
Force of Misfortune

calendar_month Published On: Monday, July 01, 2024     calendar_month Updated on: October 3, 2024
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review Be the first to comment!

    • Korean Name: 불운의 포르스. This is a Boss in Asrahan, a pre-raid Dungeon in level 110 cap.
    • Unlucky Dice: Each player will have a dice UI next to them. Getting hit but Force's attack increase this number by 1. At 6 stacks, you're trapped in a dice, and amount of damage received is 20% times the number dice rolled. Basically roll a 5 or 6 is instance death.

    • Shadow Blade: Similar to Charon 's sword strike, it leaves black shadow blades here and there on the map. These blades disappear over time, but when a player approaches them, the blades glow blue and deal damage after about 1 second.

    • Fantasy Boundary: Similar to Largo's "Eyes of Distrust" pattern, when cast bar fills up, look away from Force. Also try to avoid touch the stream of fluorescent lights around the map during this time.

    • Ice Chain: Force select a random user and summon several ice needles centered around that user. After a while, an ice chain will pop out in the direction the needles are pointing. The dice stack will be stacked in an instant due to the chain's multi-hit, so guide the needles to the corners.

    Berserk Pattern
    • Force cuts through the room and create another dimension. There will be 2 doors on each side of the map. If the stack count at the bottom is 3, use the left door. If stack is 5, use the right door. Each door will have different pattern that you need to solve.

    • Left door pattern: Get to the blue eye to reveal an area with a number in it. The number is the amount of players must stay in that area. In the example below, the numbers are 4-2-2 and each time, appropriate amount of players are in each area.
      • Note: For easy communication, assign 1234 number as party position. If number is 3, then player 1 2 3 should be in the area. 

    • Right door pattern: When you enter this door, you will see 5 number area on the map and a dice. During this time, a circle slowly fill up underneath a party member. Once circle is completely filled, a big eye is created and deal big damage in that area. So guide the circle to the corner away from the number on the map.
      • There's also a Hopeless Darkness cast bar at the bottom. When the dice on the map breaks, it reveled a lighted area. Stay in this area when Hopeless Darkness cast bar fills up.
      • This circle underneath and Hopeless Darkness will repeat 3 times. After that, step on the numbered platforms on the floor in order of the smallest number. In the example below: 1 → 2 → 3 → 14 → 19.

    Mu Raid Additional Patterns
    • All numbers converge to 0: This is a weather pattern that induce groggy.
      • Force summons a number at the top (either 19, 21, or 23) along with 3 dice portals. Step inside the portal you will get to another dimension with 3 ice cubes.
      • Inside POV: Each dice portal will have a set of 2 numbers on the map (out of number 1~6). to select a number, step on it and trap Force in the ice cube with it. In the example below, the dice portal contain number 3s and 6s. The player selected one 3 and one 6. The portal then reopens if you needed to leave.

      • The goal here is that all 3 members who have entered the 3 dice portals need to coordinate together to add all numbers to match said big number that Force gave you in the beginning.
      • Yes, you actually have to math in this pattern, but it's a lot easier than you think. Since 19, 21, 23 are all increment of 2, really all you need to do is between the 3 players, select all numbers once (except for #2) as a baseline.
        • If he throws you 19, do 1+3+4+5+6 (this is your baseline)
        • If he throws you 21, do 1+2+3+4+5+6 (19 as baseline, then throw the extra 2)
        • If he throws you 23, do 1+2+2+3+4+5+6 (19 as baseline, then throw two extra 2s)
      • Let's say that you're fancy and you want to solo this gimmick instead of using 3 players.
        • If he throws you 19, do 6+6+6 in one portal, and do 1 on the other portal.
        • If he throws you 21, do 5+5+5 in one portal, then do 6 on the other portal.
        • If he throws you 23, do 6+6+6 in one portal, then do 4+1 on the other portal.
      • Outside POV: As 3 players are inside the dice portals, one member must stay outside to counter-attack Force. He's invisible you but can see his footstep on the ice. This is similar to countering Dark Axion and Light Euclid in Fiend War.
        • If Force successfully attack the dice twice, he will break it and player inside can no longer select any number.

    • Rule of 7: Remember the berserk pattern above where if you see a "3", you enter left door, "5" enter right door? This pattern is an extension of that.
      • In this pattern, if you see a "1", you enter the top door. Here Force will summon 3 dices. One at the top, and one on each side. The goal here is to make sure you enter the cube that added to Force's cube, it makes "7". In the example below, you need to enter the left cube.
      • There's a gimmick to this pattern. Force has a dialog cast bar at the bottom screen, and depends on what he says, you need to either include or exclude him as a member when stepping into the cube.
      • In the illustration clip below, when he said something like "Sometimes it is like an illusion", you need to kick him out and let 2 people in the cube (left example). If he says "I am always clear", that mean he needs to be included inside the cube, so only 1 member need to step in (right example).

      • After this, that's a second part to the gimmick. Force summon 3 cubes on a straight line, then 3 more cubes around the map. 
      • The order of safe zone created is the order of cubes that added to 7 based on the 3 cubes at the top from left to right. In the example below, the top cubes are 5 6 4. Adding to those cubes to get 7 is 2 1 3, so the safe zones will show up in that order.
      • Afterward, #7 is created in the middle of the map. Step on it to finish pattern.

      • Here's another example. Top cubes are 4 3 6, add to get 7 means the order of safe zones are 3 (left), 4 (right), 1 (bottom).

    • Ice Bound: Force summon a piece of ice. It bounces between 12, 3, 9 o'clock doors. Force then cast room wide ice attack 3 times. The safe zones are in the order of where the ice piece bounced. In the example below, safe zones are 12, 9, 3 o'clock, in that order.

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