- This is one of 5 dungeons in the Mountain of Exiles dungeon series.
- The boss is Druid Mia
- 2,478 Billions HP
- Type: Devil Plant
Spiking Thorn Pattern
- Mia targets a player and spawns thorns around them.
- Just dodge the marked area on the ground

Thorn Seed Pattern
- Mia drops multiple seed on the ground.

- If left unattended, they will grow into dangerous thorns, dealing great damage.
- Destroy them as soon as you can.

Cursed Tree Pattern
- The 2 pre-spawned in the map will start glowing different colors.
- The author is unsure about this patter. Looks like you need to watch for which tree Mia go to, and the other tree is your safe space.

Nourishment Pattern
- Mia jumps to the middle and generates 3 shockwaves. Jump to avoid taking damage.
- Mia then sucks everyone in, then does a superhero landing, generates big AoE thorns.

- Mia can also marks one player to generate thorns where they go first after the shockwaves, then do superhero landing pattern.

- Her patterns are relatively easy. Although the thorns can hurt a lot.
- She doesn't have any groggy pattern. So for the most part, sader can 1A and nuke.
YouTube - JangJiTube
Other Exile Bosses
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