Quick Links to Other Talisman Demonstration Pages
Male Slayer: Weapon Master | Soul Bender | Berserker | Asura | Ghostblade
Female Slayer: Sword Master | Dark Templar | Demon Slayer | Vagabond
Male Fighter: Nen Master | Striker | Brawler | Grappler
Female Fighter: Nen Master | Striker | Brawler | Grappler
Male Gunner: Ranger | Launcher | Mechanic | Spitfire
Female Gunner: Ranger | Launcher | Mechanic | Spitfire
Male Mage: Elemental Bomber | Glacial Master | Blood Mage | Swift Master | Dimension Walker
Female Mage: Elementalist | Summoner | Battle Mage | Witch | Enchantress
Male Priest: Crusader | Monk | Exorcist | Avenger
Female Priest: Crusader | Inquisitor | Shaman | Mistress
Agent: Hitman | Secret Agent | Trouble Shooter | Specialist
Knight: Elven Knight | Chaos | Lightbringer | Dragon Knight
Lancer: Vanguard | Skirmisher | Dragoon | Impaler
Thief: Rogue | Necromancer | Kunoichi | Shadow Dancer
Other: Dark Knight | Creator
- Summary Justice
- Resolute Judgment
- Removes the stabbing attack, and only delivers spinning slashes.
- Cooldown -15%
- Spinning slash Atki +20%
- Talisman Addition Effects
- Spinning slash range +30%
- Additional spinning slash Atk bonus +9%
- Noble Rage
- Distorted Mercy
- Multi-slash count +2
- Talisman Addition Effects
- Attack speed +20%
- Cooldown -15%
- Decollation
- Last of the Heretics
- Resets Holy Fire
- Holy Fire
continuous damage Atk. +13%
- Talisman Addtion Effects
- Holy Fire
, if canceled into this skill's post-casting delay, takes the Punishing Wallop
- Cooldown -10%
- Additional Holy Fire
continuous damage Atk. bonus +26%
- Infernal Vortex
- Sacred Evangelist
- Use in Holy Fire
mode to move and attack after spinning twice,
- Always achieves the max spinning speed and count.
- Talisman Addition Effects
- Range +40%
- Spinning slash count +3
- Additional spinning slash Atk. reduction rate +20%
- Purifying Flame
- Burning Sacrament
- Also explodes enemies within a 500 px range that are not affected by the flames
- Incineration duration +0.5 sec.
- Atk. +9%
- Talisman Addition Effects
- Additional Incineration duration +0.5 sec.
- Additional Atk. +10%
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