- In early July 2020, I started recording my epic drops. After 7 months of data, I finally hit my 1,000th ebin.
- Are you wondering what they're consist of? This post will show you.
- All raw data is located in this PDF file.
Top Duplicates
- Of course my #1 drop is a weapon, and one of them is an Agent's weapon.
- Top duplicate are:

Top Locations
- To be honest, I didn't really do Guide of Wisdom that much. Rarely did I remember doing full 156fp bar.
- As you can see, Basement of Pain and Black Shrine counts are very similar (33.8% vs. 32.6%).
- A very small portion drop is from Land of Memories and Bottomless Tunnel. I did get quite a bit of drops from the event dungeon though.
- As for Oculus, I only do on the character that I need. When I got the Ditto, I was slacking on doing the dungeon on the weekly basis.

Top Character Drops
- It's ironic that my main Male Ranger is actually not the top character getting the drops.
- Apparently Male Spitfire leads the chart with 114 drops, followed by Female Nen with 113 drops.
- Most of these drops are from doing daily 2+2, you can follow their gearing path in details through this Top 12 Progression page.

Top Slots
- No shocker here, Weapon is the #1 with 364 drops, and yes, Agent weapon
is one of the top drops.
- If you think about the distribution of level 100 epic, this chart reflects it pretty closely.
- There are 19 tops, bottoms and shoes; 15 belts and shoulders; 8 bracelets, necklaces, rings, sub, stone and earrings. lastly there are 74 weapons.
- However you can't find ele, syncro or mother so we takes those out and that leaves us with 18 tops, bottoms, and shoes, 14 belts and shoulders, 7 bracelets, necklaces, rings, sub, stone and earrings. for a total of 198 epics.
- This would put tops, bottoms and shoes at 9% drop rate; belts and shoulders at 7% drop rate; the entire right side at 3.53% drop rate; lastly weapons would be 37.37%
- Looking at pie chart, it's VERY close, well within error.

Mythic Drops
- Lastly, How many Mythic?
- You can't see it on the chart due to small numbers. I got 20 Product of Wisdoms and 3 Mythics. I only got 2% PoW, but it makes sense because I didn't really do Guide of Wisdom that much. Since PoW doesn't drop in 2+2. This number would definitely higher the more you run Guide of Wisdom.
- Only 3 Mythic out of 1,000 drops. Looks like my RNG is not that good.

- 2/24/21
- ADDED: Clarification in "Top Slots" and "Mythic Drops"
- Thanks to the great feedbacks from a viewer who wished to remain anonymous.
Interesting and thanks for the very helpful blog!
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