Which Talisman Should I Use?
- Back when we only have 5 talismans, we have a KDnF popularity list to guide us on which talisman should you use.
- Now with this expansion, we don't have any guideline from Korea on which we should use. So here is my advice and recommendation you should consider when picking your next talisman.
- In a nutshell, Talisman system intention is to provide players variety of ways to customize their skills. At the bottom line, look at it in 2 angles, damage advantage and structure advantage. Damage and cooldown usually go hand-in-hand, so really 3 things.
- And of course, considering these things will require you to READ and use your brain, I know it's hard, DFOG players can't read *insert meme here*
Damage Advantage
- What you need is to learn how to read damage chart. It basically takes all talisman's damage and their cooldown and rank them. Here're Coefficient Archive (aka damage charts) and Simple Guide to Damage Coefficient Table (aka how to read these tables).
- Note that just because a talisman is top damage, doesn't mean you should pick it. You need to take cooldown into consideration. "Damage/cooldown ratio" is where I would pay close attention to, especially newer contents tend to head toward sustain damage (e.g. Exiles and Black Purgatory).

- Ask yourself, does this talisman make sense to use? does its skill augmentation worth it?
- Personally, what I looks for is if a talisman allows me to cast the skill easier and if I can cancel it out to another skill. Those quality-of-life rank higher for me.
- Male ranger is my main, so I'll show you my thought process of choosing this 3rd talisman slot.
- Below is the damage table for his talisman, we have skill name (1st column), its damage (2nd column), and damage/cooldown ratio (3rd column).
- The 2 new talisman are Fast Draw
and Wipe Out
, now think about your "Damage Advantage", we clearly see the winner (Fast Draw) due to higher overall damage. Not only that, the damage/cooldown ratio is better as well.

- How about "Structure Advantage"? Below is what the skills look like. Fast Draw
allows you shoot faster (aka reduce cast time), which can be a huge advantage since you can fit more skills in between Death Hawk

- For Wipe Out
, instead of casting the skill at a distance, you now cast it right where you are.
- For me, it's not really an advantage because male ranger doesn't really cast that many skills while he's right on the target except for Wild Shot
and Deadly Approach
really. Beside that, Male ranger usually do damage standing in front of the target, not right on it. So for me, it doesn't really make sense to use Wipe Out talisman.

- In conclusion, looking at damage/cooldown ratios and structural advantages of both talismans, I'll be using Fast Draw
Excel - KDnF 75/80 Talismans
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