- Jade was first introduced in Night of Revelation and Black Purgatory.
- Here in Ozma Raid, she is the boss of "Elinos, Tower of Revelation", which is a special dungeon that spawns negative effects
- REMEMBER: If the revelation occurs 3 times, the raid will reset.
Swarm Pattern
- Her dragon spit a bunch of swarms on the map. Stepping on them will slow you down.

Downward Strike Pattern
- Jade marks one players and try to get the dragon to slam said target. If the said player got grabbed, that player is KOed and Jade will knock everyone else down and start throwing orbs everywhere.
- So ideally, try to not get slam if you're marked.

Rush Pattern
- The dragon rushes from one side to the other. Then do a raw, spitting purple flames.
- Pretty easy to dodge, first stay on the top or bottom. Then run to stay just underneath him.

Inhale Pattern
- He inhales then slams down. You can start to run away, but the tricky thing is when he starts to inhale, you can't move.
- So to dodge this, you can purposely stand on the way of the swamps so they will slow you down.

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