- This is one of 5 dungeons in the Mountain of Exiles dungeon series.
- The boss is Banya
- 5,366 Billions HP
- Type: Human
Elemental Summon Pattern
- He summons various creatures, tornadoes, portals, etc. that cast different patterns around the map. These are simple, just dodge the lighted areas. Examples below.

Yin-Yang Orbs Pattern
- He moves to the middle, casting all his elemental summons at once.
- He then slam his hand on the ground, causing 1 hit KO to everyone on the map.

- This pattern is similar to Leveche's Dark Energy Pattern in Sirocco raid in a way that you need to launch yourself to the sky to avoid the KO.
- There will be 4 orbs spawned around the map during this pattern. 2 Yin and 2 Yang orbs.
- You need to pick up the orbs and collide them. One person per orb. Collide 1 Yin and 1 Yang will launch you to the sky, thus avoid the KO hit.

- NOTE: Pay attention to the timing of the collusion. Don't collide too early because you will land on the ground before the KO and get killed. Collide after the orange suction summon.
Yin-Yang Circle Pattern
- This pattern activates when his HP drops below 45%.
- He protects himself inside a shield and summons a Yin-Yang symbol that spins.
- In order to generate groggy, you need to break down his shield.
- Stepping on the light area will spawns white lightings periodically, dark area spawns black lightings. These lightings ignore super armor.
- Stepping on both Yin and Yang will generate room wide lighting strikes. So pick a color and follow it.

- After breaking the shield, he will knock you down and do a fairly large AoE then enter groggy.
- Use
to avoid taking AoE damage.

- Ideally, you want to do as much damage as you can to bring his HP below 45% to generate groggy pattern. Break down the shield then finish him off.
- If your party does not have enough damage, consider doing sustain damage and save bigger skills to break down the shield once he does groggy pattern because the shield is fairly strong and hard to deal damage while moving in circle.
YouTube - JanJiTube
YouTube - 히카리타마
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