
The Root of Abyss

calendar_month Published On: Sunday, March 26, 2023     calendar_month Updated on: February 3, 2024
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review Be the first to comment!

  • Korean Name: 어비스의 근원
  • This is a Boss in  The Archmage’s Hall of Dimensions, a Legion Dungeon in level 110 cap.
  • Third row is his weakness. Forth row is Elemental Resistance. Fifth row is Aliment Resistance. The second picture is transcendent difficulty. Credit to Pata from GBL Discord Server.

Phase 1
  • Here you fight Abyss in his cocoon form. There are nothing special here. Legit just dodge the red area and purple fog. Look at the first 3 minutes of this video, it's straight dodging.

Phase 2
  • Main Concept: During this phase, you will see a purple gauge underneath the boss' HP bar. The lower this bar, the more damage Abyss will receive.
    • From 100% to 80%, the damage multiplier is 50%.
    • From 80% to 20%, the damage multiplier is 70%.
    • From less than 20%, the damage multiplier becomes 100%.
  • Here you fight Abyss in different dimension. There are purple and red dimensions. You can decrease this purple gauge by entering Abyss' red dimension. As you damage Abyss, he will spit out orbs. If you're inn purple dimension, consume purple orb will take you to red dimension. Vice versa, while in red dimension, consume red orb will take you back.
    • NOTE: While in red dimension, you cannot use any skill. So you will have to decrease the gauge using basic damage.

  • Be careful not to stay in red dimension too long. The longer you stay, the smaller your visibility. Then you get grabbed and take damage.

  • While fighting Abyss, you will see his clone casting pattern around the map. You can destroy these with simple attack and the cooldown of one skill is randomly reset (exclude awakening).
  • Devouring Evil Pattern: You see a cast bar at the bottom and some big meteors striking the floor. The cast bar indicates when meteor will explode. Meteors explode in the order that they landed (you can tell which one is exploding by the red area expanding).
    • You can only destroy these meteors while in red dimension.

  • Endless Abyss Pattern: You see cast bar at the bottom and Abyss begins to gather energy. This is the create-safe-zone pattern. You need to enter red dimension and attack Abyss to create the safe zone. There are variation to this pattern, but it's the same concept.

  • Advent Pattern: This pattern starts when purple gauge hit 0%. At this point, you must enter the red dimension to fight Abyss. During this pattern, previous red dimension rule doesn't apply (e.g. you don't get limited visibility, you can use skill).
    • The first phase is to attach Abyss to reduce screen wide damage area
    • Second phase is Abyss drop meteors on your location. Do NOT overlap those.

  • Abyssal Offensive Pattern: This occurs immediately after Advent pattern (i.e. after dropping all small meteors). During this time, bigger meteors will target and strike at player's location. Again, do NOT overlap those meteors. The rest is pretty much just dodge red damage area.

  • After the cast bar, you get small groggy, then the purple gauge is at 100%, then repeat the process.
Transcendence Difficulty
  • This difficulty has a few modification of existing pattern and 1 notable new pattern. Note that here you will have a timer gauge. When this Transcendence Gauge hit 100%, it's automatic boss fail.

  • Devouring Evil Pattern: Unlike other difficulties, the meteor will explode as soon as it land, so in stead of trying to destroy it, you just dodge the red damage zones.
  • Malice Revealed Pattern (Groggy): This is a phase 2 pattern that activates when Abyss's HP drops below 60%. Here he grab you into the red dimension. Still can't use skill and HP / MP will continuously drain here.
    • You will see Abyss' dark clones moving around casting patterns. Kill them with basic attack will restore HP/MP to 100%.
    • Killing these clones along with hitting Abyss will drop black orbs. Your job is to pick up those black orbs and damage abyss until its HP reach zero. Once done, a light appears and beam you up and out of the red dimension.
    • NOTE: The meteors drop concept (like Advent Pattern) still apply, so don't overlap them.

YouTube - 히카리타마
YouTube - JangJi

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