

calendar_month Published On: Saturday, January 16, 2021     calendar_month Updated on:
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review Be the first to comment!


  • Astaros is the final boss in Black Purgatory dungeon.
  • She has multiple patterns that are specific depends on the portal she travel to.
  • Type: Demon
Dimensional Portal Pattern
  • Throughout the fight, she spawns 4 portals. The pattern is the same regardless of which portal she enters. After she enter the portal, the room is filled with flame, so make sure you follow the portal she entered.
  • NOTE:
    • In the beginning, she's pretty much just stand there and summon her portals. This is a perfect time for you to unload all your attacks.
    • When she's between maps, her creating portals also take a long time, you can unload your attacks during these time as well.
  • The portals lead to previous maps where you fight the Dark Knights. Each map will have their own specific patterns done by Astaros. You may memorize the map-pattern pairs if you wish.
  • When she's at her own map, she can cast any patterns she wants.
  • Beside the specific patterns below, she also has some common simple patterns that start with lighted up area. Those are easy.

Cocoon Map
  • Cocoon map is where you fought Tiamat of Despair.
  • When you enter this portal, the map is filled with weapons. There are 2 patterns specific to this map.
Pattern #1: Tracking Orb
  • This pattern is similar to Taybers boss in Fallen Paradise map.
  • The orb in the middle track 1 person and start shooting. Dodge by moving clockwise or coutnerclockwise.
  • Make sure you stay inside the circle though, anyone move outside will KO the whole team.

Pattern #2: Weapon
  • She spawns multiple large circles on the map. Each circle either has a white or black edge.
  • If you change all the weapon colors in the circle to the same color as the big circle's border, the circle disappears. If you remove all circles within the time limit, the pattern ends.
  • Note that some big circles can overlap, thus make it confusing and chaotic. Therefore everyone should spread out and pick a circle to do (e.g. p1 p2 take left circle, p3 p4 take right circle).

Tomb Map
  • Tomb map is where you fought Timor the Pure Blood.
  • There are 2 patterns specific to this map.
Pattern #1: Supernova
  • She sucks everyone in, then does supernova. 
  • This supernova casting time is quite long, so your regular jump may not be enough.
  • Conveniently, you will see the tomb on the map also doing suction. Getting close to the tomb will freeze you after a small period delay.
  • So to help you dodge this pattern, you can jump after getting close to the tomb, it will freeze you in midair, thus dodging the supernova. 

Pattern #2: Soul Offering
  • She pick one person and trap him/her in the middle. She then start sucking their blood.
  • If you're the chosen one, if you see a progress bar on top of you, and you need to the "arrow key wiggle" to keep that bar down.
  • Everyone else are free to move around. You then start seeing green souls approaching the chosen member. Your job is to make sure no souls reach that person.
  • Here's the catch. Once you touch the green soul, it turns into red soul and starts following you instead. If it touches you, everyone get KO.
  • So in the nutshell, make sure green don't touch the middle trapped member, and make sure you don't touch the red souls as well.

Thorn Map
  • Thorn map is where you fought Verias the Doom.
  • There are 2 patterns specific to this map.
Pattern #1: Covered in Darkness
  • You see 4 green flames in each corner with pulsing green circle around them. They then start spreading darkness covering up the entire room.
  • Your job is to stay away from the these green circle. Therefore, at the beginning of this pattern, everyone needs to stay close and get together to the middle of the room.
  • After covering the room, the flames start to split up and shooting around. This is your chance of finding a safe zone to stand in.
  • NOTE: The safe zones are where the flames originate.

Pattern #2: Aim the Flames
  • In this pattern, Astaros will have a big circle that follows her. This circle has a mixture of purple and green color.
  • You will see blue flames around the map along with lot of red flames that shoot at random members in order of RED RED YELLOW.
  • Your job is to make sure the yellow one hit the blue flames. 
  • Destroy all blue flames will generate groggy.
  • NOTE: The author is unsure the function of the big circle. It looks like that's the area you suppose to stay in because she's suppressing the red flames around the field wherever she moves.

  • She has lots of groggy patterns as well as pain in the ass patterns.
  • For the most part, your open window is when she summons portals to jump to the next map.
  • She will always jump to all the other 3 maps before going back to her own map. The order of those 3 maps are random, and there are patterns specific to each map, so plan accordingly.
GameChosun - Harma
YouTube - 히카리타마
YouTube - JangJiTube
YouTube - 인파

Other Crossroad Bosses
Other Follower Bosses
Other Dark Knight Bosses

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