
Asrahan: God Of Mist Raid Made Simple

calendar_month Published On: Wednesday, October 02, 2024     calendar_month Updated on:
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Phase 1 - The World of Rumination
    • Main Points: Phase 1 consists of 5 dungeons.
      • Kill all bosses within the time limit to complete this phase.
      • Manage berserk levels through the Passage Of Dreams, which is like a waiting room to move between the 5 dungeons.
      • Watch out for weather timeline. Use it to stack overflow.
    • Dream Manipulation:
      • At the start, you can select one of three active buffs and three passive buffs to help you conquer raids. Buff types appear randomly every week.
      • When using a buff, the buff effect is immediately applied to all raid members. Active buffs can only be used by raid leaders, and can be used by pressing the ( ~ + 1 ) key.
    • Dungeon Configuration:
      • In the picture below as an example, "Burning Semiani" boss has 100% health, the Berserk Gauge is 5%, and the purple at the bottom is the Neutralization Gauge.

      • The following table describe boss appear in each dungeon, and their Berserk penalty (explained later).
      DungeonBoss AppearsDungeon Description
      A Dream Of A Shadowy DawnBrim Of The Wrathful MistWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
      - All Monster HP Recovered By 30%
      - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
      Dream Of Burning SufferingBurning SemianiWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
      - Fireballs Fall In All Dungeons, Reducing All Raid Members' HP By 50%
      - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
      A Dream Of A Warm Spring DayClaudius Behind the CurtainWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, The Following Penalty Effects Occur.
      - [Cladis In The Veil] Recovers 100% HP
      - Resurrects All Monsters On Standby For Resurrection
      - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
      Dream Of Imprinted WoundsShining Diane When The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
      - Grants Level 4 Disappearance Debuff To All Players (similar to the Hall of Dimension)
      - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
      Dream Of Polluted EyesUnfortunate ForsWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
      - All Monsters' Berserk Increase By 30%
      - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
      Passage Of DreamsN/AA Giant Umu Appears That Connects All Dungeons.
      - Created 1 Minute After The Raid Starts.
      - When You Reach The [Energy Of The Five Elements] Acquired HP Section In Each Dungeon In Phase 1, The Gate Opens And You Can Enter.
      - If There Is A Party Occupying <Passage Of Dreams>, Other Parties Cannot Enter.
        • Monsters' HP and neutralization values ​​are maintained even if you move through the dungeon.
        • When defeating a boss, each boss will attempt to resurrect over a certain period of time. If you fail to prevent resurrection, the boss will reappear at full health. So go in and destroy the shield to prevent resurrection.

      • Berserk:
        • All monsters' berserk level increases over time. When the berserk level reaches 100%, each monster's unique "berserk penalty" and "raid time limit reduction" occur.
        • Some bosses may be the prefix "Rampant" in the name. When boss is in a rampage state, the berserk gauge will fill up about twice as fast.
        • When fighting each boss, after certain HP, you can obtain [Energy of the Five Elements] that matches the dungeon's attributes (similar to thee bosses from Asrahan: Curtains of Mu dungeon). Use this attribute to decrease Berserk level through [Ergon's Magatama] placed in Passage Of Dreams.

        • Note that once you activate this tree from the Passage Of Dreams, the berserk level of the next clockwise dungeon will be decreased. For example, when you get the buff from wind dungeon and use it at the Passage of Dream, berserk level of fire dungeon will be decreased.

      • Weather Timeline:
        • Weather approaches in a random order. When the "Weather " arrives, if the party in the dungeon fails to respond the boss's special pattern, the berserk gauge increases by 50%.
        • If there is no party in the dungeon when “Weather ” arrives, it will be judged as a pattern failure.
        • In the example, special pattern is arriving at the lighting dungeon in 25 seconds.
      • Damage Overflow:
        • On the other hand, if the boss is at groggy state after successfully destroying the pattern from the "Weather" and the HP decreases by a certain amount, overflow is triggered and damage is accumulated. When the groggy ends or if is killed, 1/3 of the accumulated damage is applied to the dungeons on both sides.
        • For example, when Shining Diane's overflow is triggered (damage to HP goes pass the blue indicator), 1/3 of the damage is applied to the dungeons on both sides, Unfortunate Fors and Claudius Behind the Curtain.
        • In the example here, the calculated Overflow damage is in blue (~30%), and about 15% will transfer to dungeon on each side.  

      Boss Mechanics

      Phase 2 - Reflecting World Fruit
      • Main Points: Phase 2 consists of 3 dungeons.
        • Main boss is Lopez of Disharmony in Collapsed Backside Border dungeon (the top dungeon).
        • Defeat Lopez will clear phase 2.
        • Other 2 dungeons are Moon and Sun. Make sure “harmony” occurs between them.
      • Emblem Engraving:
        • At the start of Raid Phase 2, the raid leader can assign one Energy of the Five Elements to each party. This effect will carry to phase 3 as well.
        • The three Elements appear in an enhanced state, and each enhanced Elements also has a curse effect applied to it.
      • Dungeon Configuration: The following boss appear in each dungeon.
        • The Collapsed Border
          • Main boss: Lopez of Disharmony
          • When Lopez is defeated, Phase 2 ends.
          • When the dungeon is unoccupied, two penalty effects occur.  
            • Damage received from all dungeon monsters is greatly reduced.
            • Lopez enters recovery mode and recovers 0.5% HP per second.
          • When entering this dungeon, the Exile Gauge is activated.
            • The exile gauge gradually increases and once reaches 100%, Lopez kicks the party out of the dungeon.
            • The exile gauge rises more quickly when Lopez's pattern fails or when disharmony occurs.
            • In this dungeon, when the fighting party retreats or is expelled, it is reset.

        • Calm Sun and Ominous Moon dungeons:
          • Main Bosses: Calm Rosalind (Sun) and Sinister Saveli (Moon)
          • During this phase, sun and moon dungeons spawn randomly and continuously move toward another. When a gateway dungeon collide, “Disharmony” or “Harmony” occurs depending on the collision combination. To change the property (Sun / Moon) of the dungeon, kill the boss that appear there.
          • "Disharmony” occurs when gates with the same properties collide (e.g. moon and moon, sun and sun)
            • At the time of collision, the raid time limit is reduced by 60 seconds.
            • The exile gauge in the The Collapsed Border dungeon increases significantly.
            • Lopez weakening buff attached to the dungeon are lost.
          • “Harmony” occurs when gates of different properties collide (e.g. moon and sun)
            • The Lopez weakening buff attached to the Sun / Moon dungeon are applied to the The Collapsed Border dungeon.
          • Dungeon Type:
      • These are sleep dungeons. They don't have any boss in them. Instead you can kill trash mobs to collect up to 3 stackable buffs by stepping on platform. Those buffs are:
        • When the dungeon collides and causes harmony, Lopez receives 15% increased damage.
        • If there is no corresponding boss on the same line, the boss will be summoned immediately.
        • If there is a corresponding boss on the same line, the damage taken by that boss increases by 50%.
      • After stacking buffs, you have the option to summon Rosalind and Saveli.
      • These dungeons have corresponding Rosalind and Saveli boss in them.
      • Killing them will change the dungeon's attribute (i.e. turn Moon to Sun and vice versa).
      • Sometime they can have a glow around the icon. That just mean it's a stronger boss.
      • These are final form of the dungeon once you finished getting 3 buffs.

      Run Example
      • Step 1:
        • Green enters Lopez.
        • Line 1: Saveli occupies left moon dungeon. Right moon dungeon is sleep dungeon.
        • Line 2: Left sun dungeon is sleep dungeon. Rosalind occupies right sun dungeon.
        • Line 3: Both are sleep dungeons.
      • Step 2: Red entered line 1 sleep dungeon. Yellow entered line 2 sleep dungeon. Both team are collecting debuff for Lopez and their corresponding dungeon on the same line (indicated by the dotted arrows). 
      • Step 3: Red and Yellow entered Rosalind and Saveli dungeons.
        • Red looks like they collected 2 Lopez debuff and 1 Saveli debuff.
        • Yellow collected 1 Lopez debuff and 2 Rosalind debuff.
      • Step 4: Red finished up line 1 Saveli, turning it to sun dungeon. They then jump to sleep dungeon on line 3 while yellow finish up Rosalind on line 2.

      • Step 5: At this point, line 1 dungeons has collided, and new set of moon dungeons are formed at line 3.
        • Yellow has just finished Rosalind, turning dungeon (now line 1) to moon.
        • Red has finished the sleep dungeon (now line 2), stacked Lopez buff and summoned Saveli. At the same time, yellow moved to the other sleep dungeon and stacked Lopez debuff.
      • Step 6: At this point, another collusion had occurred, forming new dungeon set at line 3. Green party will soon be licked out by Lopez. At that point, red will enter and finish off Lopez.

      • Tricky Situation: Sometime you will see something like the map below.
        • Remember that only 1 Rosalind and 1 Saveli can appear on the map at any given time. This mean you don't have alot of time to work with here.
        • If you want to summon Rosalind in the sun dungeon on line 2, you must clear Rosalind in line 3 first.
        • So if there's a delay in defeating Rosaline on line 3, you can get disharmony from line 2, which will result in a large penalty for the party facing Lopez.

      Boss Mechanics

      Phase 3 - Species of the World Reflecting
      • Main Points: Phase 3 consists of 3 dungeons.
        • You can clear the raid by defeating [Mu, goddess of Mist] that appears in <The Source of Unconsciousness> within the time limit.
        • The other 2 dungeons are occupied by Terminus. Defeat him to unlock Mu's HP bar.
        • Kill both Terminus at the same time to induce Amnesia in order to deal more damage to Mu.
        • Be aware of Weather Timeline (similar to phase 1) and your battle restriction.
      • Shume's Song: The raid leader can choose one of four fixed buffs.
      • Dungeon Configuration: The following monsters appear in each dungeon. Each area dungeon can be entered by the party leader accessing the portal.
        • Source of Unconsciousness: Mu, goddess of Mist
          • When [Mu, goddess of Mist] is defeated, the raid is cleared.
          • When the dungeon is unoccupied, two penalty effects occur.  
            • Terminus in the <Boundary of Memories> and <Hidden Boundaries> dungeons become invincible.
            • [Mu, goddess of Mist] enters recovery mode and recovers 0.5% HP per second. 
        • Boundary of Memories & Hidden Boundaries
          • The boss here are both Terminus
          • Terminus can't be killed. He can be defeated and will recover HP after a while. When Terminus is defeated, the HP of [Mu, goddess of Mist] is unlocked. When retreating directly from a dungeon , 1 random battle restriction is added.
        • Amnesia: If you defeat Terminus in both dungeons at the same time (or defeat one while the other is recovering HP), Mu will be groggy and all three dungeons will change to the source of unconsciousness where all three parties can deal damage to Mu (similar to Sirocco raid).
          • In the example below, the map will look like there's a light curtain opening. Note that when the amnesia ends, the order of the dungeons you are entering will change in a clockwise direction.

      • Battle Restriction: At the start of phase 3, you will receive 5 battle restriction. Depending on the attributes of the five elements, the following effects are:
        • Wind: Reduces all healing for all raid members
        • Fire: Increases monster attack power
        • Rain: Recovers incapacitation gauge per second
        • Lightning: Increases monster defense
        • Ice: Reduces all speed for all raid members
      • Weather Timeline: This go hand in hand with battle restriction.
        • The weather approaches in a random order, and upon arrival, Terminus launches threatening attacks (similar to phase 1)
        • If you fail to respond to a Terminus 's attack, Mu's Battle Restrictions will be added. The same type of “combat restriction” will depend on the weather.
        • If there is no party in the dungeon when the Weather arrives, it will be judged as a response failure.
        • If you successfully respond to the weather attack, Mu's Battle Restrictions will be removed.
          • All Battle Restrictions of the same type as the attribute successfully countered are removed.
          • If there are no same type Battle Restrictions that can be removed, the last added restriction is removed.
        • When the maximum number of Battle Restrictions is reached (aka you failed too many times), the last 5 added restrictions are removed and the following penalty occurs.
          • Recover 1 HP lock from Mu
          • Raid time limit reduced by 180 seconds.
      Boss Mechanics

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