sector, wtf, there goes another friendly f2p way of making gold....

  3. Hi, can I confirm about the part of buying power essence with time guide stones? I can't seem to locate this option in game, or is this still not available in global server?

    1. You can't use Time Guide Stones to buy Power Essence. Mistake on my part. Apologies.


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