- Korean Name: 냉룡 스카사
- This is one of the main Boss in Machine Revolution: WarPath. The unique debuff is to freeze players if not moving for a period of time. This debuff can be taken off by defeating the mini-boss Lighting Strike Steich.
- In Bakal raid, if not defeated, will cause Ice crystals fall that cause freezing and damage at regular intervals in Bakal.
Ice Crystal Gimmick
- Ice crystals will spawn around the map. These will grow over time. You will absorb these crystal when standing near by and gauge bar filled up. Attacking these will force those crystal to grow as well.
- Once you absorbed the crystal, you will be frozen and become invulnerable by 2 ways:
- Ice gauge next to your character filled up
- You land after a jump.
- During party play, when you're frozen, other member can hit you to break the ice.
- The Key to fight Skasa is to use this gimmick appropriately because some patterns are room wide and no safe zones.
- Note that if the crystals is at max size and left unabsorbed, it will explode and deal damage. So if you don't want to absorb these crystals, stay away from them.
Ice Sheet Gimmick
- When Skasa attacks, you will see cracked ice sheet in that location. Walking through these area will slow you down.
Pain Worse than Death Pattern
- Skasa says "I’ll how you a pain worse than death", then create ice sheet on the map. Afterward, the rawr will create more ice spike on the surrounding areas.
- If there were too many red areas on the map, you can use Ice Crystal Gimmick to freeze yourself before Skasa's rawr.
- A trick to know where the extra spikes will spawn after Skasa's rawr is to look at the cracked ice sheet on the ground.
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More spikes will spawn on the ice sheet here |
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This has no cracked ice sheet, so it's safe to stay |
Insignificant Things! Pattern
- Skasa says "Insignificant Things!" then fires a ice breath from one side of the map. You can avoid by staying close or behind Skasa.
Other Phase 1 Patterns
(aka basic-dodge-the-red-area patterns)
Phase 2
Ice Dragon's Fury Pattern
- Skasa says "This is your grave!" (at beginning of the pattern) and "Feel the cold that pierces your soul!" (at end of the pattern). You will hear "There's something different about Skasa's movements. Prepare for the situation!" from Rosa Jurgen
- Skasa slam the ground twice, then do a full body slam. This body slam is full screen, so you can time the Ice Crystal Gimmick appropriately by looking at the gauge on the bottom of the screen.
Ice Dragon's Wrath Pattern
- Skasa says "Even your last breath... I'll freeze it!" (at beginning of the pattern) and "I'll freeze it... forever!" (at end of the pattern). You will hear "The temperature is dropping rapidly! Watch out!" from Rosa Jurgen
- This is a full screen ice breath. So you can time the Ice Crystal Gimmick appropriately by looking at the gauge on the bottom of the screen.
Call of the Ice Dragon Pattern
- Skasa says "Foolish things... feel the extreme cold!" (at beginning of the pattern). You will hear "Looks like a strong blizzard! Be prepared!" from Rosa Jurgen
- Skasa will summon lots of ice spikes and cracks on the floor.
- At the end, there's no safe zone. So you can time the Ice Crystal Gimmick appropriately by looking at the gauge on the bottom of the screen.
General Approach
- The Key to fight Skasa is to use Ice Crystal gimmick appropriately because some patterns are room wide and no safe zones, especially on the 2nd phase.
- In party play, be cautious on the Ice Crystal gimmick because you can also freeze your teammate as well.
Bakal Raid
Ice Crystal Gimmick
- Unlink its Total War version (where the user could acquire and remove the cold aura at will), your ice gauge will continue to fill up, and fill up even more if you get hit by Skasa attacks. Additionally, after being frozen, you will take damage, so if you see a frozen teammate, free them.
- You will see some Communicator around the map, you can use it to summon a napalm. This napalm doesn't cause damage, but standing on its area will decrease your ice gauge.
Lake Jump Pattern
- Skasa jumps into the lake, it will spawn ice spikes to all direction. If you can aim the location correctly, the middle is the safest location. Skasa then do an ice breath, stay behind the ice pillars to avoid taking fatal damage.
Call of the Ice Dragon Pattern
- Similar to its Total War version, Skasa scream at the end causing room wide damage and the only way to dodge is to freeze. In Bakal raid, it's a little bit different. Skasa goes down the lake, then emerge at about 85% casting gauge, then do the scream.
- You will see some big ice orb with a green area. Standing on these are will fill up your ice gauge. Remember that in the Total War version where you can force the freeze, here in Bakal raid, you have to time your ice gauge appropriately.
- If you avoid the instant death pattern by freezing yourself on the green area, a buff that increases damage by 100% is provided. However, even if you stand on the green area, if you die because you couldn't freeze in time, or if you survive with invincibility or from sader's skill outside the green area, the damage increase buff is not given.
Ice Run Pattern
- This will only occur in phase 2. Skasa went down into the ice to the other room to prepare for her ice breath. Your job is to run to the other room while navigating through the ice pillars before time run out.
- Note that periodically the room will get dark and bright again. When the screen is dark, an ice wind will take place and deal lots of damage (make sure you hug the ice pillar to dodge it). When the screen is bright again, you can resume. It's a good idea to use OP pack here to increase movement speed.
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