Fullness Gimmick
- Eclair use similar skills as the Dragon Knight class. She has Fullness gauge as her main gimmicks. You will see a small dragon holding the meat on the screen.
- The longer this dragon holding the meat, the more Fullness gauge will fill up. The higher the gauge fill up, the more damage Eclair will do. 100% gauge will activate wide area pattern.
- Depleting the mini HP bar will drop the meat and stop Fullness gauge from filling up. Whoever take the meat will receive the following buff for about 13 seconds: Damage +25%, Neutralization Gauge reduction +520%, Damage taken +25%. If someone in your party have some neutralization gauge gear, let them pick up the meat.
Storm's Breath Pattern
- Eclair jumps on her dragon and creates a storm in the middle. You will see some obstacle going toward the storm. Getting caught will cause multi-hit damage making it impossible to escape.
- Afterward, Eclair jumps to the middle and do a room wide attack. Staying inside the green circle will knock you down, so you can use quick rebound to dodge the room wide attack.
Meteor Burst Pattern
- Eclair and her dragon will take turn flying around the map, striking lighting everywhere. There will be a gold sphere on the map. Whoever picked this up will be the one saving the party.
- Later in the pattern, the members that don't have the sphere will be immobilized. To avoid Eclair's final attack, person with sphere need to pick up your team and flying up by going to the tornado in the middle.
Howling Thunder Pattern
- Eclair jumps to the middle and start shooting lighting horizontally. The damage zone will become bigger and bigger, but only in front of her. As she fire lighting, she will also push herself backward. As you can see, if you don't stop her, she eventually will push herself to the edge of the map and deal full room damage.
- There will be lighting that strike vertically on players as well. If you can guide those lighting to strike on Eclair, it will stop her from pushing herself. If the lighting hit Eclair 4 time, pattern ends.
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