- This is one of 5 dungeons in the Mountain of Exiles dungeon series.
- The boss is Night Watcher
- 2,726 Billions HP
- Type: Demon
Dark Ritual Pattern
- This pattern automatically activate when you enter the room.
- He spawns 5 statues. 1 in the middle and 4 statues around it.
- You need to match the pattern of the middle statue to each one around it before the progress bar fills up.

- Fail pattern will create AoE that hurts alot.

- NOTE: He can still take damage while casting this pattern. Therefore Sader should do the pattern while others deal damage.
Relic Pattern
- He summons 2 relics on both sides of the map along with 5 gold circles on the ground with pattern on them matching the relics, looking like the picture below.
- The room will also filled with dark fog that drain HP continuously.

- To cancel the pattern, you need to bring down these 2 relics.
- First, you need to activate the relic. Activate it by standing on all the matching circles until the progress bar fill up.

- Once activated, the boss will start throwing his shadow to attack the relic.
- These shadows will glow after they hit the relic, your job is to hit the shadow right after it glow. Successful hit 2 shadows will bring down the relic.
- Bring down both relics will generate groggy.

- His patterns are not hard to do, if your party doesn't have enough damage, you can finish the patterns and deal damage.
- On the other hand, he's not on I-frame while casting these patterns. So if your party is strong enough, you can 1A and nuke.
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