
[Korea] Season 10: The New Wave

calendar_month Published On: Wednesday, December 25, 2024     calendar_month Updated on:
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  • As promised in Summer Festival Summary, Season 10: The New Wave, has finally arrived. This patch adds new dungeons, new gears, new system, class balances, and more.
    Table of Contents

Part 1

Scenario / Dungeon / Content

Sunken Depths 


  • Azure Main:
    • The mother ship of the Blue Hawk, and one of only a handful of 'Baral'-class super-large airships in the entire ship realm.
    • As the headquarters of the Blue Hawk, it boasts a grandeur that is large enough to carry Blue Hawk ships.
    • Since the bow has a decoration in the shape of the divine beast 'Swingscat', the bow of the Azure Main breaking through the mist can be seen as the movement of a giant divine beast.
    • At the center is a large power source called the 'Heart of the Blue Sea', which allows it to absorb and energize the surrounding mist in real time and move.
    • To the Blue Hawk members who gather together as if they were family, it is their home and hometown, and it has a meaning beyond the mother ship.
    • A new act, 'Azure Main', is added.
    • This can be done by accepting the level 112 act quest 'Long Conflict'.
  • Moon-Submerged Lake:
    • A lake with a huge moon.
    • The moon reflected on the surface of the lake looks like it is sinking into the lake, and it is a beautiful sight that will leave anyone who sees it for the first time breathless.
    • Unlike the surrounding darkness, regardless of day or night, the moonlight on the surface of the water looks like a bright light.
    • It is also a place where divine beasts coexist on the lakeside and moon hunters come and go in the center of the lake.
    • A new act, 'The Lake of the Moon', is added.
    • This can be done by accepting the level 113 act quest 'Purpose of the Raid'.
  • Worshiper of Extinction:
    • A strange phenomenon has occurred on one of the floating islands of the swaying archipelago.
    • A lake that is dyed black and dizzying to approach.
    • People testify that it has been eroded by the malefic energy. However, the ominous and powerful force felt in this lake is not the malefic energy.
    • A new episode, 'The Worshiper of the End', is added.
    • This can be done by accepting the level 112 episode quest 'Suspicious Traveler'.
  • Improved Act Quest Skip Function:
    • The 'Clear Past Quest' and 'Clear Current Quest' functions will be merged and reorganized into the 'Clear Act Quest' function.
      • This feature allows you to access the latest Act Quests that can be performed at your current character level at once.
      • Existing act quests are cleared without rewards, and can be viewed at any time through the replay function.
    • Fame restrictions for accepting Season 13 Act Quests and Normal Difficulty Scenario Dungeons have been removed.
    • The large amount of quest clear experience points that were awarded in Season 12 and Season 13 Level 110 Act Quests will no longer be awarded.
    • When you reach level 110 through the accelerated growth mode, the act quests up to Season 13 'Remaining Anxiety' will be cleared.

Sunken Depths Areas

  • A new region, 'Sunken Depths', will be added to the world map.
  • Accessible after completing the level 110 act quest 'March of the Unicorn'.
  • Three new towns are added.
  • Crimson Mine Village:
    • The mine is called the Bleeding Iron Mine because the minerals mined there are particularly red.
    • And the small town near the mine is also named Crimson Mine Village after the Bleeding Iron Mine.
    • The miners who have worked at the Bleeding Iron Mine all their lives, and the next generation who have learned the know-how from them, are continuing the family business.
    • A new town, 'Crimson Mine Village', will be added to the Sunken Depths region.
    • Accessible after completing the level 110 act quest 'March of the Unicorn'.
  • Inae, City of Promises:
    • A gigantic airship city floating on the open sea.
    • Layers of airships are stacked up like buildings, and these structures are stacked up again to form one gigantic airship.
    • It is a trade city that controls the flow of funds and goods throughout the entire world, centered around the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Due to this characteristic and limited exposure time, it is called 'City of Promises'.
    • Due to the limited land space, the tall buildings look precarious, but it was built safely with the 'Compass of Mercy', the giant airship that holds the center, and excellent design.
    • A new town, ‘Inae, City of Promises’, will be added to the Sunken Depths region.
    • Accessible after completing the level 112 act quest 'To the Promised City'.
  • Sanctuary of Scattered Stars:
    • The gathering place of moon hunters.
    • Located in the center of the lake where the moon is submerged, it is a place where moon hunters living in nature gather implicitly.
    • Originally, moon hunters did not have a specific place to live for safe hunting, but as time passed, they needed a place to gather.
    • Naturally, they gathered in this place where the large moon was most visible from the lake, and it was named the resting place of scattered stars because it was a place where they gathered and rested.
    • A new town, 'Sanctuary of Scattered Stars', will be added to the Sunken Depths region.
    • Accessible after completing the level 113 act quest 'Copy'.

Dungeon Fighter Chronicle

  • With the update to the Sunken Depths story, the 'Season 14 Sunken Depths' item will be added. Related web stories, webtoons, and DFU related items will also be added.
  • DnF Chronicle - The way items are organized in Season 13 will change.
    • 'New Beginning' is moved to 'Road to the Heavens' section.
    • The way titles are displayed for each event is improved.
  • Added LOG function:
    • A LOG function has been added to the dialogue displayed during Act/Episode/Guide Quest progression.
      • The LOG function only applies to quests that provide replay.
      • You can use the LOG function by clicking the LOG button located at the top right of the dialog window or by pressing the [Backspace] key.
    • However, when playing a scenario dungeon, there may be dialogues where the LOG function is intentionally excluded for production purposes.
    • You can output the log view window using the LOG function. You can review previously passed dialogues based on the dialogue currently being output through the log view window.
    • However, you can only check the dialogue for the quest you are currently in progress, and you can view the dialogue for the previous quests you have already cleared by replaying them.
      • The currently output dialogue is displayed at the bottom of the log view window.
      • You can control the scroll bar by using mouse operations and [↑][↓] key input.
      • You can close the log view window and resume playing by pressing [Esc] or [Backspace].
  • Improved replay function:
    • The way the dialog is structured in the quest details in the Replay tab has changed.
      • The text format has been changed and character names are now displayed (This change will also apply to all quests.)
      • Scenario dungeon production dialogue and quest completion dialogue will be added (This change only applies to acts/episodes/guide quests that provide replays.)
    • A Try It button will be added to the right of every quest title in the Replay tab.
      • For quests that consist only of dialogue, you can click the Experience button to replay the dialogue through a dialogue window.
      • For quests consisting of dialogue and scenario dungeon progression, you can click the Experience button to proceed through the dialogue window and scenario dungeon again. (The dungeon progression method is the same as before.)
    • However, it can only be used in Seria's room.
    • A View Log button will be added to all quests in the Replay tab.
      • After selecting a quest, click the View Log button at the bottom right of the quest book to view the dialogue for that quest through the displayed View Log window.

Improved Combat System

  • Dev's Note: As the combat system of Dungeon & Fighter gradually becomes more sophisticated, we have simplified the neutralization system to alleviate this.
    • We have improved the existing complicated calculation formula to simply reduce the neutralization gauge as the damage to the character increases, and additionally introduced the "Ignition" gauge system that allows the neutralization gauge to be reduced more quickly if the character is not hit, so that you can experience a better action reward.
    • In addition, we have judged that the monster is currently applied as a constant counter state, which is not being used in accordance with its meaning.
    • From Sunken Depths, we have changed it so that the counter state is only applied at certain moments in accordance with the concept of an actual counter, and improved the display of damage received by monsters to make it easier to know that they are in a counter state.
    • In addition, we have adjusted the HP of dungeons before Sunken Depths in a unified manner so that the balance of existing content is not affected due to these changes.
    • We intend to diversify the play style through the revised neutralization and counter system,  and we will continue to supplement it to provide adventurers with a more fun action in the future. Thank you.
  • The neutralization system is improved:
    • Changed so that the neutralization gauge can be reduced more in proportion to the character's "damage".
  • An ignition system is added:
    • The "deduction rate" of the neutralization gauge increases in real time according to the ignition gauge amount .
    • The ignition system increases over a certain period of time from the moment the monster first hits.
    • When hit by a monster, the ignition gauge is depleted and stops, then starts again after a certain amount of time.
    • All specifications of the ignition gauge are applied on an “individual basis” .
  • The counter system is improved:
    • Changed so that the counter status only occurs at certain moments during the monster pattern.
    • Damage display is enhanced when a monster is in counter state.
  • The HP of all monsters between levels 1 and 140 will be lowered by 20%.
Improved Status Display

Added New Status Abnormalities

  • Improved buff icon display: Buff and debuff icons have been changed to be displayed on separate lines.
    • Buff Icon: Bottom line notation. Some buffs from character skills have been changed to be displayed as icons for each skill in cases where they are displayed as a common icon.
    • Debuff Icon: Top line display. The debuff icon only displays abnormal status and has a border added.
    • The party status window has been changed to display buff and debuff icons separately. All debuff icons are displayed at the very end.
  • Enhanced invincibility awareness: When a character is invincible, an effect is added to the HP gauge.
  • New status effect - Rupture:
    • A new status effect, <Rupture>, is added. It's a disabling status effect that increases the final damage taken over the duration.
    • When applied to a monster, the effect of rupture is applied even if it is not in a disabled state.
    • Rupture can be stacked up to 3 times, and the damage taken increases depending on the number of stacks.
      • Test Server: When the duration ends, the stack decreases by 1.
      • Life Server: When the duration ends, the abnormal status is removed.
      • When applying additional burst after 3 stacks, the 3-stack status is updated.
      • Rupture is applied with different numerical values ​​when applied to characters/monsters.
    • Effects of each rupture stage - Character:
      • Stage 1: Final damage received increased by 25%
      • Stage 2: Final damage received increased by 50%
      • Stage 3: Final damage received increased by 75%
    • Effects of each rupture stage - Monster:
      • Stage 1: Final damage received increased by 5%
      • Stage 2: Final damage received increased by 7%
      • Stage 3: Final damage received increased by 8%
    • When using items or skills that recover from abnormal status, the  status will be completely removed.
  • Reorganization of existing status abnormalities:
    • Options related to damage increase due to existing status abnormalities will be transferred to the existing equipment basic options.
    • The option to increase status damage due to stacking of damage-type status abnormalities has been removed.
    • The conditional damage increase option for the abnormalities status effect will be removed.
    • Damage type status abnormality:
      • Poison: Removed the option to increase poison damage due to overlapping.
      • Burn: Removed option to increase burn damage due to overlapping. Removed option to increase damage due to additional burn status effect while freezing status effect is applied.
      • Shock: Removed option to increase shock damage due to overlapping.
      • Bleed: Removed option to increase bleeding damage due to overlapping.
    • Disarmed status abnormality:
      • Freeze: Removed the option to increase damage due to additional freezing status effects while applying a burn status effect.
      • Sleep: Removed option to increase damage due to lifting sleep status abnormality.

Monster HP UI Renewal

  • HP UI Improvements: The basic composition and appearance of the Monster HP UI will be improved.
    • The total HP is displayed in the center as a %, along with the number of lines.
    • UI changed so that HP gauge is deducted based on %.
    • Monster race notation is excluded.
  • HP shake improvement: The shaking of the HP UI is fine-tuned depending on the damage intensity.
  • Improved expression of abnormal status: Invincibility and holding status abnormality display is improved.
  • Normal Monster HP:
    • In addition to the HP UI output, HP is briefly displayed at the top of regular monsters. Only the remaining HP of each monster is briefly displayed.
    • The system can be turned ON/OFF via settings. It is set to OFF by default. (Check box not shown)
Normal monster HP setting

Monster top notation

Sunken Depths

Advanced Dungeons

  • Advanced dungeon exclusive channel:
    • A dedicated channel is created for each advanced dungeon.
    • Each advanced dungeon only allows party creation and play through dedicated channels.
  • Create a party:
    • High-level dungeons have their own towns, and you can enter them by creating a party through the dedicated NPC located there.
    • Dedicated NPC and Party creation window
    • In the dedicated channel, the number of remaining entries to the advanced dungeons that each channel belongs to and the number of special rewards from the advanced dungeons are displayed on the party portrait.
  • Dedicated waiting room: Once you've completed creating your party, you can recruit additional party members or wait in the dedicated waiting room. You can start the advanced dungeon through the dedicated NPC menu in the dedicated waiting room.

  • Content Status: Through the content status, you can check the number of times you can enter each advanced dungeon and the maximum weekly special reward for the Sunken Depths Dungeon.
  • Recommended Advanced Dungeons
    • You can check the advanced dungeons that match your fame through the recommended mark in the Adventure Guide or the recommended mark in the channel selection window.
    • We recommend entering the recommended dungeons to obtain rewards appropriate for your fame.

  • Weekly Special Rewards: The "Advanced Dungeon Integrated Reward Count" is shared between the Sunken Depths dungeons, and can be obtained up to 2 times per week per character.
Sunken Depths Advanced Dungeon

Moon-Submerged Lake

  • Content Entry:
    • After clearing the act quest 'Behemoth's Charge', you can enter the upper dungeon channel Moon-Submerged Lake. This channel is available for access starting at 34,749 fame and open all days of the week.
    • You can enter the content through the NPC 'Moon Hunter Bezlo' in the <Moon-Submerged Lake> channel.
      • You can create a party by talking to the NPC 'Moon Hunter Bezlo' or through the party creation button in the party search UI.
      • After creating/joining a party, you can move to the right area and start the content through the NPC 'Moon Hunter Bezlo' or the right portal.
  • Content Information:
    • Entry Level: 115
    • Recommended Party Size: 1~4 players
    • Fame Requirement: 34,749
    • Entry Fatigue Cost: 30
    • Weekly Entry Limit: 1
      • Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content.
    • Weekly Integrated Reward Count: 2
      • You can receive weekly rewards by clearing content within the 2- time limit.
      • When you receive rewards, the number of integrated rewards will be deducted.
  • Content Rules:
    • Restrictions:
      • A 20-minute time limit applies when entering a dungeon. If the time limit is exceeded, you will be considered to have failed to clear the dungeon and will automatically be removed from the dungeon.
      • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
      • It has a 4 life coin limit and is shared with party members.
        • You can obtain 4 additional items while progressing through the dungeon.
        • Skill cooldowns are not reset when using coins in the dungeon.
    • Content failure: If you fail to defeat the final boss within the time limit, you will fail to clear the level.
    • Abandon Mission & Continue:
      • The party leader can retreat from the dungeon by using the retreat button on the minimap. A penalty time is given when retreating.
      • In a retreat situation, the party leader can give up the content or re-enter through the NPC 'Moon Hunter Bezlo'.
      • When continuing, you can play with the dungeon progress maintained before retreating, and you will start from the starting point.
      • When abandoning a mission, the mission is abandoned if all party members agree through a vote. If you abandon a mission, all dungeon progress will be reset and the number of weekly entries will be restored.
      • Live Server: The re-entry cooldown after retreating is fixed at 3 seconds.
    • Local Buff: Regional buff 'Continued Maintenance' added.
      • The ‘Continued Maintenance’ buff is applied in the dedicated channel <Lake of the Moon>.
      • Upon entering dungeons, strength and intelligence will be increased.
      • The ability increase due to the `Continued Maintenance` buff does not affect the buffer's buff skills.
  • Content Progress: In the Moon-Submerged Lake, you will battle the beasts that have become monsters in the vast fields and take the path to the Land of Chaos via the Guide River.
    • Troop Disposal:
      • You can move to the next room without killing all the regular monsters.
        • Information on currently defeated monsters is displayed on the situation board.
        • Undefeated regular monsters will appear in the next room.
      • Named, Boss Monster Maps can only be entered after all regular monsters have been defeated.
      • Displays the number of monsters currently being hunted. When the number of monsters gathered is at its maximum, moving rooms is not possible.
      • The more normal monsters there are on the map, the more powerful abilities they gain.
        • 10 to 19: Reduces damage taken by 40%/Increases attack power by 50%
        • 20 to 29: Reduces damage taken by 60%/Increases attack power by 100%. Grants Super Armor
        • 30 or more: Reduces damage taken by 80%/Increases attack power by 150% and grants hold-impossible status
    • Moon Hunter's Joy:
      • When you kill a normal monster, you will receive encouragement from the Moon Hunters. You can obtain more gauges by killing many monsters at once.
      • You can use it by pressing the key assigned to the Elite Agent Mode/Raid Special Key.
        • Default value: ` (~)
        • When you change the shortcut key settings, the tooltip will also change.
      • When used, all players' final damage increases by 50% for a certain period of time.
    • Upper Floor:
      • Depending on your current location on the upper level, it is divided into the Moon Hunters' Campground, Moon-locked Lake, and Starry Forest ecosystems.
      • After defeating the monsters that appear in two of the three areas, you must pass Kamerin's test to proceed to the lower level.
      • Once you enter an ecosystem, you must summon and defeat named monsters before you can move to another ecosystem.
      • When you defeat a certain amount of regular monsters and summon named monsters, monsters appropriate for each ecosystem will appear.
        • Moon Hunter Camp → 'Camerin, Keeper of the Land'
        • Moonlit Lake → 'Sowing Murk'
        • Starry Forest → 'Grilo the Logger'
      • Camerin's Ambush
        • Each ecosystem has a Camerin ambush site, which is indicated by a glowing border on the situation board.
        • When summoning a named monster in the ambush, Camerin appears to help in battle.
    • Lower Level: In the lower levels, you will chase down Zermio the Assailant and engage in battle before facing off against the enemy, Ulad.
  • Dungeon run example:

Sunken Depths Advanced Dungeon

Azure Main

  • Content Entry:
    • After clearing the act quest 'Behemoth's Charge', you can enter the Sunken Depths dungeon channel Azure Main. This channel is available for access starting at 44,929 fame and open all days of the week.
    • You can enter the content through the NPC 'Circuit Combinator Nerimo' in the Azure Main channel.
      • You can create a party by talking to NPC 'Circuit Combinator Nerimo' or through the party creation button in the party search UI.
      • After creating/joining a party, you can move to the left area and start the content by talking to the NPC 'Circuit Combinator Nerimo' or through the left portal.
  • Content Information:
    • Entry Level: 115
    • Recommended Party Size: 1~4 players
    • Fame Requirement: 44,929
    • Entry Fatigue Cost: 30
    • Weekly Entry Limit: 1
      • Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content.
    • Weekly Integrated Reward Count: 2
      • You can receive weekly rewards by clearing content within the 2- time limit.
      • When you receive rewards, the number of integrated rewards will be deducted.
  • Content Rules:
    • Restrictions:
      • A 20-minute time limit applies when entering a dungeon. If the time limit is exceeded, you will be considered to have failed to clear the dungeon and will automatically be removed from the dungeon.
      • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
      • It has a 8 life coin limit and is shared with party members. Skill cooldowns are not reset when using coins in the dungeon.
    • Content failure: If you fail to defeat the final boss within the time limit, you will fail to clear the level.
    • Abandon Mission & Continue:
      • The party leader can retreat from the dungeon by using the retreat button on the minimap. A penalty time is given when retreating.
      • In a retreat situation, the party leader can give up the content or re-enter through the NPC 'Circuit Combinator Nerimo'.
      • When continuing, you can play with the dungeon progress maintained before retreating, and you will start from the starting point.
      • When abandoning a mission, the mission is abandoned if all party members agree through a vote. If you abandon a mission, all dungeon progress will be reset and the number of weekly entries will be restored.
    • Local Buff: Regional buff 'Continued Maintenance' added.
      • The ‘Continued Maintenance’ buff is applied in the dedicated channel <Azure Main>.
      • Upon entering dungeons, strength and intelligence will be increased.
      • The ability increase due to the `Continued Maintenance` buff does not affect the buffer's buff skills.
  • Content Progress: The dungeon Azure Main is a mission to defeat the Horn Beast Kraken and reclaim the mothership. You will head to Azure Main via the Cruel Beast.
    • The Horn Beast Kraken roams around Azure Main and intervenes in battles, but depending on the situation, you can use the Kraken's attacks to your advantage to conquer the dungeon.
Cruel Beast (left), Azure Main (right)
    • In Cruel Beast, you must help the friendly NPC 'Rayron the Maleficence Slayer' and the interception team to destroy the Kraken and parasites that attacked Cruel Beast. Defend against the parasites approaching Raylon and destroy all of the Kraken's tentacles to enter Azure Main.
    • There are three key institutions in Azure Main: the 'Arsenal', 'Wheelhouse', and 'Deck'. Two random institutions among the core institutions are occupied by 'Anchoring Huleez' and 'Struggling Meliona' respectively.
    • Once you defeat both 'Anchoring Huleez' and 'Struggling Meliona', you can enter the engine room.
    • The dungeon will be cleared when the Sonic Boom Crassimor & Horn Beast Kraken occupying the engine room are defeated.
  • Recapture Buff:
    • When clearing the core organ of Azure Main, you get recapture buff. The 'Wind of Swiftness' buff is obtained when clearing Cruel Beast.
    • The acquired organ recapture buff will be automatically activated when the 'Horn Beast Kraken' is groggy.
    • When the Recapture Buff is activated, the companions provide different beneficial effects.
Recapture BuffRecapture MapEffect
SwiftnessCruel Beast
Eugene supports adventurers.
- Party members' speed increases.
- All speeds increase by 75%.
Raylon, who has reclaimed the armory, supports the user.
- Fires a giant harpoon to attack the Kraken.
- Reduces the Kraken's health.
Gear AccelerationWheelhouse
Nerimo, who reclaimed the wheelhouse, supports the user.
- Party members' attack power increases.
- Attack power increases by 30% .
Emergency SupplyDeck
Aruz, who has reclaimed the deck, supports the user.
- Cooldown of party members is reduced.
- Cooldown is reduced by 50%.
  • Live Server:
    • The re-entry cooldown after retreat is fixed at 3 seconds.
    • Cruel Beast - A guide notification is added upon entry.
    • Cruel Beast - Reduces the health of the Kraken's tentacles.
    • Cruel Beast - Increases the health of Kraken's parasites.
    • Cruel Beast - Increases the summoning cycle of Kraken's Parasite.
    • Azure Main - Reduces the health of Kraken's parasites.
    • Horn Beast Kraken - Reduces the number of weak points on the Kraken's tentacles.
    • Horn Beast Kraken - Increases the hitbox range of your weak point.
    • Anchoring Huleez - Increases the amount of health Huleez loses when hit by the Kraken.
    • Anchoring Huleez - Reduces the hold time of traps and the respawn time after removal.
  • Dungeon run example:

Sunken Depths Advanced Dungeon

Goddess of Death

  • Content Entry:
    • After clearing the act quest 'Behemoth's Charge', you can enter the Sunken Depths dungeon channel Goddess of Death Temple. This channel is available for access starting at 48,988 fame and open all days of the week.
    • You can enter the content through the NPC 'Kind Death Cenir' in the Goddess of Death Temple channel.
      • You can create a party by talking to NPC 'Kind Death Cenir' or through the party creation button in the party search UI.
      • After creating/joining a party, you can move to the left area and start the content by talking to the NPC 'Kind Death Cenir' or through the left portal.
  • Content Information:
    • Entry Level: 115
    • Recommended Party Size: 1~4 players
    • Fame Requirement: 48,988
    • Entry Fatigue Cost: 30
    • Weekly Entry Limit: 1
      • Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content.
    • Weekly Integrated Reward Count: 2
      • You can receive weekly rewards by clearing content within the 2- time limit.
      • When you receive rewards, the number of integrated rewards will be deducted.
  • Content Rules:
    • Restrictions:
      • A 20-minute time limit applies when entering a dungeon. If the time limit is exceeded, you will be considered to have failed to clear the dungeon and will automatically be removed from the dungeon.
      • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
      • It has a 8 life coin limit and is shared with party members. Skill cooldowns are not reset when using coins in the dungeon.
    • Content failure: If you fail to defeat the final boss within the time limit, you will fail to clear the level.
    • Abandon Mission & Continue:
      • The party leader can retreat from the dungeon by using the retreat button on the minimap. A penalty time is given when retreating.
      • In a retreat situation, the party leader can give up the content or re-enter through the NPC 'Kind Death Cenir'.
      • When continuing, you can play with the dungeon progress maintained before retreating, and you will start from the starting point.
      • When abandoning a mission, the mission is abandoned if all party members agree through a vote. If you abandon a mission, all dungeon progress will be reset and the number of weekly entries will be restored.
    • Local Buff: Regional buff 'Continued Maintenance' added.
      • The ‘Continued Maintenance’ buff is applied in the dedicated channel Goddess of Death Temple.
      • Upon entering dungeons, strength and intelligence will be increased.
      • The ability increase due to the `Continued Maintenance` buff does not affect the buffer's buff skills.
  • Content Progress:
    • You must stop the monsters heading to the temple and get inside the temple faster than them.
    • The path to the temple is very rough, but if you kill many monsters in the area or actively utilize the various elements hidden inside the mysterious temple, you can carry out the operation more easily.
    • Card of Destiny:
      • After the content starts, 4 cards will be presented, and you can check the battle characteristics of each monster. Cards are set randomly each time, and only monster cards that need to be conquered sequentially are activated first.
      • Each time you defeat a monster, the card for the next monster to be defeated becomes activated.
        • New experiences and strategies are possible depending on the card effects.
        • Card effects are applied when battling each monster.
      • There are monsters that must be defeated before encountering the final boss, and you can defeat other monsters and utilize them in various ways depending on your choice.
    • Morale System:
      • In the Goddess of Death story, you will be affected by the morale system when fighting monsters.
      • Each monster has a set level of morale, and depending on whether the level is high or low, it can be advantageous or disadvantageous.
      • For players, you basically start at level 1 and can obtain a level equal to the morale of the monsters you kill.
      • Depending on the situation, you can strategically utilize the above systems to lead to a more advantageous battle.
    • The Shimmering Archipelago:
      • Time Attack is activated in the Shimmering Archipelago area.
      • You must clear the archipelago within the time limit, and if you fail, the monster 'Beroro' will appear in the Hall of Silence area.
        • It appears as a monster that must be defeated with the highest priority in the hallway.
      • After defeating 'Camirak the Omen Bird', you can enter the Hall of Silence.
    • Hall of Silence:
      • In the Hall of Silence area, survival support will appear in random locations.
      • You can obtain up to 5 supports, and they are available upon selection.
      • When acquired, various effects and buffs are provided and can be used for additional strategies.
      • The dungeon will be cleared when you defeat 'Flawless Death Vissima' located deep in the corridor.
  • Live Server:
    • Goddess of Death - The morale value obtained when defeating regular monsters appearing has been changed.
    • Camirak the Omen Bird - Some effects of core patterns are modified.
    • Flawless Death Vissima - Some effects caused by card effects are fixed.
    • Flawless Death Vissima - A casting gauge is added that shows the duration of the effect from the Death World card effect.
    • Flawless Death Vissima - Added message regarding acquisition of some damage increase related buffs.
    • Flawless Death Vissima - During battle, the health of the "Eclipsed Flawless Self" of the Incarnation Pattern is reduced.
    • Flawless Death Vissima - Some patterns are modified immediately after Phase 2.
    • Goddess of Death - The placement of regular monsters on some maps has been adjusted.
    • Death Goddess Temple - The morale level obtained from some survival supports has been adjusted.
    • Goddess of Death - The immovable area within the map of the Desecrated Lubra has been fixed.
    • (Added) Goddess of Death - The range of the attack is improved when the desecration of the Rubra is disabled and in a groggy state.
  • Dungeon run example:

Sunken Depths Advanced Dungeon
Memories of the White Sea
  • Dev's Note: Memories of the White Sea is an advanced dungeon where you can re-experience the two dungeons of the White Sea through the Dream Tuner. The two dungeons of the White Sea are designed as dungeons where new and returning adventurers can farm in Sunken Depths, and they have been prepared to be lighter and more comfortable to play than the previous dungeons of the White Sea.
  • You can enter after clearing the quest 'Behemoth's Charge'. When you clear the quest, you can enter the ‘White Cloud Valley in a Dreams’ and ‘Solidarity in a Dreams’ channels.
  • Advanced Dungeon (Weekly) - You can create a party through the NPC 'Dream Tuner' in the 'Dream White Cloud Valley' and 'Dream Solidarity' channels. After creating/joining a party, you can go to the Dream Room in the center and start through each content NPC.
  • Live Server:
    • Memories of the White Sea - Weekly reward acquisition limits apply per account.
    • The number of weekly rewards that can be obtained from Dreamy White Cloud Valley and Dreamy Solidarity is limited to 20 per account.
    • For accounts that have used up all of their weekly rewards, play will be restricted for that week.
    • You can check the number of account rewards you have received through the UI in the upper right corner when entering the channel.

  • White Cloud Valley in a Dream

    • Content Information:
      • Entry Level: 115
      • Recommended Party Size: 1~4 players
      • Fame Requirement: 16,316
      • Entry Fatigue Cost: 30
      • Weekly Entry Limit: 1
        • Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content.
      • Weekly Integrated Reward Count: 2
        • You can receive weekly rewards by clearing content within the 2- time limit.
        • When you receive rewards, the number of integrated rewards will be deducted.
    • Content Rules:
      • Restrictions:
        • A 30-minute limit is applied upon starting the content.
        • As long as you don't leave the party, you can continue to challenge for the duration of the time limit.
      • Content failure: Failure to defeat the Final Boss, Elder Luton, within the time limit will result in a failed clear.
      • Abandon Mission & Continue:
        • The party leader can retreat from the dungeon using the Retreat button on the mini-map. If you retreat, you can't re-enter the dungeon for a while.
        • After retreating, you can select Abandon Mission through NPC Elder Luton.
        • If you abandon a mission, all progress in the dungeon will be reset, and consumed entries and materials will not be returned.
      • Combat Restrictions:
        • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
        • You have a default limit of 4 Life Tokens and share the number with your party members.
          • All party members will automatically resurrect after defeating Named and Bosses, and the Life Token limit will be reset.
          • Skill cooldowns will not be reset when you use Life Tokens in dungeons.
    • After entering the content, you can track your progress through the dungeon using the Status Board.
    • A special object, the Mist Collector, will be available in dungeons. You can collect Mist Energy in the Mist Collector by defeating monsters and use it to your advantage in battle.
    • Dungeon Progress:
      • Defeating monsters will increase your dungeon progress.
      • New boss monsters are unlocked based on your dungeon progress stat.
      • When the dungeon progress is at its maximum, the final boss, Elder Luton, is unlocked.
    • Mist Collector:
      • A special object, the Mist Collector, collects Mist Energy when you subdue a Normal monster or battle a Boss monster.
      • Approach the Mist Collector and use the Dungeon Special key to carry and set it up. Up to one person can have a Mist Collector.
      • At the maximum amount of collected Mist Energy, it can be installed to significantly reduce the Neutralize Gauge of a Boss Monster.
  • Solidarity in a Dreams

    • Content Information:
      • Entry Level: 115
      • Recommended Party Size: 1~4 players
      • Fame Requirement: 23,016
      • Entry Fatigue Cost: 30
      • Weekly Entry Limit: 1
        • Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content.
      • Weekly Integrated Reward Count: 2
        • You can receive weekly rewards by clearing content within the 2- time limit.
        • When you receive rewards, the number of integrated rewards will be deducted.
    • Content Rules:
      • Restrictions:
        • A 30-minute limit is applied upon starting the content.
        • As long as you don't leave the party, you can continue to challenge for the duration of the time limit.
      • Content failure: Failure to defeat the Final Boss, Bluehawk Captain Birdie, within the time limit will result in a failed clear.
      • Abandon Mission & Continue:
        • The party leader can retreat from the dungeon using the Retreat button on the mini-map. If you retreat, you can't re-enter the dungeon for a while.
        • After retreating, you can select Abandon Mission through NPC Bowmaster Ludmilla.
        • If you abandon a mission, all progress in the dungeon will be reset, and consumed entries and materials will not be returned.
      • Combat Restrictions:
        • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
        • You have a default limit of 4 Life Tokens and share the number with your party members.
          • All party members will automatically resurrect after defeating Named and Bosses, and the Life Token limit will be reset.
          • Skill cooldowns will not be reset when you use Life Tokens in dungeons.
      • Dungeon Progress:
        • After entering the content, you can use the mini-map to view your route through the dungeon.
        • After clearing each ship, you can go to the bow and select the next ship to proceed to.

        • By destroying each ship, you can board the captain's ship, the Bluenaught, at the end.
        • You can meet Bluehawk Captain Birdie on the captain's ship, the Bluenaught.
    • Request Support:
      • During battle, you can receive effects that help you progress through the dungeon.
      • There are a total of 4 helpful effects, and when acquired, they last permanently until the dungeon is cleared.
        •  Final damage increases by 50%.
        •  Skill cooldown is reduced by 50%.
        •  Attack speed, casting speed increase by 30%, and movement speed increase by 50%.
        •  When attacking an enemy, health is restored equal to 2% of the damage inflicted.
  • Expected Reward Ratio: An icon indicating the reward efficiency between the Sunken Depths will be added to the Expected Reward UI section.

Sunken Depths Advanced Dungeon


  • Clear Reward: When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain the following items with a set probability. All rewards from advanced dungeons appear as clear rewards.
Obtainable ItemsDetailsTradability

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Doom Oracle
This is a material that allows you to enter the Worshiper of Extinction Dungeon.Untradeable

Rare Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Epic Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Primeval Equipment
2 types of accessories for each weapon type,
12 types for each accessory part

Sunken Depths Unique Equipment Pot
You can obtain one of the unique equipment from Sunken Depths dungeon with a set probability.Untradeable

Monster Cards (Legendary/Unique)
This is a new enchantment card from Sunken Depths.Tradable once
(Account-bound afterward)

Dark Fragmented Abyss Equipment
64 types of weapons, armor, accessories, and special equipment partsTradable once
(Account-bound afterward)
  • Backpacker Benny's Store: When clearing a dungeon, there is a certain probability that the backpacker NPC Benny will appear. The following items can be purchased from the Backpacker Benny NPC.

Maleficent Clues
Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt dungeon.Tradable

Black Epic Transformation Pot
You can obtain one of the Black Epic Conversion Books for each set with an equal probability.

<Black Epic Conversion Book>
You can convert level 115 set epic accessory equipment into Black Epic Set Accessory.

Consumable Materials
- 1 set epic accessory that matches the conversion book
- 3 Epic Souls
- 500 Maleficent Traces
- 2,200,000 gold

Black Ark, the Beginning of Transformation Pot
You can obtain one of the Black Abyss Transformation Scrolls from each set with equal probability.

<Black Abyss Transformation Scroll>
You can transform level 115 set Primeval accessory equipment into Black Abyss set Primeval accessory.

Consumable materials
- 1 set Primeval accessory that matches the transformation scroll
- 1 Primeval Soul
- 4,000 Maleficent Traces
- 12,000,000 gold

Level 115 Legendary Set Equipment Pot Selection Box
- You can obtain the Legendary Equipment Pot from the Level 115 Set by selecting the set.
- When opening the acquired equipment pot, 10 Legendary Souls are required.

Level 115 Epic Set Equipment Pot Selection Box
- You can obtain the Epic Equipment Pots of the Level 115 Set by selecting a set.
- Opening the acquired equipment Pot requires 10 Epic Souls.
  • Live Server:
    • The probability of obtaining the items inside the 'Sunken Depths Dungeon Unique Equipment Pot' among the rewards from each dungeon will be adjusted.
    • The first quest reward for each advanced dungeon will be changed.
Quest nameCompensationDetailTradability
[Memories of the White Sea] New Discovery of Mainspring30 Industry Silver CoinUsed to purchase new items.Account attribution
[The Lake of the Moon] The Evil That Comes50 Industry Silver CoinUsed to purchase new items.Account attribution
[Azure Main] Complete Recapture
50 Industry Silver CoinUsed to purchase new items.Account attribution
Level 115 Unique Equipment PotWhen used, you can obtain one of the Level 115 unique equipment (excluding weapons) with an equal probability.Untradeable
[Goddess of Death] Yeojin
50 Industry Silver CoinUsed to purchase new items.Account attribution
Level 115 Legendary Equipment PotWhen used, you can obtain one of the Level 115 legendary equipment (excluding weapons) with an equal probability.Untradeable

The Watch of the Five Monsters

  • Six new dungeons will be added: 4 daily mission dungeons and 2 hell dungeons. You can enter after clearing the level 115 act quest 'Behemoth's Charge'. You can enter after clearing the level 115 act quest 'Behemoth's Charge'.
    • The limited mission dungeons of the daily missions are strengthened and can only be played once per character per dungeon.
      • The number of characters is limited to 20.
      • If you have not reached fame level 13,195, the Five Monsters Dungeon mission will not appear.
    • When entering the Five Monsters Watch Dungeon, the character becomes bound to the daily mission.
      • When the character's attribution becomes 20/20, the corresponding dungeon will no longer appear.
      • However, if there is a character among the characters you are affiliated with that has not cleared the dungeon, the Five Monsters Watch dungeon will appear for that character.
    • When the dungeon is cleared, it changes to a normal dungeon.
  • Content Information:
    • Dungeon Entry Level: 115
    • Entry fame: 13,195
    • Daily reward limit: 1
    • Fatigue: Consumes 2 fatigue points per room.
    • Party: Party available
    • Admission materials: None
  • Malefic Watch:
    • After 25 seconds of a named or boss encounter, Malefic Watch will activate.
    • When this ability is activated, a gaze mark is created on the monster every 5.5 seconds.
    • The mark is destroyed when hit and the following effects are applied to monsters and players.
      • Monster: Damage received increases by 50%. When hit, health and neutralization gauges are consumed in proportion to the target value.
      • Player: Increase damage received by 10%
    • The effect can stack up to 10 times and will also be applied to monsters encountered later.
  • Clear Rewards: You can obtain the following items according to a set probability from the clear rewards.

Digming's Furball
A ball of fur that fell off and became entangled with the treasures that Digming was keeping. Since
each individual likes different treasures, you can find out what 'Digming's treasure' is by digging it up.

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Epic Gear
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Primeval equipment
2 types of accessories for each weapon type, 12 types for each accessory part
  • Digming's Furball Reward: You can obtain rewards according to a set probability when using it, and the items and probability that appear do not differ depending on the difficulty level.

Monster Cards (Legendary/Unique)
This is a new enchantment card from Sunken Depths.Tradable once
(Account-bound afterward)

Leiern Core

Harmonious Crystal

Warlord's Cry [Digming]
- Damage increases by 12% for 60 seconds.
- The effect disappears when moving to a village or dying, and the cooldown is reset.
- Deleted every 1st of the month

HP/MP 20% recovery potion
- When used, HP and MP are restored by 20%
- Deleted every 1st of the month

Industry Silver Coin
The Book of Mysterious Power, used to purchase the following items from the Senir NPC shop:
- Doom Oracle
- Void Soul
- Legendary Card Album of the Lake of the Moon
- Necklace Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Ring Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
- Forgotten Light
  • Backpacker Benny's Store: The following items are sold at the Benny's Secret Shop, which appears with a certain probability when clearing a dungeon.
    •  Maleficent Clues: Tradable, Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt dungeon.

Worshiper of Extinction

  • A new Hell dungeon has been added.
  • Content Entry:
    • Entry Level: 112
    • Entry fame: 13,632
    • Party: 1~4 people
    • Fatigue: 8
    • Entry materials: 22  Doom Oracle
    • Entrance Quest: [Worshiper of Extinction] The Suspicious Traveler
    • Entry location: Crimson Mine Village
  • Applying the new system:
    • Seamless loading:
      • If you don't press the retry button and just move in the direction you are progressing, a new Hell Party dungeon will start.
      • Adventurers who are familiar with the existing Retry button can access the new Hell Party Dungeon using the Retry button.
      • Whether you move using buttons or by running to the right, new dungeons are loaded naturally without going through a loading screen, allowing for faster dungeon play.
    • Bonus entry:
      • If you clear the Worshiper of Extinction multiple times, you will get a chance to enter the Worshiper of Extinction for free.
      • If you acquire this opportunity, the next Worshiper of Extinction can enter without consuming any materials.
      • Free entry opportunities are limited to Worshiper of Extinction only and do not apply to Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction.
    • Abyssal Rift:
      • When playing in Worshiper of Extinction, a rift leading to the Abyss will appear with a certain probability.
      • If you pass through this gap into the Abyss and kill the worshippers, you will obtain rewards of higher value than in Worshiper of Extinction.
    • Mysterious Luck:
      • When playing in Worshiper of Extinction, you will have a chance to get a 15x or 50x bonus.
      • When Mysterious Luck is applied, you can obtain rewards 15x/50x more than usual.
  • Extinction Stalker Knox: As you progress through the Worshiper of Extinction, there is a small chance that you will encounter Nox, who is guarding a piece of the Extinction. If you defeat Nox, you can obtain the Primeval Equipment that Nox was guarding.
  • Worshiper of Extinction Rewards:
    • Basic Rewards: When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain the following items with a set probability.

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Abyss Doom Oracle
Used to enter the Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction dungeon.Untradeable

Doom Oracle Bead
When used, you can obtain 200 Doom Oracles.Account-bound

Rare Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Epic Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Primeval Equipment
2 types of accessories for each weapon type, 12 types for each accessory part
    • Mysterious Fortune Reward: A chance to grant you additional Mysterious Fortune rewards in addition to your base rewards.

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling rare equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Epic Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeable

Primeval Equipment
2 types of accessories for each weapon type, 12 types for each accessory part
  • Abyssal Rift Rewards: When playing in Worshiper of Extinction, there is a chance that an Abyssal Rift will appear. When the Abyss Rift appears, you can obtain exclusive rewards with a set probability, and basic rewards and mysterious luck rewards do not appear.

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling Rare equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

Unique Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling Unique equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

Legendary Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling Legendary equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

Epic Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling Epic equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

The Primordial Soul
- It can be obtained by dismantling Primeval equipment of level 115 or higher.
- It is used when purchasing new items and using new systems.

Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction

  • A new advanced Hell Party dungeon, Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction, has been added.
  • The various systems applied to Worshiper of Extinction do not apply to Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction.
  • Content Entry:
    • Entry Level: 112
    • Entry fame: 13,632
    • Party: 1~4 people
    • Fatigue: 60
    • Entry materials: 120  Abyss Doom Oracle
    • Entrance Quest: [Worshiper of Extinction] The Suspicious Traveler
    • Entry location: Crimson Mine Village
  • Applying the new system:
    • Set targeting: You can select the pool of equipment before entering the dungeon. When entering a party, each party member can select the set they want to enter.
    • Obtaining the results of multiple plays: You can earn rewards equivalent to playing Worshiper of Extinction multiple times in one playthrough.
    • Obtaining Legendary Confirmation: Since it is a high-cost dungeon, you can guarantee to obtain one piece of equipment of legendary quality or higher.
  • Abyss: Worshiper of Extinction Rewards: When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain the rewards below with a set probability. Before entering the dungeon, you can select one of the four buttons, and you can obtain different rewards depending on the button you select.
Selected ButtonObtainable ItemsDetailsTradability

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
1 set per weapon type
3 sets per armor, accessory, special equipment part
- Eternal Golden Fragrance Set
- Dragon Arena Chaos Set
- Serendipity Set

Legendary Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type 3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Eternal Golden Fragrance Set
- Dragon Arena Chaos Set
- Serendipity Set

Epic Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Eternal Golden Fragrance Set
- Dragon Arena Chaos Set
- Serendipity Set

Primeval Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each accessory part
- Eternal Golden Fragrance Set
- Dragon Arena Chaos Set
- Serendipity Set

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
set per weapon type 3 sets per armor, accessory, special equipment part
- Pitch Black Purification Set
- Energy Beyond Limit Set
- Magic Realm Set

Legendary Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Pitch Black Purification Set
- Energy Set Beyond Limits
- Magic Realm Set

Epic Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Pitch Black Purification Set
- Energy Set Beyond Limits
- Magic Realm Set

Primeval Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each accessory part
- Pitch Black Purification Set
- Energy Beyond Limit Set
- Magic Realm Set

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
1 set per weapon type
3 sets per armor, accessory, special equipment part
- Soul Fairy Set
- Ancient Battlefield Valkyrie Set
- Ethereal of Arts Set

Legendary Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Soul Fairy Set
- Ancient Battlefield Valkyrie Set
- Ethereal of Arts Set

Epic Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Soul Fairy Set
- Ancient Battlefield Valkyrie Set
- Ethereal of Arts Set

Primeval Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each accessory part
- Soul Fairy Set
- Ancient Battlefield Valkyrie Set
- Ethereal of Arts Set

Industry Silver Coin
Used to purchase new items.Account-bound

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeable

Unique Equipment
set per weapon type 3 sets per armor, accessory, special equipment part
- Death Hidden in the Shadows set
- Overwhelming Nature set
- Guide to Pack Hunting set

Legendary Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Death Hidden in the Shadows set
- Overwhelming Nature set
- Guide to Pack Hunting set

Epic Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Death Hidden in the Shadows set
- Overwhelming Nature set
- Guide to Pack Hunting set

Primeval Equipment
2 types of sets for each weapon type
3 types of sets for each armor, accessory, and special equipment part
- Death Hidden in the Shadows set
- Overwhelming Nature set
- Guide to Pack Hunting set

Worshiper of Extinction Shop

(Abyss & Normal)

Doom Oracle Box (2)
When used, you can obtain  2 Doom Oracle 1 Rare soulAccount-bound

Doom Oracle Box (4)
When used, you can obtain  4 Doom Oracle Unique soulAccount-bound

Doom Oracle Box (30)
When used, you can obtain  30 Doom Oracle 1 Legendary soulAccount-bound

Doom Oracle Box (90)
When used, you can obtain  90 Doom Oracle 1 Epic soulAccount-bound

Doom Oracle Box (1,000)
When used, you can obtain  1,000 Doom Oracle. 1 Primeval SoulAccount-bound

Doom Oracle Box (2)
When used, you can obtain  2 Doom Oracle 40
Industry Silver Coin

Doom Oracle Box (20)
When used, you can obtain  20 Doom Oracle
- 10 can be purchased per week per account.
Industry Silver Coin

Doom Oracle Box (1)
When used, you can obtain  20 Doom Oracle
- 700 can be purchased per week per character.
Epic Soul.png 1 (old) Epic Soul

Primeval General Weapon Selection Box
- When using, you can obtain the Primeval normal weapon by selecting it. 
- Opening the selection box requires  5 Primeval souls. 
 5 Prime Stella
 500 Void Souls

Primeval Normal / Legacy Weapon Pot Weapon Set Selection Box
- When used, you can obtain the Primeval Common / Legacy Weapon Pot by selecting the weapon group. 
- Opening the acquired box costs  5 Primeval Souls.
- Live Server: One can be purchased per character per month.
 5 Prime Stella
 500 Void Souls

Unique Soul
<Main Uses>
- Purchase Doom Oracle
- Purchase Void Soul
- Purchase Level 115 Set Unique Equipment Pot Selection Box
- Purchase Level 115 Unique Weapon Selection Box
- Purchase Legendary Soul
- Equipment Conversion
- Equipment Tuning/Promotion
- Transcend Level 115 or higher Unique Equipment

<Main Use NPC>
- Tome of Mysterious Power
Kind Death Cenir

<Main Acquisition Source>
- Register/Dismantle Level 115 or higher Unique Equipment Armory
 5 Rare SoulsAccount-bound

Legendary Soul
<Main Uses>
- Purchase Doom Oracle
- Purchase Epic Soul
- Convert Equipment
- Tuning/Upgrading Equipment
- Opening Level 115 Set Epic Equipment Pot
- Transcend Level 115or higher Legendary Equipment
- Upgrade Fog God Weapon/Inviolable Equipment

<Main Use NPC>
- Tome of Mysterious Power
Kind Death Cenir
- Designer Rollumver

<Main Acquisition Source>
- Registering/Dismantling Level 115 or higher Legendary Equipment Armory
 20 Unique SoulsAccount-bound

Epic Soul
<Main Uses>
- Purchase Doom Oracle
- Purchase Primeval Soul
- Convert Equipment
- Tuning/Upgrading Equipment
- Converting to Black Angel Equipment
- Opening a Level 115 Set Epic Equipment Pot
- Transcending Epic Equipment of Level 115 or higher

<Main Use NPC>
- Tome of Mysterious Power
Kind Death Cenir

<Main Acquisition Source>
- Registering/Dismantling Epic Equipment of Level 115 or higher in the Armory
 20 Legendary SoulsAccount-bound

Primordial Soul
<Main Uses>
- Purchase Doom Oracle
- Equipment Conversion
- Conversion to Black-Eyed Equipment
- Transcendence of Level 115 or higher Primeval Equipment

<Main Use NPC>
- Mysterious Power Magic Book
Kind Death Cenir

<Main Acquisition Source>
- Register/Dismantle Level 115 or higher Primeval Equipment Armory
 20 Epic SoulsAccount-bound

Deep Abyss Fragment Selection Box
You can obtain one piece of equipment from the Fragment of the Deep Abyss.

The Fragment of the Deep Abyss equipment you obtain will be granted for an unlimited period and cannot be traded.

You can purchase one piece per month per account.
 500 Maleficent Trace

Maleficent Trace
<Main Uses>
- Equipment Conversion
- Equipment Tuning/Upgrading
- Black-Eye Equipment Crafting Materials
- Crafting Materials in Creature Artifact Recipe
- Purchase from NPC Shop
- Transcend Equipment Level 115 or Higher

<Main Uses>
Kind Death Cenir
- Nerimo, Circuit Combinator
- Bezlo, the Moon Hunter

<Main Acquisition Methods>
- Tracking Yogis
- Annihilating Yogis
 1 Maleficent Traces (Tradeable 1 time)

Maleficent Trace  (Tradeable 1 time) Pot (1~10)
When used, you can obtain 1 to 10 Maleficent Trace  (Tradeable 1 time) with a set probability. 10 Maleficent TracesAccount-bound

Necklace Primordial Fusion Stone Pot
When used, you can obtain 1 of the Primeval Fusion Stones from the necklace part with an equal probability.
Industry Silver Coin

Ring Primordial Fusion Stone Pot
When used, you can obtain one of the Primeval Fusion Stones in the ring part with an equal probability.
Industry Silver Coin

Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
- You can obtain it by selecting one of the Asrahan Armor Epic - Fusion Stones or the Accessory/Special Equipment Epic Fusion Stones that can be obtained from the Asrahan Record Room/Library .
Live Server: 20 can be purchased per week per account.
Industry Silver Coin

3 boxes of forgotten light
When used, you can obtain 3 Forgotten Lights.
Industry Silver Coin

Energy Core Box (300)
- You can obtain 300 Energy Cores when used.
- You can purchase 10 per week per account.
Industry Silver Coin

Superconductor Energy Core Box (4)
- You can obtain 4 Superconducting Energy Cores when used.
- You can purchase 10 per week per account.
Industry Silver Coin

Void Soul Box
- You can obtain 1 Void Soul when used.
- 50 can be purchased per month per account.
- Live Server: The remaining purchase count will be carried over to the next month, up to a maximum of 100 times.
Example 1: If you purchase only 50 times in January, you can purchase up to 150 times in February.
Example 2: If you do not purchase in January, you can purchase up to 200 times in February.
* If you do not purchase in February, only 100 of the purchase counts in February will be carried over, allowing you to purchase up to 200 times in March.
Industry Silver Coin

Void Soul Box
- You can obtain 1 Void Soul when used.
- 200 can be purchased per month per account.
- Live Server: The remaining purchase count will be carried over to the next month, up to a maximum of 200 times.
Example 1: If you purchase only 100 times in January, you can purchase up to 300 times in February.
Example 2: If you do not purchase in January, you can purchase up to 400 times in February.
* If you do not purchase in February, only 200 of the purchase counts in February will be carried over, allowing you to purchase up to 400 times in March.
 8 Unique SoulsAccount-bound

Level 115 Set Unique Equipment Selection Box
You can obtain the unique equipment Pot of the Level 115 set by selecting them as a set.

8 can be purchased per month per account.
 10 Unique Souls
Goldicon.png 500,000 Gold 

Level 115 Unique Weapon Selection Box
You can obtain it by selecting a Level 115 unique weapon.
 15 Unique Souls
Goldicon.png 750,000 Gold

Black Pearl Purification Book
You can transform Black Eye accessories into Primeval equipment.
Goldicon.png 100,000 Gold

Worshiper of Extinction
(Abyss & Normal)

Backpacker Benny's Store

  • There is a certain probability that the Backpacker Benny NPC will appear. The following items can be purchased.

Maleficent Clues
Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt Dungeon.Tradeable

Black Epic Transformation Pot
You can obtain one of the Black Epic Conversion Books for each set with an equal probability.

<Black Epic Conversion Book>
You can convert level 115 set epic accessory equipment into Black Epic Set Accessory.

Consumable Materials
- 1 set epic accessory that matches the conversion book
- 3 Epic souls
- 500 Maleficent Trace
- 2,200,000 gold

Black Ark, the Beginning of Transformation Pot
You can obtain one of the Black Abyss Transformation Scrolls from each set with equal probability.

<Black Abyss Transformation Scroll>
You can transform level 115 set primal accessory equipment into Black Abyss set primal accessory.

Consumable materials
- 1 set primal accessory that matches the transformation scroll
- 1 Primordial soul
- 4,000 Maleficent Trace
- 12,000,000 gold

Level 115 Set Legendary Equipment Selection Box
- You can obtain the Legendary Equipment Jar from the Level 115 set by selecting the set.
- When opening the acquired equipment box, 10 Legendary Souls are required.

Level 115 Set Epic Equipment Selection Box
- You can obtain the Epic Equipment Pot of the Level 115 set by selecting them as a set.
- When opening the acquired equipment box, 10 Epic Souls are required.

Sunken Depths

Normal Dungeon

  • Six new normal dungeons will be added to the Sunken Depths region. You can enter after clearing the level 115 act quest 'Behemoth's Charge'.
  • Each dungeon has 3 maps, and you will enter a random map when you enter.
  • Live Server: The amount of gold obtainable from regular dungeons is reduced.
  • Content Information:
    • Dungeon Entry Level: 115
    • Daily Entry Limit: None
    • Fatigue: Consumes 2 fatigue points per room.
    • Party: Party available
    • Admission materials: None
    • Fame requirement:
Entrance Fame013,19516,6903517042143
  • Shimmering Archipelago:
    • The area is hit by the rough currents and winds of the high seas, and the characteristics of the archipelago accelerate these winds, shaking the floating islands as a whole.
    • Due to these irregular winds, the floating islands collide with each other, and the floating islands suddenly move somewhere, making everything unpredictable.
    • When viewed from afar, this irregular collection of floating islands looks like they are swaying, and is why they are called the 'Shimmering Archipelago'.
    • The Shimmering Archipelago dungeon will be added to the Sunken Depths Crimson Mine Village area.
    • Additional elements:
      • During the dungeon progression, monsters that the player can interact with will appear.
      • You can obtain a buff by interacting with the target monster. Buff Effect: Movement speed increased by 70%
      • Acquired buffs are deleted after 20 seconds.
  • Hall of Quietude:
    • A wide corridor that runs throughout the temple of the Goddess of Death, the corridor is softly illuminated only by the dreamy light of the indigenous beasts, the Jelipa, and the plants.
    • It is called the Hall of Quietude, as one must always prove their piety by remaining silent when walking here .
    • The Hall of Quietude dungeon will be added to the Sunken Depths Crimson Mine Village area.
    • Additional elements:
      • You can obtain the Shadow Sword from certain monsters while progressing through the dungeon, or from the mural of Usir.
      • Shadow Black follows the player and flies to the monster in front when the attack key is pressed, reducing its HP. Automatically fired when encountering named enemies and bosses.
  • Cruel Beast:
    • As a large-scale weapon and mother ship of the interception force, it has a very strong hull and various weapons installed to deal with numerous monsters.
    • In particular, the large harpoon attached to the bow is powerful enough to tear apart monsters larger than airships. Therefore, the interception force often operates the Cruel Beast roughly in order to catch as many monsters as possible.
    • A Cruel Beast Dungeon will be added to the area within the Central Heavens.
    • Additional elements:
      • An explosive device appears within the dungeon.
      • Destroying an explosive device will cause significant damage to monsters located on the map.
      • Once you destroy an explosive device, subsequent explosive devices will explode in a chain reaction. The method of destroying the explosive device varies depending on the sub name displayed when entering the dungeon.
  • Heart of Blue Sea:
    • The engine room of the Azure Main, it absorbs the surrounding mist in real time and reproduces it as the power of the Azure Main.
    • In the celestial realm where there is infinite fog in the atmosphere due to the influence of the Mist God, it is practically infinite power.
    • As it is the most important area in the entire Azure Main, it is guarded by the 'Burning Crasher' who has been in the Blue Hawk for the longest time among the 1st Battalion which boasts the best fighting power.
    • Heart of Blue Sea dungeon will be added to the area within Sunken Depths.
    • Additional elements:
      • ‘Mutant Parasites’ will appear during the dungeon progression. Deals significant damage to monsters when defeating mutated parasites.
      • Once you kill a mutated parasite, the parasites that appear afterward will explode in a chain reaction. The method of dealing with mutated parasites varies depending on the sub name displayed when entering the dungeon.
  • Starfall Forest:
    • A huge forest surrounding a lake where the moon is submerged.
    • It is full of huge trees that seem to block out the sky, and when viewed from above, it looks like a solid fortress wall.
    • The dark scenery and the dense trees even during the day scare first-time visitors, but as you spend time with the friendly beasts in the forest, you will quickly adapt.
    • You can easily see beasts that follow people and young moon hunters who are still learning how to hunt.
    • Additional elements:
      • 'Shining Digming' appears during the dungeon progression. When you approach Digming and activate it, you can obtain additional rewards with a certain probability.
      • You can move to hidden areas through the ‘Suspicious Bush’ that appears while progressing through the dungeon. When entering a hidden area, you can additionally encounter a ‘Shining Digming’.
      • Additional rewards can be obtained after defeating the boss.
  • Pathfinder River:
    • A river that flows from a lake where the moon is submerged. It is a single river that flows through numerous floating islands in the depths of the open sea, and is connected to the Land of Chaos, so strong monsters often appear.
    • Among the moon hunters, only those who have been recognized for their skills through the expedition ceremony can open the connected path and reach it. However, even experienced moon hunters are put in danger due to the waterway that constantly flows between the lush vegetation and large and small floating islands.
    • Nevertheless, the moon hunters who do not give up the hunt and the giant divine beasts like Ulad who help them join forces to fight the monsters.
    • A guide river dungeon will be added to the Sanctuary of Scattered Stars area.
    • Additional elements:
      • 'Sparkling Digming' appears during the dungeon progression. When you approach Digming and activate it, you can obtain additional rewards with a certain probability.
      • While progressing through the dungeon, the 'Digming-swallowing figure', 'Lost Digming', and 'Fruit Tree' will appear. You can rescue `Sparkling Digming` by hitting the figure that swallowed Digming and rescuing it.
      • Additional rewards can be obtained after defeating the boss.
  • Vanguard of Annihilation (Additional Systems):
    • When entering the dungeon, you may encounter the ‘Vanguard of Annihilation’.
    • When you acquire the 'Spear of Annihilation', a special UI will be displayed and will last for up to 15 seconds.
    • You can gain additional duration when killing monsters.
    • The Moonlight's Divine Beast, Shadow of Death, and Yoshial Process cannot gain duration.
    • When 'Vanguard of Annihilation' is activated, you will obtain one random effect from the effects below.
The Divine Beast of the Moon
(Starry Forest / Pathfinder River Exclusive)
- A butterfly is created and deals damage to monsters within a certain distance.
- Damage is dealt in proportion to the attack power of the player holding it.
- Does not work on named and boss monsters.
Shadow of Death
(Shimmering Archipelago / Hall of Quietude Exclusive)
- Shadows are fired at monsters within a certain distance, dealing damage.
- Damage is dealt in proportion to the attack power of the player holding it.
- Does not work on named and boss monsters.
Yosal Process
(Cruel Beast / Heart of the Blue Sea Exclusive)
- Fires a beam at monsters within a certain distance, dealing damage.
- Damage is dealt in proportion to the attack power of the player holding it.
- Does not work on named and boss monsters.
The Turbulent AtmospherePulls nearby monsters towards the player.
Giant's StrikeAttack range increases by 30%.
Exploding Anger
- When hitting a monster, an explosion occurs in the surrounding monsters.
- Deals damage in proportion to the attack power of the player holding it.
Secret StepsMovement speed, attack speed, and casting speed increase by 30%.
A Cool HeadCooldown recovery speed increases by 30%.

Sunken Depths

Normal Dungeon Rewards

  • Normal Dungeon: When you defeat a boss monster, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability.
Obtainable Items
TradabilityObtainable Difficulty

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeableXXXXX

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeableXXXXX

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeableXXXXX
  •  Digming's Furball: Untradeable, A ball of fur that fell off and became entangled with the treasures that Digming was keeping. Since each individual likes different treasures, you can find out what 'Digming's treasure' is by digging it up.
    • You can obtain it as a clear card reward when clearing a dungeon.
    • You can obtain rewards according to a set probability when using it, and the items and probability that appear do not differ depending on the difficulty level.

Monster Cards (Legendary/Unique)
This is a new enchantment card from Sunken Depths.Tradable once
(Account-bound afterward)

Leiern Core

Harmonious Crystal

Warlord's Cry [Digming]
- Damage increases by 12% for 60 seconds.
- The effect disappears when moving to a town or dying, and the cooldown is reset.
- Deleted on the 1st of every month .

HP/MP 20% recovery potion
- When used, HP and MP are restored by 20%.
- Deleted on the 1st of every month.

Industry Silver Coin
The Book of Mysterious Power, used to purchase the following items from the Senir NPC shop:
- Doom Oracle
- Void Soul
- Legendary Card Album of the Lake of the Moon
- Necklace Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Ring Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
- Forgotten Light
  • Backpacker Benny's Store: The following items are sold at the Benny's Secret Shop, which appears with a certain probability when clearing a dungeon at all difficulties.
    •  Maleficent Clues: Tradable, Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt dungeon.
Sunken Depths

Scenario Dungeon Reward

  • When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain all items except Legendary Cards from the rewards available in regular dungeons. Depending on the placement of normal/named/boss monsters in each dungeon, the type/total amount of rewards may differ slightly.
  • Drop Items: When you defeat a boss monster, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability.
Obtainable Items
TradabilityObtainable Difficulty

Rare equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, or special equipment per weapon typeUntradeableXXXXX

Unique Equipment
1 type of armor, accessory, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeableXXXXX

Legendary Equipment
2 types of armor, accessories, and special equipment for each weapon type, 12 types for each partUntradeableXXXXX
  •  Digming's Furball: Untradeable, A ball of fur that fell off and became entangled with the treasures that Digming was keeping. Since each individual likes different treasures, you can find out what 'Digming's treasure' is by digging it up.
    • You can obtain it as a clear card reward when clearing scenario dungeon.
    • You can obtain rewards according to a set probability when using it, and the items and probability that appear do not differ depending on the difficulty level.

Monster Cards (Legendary/Unique)
This is a new enchantment card from Sunken Depths.Tradable once
(Account-bound afterward)

Leiern Core

Harmonious Crystal

Warlord's Cry [Digming]
- Damage increases by 12% for 60 seconds.
- The effect disappears when moving to a town or dying, and the cooldown is reset.
- Deleted on the 1st of every month .

HP/MP 20% recovery potion
- When used, HP and MP are restored by 20%.
- Deleted on the 1st of every month.

Industry Silver Coin
The Book of Mysterious Power, used to purchase the following items from the Senir NPC shop:
- Doom Oracle
- Void Soul
- Legendary Card Album of the Lake of the Moon
- Necklace Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Ring Primeval Fusion Stone Pot
- Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
- Forgotten Light

    Maleficent Energy Trace

    Maleficent Hunt
    • New dungeons, Maleficent Energy Trace and Maleficent Hunt, will be added. You can enter after clearing the level 115 act quest 'Behemoth's Charge'. When entering a dungeon, a background from the central region appears randomly.
    • Content Information:
    Maleficent Energy TraceMaleficent Hunt
    Entry levelLevel 115Level 115
    Recommended Party Size1 person1 person
    Recommended Fame13,19513,195
    Entry Consumption Fatigue8 consumed upon entry8 consumed upon entry
    Admission materials-1 Maleficent Clue
    • Additional reward system:
      • Objects that can grant additional rewards during the dungeon progression appear.
        • Starfall Forest / Pathfinder River - `Fallen Moon Hunter`
        • Shimmering Archipelago / Hall of Quietude - `Sparkling Digming`
        • Cruel Beast / Heart of the Blue Sea - `Purification Device`
      • When interacting with objects, you can obtain additional rewards after defeating the boss.
        • 1 object appears in the Maleficent Energy Trace Dungeon.
        • 2 to 4 objects appear in the Maleficent Hunt Dungeon depending on probability.
    • Maleficent Energy Trace Rewards: This is a dungeon where you can obtain gold on a daily basis. Equipment does not drop. When you kill a monster, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability.
      •  Maleficent Trace (Account-bound)
      •  Leiern Core (Untradeable)
      •  Harmonious Crystal (Untradeable)
      • Backpacker Benny's Store: The following items are sold at the Benny's Secret Shop, which appears with a certain probability when clearing Maleficent Energy Trace.
        •  Maleficent Clues: Tradable, Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt dungeon.
      • Live Server: The amount of gold you can obtain has been reduced, and it has been changed so that you can obtain Maleficent Clues for sure.
    • Maleficent Hunt Rewards:
      • This is a dungeon that can be entered by consuming the item  Maleficent Clues. You can obtain a lot of gold and  Maleficent Trace, and there is a chance that tradeable Maleficent Trace will drop. Does not drop equipment. When you kill a monster, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability.
    Obtainable Items
    Monster Types
    Normal MonsterNamed MonsterBoss Monster

    Maleficent Trace (Tradeable)
    A trace that contains a faint Maleficent energy. It is so faint that it is impossible to even contaminate something, but it has academic research value and some eccentric people are willing to pay money to buy it.

    <Main Use>
    - Purchase of Maleficent Trace

    <Main NPCs>
    - Senir the Kind Death
    - Nerimo the Circuit Combinator
    - Bezlo the Moon Hunter

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    Maleficent Hunt

    Maleficent Trace
    A trace that contains a faint yogic energy. It is so faint that it is impossible to even contaminate something, but it has academic research value and some eccentric people are willing to pay money to buy it.

    <Main Uses>
    - Crafting Black-Eye equipment
    - Crafting materials in creature artifact recipes
    - Purchasing from NPC shops

    <Main NPCs>
    - Senir the Kind Death
    - Nerimo the Circuit Combinator
    - Bezlo the Moon Hunter

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    Maleficent Energy Trace
    Maleficent Hunt

    Uncommon Artifacts
    XSealYou can obtain 1 of 18 uncommon artifacts with a set probability.

    Rare Artifact
    XSealYou can obtain 1 of 27 rare artifacts with a set probability.

    Unique Artifacts
    XSealYou can obtain 1 of 12 unique artifacts with a set probability.

    Condensed Leiern Core

    Radiant Harmonious Crystal

    Flawless Leiern Core

    Radiant Harmonious Crystals
    • Backpacker Benny's Store: The following items are sold at the Benny's Secret Shop, which appears with a certain probability when clearing a dungeon at all difficulties.

    Maleficent Clues
    Used to enter the Maleficent Hunt Dungeon.Tradeable

    Rare Artifact Recipe
    - Creates a rare artifact corresponding to the item name with a 100% probability.
    - Crafted items are provided in a sealed state.

    Unique Artifact Recipe
    - Creates a unique artifact corresponding to the item name with a 100% probability.
    - Crafted items are provided in a sealed state.

    Recipe for the Deep Abyss Fragment Equipment
    Creates a unique piece of equipment with a 100% chance of producing the Dark Abyss piece of equipment corresponding to the item name.Account-bound

    Unique Artifacts
    You can purchase unique artifacts directly.Seal
    • Live Server:
      • The amount of gold you can obtain is reduced, and the drop rate of Maleficent Clues is increased.
      • Artifact drop rate and secret shop appearance probability increase.
      • Repair coupons  will be added to the Maleficent Clues Shop. Account-bound, costs 10 Maleficent Clues, limit 4 per week per account. Deleted on the 1st of the month.
    • Maleficent Trace Store: You can exchange the traces of the yogi for gold and items through the NPC Moon Hunter Bezlo, Circuit assembler Nerimo, Senir the Affectionate Death.
    Item NameTradabilityPurchase MaterialsPurchase RestrictionsDetails

    Maleficent Trace  (Tradeable 1 time) Pot (1~10)
    Account-bound10 Maleficent Trace-You can obtain 1 to 10 Maleficent Trace (Tradeable 1 time) when used, with a set probability.

    Maleficent Trace
    Account-bound1 Maleficent Trace (Tradeable)
    A trace that contains a faint yogic energy. It is so faint that it is impossible to even contaminate something, but it has academic research value and some eccentric people are willing to pay money to buy it.

    <Main Uses>
    - Crafting Black-Eye equipment
    - Crafting materials in creature artifact recipes
    - Purchasing from NPC shops

    <Main NPCs>
    - Senir the Kind Death
    - Nerimo the Circuit Combinator
    - Bezlo the Moon Hunter

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    Maleficent Energy Trace
    Maleficent Hunt

    Deep Abyss Fragment Selection Box
    Account-bound500 Maleficent Trace1 per month per account
    - You can obtain one piece of equipment from the Deep Abyss Fragment.
    - The acquired Deep Abyss Fragment equipment is granted for an unlimited period and is non-tradable.

    Memories of Paragon

    • Dev's Note: The Memories of Paragon content has been newly introduced to minimize the regrettable aspects and irrationality of the previous Exceed content, and to lower the importance of guard skills so that only the strength of the adventurers can be proven. A total of 10 levels of difficulty are provided from Tier 1 to Tier 10, and we hope that it will be a fun experience where you can test the feedback of your strength during the process of equipment farming.
    • Memories of Paragon:
      • Monthly content, Memories of Paragon, will be added.
      • Level 115 side quest ‘Bunnyhorn’s Proposal’ is added.
      • This quest can be completed after clearing the central stage - 'Behemoth's Charge'.
    • Content Entry:
      • When you accept the side quest 'Bunnyhorn's Proposal', you can enter the special channel Memories of Paragon.
      • The Memories of Paragon channel is available for entry starting from fame level 33,992.
      • You can enter the content by selecting the tier you wish to challenge through the NPC 'Eccentric Bunnyhorn' in the Memories of Paragon channel or through the UI on the right.
    • Content Information:
      • Entry level: Level 115
      • Number of people admitted:1 player mode / 4 player mode
      • Position fame: 33,992
      • Fatigue consumed upon entry: doesn't exist
      • Entry restrictions:
        • 1-player mode: No entry limit
        • 4-player mode: Tiers that have been cleared cannot be re-entered
      • Number of rewards:
        • Common: Conditional rewards can be obtained once a month per tier.
        • 1-person mode: Differential rewards can be obtained according to the monster's HP.
        • 4-person mode: Rewards can be obtained upon clearing.
    • Tier:
      • Memories of Paragon is organized into tiers of difficulty from Tier 1 to Tier 10.
      • You start from Tier 1, and when you clear it, you can challenge the next tier.
      • The tier will drop by 1 tier from the standard each month, and will reset to tier 1 the following month if there is no play record.
    • Basic Rules:
      • Time limit:
        • Tier 1 - Tier 9: 4 minutes
        • Tier 10: 6 minutes
      • Common Rules:
        • Play time when using coins - 20 seconds
        • Personal recovery consumables limited to 5 times
      • Position Fame:
        • Tier 1: 33,992
        • Tier 2: 41,830
        • Tier 3: 45,744
        • Tier 4: 48,988
        • Tier 5: 52,496
        • Tier 6: 54,604
        • Tier 7: 56,119
        • Tier 8: 58,596
        • Tier 9: 59,976
        • Tier 10: 61,296
      • Entry rules:
        • 1-player mode: Re-entry possible after clearing
        • 4-player mode: Cleared tiers cannot be re-entered
      • Entry restrictions: Character Limits
        • Up to 8 characters per account per month
        • When playing Memories of Paragon, characters are tied to your list
      • Monthly reset:
        • Characters are unbound at reset on the 1st of every month.
        • Unbound characters are adjusted by -1 tier.
        • If there is no play record while unbound, they are adjusted to tier 1 for the following month.
      • Clear Conditions:
        • Tier 1 - Tier 10: Defeat all monsters in the corresponding tier
        • Tier 10 (only for 1-player mode): Infinite mode continues for the remaining time after killing
    • Guard System:
      • You can use guard skills by assigning "Dungeon Special Key 2" in the Memories of Paragon content.
      • When guarding successfully, HP/MP is restored for 5 seconds and the guard skill can be reused immediately.
      • It can be used to cancel actions, except in certain circumstances.
      • You can cancel guard by pressing the jump key during casting.
    • Score System:
      • There is an achievement score that can be obtained for each tier.
      • Achievement scores are accumulated into ranking scores and reflected in the Memory of Achievements ranking.
      • Scores are accumulated only in single-player mode and are reflected in rankings.
    • Infinite mode:
      • In Tier 10 of the solo mode, HP is restored even when you defeat the boss.
      • After this, the infinite mode will begin and you can earn additional achievement scores during the remaining time.
    • 1-player mode - How to get rewards
      • In single-player mode, rewards will be paid to your inventory after play ends in proportion to the reduced monster HP.
      • Rewards for each tier section are paid out once a month, and sections that have already been obtained cannot be obtained again.
      • If you clear a higher tier after the next month, you will receive the lower tier sections all at once even if you do not play.
      • Note: If you clear a higher tier, you will not be able to play in 4-player mode for the cleared tier, including lower tiers, until the next month.
    • 4-player mode - How to get rewards
      • In 4-player mode, you must clear the selected tier to receive the rewards for that tier in your inventory.
      • Each tier reward section is shared with the solo mode, and only the unclaimed sections will be rewarded.
      • Tiers that have already been cleared cannot be played in 4-player mode.
    • Memories of Paragon Rewards:
      • Basic Rewards: You can obtain rewards according to your progress when clearing the dungeon.
        •  Fragments of Memories of Paragon: Untradeable, You can purchase Epic/Legendary/Unique Pot and Doom Oracle items.
      • Store: A shop will be added to the Eccentric Bunnyhorn NPC in the Memories of Paragon channel.

    Level 115 Epic Equipment Pot
    When used, you can obtain 1 piece of Level 115epic equipment with a set probability.750 Fragments of Memories of ParagonUntradeable

    Level 115 Legendary Equipment Pot
    When used, you can obtain 1 piece of Level 115 legendary equipment with a set probability.350 Fragments of Memories of ParagonUntradeable

    Level 115 Unique Equipment Pot
    When used, you can obtain 1 of the Level 115 unique equipment with a set probability.80 Fragments of Memories of ParagonUntradeable

    Doom Oracle Box (9)
    When used, you can obtain 9 Doom Oracle.10 Fragments of Memories of ParagonUntradeable

    Part 2

    Items / Characters

    New Level 115 Equipment
    • New Level 115 equipment is added.

      • New equipment other than weapons can be equipped with Level 110 fusion stones.
      • You can transfer between Level 110 equipment and Level 115 rare / unique / legendary / epic / primeval equipment. Cannot inherit with tradeable equipment.
    • The Adventurer's fame for reinforcement / amplification /refining Level 115 equipment has the same value regardless of rarity.
    • The shop selling price of Level 115 equipment will be adjusted according to the phase of each rarity.
    • Live Server:
      • The durability of weapons above Lv. 115 will be unified to 48.
      • The shop selling prices for all weapons above Lv. 115 will be unified to the maximum price for each rarity.
      • The repair cost for all weapons above Lv. 115 will be unified to the minimum value for each rarity.
    • New equipment types:

    General weapons
    1 weapon type of each rarity
    - Rare / Unique / Legendary / Epic / Primeval

    Legacy Weapons
    1 weapon type of each rarity
    - Legendary / Epic / Primeval

    Legacy weapons are equipment that have the same basic options as other equipment, such as weapon attack power, stats, cooldown, and attack speed.

    General Equipment
    1 type per armor / accessory / special equipment part
    - Rare

    Rare gear has a common set point, and the common set point is calculated by including it in the set with the highest set point.

    Advanced Dungeon Unique Equipment
    1 piece of each armor / accessory / special equipment by rarity
    - Unique / Legendary / Epic

    The advanced dungeon unique equipment has the following characteristics:
    - There is a common set point, and the common set point is calculated by including it in the set with the highest set point.
    - It can be registered in the armory, but it is not included in the set point calculation within the armory.
    - Equipment cannot be adjusted/upgraded.

    Set Equipment
    Set equipment 12 sets
    - Consists of a total of 11 pieces of armor / accessory / special equipment
    - Unique / Legendary / Epic / Primeval
    - Prime equipment only has accessories.

    Set equipment has set points for each set, and when the same set points are collected, the set option is activated and strengthened.

    Black Eye Set Equipment
    Set equipment 12 sets
    - 12 types of accessories for each part by rarity
    -  Epic / Primeval

    There are 12 types of Black Eye set equipment, and although the set points are lower than equipment of the same rarity, the final damage/buff power and fame are high.

    You can obtain it by using the 'Black Eye Conversion Book' on the general set accessory equipment.
    - Example - The epic equipment 'Immortal Valkyrie Heavenly Necklace' of the 'Valkyrie of the Ancient Battlefield' set can be converted into 'Black Eye: Immortal Valkyrie Heavenly Necklace', and the set points will be applied to the 'Valkyrie of the Ancient Battlefield' set.

    Converted Black Ark set equipment can be reverted to regular set equipment using the ‘Black Ark Purification Book’.

    • Live Server:
      • The existing Master Kaleido Box will be changed to allow use of items up to level 110, and related text will be added.
      • The Master Kaleido Box sold at the NPC Seria Shop will be changed.
        • New Master Kaleido Boxes are added to the sale.
        • The sale of the four Master Kaleido Boxes (Rare, Unique, Legendary, Epic) will be discontinued.
      • You can refund the Master Kaleido Box you have previously purchased by purchasing a refund jar from the refund tab in the NPC Seria shop menu.
      • In Arad Pass 2025 Season 1, the Master Kaleido Box obtainable from the Mileage Shop will be changed to the new Master Kaleido Box.
      • A phrase will be added to the existing Transcendence Stone and One-Shot Transcendence Stone stating that only equipment up to level 110 can be used.
      • The reinforcement / amplification / enchantment values ​​of level 115 equipment will be changed to have the same values ​​regardless of rarity.
      • Buffer-specific options applied to equipment will now be applied in town.
      • The application status of some equipment activation options will be modified to remain even after resurrection.
      • Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where the physical/magical attack power increase values ​​were different when strengthening/amplifying legacy weapons.
      • Some legacy weapons have had their options changed.
    Item NameRarityOptions before change
    Options after change

    Intangible Sword - Master
    [Intangible Sword that has risen to the ranks of the masters]
    When attacking, the Intangible Sword tracks the enemy and pierces them to attack.
    - Number of Intangible Sword shots: 1
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 2
    - Intangible Sword total damage 10,800%
    - Cooldown 15 seconds
    [Intangible Sword that has risen to the ranks of the masters]
    When attacking, the Intangible Sword tracks the enemy and pierces them to attack.
    - Number of Intangible Sword shots: 1
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 2
    - Intangible Sword total damage 32,400%
    - Cooldown 15 seconds

    Formless Sword - Climax
    [Formless Sword at its Peak]
    When attacking, the Formless Sword tracks and pierces the enemy.
    - Number of Formless Sword shots: 3
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 4
    - Total Formless Sword damage: 32,400%
    - Cooldown: 15 seconds
    [Intangible Sword at its Peak]
    When attacking, the Intangible Sword tracks and pierces the enemy, attacking them.
    - Number of Intangible Sword shots: 3
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 4
    - Intangible Sword total damage 48,600%
    - Cooldown 15 seconds

    Intangible Sword - Life and Death Mirror
    [Intangible Sword Beyond Life and Death]
    When attacking, the Intangible Sword tracks the enemy and pierces through them to attack.
    - Number of Intangible Sword shots: 4
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 6
    - Intangible Sword total damage 43,200%
    - Cooldown 10 seconds
    [Intangible Sword Beyond Life and Death]
    When attacking, the Intangible Sword tracks the enemy and pierces through them to attack.
    - Number of Intangible Sword shots: 4
    - Maximum number of enemies tracked: 6
    - Intangible Sword total damage 64,800%
    - Cooldown 10 seconds

    Great Dragon Sword Balmung
    [Dragon Slayer]
    All speed +2.5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (maximum 6 stacks)
    - Black Dragon's power activates when max stacks
    [Dragon Slayer] When there are 6 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot, the power of the black dragon is activated - All speeds +10%

    Salryonggeom Balmung
    [Dragon Slayer]
    All speed +5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (max 4 stacks)
    - Black Dragon's power activates when max stacks
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    [Dragon Slayer] When there are 4 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot, the power of the black dragon is activated - Physical/magical damage reduction +5% - All speeds +15%

    Dragon Slayer Sword Balmung
    [Dragon Slayer]
    All speed +10% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (max 3 stacks)
    - Black Dragon's power activates when max stacks
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    * Super armor activates
    [Dragon Slayer] When there are 3 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot, the power of the black dragon is activated - Super armor applied - Physical/magical damage reduction +10% - All speeds +20%

    Ranger's Way
    All speed +2.5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (maximum 6 stacks)
    - Ranger's qualification activates when max stacks
    * Applies spectrum of authority
    [Walker] When there are 6 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot , Ranger's qualification is activated - All speeds +10% - Spectrum of Authority applied

    Ranger's Fate
    [Fate of a Bullet]
    All speed +5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (max 4 stacks)
    - Ranger's qualification activates when max stacks
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    * Spectrum of Authority applied
    [Fate of a Bullet] When there are 4 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot, Ranger's qualification is activated - Physical/magical damage reduction +5% - All speeds +15% - Spectrum of Authority applied

    Noblesse of Ranger
    [Lord's Eye Level]
    All speeds +10% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (maximum 3 stacks)
    - Ranger's qualification activates when fully stacked
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    * Super armor activates
    * Spectrum of Authority applied
    [Lord's Eye Level] When there are 3 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot, Ranger's qualification is activated - Super Armor applied - Physical/magical damage reduction +10% - All speeds +20% - Spectrum of Authority applied

    Transformation Automatic Gun
    [Mecha Self-Destruct]
    Casts Mecha Self-Destruct on enemies that automatically explodes every 10 seconds
    - Mecha Drop Total damage: 43,200%
    [Mecha Self-Destruct]
    Casts Mecha Self-Destruct on enemies that automatically explodes every 10 seconds
    - Mecha Drop Total damage: 47,647%

    Evolution Automatic Gun
    [Mecha Self-Destruct]
    Casts Mecha Self-Destruct on enemies that automatically explodes every 10 seconds
    - Mecha Drop Total damage: 86,400%
    [Mecha Self-Destruct]
    Casts Mecha Self-Destruct on enemies that automatically explodes every 10 seconds
    - Mecha Drop Total damage: 95,294%

    Kesera Sera: Fortune
    Obtain 1 coin when entering the dungeon
    Stack 1 coin every 20 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)
    Obtain 1 Wonderful Coin when entering the dungeon
    Wonderful Coin stack every 20 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked Wonderful Coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)

    Kesera Sera: Happy
    Obtain 1 coin when entering the dungeon
    Stack 1 coin every 20 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)
    - Happy (70%)
    * All speeds +30%
    * HP/MP 10% recovery
    - Sad (30%)
    * All speeds +1%
    Obtain 1 Wonderful Coin when entering the dungeon
    Wonderful Coin stack every 20 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked Wonderful Coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)
    - Happy (70%)
    * All speeds +30%
    * HP/MP 10% recovery
    - Sad (30%)
    * All speeds +1%

    Kesera Sera: Wonderful
    Obtain 1 coin when entering the dungeon
    Stack 1 coin every 10 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)
    Obtain 1 Wonderful Coin when entering the dungeon
    Wonderful Coin stack every 10 seconds after entering (maximum 10 stacks)
    [Coin Toss][Equipment Activation Option]
    Consume 1 stacked Wonderful Coin to gain one of the following two effects for 30 seconds with a set probability. (Cooldown 3 seconds)

    Olive Tree Cross of Glory
    [God's Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    - Creates 1 lightning bolt in front
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds
    [God's Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Creates a lightning strike in front, striking once
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds

    Olive Tree Cross of Salvation
    [God's Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    - Creates 2 lightning strikes in front
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds
    [Divine Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Creates lightning in the front range, hitting once
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds

    Olive Tree Cross of Eternal
    [God's Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    - Creates 3 lightning strikes in front
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds
    [God's Retribution] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Creates lightning in a wide area in front, hitting once
    - Lightning damage: 30,600%
    - Cooldown: 30 seconds

    The Empress's gorgeous silver belt
    [Empress's Majesty]
    All speed +2.5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (maximum 6 stacks)
    - Empress's Majesty activates when max stacks
    [Empress's Majesty] Empress's Majesty activates when there are 6 or more empty slots in the skill quick slot - All speeds +10%

    The Empress's brilliant silver belt
    [Empress's Majesty]
    All speed +5% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (max 4 stacks)
    - Empress's Majesty activates when max stacks
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    [Empress's Majesty] Empress's Majesty activates when there are 4 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot - Physical/magical damage reduction +5% - All speeds +15%

    The Empress's splendid silver belt
    [Empress's Majesty]
    All speed +10% for each empty slot in the skill quick slot (maximum 3 stacks)
    - Empress's Majesty activates when max stacks
    * Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    * Super armor activates
    [Empress's Majesty] Empress's Majesty activates when there are 3 or more
    empty slots in the skill quick slot - Super Armor applied - Physical/magical damage reduction +10% - All speeds +20%

    Weaving Inferno
    [Eternal Flame]
    Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 1.5 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%
    [Eternal Flame] Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 1.5 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%

    Blazing Inferno
    [Eternal Flame]
    Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 1.5 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%
    Increases damage and size by 10% when casting Chloride consecutively (max 10 stacks)
    - Resets when Chloride is cast within 1.5 seconds
    [Eternal Flame] Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 1.5 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%
    Increases damage and size by 10% when casting Chloride consecutively (max 10 stacks)
    Chloride stack -1 for 5 seconds when casting Chloride micro-cast

    Shining Inferno
    [Eternal Flame]
    Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 2 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%
    Increases damage and size by 20% when casting Chloride consecutively (max 5 stacks)
    - Resets when Chloride is cast within 2 seconds
    [Eternal Flame] Cast Flame on the strongest enemy within 2 seconds after casting the skill
    - Flame damage: 15,956%
    Increases damage and size by 20% when casting Chloride consecutively (max 5 stacks)
    Chloride stacks -1 for 10 seconds when casting Chloride micro-cast

    Black Death
    [Darkness that devours everything]
    Creates aura of dark spear (Cooldown 20 seconds)
    When a jump attack is successful, attacks the monster hit with a dark spear that devours it.
    Dark Spear that devours damage: 28,500%
    [Darkness that devours everything]
    Creates aura of dark spear (Cooldown 20 seconds) Attacks with a dark spear that devours the monster hit by the attack.
    Damage of the dark spear that devours: 22,800%

    Black Death
    [Darkness that devours everything]
    Creates aura of dark spear (Cooldown 20 seconds)
    When a jump attack is successful, attacks the monster hit with a dark spear that devours it.
    Dark Spear that devours damage: 28,500%
    When the Devouring Dark Spear appears, 6 additional Dark Spear attacks
    Dark Spear damage: 1,000%
    [Darkness that devours everything]
    Creates aura of dark spear (Cooldown 20 seconds) Attacks with a dark spear that devours the monster hit by the attack.
    Damage of the dark spear that devours: 22,800%
    When the Devouring Dark Spear appears, 6 additional Dark Spear attacks
    Dark Spear damage: 1,000%

    Half Moon
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 43,200%
    - Cooldown: 10 seconds
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 82,080%
    - Cooldown: 20 seconds

    Half Moon Night Sky
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 86,400%
    - Cooldown: 10 seconds
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 164,160%
    - Cooldown: 20 seconds

    Full Moon: Moonlight Night Sky
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 115,200%
    - Cooldown: 10 seconds
    [Full Moon]
    Summon a moon shadow that attacks enemies when casting a colorless cube fragment skill
    - Shadow attack power 218,800%
    - Cooldown: 20 seconds

    When casting a skill, gain 1 Madness stack
    - up to 10 stacks
    [Murder Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 6 stacks of Madness to attack enemies in front.
    - Murder Rampage Damage: 63,000%
    When entering a dungeon, you have 10 stacks of madness
    - up to 10 stacks.
    Madness stack +1 every second.
    [Murder Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 6 stacks of Madness and cancels the skill to attack enemies in front.
    - Murder Rampage Damage: 12,600%

    When casting a skill, gain 1 Madness stack
    - up to 10 stacks
    [Murder Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 5 stacks of Madness to attack enemies in front.
    - Murder Rampage Damage: 64,800%
    When entering a dungeon, you have 10 stacks of madness
    - up to 10 stacks
    Madness stack +1 every second.
    When casting a skill, madness stack +1 (cooldown 5 seconds)
    [Murderous Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 5 stacks of Madness and cancels the skill to attack enemies in front.
    - Murderous Rampage Damage: 12,600%

    When casting a skill, gain 1 Madness stack
    - up to 12 stacks
    [Murder Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 4 stacks of Madness to attack enemies in front.
    - Murder Rampage Damage: 72,000%
    When entering a dungeon, you have 12 stacks of madness
    - up to 12 stacks
    +1 madness stack every second.
    +2 madness stack when casting a skill (cooldown 5 seconds)
    [Murder Rampage] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Consumes 4 stacks of Madness and cancels the skill to attack enemies in front.
    - Murder Rampage Damage: 12,600%

    Overclocking Heart
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    - Cooldown per target: 30 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy is attacked with a core power source attached
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock Activates
    Energy Shock Damage: 4,800%
    - Core Dismantles at 100 hits
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    Cooldown per target: 40 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy with a core power source attached attacks
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock Activates
    Energy Shock Damage: 2,835%
    - Core Dismantles at 100 hits

    Overclocking Core
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    - Cooldown per target: 30 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy with a core power source attached attacks
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock triggers
    Energy Shock Damage: 4,800%
    - Every 20 hits: Energy Blast triggers
    Energy Blast Damage: 28,800%
    - Core is released at 100 hits
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    Cooldown per target: 40 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy with a core power source attached attacks
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock triggers
    Energy Shock Damage: 2,835%
    - Every 20 hits: Energy Blast triggers
    Energy Blast Damage: 22,680%
    - Core is released at 100 hits

    Core Origin
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    - Cooldown per target: 30 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy with a core power source attached attacks
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock triggers
    Energy Shock Damage: 4,800%
    - Every 20 hits: Energy Blast triggers
    Core Blast Damage: 28,800%
    - At 100 hits: Core Blast triggers
    Core Blast Damage: 136,800%
    [Overclocked Core]
    Attaches a core power source to the enemy when attacking
    Cooldown per target: 40 seconds
    Additional attacks based on the number of times an enemy with a core power source attached attacks
    - Every 5 hits: Energy Shock triggers
    Energy Shock Damage: 2,835%
    - Every 20 hits: Energy Blast triggers
    Core Blast Damage: 22,680%
    - At 100 hits: Core Blast triggers
    Core Blast Damage: 170,100%

      • Final damage change:
        • The final damage values ​​for each grade of some weapons will be adjusted.
    TypeNameRarityBefore change (based on tuning 0)After change (based on tuning 0)
    Mana SupplyLegendary225.0%223.4%
    Mana ActivationEpic300.0%298.0%
    Mana FounderPrimeval372.0%369.6%
    Boxing gloves
    Countess BetzEpic277.1%284.5%
    Empress BetzPrimeval340.8%350.9%
    Frozen Flame FleshLegendary215.5%212.1%
    Flesh of Burnt IceEpic277.4%272.2%
    Frozen Flame FleshPrimeval337.0%329.9%
    Sealed KnowledgeLegendary185.6%188.5%
    Forbidden KnowledgeEpic251.4%255.0%
    Liberated knowledgePrimeval314.7%318.9%
    Dual swords
    Weaving InfernoLegendary177.1%179.9%
    Blazing InfernoEpic234.0%237.4%
    Shining InfernoPrimeval294.1%298.1%
    Lord of TerrorLegendary209.5%212.5%
    Lord of FearEpic271.7%275.2%
    Olive Tree Cross of GloryLegendary221.8%218.6%
    Olive Tree Cross of SalvationEpic296.0%292.1%
    Eternal Olive Tree CrossPrimeval367.3%362.7%
    Long Swordํ˜„์›”์•ผ์ฒœ๋„Legendary208.9%212.1%
    Heavy Sword

        • Added buffer-only options for some weapons.

    Target equipmentRarityChange Options
    Sealed KnowledgeLegendary
    [Buffer-only options]
    Overall Damage +12.3%
    Forbidden KnowledgeEpic
    liberated knowledgePrimeval
    The Tyrant's KindnessLegendary
    The Tyrant's MercyEpic
    The tyrant's intentionsPrimeval
    Lyra Bow
    Secret SoloLegendary
    Secret DuetEpic
    Secret ConcertPrimeval

      • Change set equipment:
        • The following changes have been made to the Serendipity Set:
          • [God's Blessing] activation option will be adjusted for Legendary/Epic/Prime grades (1% → 3%).
          • Improved so that the [Second Luck] option is activated immediately when [Wings of Luck] is activated.
          • The final damage value for each grade is adjusted.
    Set ratingValue before changeNumber after change
          • Set options will change.
    RatingOptions before changeOptions after change
    Lucky Butterfly has a certain probability of resetting skill cooldowns, giving you more opportunities to use skills.

    [First Luck]
    Final damage increased by 3%

    [Second luck]
    3% chance to increase all attributes by 33 when attacking (duration 33 seconds, cooldown when attempting to activate 1 second)

    [God's blessing]
    When attacking, there is a 1% chance to activate [God's Blessing]. (Cooldown when attempting to activate: 1 second)
    - Reset the longest remaining cooldown skill among skills with a remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (excluding awakening skills)
    - Reset one random skill among those with remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (excluding awakening skills)
    - Reset all skills with remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (except awakening skills, cooldown of 33 seconds)
    - [Second Luck] Activates immediately

    [Wings of Fortune][Equipment Activation Option]
    - Increases the activation probability of [Second Luck] and [God's Blessing] by 3 times for 33 seconds. (Cooldown 99 seconds)
    Lucky Butterfly has a certain probability of resetting skill cooldowns, giving you more opportunities to use skills.

    [First Luck]
    Final damage increased by 3%

    [Second luck]
    3% chance to increase all attributes by 33 when attacking (duration 33 seconds, cooldown when attempting to activate 1 second)

    [God's blessing]
    When attacking, there is a 3% chance to activate [God's Blessing]. (Cooldown when attempting to activate: 1 second)
    - Reset the longest remaining cooldown skill among skills with a remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (excluding awakening skills)
    - Reset one random skill among those with remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (excluding awakening skills)
    - Reset all skills with remaining cooldown of 33 seconds or less (except awakening skills, cooldown of 33 seconds)
    - [Second Luck] Activates immediately

    [Wings of Fortune][Equipment Activation Option]
    - Increases the activation probability of [Second Luck] and [God's Blessing] by 3 times for 33 seconds. (Cooldown 99 seconds)
    [Second Luck] Activates immediately

        • The following changes have been applied to the Pitch Black Purification set:
          • The final damage value for each grade is adjusted.
    Set ratingValue before changeNumber after change
          • Set options will change.
    RatingOptions before changeOptions after change
    A state of balance is applied by achieving harmony between purification and corruption.
    - HP/MP recovers 0.5% per second
    - HP MAX 10% shield created
    - Super armor granted
    - Jumping is possible once more while jumping

    [Purification of Darkness] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Select and use the power of purification and corruption.
    Purification status is applied by default when entering the dungeon.
    - Cooldown 300 seconds

    - Skill cooldown reduced by 30%
    - Final damage increased by 10%

    - Skill cooldown reduced by 55%
    A state of balance is applied by achieving harmony between purification and corruption.
    - HP/MP recovers 0.5% per second
    - HP MAX 10% shield created
    - Super armor granted
    - Jumping is possible once more while jumping

    [Purification of Darkness] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Select and use the power of purification and corruption.
    Purification status is applied by default when entering the dungeon.
    - Cooldown 300 seconds

    - Skill cooldown reduced by 30%
    - Final damage increased by 17.5%

    - Skill cooldown reduced by 55%

        • The following changes have been applied to the Soul Fairy set:
          • The final damage value for each grade is adjusted.
    Set ratingValue before changeNumber after change
          • Set options will change.
    RatingOptions before changeOptions after change
    Summon fairies to fight alongside you.
    [Flame Amber]
    Cast Heat Blossom every 2 seconds: Damage 24,000%
    HP recovered every 3 seconds

    [Waterfall Aqua]
    Casts a water bomb every 3 seconds: Damage 30,000%
    , MP 1% recovered every 3 seconds
    [Storm Silky]
    Casts Blade Wind every 2 seconds: Damage 24,000%,
    Movement Speed ​​+15%
    [Queen Titania]
    Casts Destruction Bullet or Death Slash every 5 seconds
    - Damage 86,400%
    [Auto Attack ON/OFF] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Gives an attack/standby command to the fairies.
    - Stop attacking ↔ Resume attacking
    - Cooldown 1 second
    [Elemental Attack] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Issues a chain attack command to the fairies.
    - Available when Fairy Soul is fully charged
    - +10 Fairy Soul when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)
    - +5 Fairy Soul every sec
    - Elemental Attack Damage: 236,400%
    Summon fairies to fight alongside you.
    [Flame Amber]
    Cast Heat Blossom every 2 seconds: Damage 19,200%
    HP recovered every 3 seconds

    [Waterfall Aqua]
    Casts a water bomb every 3 seconds: Damage 24,000%
    , MP 1% recovered every 3 seconds
    [Storm Silky]
    Casts Blade Wind every 2 seconds: Damage 19,200%,
    Movement Speed ​​+15%
    [Queen Titania]
    Casts Destruction Bullet or Death Slash every 5 seconds
    - Damage 47,520%
    [Auto Attack ON/OFF] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Gives an attack/standby command to the fairies.
    - Stop attacking ↔ Resume attacking
    - Cooldown 1 second
    [Elemental Attack] [Equipment Activation Option]
    Issues a chain attack command to the fairies.
    - Available when Fairy Soul is fully charged
    - +10 Fairy Soul when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)
    - +5 Fairy Soul every sec
    - Elemental Attack Damage: 181,920%

    Set Point System

    • A set point system is added:
      • A set option corresponding to the sum of the set points on each piece of equipment is applied.
      • There are a total of 12 sets of equipment.
      • Exclusive set points are added together with the corresponding set points.
      • Shared set points are added to the set with the highest exclusive set point value.

    Armory System
    • Dev's Note: We added the 'Armory System' to easily store acquired equipment and check the progress of farming. The 'Armory System' is a system that allows you to register and manage level 115 equipment, and you can easily register equipment through the 'Armory Registration' function. In addition, the 'Armory System' will be of great help in farming, such as checking set information and converting equipment.
    • 'Armory System' is added:
      • You can use the armory system through the right menu of the equipment inventory, the menu selection window (ESC), the equipment quick menu, and shortcut keys.
      • When you use the 'Register in Armory' function to register level 115 equipment or destroy the equipment through dismantling / extraction or reinforcement / amplification, the equipment will be registered in the armory.
      • Equipment registered in the armory is saved per character, and the same equipment can be registered up to 9 times.
      • In the set information, you can check the registered equipment for each set, the set point value, and the set rarity option corresponding to the set point.
    • You can use the `Equipment Conversion System` to convert equipment with the corresponding settings when you click the equipment conversion button.
    • When you click the Equipment Simulator button, you can check the equipment simulator for the corresponding setting.
    • When you click on the equipment icon, a detailed information window will appear on the right, where you can check the registered rarity, number of registered equipment, and information on the equipment for that part.
    • You can check equipment information for each rarity by clicking on the registered rarity.
    • When you click the Tuning Selection button, you can check the tuning information for the corresponding equipment.
      • In the details, the set option of the rarity corresponding to the set points currently registered in the armory is displayed by default.
    • You can check the set options by rarity by pressing the left and right arrow buttons and the - / + button.

    Equipment simulator

    • Dev's Note: The equipment simulator is a system that allows you to indirectly check new equipment or replace desired equipment when you want to. You can virtually wear the desired equipment and check the changes. We hope that this will be helpful to adventurers in the process of farming equipment.
    • An equipment simulator system is added. Access to the equipment simulator system is available from your inventory and on equipment level 115 or higher.
    • System Rules: For characters wearing equipment of level 110 or higher and fusion stones in all parts, you can check the simulator result values ​​in the left UI.
      • While using the equipment simulator, character movement, changing currently equipped equipment, and changing skill trees are restricted.
      • The current content applied to my character, excluding equipment and fusion stones, will be reflected in the equipment simulator.
    • Change Equipment: In the equipment simulator, you can virtually wear the equipment you own and the equipment you search for, and compare the increase in skill damage and buff power of your current character.
      • When you virtually wear equipment, any enhancements, amplifications, reinforcement, enchantments, or fusion stones applied to the previous equipment will be transferred.
      • You can search for and equip equipment and fusion stones that are level 115 or higher.
      • You can search by setting detailed categories and perform set searches. When you search for and wear a set, the set that matches the selected level will be worn at once.
    • Changes: In the equipment simulator, you can compare the total damage and damage against cooldown indicators for dealer classes, and you can additionally compare the total damage increase rate for buffer classes.
      • Total damage: Total damage is the sum of all skills' damage.
      • Damage compared to cooldown: Damage per cooldown is the sum of the skill's damage divided by its cooldown.
      • Total damage increase rate: The total damage increase rate is the sum of the damage increases to a character when a buff is provided to the virtual character. The Enchantress's favoritism skill is calculated and reflected as an average based on a 4-person party.

      • The values ​​provided in the equipment simulator may differ from those in actual dungeons.
      • Since the equipment simulator does not reflect environmental factors such as monster abilities or dungeon characteristics in an actual dungeon, the effects of some items may differ.
      • The contents of the changes are reflected by comparing the equipment you were wearing with the equipment you tried on virtually when using the equipment simulator.

    Equipment Conversion System

    • Dev's Note: We've added an 'Equipment Conversion System' to allow you to easily swap out equipment stored in your Armory. With this system, you can easily convert level 115 equipment to other level 115 equipment registered in your Armory, including inheritance. Before conversion, the equipment will be registered in your Armory and one soul of the corresponding rarity will be returned. Therefore, you can freely use various sets.
    • Equipment Conversion System is added:
      • You can use the equipment conversion system in the following ways: The 'Convert Equipment' button in the Armory UI, NPC Mystical Grimoire, Item Quick Menu.
      • Converts the level 115 equipment you are equipped to another level 115 equipment registered in the armory through equipment conversion.
      • Enchantment values ​​such as reinforcement, amplification, reinforcement, fusion stone, grade, and enchantment are maintained.
      • Only level 115 equipment that can be registered in the armory can be converted.
    • The costs involved in conversion are as follows:
      • When converting tuned equipment to equipment of the same rarity in the same part, the tuning value is maintained. If the rarity is different, the soul consumed during tuning will be returned.
      • Before conversion, the equipment will be registered in the armory and 1 soul of the corresponding rarity will be returned.
        • Example: When converting Little Fairy Top (Unique) to Veteran Herd Top (Epic), 1 Unique Soul is returned, 1 Epic Soul and 40,000 Gold or 8 Malefic Traces are required.
      • If you do not have equipment before conversion, you can create equipment using a soul of the same rarity as the equipment after conversion.
    Material 1Material 2Note
    Rare25,000 gold
    5 Malefic Traces
    1 Rare Soul
    The soul of the equipment used as material will be returned.
    Unique30,000 gold
    6 Malefic Traces
    1 Unique Soul
    Legendary35,000 gold
    7 Malefic Traces
    1 Legendary Soul
    Epic40,000 gold
    8 Malefic Traces
    1 Epic Soul
    Primeval50,000 gold
    10 Malefic Traces
    1 Primeval Soul
      • When equipment that has not been registered in the Armory or dissembled / extracted is converted to the Armory, the following material items will be received by mail with a set probability.

    Incomplete Rare Soul
    Requires 1 Rare Soul upon opening.
    <Item Acquired>
    - 1 Rare Soul Crystal (can be exchanged once)

    Incomplete Unique Soul
    Requires 1 Unique Soul upon opening.
    <Acquired Items>
    - 1 Unique Soul Crystal (can be exchanged once)

    Incomplete Legendary Soul
    Requires 1 Legendary Soul upon opening.
    <Item Acquired>
    - 1 Legendary Soul Crystal (can be exchanged once)

    Imperfect Epic Soul
    Requires 1 Epic Soul upon opening.
    <Item Acquired>
    - 1 Epic Soul Crystal (can be exchanged once)

    Imperfect Primeval Soul
    Requires 1 Primeval Soul upon opening.
    <Acquired Items>
    - 1 Primeval Soul Crystal (can be exchanged once)
    • Convert only specific parts
      • You can convert only a portion of the file while leaving only the part to be converted.
      • You can right-click on the equipment to deselect any parts you do not wish to convert.

    • Create equipment with soul
      • Even if there is no equipment in the `Before Conversion` slot, you can create equipment using souls by clicking on the corresponding part icon.
      • The created equipment will be placed in your inventory. 1 soul is required for creation.

    • Live Server
      • When equipment that has not been registered in the Armory or dismantled/extracted is converted to the Armory, you will receive dismantling materials (clear cubes, etc.) by mail with a set probability.
      • The word attached to equipment converted or created after registering in the Armory will change.
        • Soul Crystal [X] (Conversion/Creation) → Soul Crystal/Disintegration Material [X] (Conversion/Creation)
        • Soul Crystals and dismantling/extraction byproducts will not appear when dismantling/extracting equipment with the corresponding word.

    Equipment Tuning

    • An equipment tuning system is added:
      • You can proceed through the 'Equipment Tuning/Upgrade' menu of the 'Mystical Grimoire' or the 'Designer Rollumber' NPC.
      • You can tune up to 3 times for level 115 rare ~ epic equipment, excluding unique equipment
    • The following values increase as tuning progresses:
      • Weapon: Final damage, buff, adventurer fame
      • Armor, Accessories, Special Equipment: Set Points
    • When tuning, the following materials are required depending on the part/rarity of the registered equipment.
    Equipment Rarity
    Material 1Material 2
    Rare150,000 gold
    30 Malefic Traces
    75 Rare Souls
    Unique450,000 gold
    90 Malefic Traces
    53 Unique Souls
    Legendary900,000 gold
    180 Malefic Traces
    30 Legendary Souls
    Epic1,500,000 gold
    300 Malefic Traces
    15 Epic Souls
    Equipment Rarity
    Armor, Accessories, Special Equipment
    Material 1Material 2
    Rare100,000 gold
    20 Malefic Traces
    50 Rare Souls
    Unique300,000 gold
    60 Malefic Traces
    35 Unique Souls
    Legendary600,000 gold
    120 Malefic Traces
    20 Legendary Souls
    Epic1,000,000 gold
    200 Malefic Traces
    10 Epic Souls
    • When tuning a tuned piece of equipment, or when equipment is destroyed due to equipment conversion, dismantling/extraction, or reinforcement/amplification failure, the souls consumed during tuning will be returned. However, when converting equipment to the same part/rarity, the tuning value is transferred.
    Tuning Value
    1 → 075 Rare Souls53 Unique Souls30 Legendary Souls15 Epic Souls
    2 → 0150 Rare Souls106 Unique Souls60 Legendary Souls30 Epic Souls
    3 → 0225 Rare Souls159 Unique Souls90 Legendary Souls45 Epic Souls
    Tuning Value
    Armor, Accessories, Special Equipment
    1 → 050 Rare Souls35 Unique Souls20 Legendary Souls10 Epic Souls
    2 → 0100 Rare Souls70 Unique Souls40 Legendary Souls20 Epic Souls
    3 → 0150 Rare Souls105 Unique Souls60 Legendary Souls30 Epic Souls

    Equipment Upgrade

    • An equipment upgrade system is added:
      • You can proceed through the 'Equipment Tuning/Upgrade' menu of the 'Mystical Grimoire' or the 'Designer Rollumber' NPC.
      • You can proceed with level 115 rare ~ legendary equipment that has been tuned 3 times.
      • When upgrading, the equipment will be upgraded to a higher rarity equipment of the same part/set.
      • When upgrading rare armor, accessories, or special equipment, you can upgrade it to a desired set of equipment of the same part.
      • When upgrading, the enchantments and equipment grade given to the equipment are maintained.
    • When upgrading, all of the materials listed below are required for each piece/rarity of equipment registered.
    Equipment Rarity
    Material 1Material 2Material 3
    Rare → Unique150,000 gold
    30 Malefic Traces
    60 Unique Souls2 Void Souls
    Unique → Legendary2,550,000 gold
    510 Malefic Traces
    30 Legendary Souls105 Void Souls
    Legendary → Epic6,450,000 gold
    1,290 Malefic Traces
    30 Epic Souls248 Void Souls
    Equipment Rarity
    Armor, Accessories, Special Equipment
    Material 1Material 2Material 3
    Rare → Unique100,000 gold
    20 Malefic Traces
    40 Unique Souls1 Void Soul
    Unique → Legendary1,700,000 gold
    340 Malefic Traces
    20 Legendary Souls70 Void Souls
    Legendary → Epic4,300,000 gold
    860 Malefic Traces
    20 Epic Souls165 Void Souls

    Equipment Dissemble / Extract

    • Dev's Note: Drops of common / uncommon equipment that are practically unused have been removed. When dismantling / extracting level 115 equipment, a new soul that matches the rarity will appear, and a soul crystal that can be traded will appear with a set probability. The results of dismantling / extracting level 115 equipment other than souls have also been adjusted to match the rarity phase.
    • When you use the level 115 equipment armory registration function or destroy equipment through dismantling / extraction or reinforcement / amplification, you will obtain souls of each rarity with a set probability. Equipment obtained through conversion cannot obtain soul crystals.
    Account-bound Soul

    Rare Soul
    <Main Uses>
    - Purchase Doom Oracle
    - Purchase Unique Soul
    - Convert Equipment
    - Tuning Equipment
    - Transcend Rare Equipment above Level 115

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Affectionate Death

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Register/Dismantle Rare Equipment above Level 115 in the Armory

    Unique Soul
    <Main Uses>
    - Purchase Doom Oracle
    - Purchase Void Soul
    - Purchase level 115 Set Unique Equipment Jar Selection Box
    - Purchase level 115 Unique Weapon Selection Box
    - Purchase Legendary Soul
    - Equipment Conversion
    - Equipment Tuning/Promotion
    - Transcend level 115 or higher Unique Equipment

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Tender Death

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Register/Dismantle level 115 or higher Unique Equipment Armory

    Legendary Soul
    <Main Uses>
    - Purchase Doom Oracle
    - Purchase Epic Soul
    - Convert Equipment
    - Tuning/Upgrading Equipment
    - Opening level 115 Set Epic Equipment Jar
    - Transcend level 115 or higher Legendary Equipment
    - Upgrade Mists God Weapon / Sacrosanct Equipment

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Tender Death
    - Designer Rollumver

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Registering/Dismantling level 115 or higher Legendary Equipment Armory

    Epic Soul
    <Main Uses>
    - Purchase Doom Oracle
    - Purchase Primal Soul
    - Convert Equipment
    - Tuning/Upgrading Equipment
    - Converting to Black Angel Equipment
    - Opening a level 115 Set Epic Equipment Jar
    - Transcending Epic Equipment of level 115 or higher

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Tender Death

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Registering/Dismantling Epic Equipment of level 115 or higher in the Armory

    Primordial Soul
    <Main Uses>
    - Purchase Doom Oracle
    - Equipment Conversion
    - Conversion to Black-Eyed Equipment
    - Transcendence of level 115 or higher Primal Equipment

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Affectionate Death

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Register / Dismantle level 115 or higher Primal Equipment Armory
    Tradable Soul
    (Tradable 1 time, Account-bound afterward)

    Rare Soul Crystal
    Obtain each respective rarity soul when used

    Unique Soul Crystal

    Legendary Soul Crystal

    Epic Soul Crystal

    Primordial Soul Crystal
    • When registering or dissembling level 115 Primordial equipment in the armory, you will additionally obtain untradeable material items. Equipment obtained through conversion cannot obtain Prime Stella when dissembled.

    Prime Stella
    <Main Use>
    - Purchase the Early General Weapon Selection Box
    - Purchase the Early General/Legacy Weapon PotWeapon Group Selection Box

    <Main Use NPC>
    Mystical Grimoire
    - Senir, the Affectionate Death

    <Main Acquisition>
    - Register/Dismantle Primordial Equipment Armory of Level 115 or higher
    • When dissembling / extracting level 115 equipment, the items and quantities obtainable will be adjusted according to the phase of each rarity.
    • The name of the soul that appears when dissembling equipment of level 110 or lower will be changed.
    Common Soul(Old) Common Soul
    Uncommon Soul(Old) Uncommon Soul
    Rare Soul(Old) Rare Soul
    Unique Soul(Old) Unique Soul
    Legendary Soul(Old) Legendary Soul
    Epic Soul(Old) Epic Soul
    • Live Server
      • (Revised) When dismantling/extracting level 1~110 common, uncommon, rare, unique, chronicle, and legendary equipment, the items and quantities obtainable will be adjusted according to the phase of each rarity.
      • (Revised) The shop selling prices of common, uncommon, rare, unique, chronicle, and legendary equipment of levels 1~110 will be adjusted according to the phase of each rarity.
      • The items sold at NPC 'Abello' professional shop will be changed as follows.
      • Alchemist:
    ClassificationnameDetailTradabilityPurchase restrictionsRequired Materials
    Bottle of Wind
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production<Main Acquisition Source>
    - Common ~ Legendary Equipment Alchemy Extraction
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    20 per character per day
    100 per character per day
    1 white cube fragment
    20 clear cube fragment
    Golden Powder
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production<Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extraction of rare and unique equipment alchemy
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    Tradeable1 white cube fragment
    2 clear cube fragment
    Dragon's Heart
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production<Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extraction of rare and unique equipment alchemy
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    Tradeable1 white cube fragment
    2 clear cube fragment
    Thick Meat
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production<Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extraction of rare and unique equipment
    - Specialist shop: Abello
    Tradeable1 white cube fragment
    2 clear cube fragment
    DeleteRaw Mana----

      • Enchanter:
    ClassificationMameexplanationTradabilityPurchase restrictionsRequired Materials
    Mana Solvent
    A substance that helps extract magical power by melting only the magical power from a substance containing magical power.
    <Main Uses>
    - Enchantment
    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Common~Legendary Equipment Magic Extraction
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    100 per character per day
    2 clear cube fragmenta
    Low Grade Elemental Crystal
    <Main Uses>
    - Completing quests
    - Producing items
    - Enchanting
    <Main Acquisition Sources>
    - Rare Equipment Dismantling
    - Rare Equipment Alchemy, Magic Extraction
    - Professional Shop: Abello
    Tradeable1 clear cube fragment

      • Animator:
    ClassificationMameexplanationTradabilityPurchase restrictionsRequired Materials
    Ethereal Animate Spirit
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extracting souls from equipment below Lv. 30
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    3 per character per day
    100 per character per day
    5 clear cube fragments
    1 clear cube fragment
    Lucid Animate Spirit
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extract souls from 31~50Lv equipment
    - Professional Shop: Abello
    Tradeable5 blue Cube fragments
    4 clear cube fragments
    Zoetic Animate Spirit
    <Main Uses>
    - Item Production

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Extracting souls from rare equipment
    - Extracting souls from 51~70Lv equipment
    - Specialist Shop: Abello
    Tradeable1 gold cube fragment
    1 clear cube fragment
    NewSuperior Animate Spirit
    <Main Uses>
    - Item production

    <Main Acquisition Source>
    - Unique equipment soul extraction
    - 71Lv or higher equipment soul extraction
    - Professional Shop: Abello
    Tradeable100 per character per day15 clear cube fragment

    • The cost of transcending level 115 equipment is as follows.
    TypeRaritySouls by rarityHigh Grade Elemental CrystalMafelic TraceVoid Soul
    Special Equipment

    Inheritance System

    • The Inheritance system will change:
      • Changed so that 12 parts can be inherited at once.
      • The enchantment effects between material equipment and inherited equipment are swapped.
    • Batch Inheritance proceeds as follows:
      • When the Inheritance System UI opens, equipment equipped in the left slot with at least one enchantment effect will be automatically registered.
        • Enchantment Effect: Reinforcement / Amplification / Refining, Enchanting, Fusion Stone
      • Manually register the equipment to inherit the enchantment.
      • The material equipment of the selected area and the enchantment information of the inherited equipment are displayed.
      • Costs are incurred only for areas where both material equipment and inherited equipment are registered.
        • 25,000 gold per part or 5 Malefic traces.
      • If any of the material equipment or inherited equipment is not registered, the inheritance will not proceed.

    Mist God Weapon / Sacrosanct Equipment

    Upgrade System
    • Dev's Note: In order to preserve the value of the efforts of adventurers who participated in the level 110 cap, we have prepared the function of upgrading the Mist God Weapon and Sacrosanct Equipment. The upgraded equipment has been set to perform strongly even in the Sunken Depths season, so that its strength is maintained. In particular, the upgraded Sacrosanct equipment has been set to produce 10 legendary souls when dissembled, so that its value as a commodity is maintained even in the Sunken Depths season.
    • 1 Legendary Soul is consumed for upgrades.
    • You can upgrade the Primordial Grade Mist God weapon after completing the restoration of the constellation and rumination activation. The Mist God weapon maintains its existing options and its final damage increases.
    • You can upgrade the unsealed Sacrosanct equipment to level 115 equipment by reaching Option Level 80.
      • Upgraded Sacrosanct equipment changes options 1 - 4 to new options and provides common set points.
      • You can check detailed options in ‘Specifications after upgrade’ below.
      • Upgraded Sacrosanct equipment cannot be transcended or resealed.
    • The Mist God Weapon and Sacrosanct Realm equipment that have been upgraded can be dissembled, and you can obtain 10 Legendary Souls.
    • The Mist God Weapon and Sacrosanct Realm equipment can only be upgraded a maximum of 40 times per account.
    • Specifications after upgrade:
    ItemStrengthBefore UpgradeAfter UpgradeChanges from existing equipment
    General Fog Weapon
    FireFinal damage increased by 116.9%
    Buff power 22780
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 192.8%
    Buff power 27980
    Fame 6900
    WaterFinal damage increased by 78.6%
    Buff power 22194
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 159.9%
    Buff power 27394
    Fame 6900
    WoodFinal damage increased by 60.8%
    Buff power 22266
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 117.1%
    Buff power 27466
    Fame 6900
    MetalFinal damage increased by 114.7%
    Buff power 22780
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 189.8%
    Buff power 27980
    Fame 6900
    EarthFinal damage increased by 108%
    Buff power 22266
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 180.8%
    Buff power 27466
    Fame 6900
    DisharmonyFinal damage increased by 78.6%
    Buff power 15502
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 141.1%
    Buff power 20702
    Fame 6900
    First Harmony Fog God WeaponFire, Water, Wood, Metal, and EarthFinal damage increased by 78.6%
    Buff power 15310
    Fame 4098
    Final damage increased by 141.1%
    Buff power 20510
    Fame 8500
    Inviolable Area Equipment
    TopFinal damage increased by 23.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 58.3%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165
    Not resealable

    Transcendence is impossible

    Option transfer / transfer / growth / change not possible
    BottomFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 58.3%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165
    Head / shouldersFinal damage increased by 40.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 74.2%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Attack speed +35%
    Casting speed +35%
    Set point 165
    BetFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 58.3%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Set point 165
    ShoesFinal damage increased by 35.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Movement speed +4%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 68.9%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Movement speed +39%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165
    NecklaceFinal damage increased by 30.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 47.8%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    All attributes strengthened +40
    Set point 165
    BraceletFinal damage increased by 30.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 58.3%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    All attributes strengthened +50
    Set point 165
    RingFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 47.8%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    All attributes strengthened +40
    Set point 165
    Sub EquipmentFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 47.8%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165
    Magic StoneFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 37.2%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165
    EarringFinal damage increased by 20.0%
    Increase attack power by +200.0%
    Options 1~4
    Fame 998
    Final damage increased by 47.8%
    Increased attack power by +3622.0%
    Remove options 1~4
    Fame 1450
    Set point 165

    Adjusting Fame Levels

    • Dev's Note: We have adjusted the fame value provided by the system that has been deleted or will be deleted in the future, and adjusted the fame value that has become excessively high. The fame that the character currently has is recalculated upon first login, so it may be displayed differently from the fame displayed on the character selection screen.
    • Level 110 equipment upgrade fame will be adjusted upward (113 → 250)
    • The fame provided by the system below has been removed, and the fame value has been readjusted.
    • As the fame level is adjusted, the fame levels used in existing content and systems will be readjusted across all of them.
    Equipment growth
    Level 105 equipment2725748
    Seon Level 110 weapon3290998
    Pre-equipment (other than weapons)3516998
    Primordial Grade Mist God Weapon63904098
    Sacrosanct Weapon (Level 70)3290998
    Sacrosanct Equipment (except weapons, based on level 80)3516998
    Common Rune150
    Uncommon Rune180
    Rare Rune210
    Unique Rune460
    Level 95 Rare Talisman870
    Level 95 Unique Talisman1200
    Capella's Stigma Rare Talisman1340
    Capella's Stigma Unique Talisman1850
    OtherLevel 105 Mythic2039748

    Equipment Activation Options

    • Dev's Note: Equipment activation options have been added to improve the usability of options that used equipment option keys. In addition to the commands specified in existing equipment, you can directly specify commands and register them in skill slots to use them.
      • We hope you enjoy a more diverse battle experience with the various equipment activation options added to the new equipment in Sunken Depths.
      • Some equipment activation option icons are currently in the works and will be reflected when the live server is updated. We ask for your generous understanding.
      • In addition, registered equipment activation option icons are currently being deactivated when changing skill styles.
      • For the convenience of adventurers, we are currently developing a system to save registered equipment activation options even when changing skill styles, and we will notify you through a notice when it is applied.
    • 'Equipment Activation Option' is added:
      • You can open the system UI via the ESC menu, a new button in the inventory UI.
      • You can use the equipment activation options specified according to the level 115 equipment equipped by the character and the activated set options (Up to 10 can be used per character).
      • If you have newly acquired or have not registered an equipment activation option, you will be notified via a system message.
      • If an equipment item is unequipped while the equipment activation option is registered and the condition value temporarily drops below the required value, the option will be disabled. Options registered in the skill quick slot and skill expansion slot will be removed.
      • When changing skill style, options registered in skill quick slot and skill expansion slot will be removed.
    • Equipment activation options are available after registering a command and can be registered in the skill quick slot or skill expansion slot.
      • Input possible keys: →←↑↓, Z, X, C, Space, equipment option operation keys (Caps Lock), &
      • Character skills and other equipment activation options and commands cannot be used in conjunction with each other.

    Level Achievement Rewards

    • Level 115 Achievement Reward: When you reach Lv. 115, you can obtain the following items.
    7-reinforcement / 3-refining level 115 rare weapon selection box
    Live Server: no reinforcement / refining
    You can obtain one of the level 115 rare weapons.
    The equipment provided is in a state where it has been 7-reinforcement / 3-refining, and has basic enchantments, and is provided as a superior item, untradable, and has a sale price of 0.
    Level 115 Rare Armor, Accessory, Special Equipment BoxYou can obtain level 115 armor, accessories, and special equipment.
    The equipment provided is provided with basic enchantments, is superior, cannot be traded, and has a sale price of 0.
    300 Doom OracleUsed to enter the Worshiper of Extinction Dungeon.Untradeable
    100 Stamina BoostersHP is restored by 30%.
    All Stat +15 for 30 seconds.
    100 Magic BoostersMP is restored by 30%.
    All Speed +5.0% for 30 seconds.
    • Level 100 Achievement Reward: When you reach level 100, you will receive a Talisman and Rune Full Set Box  via mail.

    'Mystical Grimoire' Store Changes

    • Items that are no longer needed on the sale list will be removed and replaced with new items.
    • The items sold in the 'Mystical Grimoire' shop will be changed as follows. New items for sale will also be added to new NPC shops in relevant areas.
    classificationItem NameTradabilityPurchase restrictionsTooltipRequired Materials

    Necklace Primordial Fusion Stone Pot
    Account bound-When used, you can obtain 1 of the Primal Fusion Stones from the necklace part with an equal probability.400 Industry Silver Coin

    Ring Primordial Fusion Stone Jar
    Account bound-When used, you can obtain one of the Primal Fusion Stones in the ring area with an equal probability.400 Industry Silver Coin

    Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Account boundLive Server: 20 times per week per accountYou can obtain it by selecting one of the Asrahan Armor Epic Fusion Stones or the Accessory/Special Equipment Epic Fusion Stones that can be obtained from the Asrahan Record Room/Library.30 Industry Silver Coin

    Forgotten Lights Box (3)
    Account bound-When used, you can obtain 3 Forgotten Lights.15 Industry Silver Coin

    Energy Core Box (300) 
    Account bound10 times per week per accountYou can obtain 300 Energy Cores when used.35 Industry Silver Coin

    Superconductor Energy Core Box (4)
    Account bound10 times per week per accountWhen used, you can obtain 4 Superconducting Energy Cores.35 Industry Silver Coin

    Void Soul Box
    Untradeable50 times per month per account

    Live Server: 100 times per month per account
    When used, you can obtain 1 Void Soul.
    Live Server: The remaining purchase count will be carried over to the next month, up to a maximum of 100 times.
    Example 1: If you purchase only 50 times in January, you can purchase up to 150 times in February.
    Example 2: If you do not purchase in January, you can purchase up to 200 times in February.
    * If you do not purchase in February, only 100 of the purchase counts in February will be carried over, allowing you to purchase up to 200 times in March.
    50 Industry Silver Coin

    Void Soul Box
    Untradeable200 times per month per accountWhen used, you can obtain 1 Void Soul.
    Live Server: The remaining purchase count will be carried over to the next month, up to a maximum of 200 times.
    Example 1: If you purchase only 100 times in January, you can purchase up to 300 times in February.
    Example 2: If you do not purchase in January, you can purchase up to 400 times in February.
    * If you do not purchase in February, only 200 of the purchase counts in February will be carried over, allowing you to purchase up to 400 times in March.
    8 Unique souls

    Level 115 Set Unique Equipment Selection Box
    Account bound8 times per month per accountYou can obtain it by selecting the unique equipment jar of the Level 115 set.10 Unique Souls
    Gold 500,000

    Level 115 Unique Weapon Selection Box
    Account bound-You can obtain it by selecting a Level 115 unique weapon.15 Unique Souls
    Gold 750,000

    Black Pearl Purification Book
    Account bound-You can transform Black Eye accessories into original equipment.Gold 100,000
    The Doom Oracle

    Doom Oracle Box (2)
    Account bound-You can obtain 2 Doom Oracle1 Rare Soul

    Doom Oracle Box (4)
    Account bound-You can obtain 4 Doom Oracle1 Unique Soul

    Doom Oracle Box (30)
    Account bound-You can obtain 30 Doom Oracle1 Legendary Soul

    Doom Oracle Box (90)
    Account bound-You can obtain 90 Doom Oracle1 Epic Soul

    Doom Oracle Box (1,000)
    Account bound-You can obtain 1000 Doom Oracle1 Primordial Soul

    Doom Oracle Box (2)
    Account bound-You can obtain 2 Doom Oracle40 Industry Silver Coin

    Doom Oracle Box (20)
    Account bound10 times per week per accountYou can obtain 20 Doom Oracle.300 Industry Silver Coin

    Doom Oracle Box (1)
    Untradeable700 times per week per characterYou can obtain 1 Doom Oracle.1 (old) Epic Soul

    Unique Soul
    Account bound-5 Rare Souls

    Legendary Soul
    Account bound-20 Unique Souls

    Epic Soul
    Account bound-20 Legendary Souls

    The Primordial Soul
    Account bound-20 Epic Souls

    Moonlit Lake Legendary Card Album
    Tradable once (Binds to account after traded)Twice a week per account
    When used, you can obtain one of the following cards: Ulad Card or Landkeeper Kamerin Card.
    The cards are provided  as tradable once.
    262 Industry Silver Coin

    Industry Weapons Selection Box
    Account bound-
    When using, you can obtain one of the Industry weapon bead.

    * Component information
    - All attribute enhancement: Weapon bead(dealer)
    - All stats: Weapon bead (buffer)
    5 Industry Silver Coin

    Industry Defense Equipment Pearl Selection Box
    Account bound-
    When used, you can obtain one of the Industry defense bead.

    * Component information
    - Physical/magical/independent attack power: Upper and lower bead (dealer)
    - Final damage 1%: Shoulder and belt bead (dealer)
    - All stats: Shoe bead (dealer)
    - All stats: Upper, lower, shoulder, belt, and shoe bead (buffer)
    5 Industry Silver Coin

    Industry Accessories bead Selection Box
    Account bound-
    When used, you can obtain one of the Industry Accessory bead.

    * Component Information
    - All attribute enhancement: Necklace, bracelet, ring bead (dealer)
    - All stats: Necklace, bracelet, ring bead (buffer)
    5 Industry Silver Coin

    Industry Special Equipment Selection Box
    Account bound-
    When used, you can obtain one of the Industry special equipment bead.

    * Component information
    - Physical/magical/independent attack power: Sub-equipment bead (dealer)
    - All attribute enhancement: magic stone, earring bead (dealer)
    - All stats: Sub-equipment, magic stone, earring bead (buffer)
    5 Industry Silver Coin

    Capella's Stigmata Talisman Selection Box
    A box that can be obtained by selecting the stigmata talisman of your former class, Capella.
    (Talismans are given in a non-exchangeable state.)
    Gold 10,000

    Unique Rune Selection Box
    A box that can be obtained by selecting the Unique Rune Selection Box for each profession.
    In the Unique Rune Selection Box by Occupation, you can select your occupation and obtain one of the following Unique Runes: Terracotta / Circle Mage / Guardians / Ancient Library / Second Pact. (Both the box and its contents are issued in a non-tradable state.)
    Gold 10,000

    (Old) Epic Soul 1 Box
    Account bound-When used, you can obtain 1 (old) Epic Soul.
    Can be purchased with 1 of the following items
    - Abyss Battery x170
    - Pale Mist x170
    - Quad-Color Split Energy
    - Cruel King of Dragons' Seal x220
    - Blurry Memory Fragment x180
    - Precipitated Purple Malefic Energy x110
    - Dragon Conflagration x60
    - Five Element Flow x100
    • Live Server
    Primeval Weapon

    Original General Weapon Selection Box
    Account-boundOnce per month per character
    When using, you can obtain the original normal weapon by selecting it.

    Opening the selection box requires 5 original souls.
    5 Prime Stella
    500 Void Souls

    Primeval Normal / Legacy Weapon Pot Weapon Set Selection Box
    When used, you can obtain the primeval Common/Legacy Weapon Jar by selecting the weapon group.

    Opening the acquired jar costs 5 Primeval Souls.
    5 Prime Stella
    500 Void Souls
      • A limit on the number of times you can purchase the Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box has been added.
      • The purchase limit for Void Souls (Silver Coins) has been increased.
      • A limit on the number of times you can purchase a standard weapon selection box has been added.
      • Added the Primal Common Weapon Selection Box, Primal Common/Legacy Weapon Jar Weapon Cluster Selection Box, and Component Refund Jar.

    Enchantment Cards and Beads

    • Added new enchantments: 18 new enchantment cards are added.
      • The 'Platinum Luck, Ellie Card' and 'Backpacker Benibu' cards can only be obtained through the card synthesis system.
      • The illustration for the Backpacker Benny Bu card will be applied when the live server is updated.
    Card nameSlotAdventurer Fame
    (based on max upgrade)
    (based on maximum upgrade)

    Platinum Luck, Ellie Card
    240Final damage +2%
    PMI +110
    All Stat +90
    Live Server: STR, INT +90

    Backpacker Benny Boo Card
    240All Stat +125
    Buffer class-specific passive +4Lv

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +2%
    PMI +110
    All Stat +90
    Live Server: INT, VIT, SPI +90

    Immaculate Death Bhisma Card
    Magic Stone
    240All Element +40

    Affectionate Death Senir Card
    240All Stat +120
    Buffer class-specific passive +3Lv

    [Change options in single player]
    All Element +40

    Binge Drinking Crasher Card
    Head / Shoulder
    221Final damage +3%
    PMI +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +5%

    Unicorn Kraken Card
    221All Stat +120r
    Buffer class-specific passivation +3Lv

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +3%
    PMI +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +5%

    Red Ulad Card
    210Final damage +2%
    PMI +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +3%

    Landkeeper Kamerin Card
    210All Stat +100
    Buffer class-specific 1st awakening passive +2
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +7%

    Deleted with Live server
    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +2%
    PMI +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +3%

    Ominous Kamirak Card
    196PMI +90
    All Stat +60
    Live Server: STR, INT +60

    Falling Austria Card
    196All Stat +100

    [Change options in single player]
    PMI +90
    All Stat +60
    Live Server: INT, VIT, SPI +90

    Lumberjack Greilo Card
    196Final damage +1.5%
    PMI +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +5%

    Sowing Merck Card
    196All Stat +110

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +1.5%
    PMI  +10
    All Stat +40
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +5%

    Anchor Houli's Card
    196All Element +33

    Meliona Card Struggling
    196All Stat +90

    [Change options in single player]
    All Element +35

    Nesting Veroro Card
    196All Element +33

    The Possessed Tiger card
    196All Stat +90

    [Change options in single player]
    All Element +35

    Cheshire Card Copycat
    196All Element +33

    Raider Germio Card
    196All Stat +90

    [Change options in single player]
    All Element +35
    • Changed some enchantment options:
    Item NameBefore changeAfter changeAdventurer's fame
    Sunken Depths DPS BeadFinal damage +1%
    PMI +110
    All Stat +90
    Final damage +2%
    PMI +110
    All Stat +90
    221 → 240
    Sunken Depths Buffer BeadAll Stat +100
    Buffer class-specific passive +4Lv

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +1%
    PMI  +110
    All Stat +90
    All Stat +125
    Buffer class-specific passive +4Lv

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +2%
    PMI  +110
    All Stat +90
    221 → 240
    Sunken Depths Special Buffer Belt BeadAll Stat +110
    Buffer class-specific passive +3Lv
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +7%

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +3%
    PMI +15
    All Stat +50
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +3%
    All Stat +120
    Buffer job-specific passivation +3Lv
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +7%

    [Change options in single player]
    Final damage +3%
    PMI +15
    All Stat +50
    Physical and Magic Critical Hit +3%

    Card Synthesis System Overhaul

    • Dev's Note: We have added powerful synthesis result cards to enable you to obtain cards of better value through the card synthesis system. As a result, you can obtain cards of higher value than before, and synthesis costs will be added to maintain the status of high-value cards.
    • The following cards will be added to the list of cards that can be obtained as Legendary/Unique grade cards.
    Platinum Luck, Ellie CardOminous Kamirak
    Backpacker Benny Boo CardLumberjack Greil
    Unicorn Kraken Cardanchor drop hoolis
    Affectionate Death Senir CardNest-building bero
    Binge Drinking Crasher CardCheshire the Imitator
    Immaculate Death Bhisma CardFalling Austria
    Landkeeper Kamerin CardSowing Merck
    Red Ulad CardMeliona Struggling
    Serene Rosalind CardThe Possessed Tiger
    Ominous Savelli CardRaider Germio
    Shining Diane Card
    Forest Messenger Camilla Card
    Wicked Dragon Nympha Card
    Gherda of the Ice Card
    Rotting Death Dragon Spirazzi Card
    Freezing Ice Dragon Skasa Card
    Destructive Berserk Dragon Hismar Card
    • Platinum Luck, Ellie Card, and Backpacker Bunny Boo Card can only be obtained through card synthesis.
    • When synthesizing cards, additional materials are required based on their rarity.

    RarityMaterials needed
    Common5,000 gold or 1 Maleficent Trace
    Uncommon10,000 gold or 2 Maleficent Traces
    Rare20,000 gold or 4 Maleficent Traces
    Unique50,000 gold or 10 Maleficent Traces
    Legendary100,000 gold or 20 Maleficent Traces

    Adjust Existing Equipment Options

    • Dev's Note: Due to various system changes such as the removal of Subtrait system, the reorganization of neutralization, and the reorganization of abnormal status, the options that were tailored to the system have been adjusted.
      • In addition, unnecessary conditions and links between custom options have been cut off, so that adventurers can use equipment immediately after acquiring it while farming new equipment at Level 115.
      • The set options have been split so that adventurers using the Record/Trace set can also change them quickly, and options that may cause excessive efficiency in Sunken Depths have been adjusted separately.
    • The final damage and buff power values ​​provided by the system below will be transferred to each level 110 epic equipment part.
      • Subtrait system
      • Final damage option when not wearing level 105 mythic equipment

    Final damageBuff power
    Level 110 Epic Top15.40%23%12021803
    Level 110 Epic Bottom15.40%20%12021803
    Level 110 Epic Head / Shoulder38%40%12021803
    Level 110 Epic Belt15.40%20%12021803
    Level 110 Epic Shoes32.90%35%12021803
    Level 110 Epic Necklace15.40%30%4871803
    Level 110 Epic Bracelet15.40%30%4871803
    Level 110 Epic Ring15.40%20%4871903
    Level 110 Epic Sub Equipment15.40%20%20672400
    Level 110 Epic Magic Stone15.40%20%20672400
    Level 110 Epic Earrings15.40%20%12024045
    • The options for the Record/Trace set will change.
    Set nameOptions (before change)Options (after change)
    Records of Unknown Life
    - Overall damage +22.8%
    - Skill cooldown -15% (Awakening skills excluded)
    - All speeds +30%
    - Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    - When HP is reduced by 10% or more due to an attack, a shield equal to 30% of HP MAX is granted for 20 seconds (Cooldown 15 seconds)
    - HP MAX +600

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    Skill range increased by 15%
    [4 set option]
    - Overall damage +15%
    - Skill cooldown -15% (Awakening skills excluded)
    - All speed +30%
    - Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    - When HP is reduced by 10% or more due to an attack, a shield equal to 30% of HP MAX is granted for 20 seconds (Cooldown 15 seconds)
    - HP MAX +600

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    - Skill range increased by 15%

    [6-set option]
    - Final damage increased by 6.8%
    Trace of Unknown Life
    - Overall damage +19.3%
    - Skill cooldown recovery +30%

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    - Skill range increased by 15%
    - All stat +50
    [3 set option]
    - Overall damage +12%
    - Skill cooldown recovery +30%

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    - Skill range increased by 15%
    - All stat +50

    [5-set option]
    Overall damage +6.5%
    Record of Never-Ending Pilgrimage
    - Overall damage +22.7%
    - Skill cooldown reduced by 10%
    - Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    - All speeds +10%
    - Evasion rate +30%
    - HP MAX +30%

    [Buffer only option]
    - Overall damage +2%
    - 1~25Lv Skill Lv+2
    [4 set option]
    - Overall damage +15%
    - Skill cooldown reduced by 10%
    - Physical/magical damage reduction +20%
    - All speeds +10%
    - Evasion rate +30%
    - HP MAX +30%

    [Buffer only option]
    - Overall damage +2%
    - 1~25Lv Skill Lv+2

    [6-set option]
    - Overall damage +6.7%
    Trace of Never-Ending Pilgrimage
    Overall damage +18.6%
    Skill cooldown recovery speed +20%
    HP MAX +20%
    HP recovery by 3% when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    Final damage increased by 1%
    Strength +50
    Intelligence +50
    Stamina +50
    Spirit +50
    [3 set option]
    Overall damage +11%
    Skill cooldown recovery speed +20%
    HP MAX +20%
    HP recovery by 3% when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    Overall damage +1%
    Strength +50
    Intelligence +50
    Stamina +50
    Mentality +50

    [5 set option]
    Overall damage +6.8%
    Record of a Veteran
    - Overall damage +13%
    - Cooldown reduced by 35%
    - All speeds +10%
    - Physical/magical damage reduction +30%

    [Tactics of the Battle Veteran]
    The tactics of the battle veteran increase the morale of party members
    - Party attack speed +10%
    - Party physical/magical damage reduction +5%

    [Buffer Exclusive Option]
    - Final Damage Increased by 5%
    - 1~25Lv Skill Lv+2
    - Skill Range Increased by 20%
    - HP MAX +15%
    - All Speeds +30%
    [4 set option]
    - Overall damage +6%
    - Cooldown reduced by 35%
    --  All speeds +10%
    Physical/magical damage reduction +30%

    [Tactics of the Battle Veteran]
    The tactics of the battle veteran increase the morale of party members
    - Party attack speed +10%
    - Party physical/magical damage reduction +5%

    [Buffer Exclusive Option]
    - Final Damage Increased by 5%
    - 1~25Lv Skill Lv+2
    - Skill Range Increased by 20%
    - HP MAX +15%
    - All Speeds +30%

    [6 set options]
    - Final damage increased by 6.6%
    Trace of a Veteran
    Overall damage +11.3%
    Cooldown recovery speed +60%

    [Strategy of the Battle Veteran]
    The strategy of the battle veteran increases the morale of party members
    - Party member movement speed +10%
    - Party members' HP/MP recovers 0.2% every second

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    - Overall damage +3%
    - All stat +50
    - Skill range increased by 20%
    - Grants a [Rechargeable Shield] equal to 30% of HP MAX
    [3 set option]
    - Overall damage +5%
    - Cooldown recovery speed +60%

    [Strategy of the Battle Veteran]
    The strategy of the battle veteran increases the morale of party members
    - Party member movement speed +10%
    - Party members' HP/MP recovers 0.2% every second

    [Buffer exclusive option]
    - Overall damage +3%
    - All stat +50
    - Skill range increased by 20%
    - Grants a [Rechargeable Shield] equal to 30% of HP MAX

    [5 set option]
    Overall damage +6%
    • The options for the Mist God weapon will be changed.
    EquipmentOptions (before change)Options (after change)
    Wood: Shadowy Dawn Weapon
    [Sweeping Storm]
    Creates a whirling storm that attacks enemies when casting Awakening
    - Whirling Storm damage: 5,858%
    Level 50, 85, 100 Active Skill Attack Power Increased by 10%
    [Sweeping Storm]
    Creates a whirling storm that attacks enemies when casting Awakening
    - Whirling Storm damage: 5,858%
    Level 50, 85, 100 Active Skill Attack Power Increased by 10%

    [Storm of Rest]
    Receive the power of the wind that surrounds the earth and apply the following effects (excluding buffer)
    - Release Awakening Link
    - Increases level 50 skill attack power by 10%
    - Reduces level 50 skill cooldown by 50%
    - [Limiter Release] option of the level 115 energy set that exceeds the limit cannot be activated
    first sprout
    (์ฒซ ์ƒˆ์‹น)???
    Wood: Weapon of Surpassed Memories
    First harmony: Wood
    First land
    (์ฒซ ๋Œ€์ง€)???
    The symbol of the sublime
    [Blessing of the Four Seasons]
    When entering the dungeon, the song of the four seasons is played.
    - Final damage increases by 5%
    - Neutralization gauge reduction amount +10%
    - The blessing of the four seasons is applied to party members at 100%
    The symbol of the sublime
    [Song of the Four Seasons]
    When entering the dungeon, the song of the four seasons is played.
    - Final damage increased by 5%
    - Ignition multiplier +3%
    - The blessing of the four seasons is applied to party members at 100%
    First harmony: Earth
    • Level 105 epic equipment options will be changed.
    EquipmentOptions (before change)Options (after change)

    Mist Will Follower Top
    Overall Damage +10%
    Neutralization Gauge reduction +10%

    HP MAX +600
    Physical/Magical Defense +7,000
    Overall Damage +10%
    Ignition multiplier +3%

    HP MAX +600
    Physical/magical defense +7,000

    Justification for Victory
    Overall Damage +8%
    Weakness Neutralize-type Abnormal Status Effect's Neutralization Gauge reduction +200%,

    Physical/magical defense +7,000,
    Movement speed +8%
    Overall Damage +8%

    Ignition multiplier +13%

    Physical/magical defense +7,000
    Movement speed +8%

    Mist Will Follower Bottom
    Overall Damage +8%,

    Hold Neutralization Gauge reduction amount +200%,

    Physical/Magical Defense +7,000,
    Movement speed +8%
    Overall Damage +8%

    Ignition multiplier +13%

    Physical/magical defense +7,000
    Movement speed +8%

    Eternal Sleep Preparation
    Burn damage +15%
    [Freeze, Thaw]
    When attempting to freeze an enemy, a burn-freeze combo occurs (cooldown 3 seconds)
    - The accumulated burn damage on the enemy explodes
    - The frozen enemy is immediately burned

    Burn duration +50%
    Burn duration +2 seconds

    Increases attack power by +71.2% for each target in Burning status (max 5 stacks)

    MP MAX +945
    +15% Physical/Magical Damage Reduction
    Overall Damage +8%

    [Freeze, Thaw]
    When attempting to freeze an enemy, a burn-freeze combo occurs (cooldown 3 seconds)
    - The accumulated burn damage on the enemy explodes
    - The frozen enemy is immediately burned

    Burn duration +50%
    Burn duration +2 seconds

    Increases attack power by +71.2% for each target in Burning status (max 5 stacks)

    MP MAX +945
    +15% Physical/Magical Damage Reduction

    Mist Will Follower Shoes
    Overall Damage +13%.
    Holding Neutralization Gauge reduction amount +100%.

    [Weakness Exploitations]
    All disarming status effects attempted on enemies with disarm gauge below 90% are applied as weaknesses.

    Movement speed +8%.
    Hit rate +10%.
    Overall Damage +13%
    Ignition multiplier +13%

    [Weakness attack]
    All incapacitating status effects attempted on enemies with incapacity gauge below 90% are applied as weaknesses

    Movement speed +8%
    Hit rate +10%

    Boundless Dimension
    Overall Damage +13%
    All attribute enhancement +10

    When the total of skill range option values ​​is 23% or more, all TP skill Lv +1

    Physical/magical critical hit +5%
    Attack speed +8%
    Casting speed +12%
    All attribute resistance +8
    Overall Damage +19.8%
    All attribute enhancement +10

    When the total of skill range option values ​​is 23% or more, all TP skill Lv +1

    Physical/magical critical hit +5%
    Attack speed +8%
    Casting speed +12%
    All attribute resistance +8

    D-Zet Fuse Choker
    Overall Damage +8%.

    When attacking, the enemy's incapacity gauge amount is reduced by 10 (cooldown 3 seconds, buffer not applied).

    When attacking an enemy whose incapacity gauge has been destroyed, the following effects are applied
    - Incapacity gauge reduction amount +20% depending on the number of times destroyed (maximum 5 stacks)
    - The last applied incapacity-type status abnormality is applied as a weakness status abnormality.

    HP MAX +600
    Physical/magical defense +7,000
    Overall Damage +8%

    Ignition multiplier +13%

    HP MAX +600
    Physical/magical defense +7,000

    Black Flower Binding Bracelet
    Overall Damage +7.1%
    Bleeding Damage Conversion +50%
    Bleeding Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Bleeding Damage
    +1% Bleeding Resistance
    Overall Damage +14.2%
    Bleeding Damage Conversion +50%
    Bleeding Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Bleeding Damage
    +1% Bleeding Resistance

    Golem's Core Bracelet
    Overall Damage +7.1%
    Poison Damage Conversion +50%
    Poison Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Poison Damage
    +1% Poison Resistance
    Overall Damage +14.2%
    Poison Damage Conversion +50%
    Poison Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Poison Damage
    +1% Poison Resistance

    Vigorous Leather Armguard
    Overall Damage +7.1%
    Shock Damage Conversion +50%
    Shock Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Shock Damage
    +1% Shock Resistance
    Overall Damage +10.3%
    Shock Damage Conversion +50%
    Shock Damage +20%
    50% of Physical/Magical Damage Converted to Shock Damage
    +1% Shock Resistance

    Bracelet of Misguided Power
    Overall Damage +16%

    When attacking boss/named monsters, neuralization gauge amount -1% (excluding buffer)
    - Only activates when enemy neuralization gauge amount is 90% or higher

    Attack speed +8%
    Casting speed +12%
    Physical/magical critical hit +5%
    Overall Damage +16%

    Ignition multiplier +10%

    Attack speed +8%
    Casting speed +12%
    Physical/magical critical hit +5%

    Compact GPS
    Overall Damage +12%,
    Neutralization Gauge reduction amount +45%,

    Physical/magical damage reduction +15%,
    Physical/magical defense +7,000,
    Attack speed +8%,
    Casting speed +12%
    Overall Damage ++12%
    Ignition Multiplier +15%

    Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +15%
    Physical/Magical Defense +7,000
    Attack Speed ​​+8%
    Casting Speed ​​+12%
    • Level 105 custom options will be changed.
    EquipmentOptions (before change)Options (after change)
    BottomAttack power increase +222.3%
    Weakness neutralization status abnormality, holding neutralization gauge reduction amount +200%
    Increased attack power +222.3%,
    Ignition multiplier +13%
    EarringFinal damage increases by 6% when the total sum of skill range option values ​​is 30% or more.Final damage increases by 6% when the total sum of skill range option values ​​is 30% or more.
    Blue Pirate Blouse
    Increased attack power +192.7%,
    enemy's incapacitation gauge amount -1 when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)
    Increased attack power +192.7%,
    Ignition multiplier +1%
    Skill cooldown reduced by 10% (excluding awakening skills)
    - Requires 'Dimension Beyond the Boundary' equipment or 'All TP Skills Lv +1' option
    Skill cooldown reduced by 10% (excluding awakening skills)
    - Requires 'Dimension Beyond the Boundary' equipment or 'All TP Skills Lv +1' option
    Ent Spirit ShoulderWhen casting a skill with a command, the skill's attack power increases by 12% (excluding awakening skills)When casting a skill with a command, the skill's attack power increases by 12% (excluding awakening skills)
    Final damage increased by 12% (excluding awakening)
    Forest Witch CapeAttack power increase +281.6%,
    Disarm gauge reduction +30%
    Increased attack power +281.6%,
    Ignition multiplier +10%
    Blue Beryl Necklace
    All attributes strengthened +15,
    enemy's incapacity gauge amount -5 when attacking (cooldown 3 seconds / excluding buffer)
    All attributes strengthened +15,
    Ignition multiplier +2%
    Increased attack power +148.2%,
    enemy's incapacitation gauge amount -5 when attacking (Cooldown 3 seconds / excluding buffer)
    Increased attack power +148.2%,
    Ignition multiplier +2%
    Deep Diver NecklaceAttack power increase +266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction +10%
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Blue Beryl Armlet
    Final damage increases by 9% when the total sum of skill range option values ​​is 30% or more.Final damage increases by 9% when the total sum of skill range option values ​​is 30% or more.
    TP Skill +1
    Skill range increased by 10%
    Final damage increased by 6%
    Skill range increased by 10%
    Ent Spirit Ring15% poison damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more15% poison damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more
    Forest Witch Ring
    When the highest status resistance value is 50% or higher, skill cooldown recovery speed +30% (excluding awakening)
    and freezing resistance +40%
    When the highest status resistance value is 50% or higher, skill cooldown recovery speed +30% (excluding awakening)
    and freezing resistance +40%
    Attack power increased by 281.6%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%
    Increased attack power +281.6%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Blue Beryl RingAttack power increased by 355.7%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 20%
    Increased attack power +355.7%,
    Ignition multiplier +6%
    Ent Spirit's Holy Grail15% bleeding damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more15% bleeding damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more
    Deep Diver Fins
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Stun duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%,
    Stun duration +1 sec.
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Curse duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%,
    Curse duration +1 sec.
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    petrification duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%,
    Petrification duration +1 sec.
    Ent Spirit Heart 15% Burn damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more15% Burn damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more
    Deep Diver Mask
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Freeze duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Freeze duration +1 sec
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Darkness duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Darkness duration +1 sec
    Blue Pirate JewelDisarmed status abnormality, holding Disarmed gauge reduction amount +100%Ignition multiplier +6%
    Ent Spirit Earrings15% Shock damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more15% Shock damage when the sum of all attribute resistance values ​​is 250 or more
    Deep Diver Earrings
    Final damage increased by 6%,
    Disarm Gauge reduction amount +10%
    Final damage increased by 6%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Sleep duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%,
    Sleep duration +1 sec.
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    slow duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%,
    Slow duration +1 sec.
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Confusion duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Confusion duration +1 sec
    Attack power increased by 266.8%,
    Disarm gauge reduction amount by 10%,
    Restraint duration by 1 sec.
    Increased attack power +266.8%
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Binding duration +1 sec
    All attributes strengthened +20,
    Disarm gauge reduction +3%
    All attributes strengthened +20,
    Ignition multiplier +1%
    Blue Pirate EarringsOverall Damage +6%
    - Requires 'Dimension Beyond the Boundary' equipment or 'All TP Skill Lv +1' option
    75~100Lv skill attack power increased by 6%
    Overall Damage +6%
    - Requires 'Dimension Beyond the Boundary' equipment or 'All TP Skill Lv +1' option
    75~100Lv skill attack power increased by 6%
    • The following fusion stone options will be changed.
    EquipmentOptions (before change)Options (after change)

    Green Dragon: Cruel Dragon's Claws
    Attack power increase +938.0%
    Buff power +1405

    Shock wave generated when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)
    - Enemy's neutralization gauge amount -0.5
    - Damage equal to 240% of total attack power increase
    Increased attack power +938.0%
    Buff power +1405
    Ignition multiplier +1%

    Shockwave occurs when attacking (1 second cooldown)
    - Damage equal to 240% of total attack power increase

    Green Dragon: Heavy Iron Will
    Attack Power Increase +938.0%
    Buff Power +1405

    Shockwave generated when attacking (Cooldown 0.5 seconds)
    - Damage equal to 120% of total attack power increase

    When attacking, stun the enemy for 3 seconds (Cooldown 8 seconds)

    When attacking, enemy's neutralization gauge amount -1.5 (Cooldown 8 seconds)
    Increased attack power +938.0%
    Buff power +1405

    Ignition multiplier +1%

    Generates a shockwave when attacking (Cooldown 0.5 seconds)
    - Deals 120% of total attack power as damage, and

    When attacking, stun the enemy for 3 seconds (Cooldown 8 seconds)

    When attacking, enemy's neutralization gauge amount -1.5 (Cooldown 8 seconds)

    Monstrosity: Sprouted  Abyss
    Attack power increased by 1083.0%
    Buff power +2400

    Final damage increased by 3%

    Generates a shock wave when attacking (Cooldown 0.1 sec)
    - Enemy's neutralization gauge amount -0.1
    - Damage equal to 36% of total attack power increase
    Attack Power Increase +1083.0%
    Buff Power +2400

    Final Damage Increase 3%
    Ignition multiplier +1% 

    generates a shockwave when attacking (cooldown 0.1 sec)
    - damage equal to 36% of total attack power increase

    Seon: Green Dragon: Cruel Dragon's Claws
    Attack power increased by 938.0%
    Buff power +2180

    Final damage increased by 3%

    Shock wave generated when attacking (Cooldown 1 sec)
    - Enemy's neutralization gauge amount -0.5
    - Damage equal to 240% of total attack power increase
    Attack Power Increase +938.0%
    Buff Power +2180

    Final Damage Increase 3%
    Ignition multiplier +1% 

    shockwave generated when attacking (1 second cooldown)
    - damage equal to 240% of total attack power increase

    Seon Green Dragon: Heavy Iron Will
    Attack Power Increase +938.0%
    Buff Power +2180

    Final Damage Increase 3%

    Generates a shockwave when attacking (Cooldown 0.5 seconds)
    - Damage equal to 120% of total attack power increase

    When attacking, inflicts stun status on the enemy for 3 seconds (Cooldown 8 seconds)

    When attacking, enemy's neutralization gauge amount -1.5 (Cooldown 8 seconds)
    Attack Power Increase +938.0%
    Buff Power +2180

    Final Damage Increase 3%
    Ignition multiplier +1% 

    Generates a shockwave when attacking (Cooldown 0.5 seconds)
    - Damage equal to 120% of total attack power increase

    When attacking, inflicts stun status on the enemy for 3 seconds (Cooldown 8 seconds)

    When attacking, enemy's neutralization gauge amount -1.5 (Cooldown 8 seconds)
    Last Fiery Breath Weapons
    Final damage increased by 6%,
    Disarm Gauge reduction amount +25%
    Final damage increased by 6%,
    Ignition multiplier +8%
    Final damage increased by 7%,
    weakness incapacitating status abnormality and holding incapacitating gauge reduction amount +50%
    Final damage increased by 7%,
    Ignition multiplier +3%
    Cruel King of Dragons' Anvil.png
    Cruel King of Dragon's Anvil
    Attack power increased by 210.4%
    Final damage increased by 3%
    Disarm gauge reduction amount +15%
    Increased attack power by 157.8%,
    increased final damage by 3%, and
    Ignition multiplier by 5%
    Attack power increased by 157.8%
    Final damage increased by 3%
    Weakness incapacitating status abnormality and holding incapacitating gauge reduction amount +25%
    Increased attack power by 210.4%,
    increased final damage by 3%, and
    Ignition multiplier by 1%

    Balance on the Horizon
    Final damage increased by 8%

    [One in a Thousand]
    When casting a skill, there is a 0.1% chance that skill attack power will increase by 1000%.
    Final damage increased by 9%

    [One in a Thousand]
    When casting a skill, there is a 5% chance that skill attack power will increase by 20%.
    • Change consumable options: Some consumable options in Dungeon & Life will be changed.
    NameOptions (before change)Options (after change)
    Hot fireball
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and burning status to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to burning status.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and burning status to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Cold icicles
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and freezing to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to freezing.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and freezing to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    A bundle of electrifying electricity
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and shocking the enemy it hits. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies who are weak to shocking.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and shocking the enemy. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to the enemy.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    A bunch of poison
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and poisoning to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to poisoning.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and poisoning to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    A bundle of thorns
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and bleeding to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to bleeding.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and bleeding to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    ink pouch
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and darkness to the enemy it hits. Causes
    strong incapacitation and destruction to enemies who are weak to darkness.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws in a parabolic arc, causing low damage and darkness status abnormality to the hit enemy. Causes strong incapacitating destruction to the enemy.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    hot flame bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile that deals damage and causes the Burn status effect to enemies it hits.
    It causes stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies that are weak to the Burn status effect.

    Shares the cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, causing damage and burning to enemies hit. Causes strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    frozen bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile, causing damage and freezing to enemies hit. Causes
    stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to freezing.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, damaging and freezing enemies. Causes strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    sparkling light bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile that deals damage and inflicts shock to enemies hit.
    It causes stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies weak to shock.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, damaging and shocking enemies. Causes strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Dangerous poison bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile that deals damage and causes poisoning to enemies it hits.
    It causes stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies that are weak to poisoning.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, damaging and poisoning enemies. Causes strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with Dungeon & Life throwable items.
    Sharp Needle Bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile that deals damage and causes bleeding to enemies it hits.
    It causes stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies that are weak to bleeding.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, damaging and inflicting bleeding status on the enemy.
    Causes strong incapacitating destruction to the enemy.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Black ink bomb
    Throws a parabolic projectile that deals damage and causes darkness to enemies it hits.
    It causes stronger incapacitation and destruction to enemies that are weak to darkness.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.
    Throws a parabolic projectile, damaging and inflicting darkness to enemies hit. Causes
    strong incapacitating destruction to enemies.

    Shares cooldown with the Dungeon & Life throwable item.

    Buff Enhancement System Overhaul

    • The options for the Fragmented Abyss set equipment will be changed to be applied permanently. The options for each part of the Deep Fragmented Abyss equipment will be applied upon registration in the same way as before.
    • Applicable Options:
    DivisionApplicable Abilities
    Legendary grade Fragmented Abyss S weapon type
    * Buff skill related options
    * Fragmented Abyss [6] set, [9] set effect
    A type of legendary grade Fragmented Abyss armor and accessory* Fragmented Abyss [6] set, [9] set effect
    A type of legendary grade Fragmented Abyss special equipment* Fragmented Abyss [3] Set Effect
    • Additional changes:
      • NPC Jasra's shop will be removed.
      • NPC Severin's shop will be deleted.
      • For DPS characters, the equipment that can be registered in the buff enhancement UI will be modified so that only the Fragmented Abyss equipment type can be registered. If equipment that cannot be registered in the buff enhancement system is registered, it will be automatically removed.
      • The buff skill related options and set options of the Legendary Grade Abyss Fragment item will be deleted.
      • The rarity of Legendary Grade Fragmented Abyss items will be changed to Rare.
      • The options for the Unique Grade Deep Fragmented Abyss item will be modified as follows:
    Unique grade Dark Fragmented Abyss weapon type
    Adjustment of options related to buff skills
    Removed the Fragmented Abyss set effect
    Unique grade Dark Fragmented Abyss armor, accessories, and special equipmentRemoved the Fragmented Abyss set effect

    Skill/Item Effect Transparency Settings

    • Game Settings - Effects Tab - Item Effect Transparency feature added to My Character, Party Member Effect Settings.
      • The item effect transparency setting is applied at the same value as the existing character skill effect transparency setting.
      • For party member item effect transparency, the default value is 100%, so please check and adjust it.
    • This setting feature is saved on a per-character basis.

    Guild Shop Reorganization

    • Store reorganization details: The NPC Imperial Supply Soldier Ande Shop will be modified as follows
    DivisionItem NameDetailsPurchase pricePurchase restrictionsTradability

    Warped Dimension Cube [Guild Support]
    You can change the options of custom epic gear.3,500 Guild Coins2 per month per accountUntradeable

    Legion/Raid Material Selection Box
    You can obtain it by selecting one of the following materials: Ispins, Machine Revolution, and Hall of Dimension2,400 Guild Coins4 per month per accountUntradeable

    Abyss Battery Box (30)
    When used, you can obtain 30 Abyss Batteries.300 Guild Coins8 per week per accountUntradeable
    Industry Silver Coin Box (100)
    When used, you can obtain 100 Industry Silver Coin.3,000 Guild Coins2 times per month per accountUntradeable
    • The NPC Imperial Supply Soldier Ande Shop will be modified as follows:
    DivisionItem NameDetailsPurchase pricePurchase restrictionsTradability
    Fragmented Abyss Set Selection Box
    When used, you can obtain one of the Fragmented Abyss Set Selection Boxes.150 Guild Coins12 per characterUntradeable
    Doom Oracle Box (100)
    When used, you can obtain 100 Doom Oracle.7,500 Guild Coins2 times per month per accountUntradeable

    Change Reinforcement / Amplification

    • Reinforcement / amplification costs and safety reinforcement / amplification criteria will change.
    Change the cost of Reinforcement / Amplification
    * The cost to reinforce unique equipment above level 100 is the same.

    * The amplification cost for unique equipment above level 100 is the same.
    * The cost to reinforce rare equipment above level 100 is the same.

    * The amplification cost for rare
    equipment above level 100 is the same.
    Changes to safety Reinforcement / Amplification standards
    * A feature that can only be used when attempting to reinforce a weapon of level 100 or higher to +11 or lower . (Available up to +12 challenge)

    * This feature is only available when attempting to amplify +9 or lower on a level 100 unique item or higher. (Available up to +10 challenge)
    * A feature that can only be used when attempting to reinforce a weapon of level 100 or higher to +11 or lower . (Available up to +12 challenge)

    * This feature is only available when attempting to amplify +9 or lower on items of level 100 or higher rares . (Available up to +10 challenges)

    Changes to Existing Content Rewards

    • Dev's Note:
      • We would like to share with you some of the changes in the content of the Sunken Depths update that are different from the Dungeon & Fighter Festival broadcast.
      • We planned to improve the Mist God Raid and Awakened Forest rewards so that you can obtain new Sunken Depths rewards, but we decided not to add the Awakened Forest content because it could cause unnecessary fatigue consumption.
      • We ask for your generous understanding.
    • Asrahan: Mu, God of Mist, some raid rewards will be changed.
      • When cleared, you can obtain   20 Doom Oracle
      • The following rewards will be deleted from the rewards you receive upon clearing.
        • Epic Soul
        • High Priest's Archives Key
        • Vivid Memory Remnants
        • Special Memory Remnant
        • Dim Floating Stones
        • Mists of Ignorance Jewel
        • Refined Mist
        • Condensed mist core
        • Mist Halo
        • Level 105 Custom Epic Equipment
        • Harmonious Mist Cube
        • Sacrosanct Area Pot
      • The following rewards will be deleted from the auction:
        • Resplendent Mist Halo
        • Epic Soul Box (300)
        • Harmonious Mist Cube
        • Inviolable Area Equipment
        • High Priest's Archives Key Box (2/3)
      • The following rewards will be removed from the weekly auction:
        • Warped Dimension Cube Box [Tradable] (10~100)
        • Resplendent Mist Halo
        • Harmonious Mist Cube
        • High Priest's Archives Key Box (1~3)
      • The following items will be added to the Raid Shop:
        •  Archives Key: Costs 45 Pure Five Element Flow
    • The following items will no longer appear in all content rewards:
      • Common / Uncommon grade equipment
      • Level 105 fixed/custom epic equipment
      • Level 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Equipment
      • Warped Dimension Cube
      • Clear Mist Cube [1/2 Lock]
      • Harmonious Mist Cube
      • Mist Halo
      • Resplendent Mist Halo
      • White Ocean Coin
      • Single-use Sacrosanct Area Equipment Extractor
      • Tales of Bravery for each content
      • Jewels by content??? (์ฝ˜ํ…์ธ ๋ณ„ ๋ณด์˜ฅ)
      • Unwithering Silver Sprig
      • Harmonious Mist Cube
    • The following items will no longer appear in the scenario dungeon:
      • Abyss Battery
      • Pale Mist
      • Golden Beryl
    • Live Server
      • All NPC shops will remove the sale of common/uncommon quality gear. Common / Uncommon equipment will be removed from the encyclopedia information as their acquisition sources are removed.
      • Asrahan: Mu, God of Mist Raid Group Member List Skin rewards will no longer appear in the Mist God, Mu Raid Auction.
      • Machine Revolution: Crystallized Chaos Box rewards will no longer appear in the Bakal Raid Auction.
      • A new icon mark will be added to materials that are untradeable / account-bound and have very low importance. Tooltips for these items will be simplified.
      • Adventurer Group Trait Reward Changes: Now give Industry Silver Coin.

    Delete Existing Content

    • The following content will be removed:
      • Codename Gaebolg
      • Operation Hope
      • Exile Mountains
      • Pandemonium War
      • Forgotten Land
      • Sailing Dungeons (Trial of Champion, Inner Castle, Underground Castle) 
      • Noblesse Code
      • Solace of Kashipa Normal/Expert/VIP
    • As content is deleted, any associated specifications are removed.
      • Content-only channel
      • Content related quests
      • Some areas related to content

    Delete Existing System

    • Some systems will be deleted.
      • Subtrait
      • Sacrosanct Area Equipment Option Level Change/Option Change System
      • Tales of Bravery
        • As the Tales of Bravery is being deleted, some of the purchasable items for each content will be transferred to the NPC shops for each content.
      • Gold Cards/Premium Cards appearing in Clear Rewards will be deleted.
      • Selling Terranium through the Terranium Trade menu has been adjusted so that it cannot be sold.
        • Terranium sales items will be removed in the 25/01/09 update.
      • The ‘Equipment Enhancement’ menu will be removed from the Redtail Jonathan NPC.

    Adjusting Existing Content Store Items

    • The following items will be removed from the store:
    classificationItem Name
    Warped Dimension Cube Exchange Box (for purchasing Warped Dimension Energy)
    Warped Dimension Cube Exchange Box (for purchasing Alien Dimension Cubes)
    Warped Dimension Cube Exchange Box
    Warped Dimension Cube Exchange Box (for tradeable purchase)
    Warped Dimension Cube - Fiery Breath Exchange Box (account-bound purchase)
    Warped Dimension Cube - Fiery Breath Exchange Box (1-time exchangeable purchase)
    Mist Halo Box (1)
    Advanced Fixed Option Epic Equipment Selection Box
    White Ocean Advanced Dungeon Fixed Option Epic Equipment Selection Box
    Memory Set Epic Selection Box
    Custom Options Epic Selection Box
    Buffer Exclusive Battle Weapon Selection Box
    Loyalty Guard Set Equipment Selection Box
    Red Twilight Card Album
    Abyss Card Album
    Codename Gaebolg Card Book
    Espins Selection Card Album
    Machine Revolution: Total War Selection Card Book
    Hall of Dimension Selection Card Album
    (Additional) Mask Knight Card
    Fragmented Abyss Set Selection Box
    Capella's Stigmata Talisman Selection Box (Abyss Battery)
    Unique Rune Selection Box (Abyss Battery)
    Capella's Stigmata Talisman Selection Box (Pale Mist)
    Unique Rune Selection Box (Pale Mist)

    Adventure Guide

    • Monster Encyclopedia rewards will be changed as follows.
    ClassificationBefore changeAfter change
    Legion - Espins[Monster Encyclopedia] Ispins (Legion) Custom Option Epic Selection Box[Monster Encyclopedia] Ispins (Legion) Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Legion - Hall of Dimension[Monster Encyclopedia] Hall of Dimension (Legion) Custom Option Epic Selection Box[Monster Encyclopedia] Hall of Dimension (Legion) Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Legion - Dusky Island[Monster Encyclopedia] Dusky Island (Legion) Custom Option Epic Selection Box[Monster Encyclopedia] Dusky Island (Legion) Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Raid - Machine Revolution[Monster Encyclopedia] Machine Revolution Custom Option Epic Selection Box[Monster Encyclopedia] Machine Revolution Weapon & Armor Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Raid - AsrahanClear Mist Cube [1 Lock] [Account Binding][Monster Encyclopedia] Asrahan Armor Fusion Stone Selection Box

    Seria's Welcome Reward Changes

    • New/returning level-up mission rewards will be changed, and a level 115 achievement mission will be added.
    DivisionLevel AchievementNew Adventurer Rewards
    Level 95
    Creature Artifact Box
    Ari's Special Recovery Potion (50)
    Level 110
    5 Industry Silver Coin
    Welcome Back Contract Package (14 days)
    Ari's Special Recovery Potion (50)
    AdditionLevel 11530 Industry Silver Coin
    • Return Mission - Buff Enhancement, Operation: Hope Clear Mission will be removed.
    • Daily repeat mission change rewards will be changed.
    NewClear the dungeon twice30 Ari coins
    5 Industry Silver Coin
    ReturnClear the dungeon twice25 Ari coins
    5 Industry Silver Coin
    • The following items will be removed and added to Seria's Welcome Shop:
    DeleteFragmented Abyss Selection Box
    Capella's Stigmata Talisman Selection Box
    Ari's Rune Stone
    Storm's Wrath Ticket
    AdditionEnergy Core Box (300)
    Superconducting Energy Cores Box (4)
    • Guide mission rewards will change.
    Guide MissionChange compensation
    Adventurer's Fame GuideLevel 110 Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box
    Buff Enhancement Guide
    Rune/Talisman Guide
    Encyclopedia Guide
    10 Industry Silver Coin

    Improved Pot Opening Consumables

    • Improved presentation is applied to Pot Opening after the Sunken Depths update.

    Amplification Reorganization

    • When equipment is amplified by +10 or more, the following options will be granted based on the value.
    Number (amplification)Final damage
    +16 after+0.2% additional increase
    • +12 or higher weapon/earring slot will be reorganized so that the following options are granted based on the value.
    Number (reinforcement)Final damage
    16 after+0.2% additional increase
    • Live Server:
      • Amplification special effects are added based on the sum of the amplification values ​​of the equipment being worn (in the case of weapons, the reinforcement value is also included).
        • From left to right: 144 ~ 155, 156 ~ 167, After 168.
        • However, the reinforcement / amplification value of the secondary weapon is not included in the total value.
      • Added game settings options for adding amplification special effects.
        • If the option is unchecked, the amplification special effects of yourself/others will not be output.
        • Options are applied per account.
      • The display method for the final damage option granted when amplifying/reinforcing equipment has changed (The actual applied values ​​are the same.)
      • The issue where the Adventurer's fame level is not displayed in the amplification UI when attempting to amplify the earring part has been fixed.

    Changed Rules For Triggering Options When Casting Skills

    • For some skills, a 1-second cooldown will be applied to the activation of item options when casting the skill. Example: When casting the 'Ice Age' skill with a talisman equipped as a 'Creator' character with consecutive clicks
      • Before: Option activated when casting skill for each click
      • After: Option is activated only once per second when casting skill
    • Target skill application rules
      • Skills with a cooldown of less than 1 second that cannot be used alone
      • Skills with a cooldown of 1 second or more, or skills that can be used with a cooldown of less than 1 second
    • Detailed skill list:
      • Mechanic (female): G-1 Corona, G-2 Rolling Thunder, G-3 Raptor
      • Spitfire (female): G-14 Buster, G-35L Flash Bang, G-18C Freeze Grenade
      • Battle Mage: Chaser
      • Elven Knight: Chain Rush
      • Vigilante: Malefic Beast Mode
      • Creator: Firewall, Meteorite Fall, Ice Stone, Ice plate, Wind Press, Wind storm, Ice Age
    • The skills of Spitfire (female) G-14 Buster, G-35L Flash Bang, G-18C Freeze Grenade will now be able to activate the cooldown reset option.
    • When replacing equipment with level 115 cooldown recovery speed and cooldown reset options within a dungeon, the options will be activated 10 seconds later.
    • When exchanging level 115 equipment within a dungeon, the cooldown for each option will be applied first.

    Character Changes

    • Delete TP system

      • Dev's Note: The TP system was a system that induced changes in the character play experience by strengthening the characteristics of skills, but it is currently not functioning properly, and it was judged to be an unnecessary character-related system learning element compared to its function in the long term. So it was deleted.
        • In addition, to prevent character performance from decreasing due to the deletion of the TP system, all TP options were transferred to each skill based on the master level.
        • In the case of some TP skill options, if it was judged that the preference was low due to a decrease in the sense of skill use when transferred, they were not transferred, and in the case of options that were judged to have excessive utility functions, including survival ability, the effects were adjusted and transferred.
      • The TP system will be deleted.
      • All TP skill options are transferred to the basic effects of each target skill based on the mastery level. For example, Illusion Sword Dance
    Illusion Sword DanceAttack power increased by 50%
    Attack speed increased by 47.5%
    Illusion Sword Dance Upgrade (TP)Delete skill
    Skill Option: Increases Illusion Sword Dance attack power by 10% and attack speed by 9.5% per level
    Master Level: 5
      • For the following TP skills, some options are not transferred or their effects are adjusted.
    ClassSkill nameNon-transferable options
    BerserkerDerange UpgradeReduced increase in resistance to fainting and sleep states
    Dark TemplarLiberate - Buckshot UpgradeReduces the number of souls consumed per energy shot and reduces attack power.
    Male Nen MasterUpgrade Nen CannonChanged of energy orb, increased multi-hit count and decreased attack power
    Fighter (male)Hammer Kick UpgradeLaunching Strength
    Fighter (female)Hammer Kick UpgradeLaunching Strength
    Fighter (female)Low Kick UpgradeIncreased damage to downed enemies
    Fighter (female)Tornado Kick UpgradeIncreases the spinning speed
    Elemental BomberChain Lightning UpgradeReduce the number of times you can move
    ThiefShining cut UpgradeReduced travel distance
    ThiefShadow cut UpgradeIncreased cooldown
    Dark KnightHop Smash UpgradeIncreased jump height
    Dark KnightMomentary Slash UpgradeReduced delay on successful hit
    Former nameSkill nameEffect adjustment options
    SoulbringerAfterimage of Keiga Upgrade30% chance to be invincible for 1 second when hit → 15% chance to be invincible for 0.5 seconds when hit
    • Live Server:
    ClassSkill nameNon-transferable options
    Blade MasterAuto Guard UpgradeLaunching Strength increase
    NecromancerBlack Web Upgradeadds an Immobilizing Chance
    Dark KnightDraw Sword UpgradeIncrease preparation time
    • Skill window UI and function overhaul

      • Dev's Note: In addition to covering the various changes made through the Sunken Depths update, we have improved the UI and some functions so that adventurers can more intuitively check the necessary information when using the skill window. In addition, we are preparing additional skill window UI and function reorganization in line with the release of the skill function change system scheduled for the June 25 update, so please continue to give us your opinions and feedback after this reorganization.
      • The Skill Window (K) UI has been changed and some functions have been added and changed.
        • The public skill tab will no longer be fixed at the top of the skill window.
        • The TP Skill Learning tab will be deleted.
        • A menu button is added, and some functions are added and transferred to the menu.
    Menu function imageMenu Function Details

    Change class
    * Changes the current class.
    * Can be used up to level 69.
    Change class
    * Select a class.
    * Available for characters that have not yet selected a class.
    * Proceed with 1st / 2nd / neo awakening.
    * Available for characters that do not awaken after completing the awakening quest.
    Experience (New)
    * Enter the Experience.
    * Available from level 69.
    Export Skill Code
    * Exports the code of the skill tree currently in use in a format that can be copied to the clipboard.
    Load Skill Code
    * Loads the skill code copied to the clipboard.
    Revert Skill Code
    * Reverts to the most recently saved skill code.
    Change Command
    * Sets the command function.
      • A guide screen for using the skill window is added.
    Skill Window Utilization Guide ImageDetailed guide to using the skill window

    Skill Window Operations
    * Guides the operations of functions available in the skill window.
    * If the skill icon in the skill window is not selected, the guide screen is displayed.
    Skill Level Increase Notation
    * Guide to skill level increase notation.
    Awakening Link Skill
    * Guide to the link function of Awakening Skill.
    * Only displayed to characters in the Awakening stage or later.
      • Change skill command:
        • The cooldown notification registration and command lock functions can now be used in the command change window, and a batch registration/lock function is added.
        • Register and cancel cooldown notifications in bulk: Batch registers or removes skills that are not registered in the quick slot from among the acquired skills to the cooldown notification UI.
        • Batch lock and unlock command keys: Unlocks or unlocks all skills that are not command-locked among the acquired skills.
      • Skill information display will change: Skill tooltips (basic information, skill description, skill options, special functions) will be changed.

      • Added ability to collapse/expand tabs per skill tooltip item.
      • Color differentiation by skill type has been added.
    Skill Typeimage
      • The notation method for each type of special function will change.
    Special function typeNotation target

    * Skills that have changes to the arena

    * Skills that have unique skill functions
    * Skills that are affected when acquiring other skills

    * Skills that have invincibility / enemy gathering / enemy hold functions in the original skill effect

    * Skills that have an MP/cooldown reduction effect when using a command
      • Skill Quick Slot tooltips will change: Before (left) vs. After (right)
        • The skill description / option description switching function is removed.
        • Added the ability to switch between simple view and detailed view.
        • Descriptions by type will be deleted, and dungeon/arena information will be changed to automatically switch depending on the current playing environment.
        • The same tooltip specifications will be output in the command change window.

      • When you click on a skill, the skill description will be displayed, and other information will be included in the skill description and displayed together. Before (left) vs. After (right)
      • Other changes and fixes:
        • The way skill level increases are displayed in the skill tree, skill information tooltip, and skill quick slot tooltip will be changed to the same way.
        • The function to register cooldown notifications (Alt + left click) for creator characters in the skill window has been changed to be available.
        • The phrase ‘Use skill cancel during normal attack’ will be removed from skill tooltips.
        • Fixed an issue where tooltips in the enlarged replay screen were displayed abnormally.
        • The issue where two skill icons are intermittently selected in the skill window has been fixed.
        • The phenomenon of a temporary gap in the level display when clicking on a skill icon in master status in the skill window has been fixed.
        • The issue where some skill options are only displayed in the arena has been fixed.
        • The issue where the quick slot tooltip UI of some skills was displayed abnormally has been fixed.
        • The content of the command function usage guide has been improved.
    • Character Creation Screen Reorganization

      • Dev's Note: The character creation screen is the first screen that adventurers see before setting off on an adventure to Arad. In the process of selecting a character, we have improved it so that adventurers can intuitively feel the play style and charm of the characters while providing necessary information to them.
        • First, we changed the basic output illustration to display the neo awakening illustration so that you can see the appearance of the stronger character first.
        • In addition, we have deleted the character ability UI because we judged it difficult to accurately display the relative abilities of the current 67 classes.
        • However, in the case of the difficulty of gameplay, we have added more detailed steps so that it can serve as a guide for adventurers who are having trouble choosing a character.
      • The character creation screen has been revamped.
        • The illustration of the class selection button will be changed to the neo awakening illustration.
        • When selecting a class, the neo awakening illustration will appear first.
        • Character ability display will be deleted.
        • The location where the difficulty level is displayed will change.
        • The difficulty level of gameplay will be changed to a total of 4 levels.
        • The class / awakening selection button UI will be changed.
        • The weapon icon used will change.
    • Experience System

      • Dev's Note: There were many adventurers who wanted to explore other classes more freely and play them briefly through the experience system. Accordingly, we have removed the skill level restrictions and made it possible to freely set skill and quick slot settings, so that you can experience other classes more deeply.
      • The experience system is being revamped.
      • The entry method to the Experience System has been improved.
        • If your character level is 70 or higher, you can now enter the experience mode through the Skill Window (K) menu.
        • If your character level is lower than level 69, you can enter through the change job function in the skill window menu.
        • The ability to enter through the character creation window will be maintained.
      • The experiential environment is improved.
        • The experience will be changed to a character at maximum level / neo awakening, and character skill settings will be possible while entering the experience mode.
        • The skill window can be opened, and skill levels can be increased/decreased, and auto-shot and reset can be performed.
        • Entry status initialization function added.
        • A list of monsters that can be summoned and removed is added.
        • The currently active contract and shortcut key settings can now be used in the trial mode.
    • Improved structure of buffer character fixed HP recovery skills

      • Dev's Note: In the case of fixed HP recovery skills that buffers have, the value changes depending on the buffer's stats, so it is difficult to recognize the HP recovery performance with just the skill tooltip.
        • To improve this, we changed the HP recovery amount of fixed HP recovery skills so that they are not affected by character stats, and readjusted the HP recovery amount value.
        • In the case of this adjustment, we made sure that the recovery efficiency is similar to that of the currently playing top content, so that the change in the play experience is not significant.
      • The HP recovery amount of the following skills will be changed so that it is not affected by character stats, and the values ​​will be readjusted.
        • Female Crusader - Slow Heal
        • Male Crusader - Healing Prayer
        • Enchantress - Meticulous Stitching
        • Muse - Nights and Dreams
    • Improved maintenance of some awakenings

      • Dev's Note: In the case of classes with transformation or summoning awakening skills, there were many cases where the skill was canceled when moving rooms while casting the skill, which was inconvenient. To improve this, we changed the function of awakening skills so that the skill casting is applied normally even when moving rooms while casting.
      • When moving rooms while casting the following skill, the casting will now be completed normally.
    ClassSkill name
    Blade MasterLv.85 Telekinetic Swords
    BerserkerLv.50 Extreme Overkill
    AsuraLv.50 Wave Eye
    Male StrikerLv.50 Suju Inferno
    SummonerLv.50 Contract Summon: Conqueror Cassias
    Lv.85 Legendary Summon: Ramos of the Affliction
    WitchLv.85 Uroboros
    AvengerLv.50 Demonize
    MistressLv.50 Seven Sins of Corruption
    KunoichiLv.85 Sword of Kusanagi
    Shadow DancerLv.85 Chain Reaction
    TravelerLv.85 Divine Mist Gadget: Polaris
    CreatorLv.85 Creative Space

    • Removed the effects of Level 3 / 6 / 9 of the 1st Awakening

      • Dev's Note: The additional effects that currently exist in the 1st awakening skill when the skill level increases were added as part of the growth feedback for the character level increase in the past when character development was more difficult than now, but we judged that they are unnecessary system learning hurdles.
        • Therefore, we removed the system and transferred most of the enhancement effects to the basic functions so that the changes in the play experience of existing adventurers can be minimized.
        • However, in the case of buff options that significantly affect the character's overall specs for a certain period of time when casting the 1st awakening skill, we used to maintain them as advantages according to the adventurers' choice, considering the long skill cooldown of the 1st awakening skill itself and restrictions on use through the Neo Awakening skill link system. However, we judged that the advantage could be excessively applied beyond the intended purpose due to synergy with certain items, so we adjusted the function of the options in question to strengthen the attack power of the skill itself instead of transferring it.
      • Additional effects based on skill level of the 1st awakening will be removed.
      • All characters will be invincible during their first awakening.
      • The following additional effects are transferred to the base effects:
        • Attack power increase effect (including effects from increased hit count and additional attacks)
        • Increased attack range effect
        • Other effects that strengthen the 1st awakening itself or advantage effects related to the character concept
      • For the following skills, some effects are not transferred or are adjusted.
    ClassSkill nameChanges
    Blade MasterUltimate Slay: Tempest
    * The ability to become invincible for a certain period of time after casting a skill has been removed.
    * The effect of increasing physical critical chance while casting a skill has been removed.
    BerserkerExtreme Overkill
    * Blood Absorption mode is removed.
    * Regardless of skill level, the Blood Sword will be summoned in a completed state when casting a skill.
    * The Blood Sword will no longer absorb blood when attacking an enemy while summoned.
    Sword MasterUltimate Slayer Technique: Spacetime Cutter
    * The level increase effect of the Swordplay skill is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    * The skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    Dark TemplarDoomsday* The effect of increasing magic critical chance is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    VagabondVerdant Blast* The effect of increasing physical critical chance is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    Female StrikerKihop Low Kick
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    Female LauncherAgent Trigger
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    Female MechanicG-0 Battleroid
    * The effect of increasing hit rate for a certain period of time after casting a skill is removed.
    * The effect of reducing skill cooldown for a certain period of time after casting a skill is removed.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    Swift MasterVortex Hurricane* The effect of increasing physical critical chance is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    EnchantressMarionette* The function that makes you invincible for a certain period of time when casting a skill has been removed.
    MonkBig Bang Punch* The effect of increasing physical critical chance is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting an execution skill.
    * The attack power of the execution skill increases by 5%.
    InquisitorDeath By Burning
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    ShamanOracle: Dragon Thunderstorm
    * The effect of increasing the party member's hit rate for a certain period of time after casting a skill is removed.
    * The effect of reducing the skill cooldown for a certain period of time after casting a skill is removed.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    MistressSeven Sins of Corruption
    * After casting the Flowers of Purification skill, the skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time.
    * The attack power of the Flowers of Purification skill increases by 5%.
    NecromancerPhantom Storm* After casting the skill, the duration of the effect of increasing the level of the Vallacre the Slaughterer is fixed to 160 seconds at all levels.
    Elven KnightPegasus Assault* After casting the skill, the attack speed and movement speed increase effects are removed for a certain period of time.
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    DragoonDragon Slayer
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    ImpalerFury: Black Armageddon
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    HitmanBlitzkrieg* The effect of increasing physical critical chance is removed for a certain period of time after casting the skill.
    Secret AgentVIP Assassination
    * Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.
    • Live Server:
    Shadow DancerKilling Shadow* Skill cooldown reduction effect is removed for a certain period of time after casting a skill.
    * Attack power increases by 5%.

    • Weapon related skill options reorganization

      • Dev's Note: In order for adventurers to be able to more freely employ various optional weapons that they can acquire through playing, we have reorganized some of the weapon-related skill options of the characters.
        • The reorganization target is limited to the attack power and cooldown-related options, which are the most important considerations when using weapons. In addition, various additional options are still applied only when the character is wearing the most appropriate weapon for the character's concept, so we want to maintain each character's unique individuality.
        • However, in the case of the Ranger's active buff, Death by Revolver, and some skills that cannot be cast unless a specific weapon is worn, problems were identified during the development and testing process, so the reorganization work has not been completed on the test server. Please note that the reorganization will be applied when the live server is updated, so please take note when playing the test server.
      • The options for skills that only have attack power increase/cooldown reduction options when wearing a specific weapon will be changed.
        • The attack power increase/cooldown reduction options for the following target skills will be changed to occur regardless of whether a specific weapon is equipped.
        • Skill options that are not related to attack power and cooldown reduction are excluded from the change, and will still only be applied when wearing specific weapons. Example: Ghostblade Katana Mastery
    Skill TooltipWhether to apply optionChanges
    Before change

    * Increased physical attack power - Applies only when wearing a sword
    * Increased hit rate - Applies only when wearing a sword
    After change

    * Increased physical attack power - Applies regardless of whether or not a sword is worn
    * Increased hit rate - Applies only when wearing a sword
      • Target skill list:
    ClassSkill name
    GhostbladeGhostblade Katana Mastery
    VagabondLightsabre License
    Old Fashioned
    Striker (male)Equip Boxing Gloves
    Brawler (Male)Claw Mastery
    Grappler (Male)Gauntlet Mastery
    Striker (female)Equip Boxing Gloves
    Brawler (Female)Claw Mastery
    Ranger (Male)Revolver Enhancement
    Launcher (Male)Heavy Weapon Mastery
    Spitfire (Male)Firearm Mastery
    BlitzBlitz Auto Gun Mastery
    Ranger (Female)Revolver Enhancement
    Launcher (Female)Heavy Weapon Mastery
    Spitfire (Female)Firearm Mastery
    MonkWill Driver
    AvengerScythe Mastery
    Crusader (Female)Cross Mastery
    InquisitorBattle Axe Mastery
    MistressSin Carrier's Scythe Mastery
    Dagger Mastery
    Dual Blade Mastery
    NecromancerWand Mastery
    KunoichiChakra Weapon Mastery
    Shadow DancerSharp Dagger
    VanguardDemonic Lance Mastery
    SkirmisherLong Lance Mastery
    DragoonBeam Spear Mastery
    ImpalerShadow Javelin Mastery
    Battle MageBattle Mage's Weapon Mastery
    Swift MasterSpiraling Gale Pole Mastery
    Elven KnightUnswayable Conviction
    LightbringerSeraphic Feather
    HitmanOdachi Mastery
    Secret AgentKodachi Mastery
    TroubleshooterSquare Sword Mastery
    SpecialistCore Blade Mastery
    TravelerLongbow Mastery
    MuseSymphony of Sounds
    Enable Arbalest
    Arbalest Mastery
      • Live Server:
        • The attack power increase option for the following target skills will be changed to occur regardless of whether a specific weapon is equipped. Skill options that apply when wearing specific weapons are added separately.
          • Both Ranger: Death by revolver
          • Additional Option: Increases physical critical chance when wearing a revolver
        • The following target skills will be changed to be castable regardless of the equipped weapon.
          • Both Gunner: Dust Shot
          • Ranger (Male): Multi headshot, Fast draw, Scud Genocide
          • Both Launcher: Cannonball
          • Ranger (female): Multi headshot
        • For the following skills, a separate mastery option is added that applies when wearing a legacy weapon. When wearing a legacy weapon, the target skills will receive a separate legacy weapon-specific attack power/hit rate increase option instead of the previously applied attack power/hit rate increase value.
          • Weapon Master, Dark Knight: All weapon mastery
          • Soul Bender, Berserker, Asura: All weapon mastery but Lightsabre
    • Basic upper and attack power increase per skill level equalized

      • Dev's Note: We have standardized the upper skills that characters basically have so that they can have equal value. We have also checked the skills that have different attack power increase efficiency according to skill level, including upper skills, and standardized them. In order to minimize the perceived change in skill attack power performance due to this work, we have adjusted the skill attack power based on level 110 / Master's Contract application / Master level acquisition to be as close to the previous level as possible.
      • The acquisition level range, SP consumption, and master/maximum level of basic upper skills are unified.
        • Acquisition level range: 3
        • SP consumption: 20
        • Master/maximum level: 10/20
        • Target skill list:
    ClassSkill name
    Slayer (Male)Upward Slash
    Slayer (Female)Ascending Sword
    Fighter (Male)High Kick
    Fighter (Female)Muse's Uppercut
    Gunner (Male)Jack Spike
    Gunner (Female)Marilyn Rose
    Mage (Male)Wind Strike
    Mage (Female)Sky Assault
    Priest (Male)Giant Weapon Launcher
    Priest (Female)Rising Cut
    ThiefRising Cut
    KnightShield Uppercut
    Demonic LancerHelm Shot
    AgentBlack Crescent
    Dark KnightUppercut

      • The attack power increase per skill level of the following skills will be readjusted.
    ClassSkill name
    CommonBasic upper skill
    Slayer (Male)Lv.1 Ghost Slash
    Lv.5 Ashe Fork
    Lv.10 Wave Wheel Slasher
    Lv.15 Drive Slash
    Weapon MasterLv.30 Flip Side Counter
    AsuraLv.30 Murderous Wave
    Slayer (Female)Lv.10 Shadow Snake Attack
    Lv.15 Sliding Slash
    VagabondLv.45 Comet Rush
    Fighter (Male)Lv.1 Hammer Kick
    Lv.10 Air Walk
    Lv.15 Sand Splash
    Brawler (Male)Lv.20 Explosive Hook
    Fighter (Female)Lv.10 Air Walk
    Lv.10 Tiger Chain Strike
    Lv.10 Sand Splash
    Brawler (Female)Lv.15 Explosive Hook
    Lv.50 Poison Mist
    Lv.85 Snake Stance
    Grappler (Female)Lv.30 Air Steiner
    Gunner (Male)Lv.1 Rising Shot
    Lv.5 M-137 Gatling Gun
    Lv.10 Punisher
    Gunner (Female)Lv.1 Rising Shot
    Lv.5 M-137 Gatling Gun
    Lv.10 Spriggan
    Launcher (Female)Lv.30 Flame Pillar
    Mechanic (Female)Lv.20 G-1 Corona
    Lv.30 G-3 Raptor
    Mage (Male)Lv.1 Water Cannon
    Lv.10 Flame Shield
    Lv.10 Ghost Flame
    BloodmageLv.75 Phantom Veil
    ElementalistLv.50 Astral Storm
    Battle MageLv.15 Stabbing Wheel
    Lv.25 Time Bomb
    Lv.30 Full Swing
    Lv.40 Meteor Assault
    Lv.45 Dragon Strike
    Lv.70 Draconic Descent
    Priest (Male)Lv.1 Smasher
    AvengerLv.20 Thunder Mine
    Lv.25 Spin Cutter
    Lv.50 Demonize
    Lv.50 Execution
    ShamanLv.15 Bead Shower
    ThiefLv.1 Kunai Throw
    Lv.5 Flame Cut
    Lv.5 Shadow Cut
    Lv.10 Ankle Cut
    Lv.15 Diving Arrow
    Lv.15 Flying Squirrel
    Lv.15 Eraser
    RogueLv.40 Death Hurricane
    NecromancerLv.35 Vallacre the Slaughterer
    KunoichiLv.15 Fire Art: Fireball
    Lv.75 Yamata no Orochi
    KnightLv.5 Wheel of Fate
    Lv.10 Lethal Punto
    Lv.10 Intercept
    Lv.10 Finish!
    Elven KnightLv.15 Disarm
    Lv.15 Rose Armor
    Lv.30 Chain Rush
    In the case of Chain Rush, the acquisition level range is adjusted together (10 → 5)
    AgentLv.15 Core Shield
    CreatorLv.1 Firewall
    Lv.1 Meteor Drop
    Lv.10 Ice Stone
    Lv.10 Ice Plate

    • Character shared skill reorganization

      • Dev's Note: In order to reduce the complexity of the character's shared skills, the Rear Attack, Ancient Memory, and Indomitable Spirit skills with low utility and usage rates have been removed.
        • In addition, for the highly utilized Leap skill among the shared skills, a function to end the buff by re-entering the skill key while the Leap effect is in effect has been added so that the function can be used flexibly depending on the situation, and the master/maximum level, cooldown, and duration have been readjusted.
        • In addition, for the conversion skill, the function has been changed to the series skill of the classes that requires it, and the existing conversion target skills of the classes that does not utilize it have been changed to apply the attack type according to the attack type of the character.
      • Leap.png Leap:
        • Master/Max level changed (10/20 → 1/1)
        • Cooldown changed to 5 seconds.
        • Duration changed to 20 seconds.
        • A feature has been added to end the Leap buff when the skill key is re-entered while the jump effect is in effect.
        • An effect is added when applying the jump effect.
      • The following skills will be removed:
        • Rear Attack, Ancient Memory, and Indomitable Spirit
      • When changing classes, the basic attack and skills will be applied according to the attack type that suits you.
      • Conversion skills will be changed to class transfer series skills that can only be acquired through certain class transfers.
        • Target class: Brawler (male/female), Spitfire (male/female), Battle Mage, Exorcist, Crusader (female), Dark Knight
        • When a character other than the target class is logged in, any conversion skills held by that character will be deleted.
      • The common skill level increase option that was applied among the equipment and monster card options will be transferred to the critical hit skill level increase.
      • 'Normal' among conversion skill options will be removed (Does not apply to the Arena)
        • Only two options, Physical/Magic, can be selected, and characters who have selected the 'Normal' status among the conversion-possible classes will be converted to the attack type appropriate for each class when logging in. The previously set physical/magic type will be maintained.
    ClassBasic type
    Brawler (Male)Magic
    Brawler (Female)Magic
    Spitfire (Male)Physics
    Spitfire (Female)Magic
    Battle MagePhysics
    Crusader (Female)Magic
    Dark KnightPhysics
    Live Server: Magic

    • Changes related to Character shared skill reorganization

      • Titles and title-granting bead skills will be changed as follows:
        • If there are two or more Character shared skills, the highest skill level will be used.
        • Example: Ancient Memory +2, Unbreakable Will +1 → Quick Rebound +2
    ClassBefore changeAfter change
    CommonLeapQuick Rebound
    CommonIndomitable SpiritQuick Rebound
    CommonAncient MemoryQuick Rebound
      • The optional skills under the avatar will be changed as follows.
    ClassBefore changeAfter change
    CommonIndomitable SpiritDelete
    CommonAncient MemoryDelete

    • The SP consumption reduction system for some skills has been removed when awakened

      • Dev's Note: At the time of the awakening update, in order to alleviate the burden of SP consumption due to the addition of awakening skills, a system was added to automatically acquire the 2nd awakening skill and reduce the SP consumption of the 1st/2nd awakening passives during awakening. In the case of the SP consumption reduction system, as the max level expansion progressed, it was judged to be an unnecessary character-related system learning element in the long term compared to its function, so the system was deleted and the related function was transferred to the basic specifications of each skill so that there would be no change in SP consumption.
      • The function that reduces the SP consumption of some of the character's skills when awakened will be removed, and the effect will be transferred to the basic skill specifications.
    1st Awakening
    Awakening Passive
    Reduced SP consumption (45 → 30)Exceptional Class: Dark Knight (20 → 15)
    2nd Awakening
    Awakening Passive
    Reduced SP consumption (80 → 45)Exceptional Class: Dark Knight (40 → 25)
    2nd Awakening
    Awakening Period
    SP consumption reduced to 0
    Changed to automatic acquisition skill
      • The tooltips for potential abilities and inherent strength skills will change as the SP consumption reduction feature is removed.
      • The phenomenon of some characters having abnormal total SP amounts has been fixed.
    • Hit Judgment Criteria

      • Dev's Note: We have re-established the hit judgment criteria in relation to the new system ignition gauge update.
        • In addition, some character skill options were intertwined with the game's internal environment beyond the simple balance aspect, causing many problems.
        • In response, we have deleted the related options and replaced them with more universally usable options so that the value of the skills is not greatly reduced.
      • The hit judgment criteria will be changed.
        • Before change: When HP is reduced due to being hit
        • After change: When being hit
          • When being hit by a monster attack, the hit judgment will be applied even if HP is not reduced due to a shield granting skill or item option.
          • If the character is invincible, the hit judgment will not be applied.
      • Some options of the Elementalist - Ice Walls skill will be changed.
        • Option removed: When within range, long-range attacks are invalidated
        • Option added: When within range, grants super armor status and 10% damage reduction effect
      • Live Server:
        • Ranger (M/F) - The number of shots fired when using Moving Shot is changed.
        • Before change
          • Number of Revolver Shots: 30 rounds
          • Number of Autogun shots: 50
          • Number of Musket shots: 30
          • Number of Hand Cannon Shots: 20
          • Number of Bowgun Shots: 45 rounds
        • After change
          • Number of shots: 45
    • Damage Compression

      • Dev's Note: As the character's specs increase, the damage received by monsters has been reduced more than before in order to alleviate the phenomenon of reduced visibility such as damage reports and font display, starting from the Sunken Depths dungeon. In addition, the damage received by monsters placed in the existing training room by default has also been adjusted in consideration of the increase in character specs in the new season.
      • The damage taken by the monsters in the Sunken Depths and the Training Room exclusive monsters will be reduced compared to the previous dungeon.
      • Training Room Challenge Changes
        • The damage taken by the Sandbag and Golden Sandbag in Challenge Mode will be reduced and their HP will be adjusted.
        • The existing Challenge Mode records will be reset.
    • Changes to regional buffs

      • Dev's Note: Due to changes in the performance of some of the recovery skills of buffer characters, some survival-related options applied to existing regional buffs will be removed.
      • The function that increases the maximum HP and MP of the regional buff has been removed, and the attack power of the dungeon monsters to which the function has been applied has been adjusted downward.
      • Target dungeon: Awakened Forest (Normal, Extreme), Asrahan: God of Mist, Mu Raid (Normal, Hard)
    Part 3

    System / Additional Changes

    Dungeon Results Window UI/UX Improvement

    • Dev's Note: As adventurers grow, we have improved the presentation and some achievement conditions so that they can receive feedback on their dungeon play. We expect that adventurers will be able to experience improved dungeon play by providing the best records for each character/account so that they can feel the feedback on their growth through dungeon play.
    • Normal dungeon: The rank results window UI has been improved.
      • The rank achievement image and presentation will change.
      • The completion time and best record notation will be changed, and the best time for the character and account for that dungeon will be recorded. However, character and account record updates are only available when playing alone.
      • Experience points are displayed in a compressed format, and the full number is displayed when the mouse is hovered over the number.

      • If the dungeon completion time is less than 50 seconds, a separate rank adjustment is applied.
    • Advanced Dungeon:
      • When playing alone, the highest completion time is applied, and the highest time within the character and account is recorded and provided. However, character and account highest record updates are only provided when playing alone.
      • The completion time display for advanced dungeons will be changed.

    Ranking Integration System

    • Dev's Note: We have implemented a ranking system to provide adventurers who play challenge content with fun challenges. We hope you can experience the unique fun of challenge content through ranking competitions with other adventurers and competitions with your own records from previous seasons.
    • Ranking System:
      • A ranking system is provided based on the challenging dungeon content.
      • Rankings are recorded only when playing alone, and are provided separately by subclass / class change.
    • Ranking - Memories of Achievements
      • Rankings are given priority in the Memories of Achievements content.
      • Content play score and season tier information are provided.
    • Ranking record:
      • Rankings are provided as a list from 1 to 100, and subsequent rankings are not displayed separately. However, the current character's ranking is displayed even if it exceeds 100th place.
      • If multiple users have the same score, rankings will be applied based on the user who achieved the score faster.
      • Ranking information can be refreshed by reopening the UI or via a separate refresh button.
      • The Surround View feature shows the ranks of the 4 characters above and 5 characters below the current character.
      • Characters ranked 1st to 3rd will have their character displayed in the Hall of Fame space.
      • Ranking records last for one month, and rankings are reset on the 1st of every month. Depending on the update timing of the content to which the ranking applies, it may be shorter than one month.
      • Previous records can be checked through the View Previous Season function, and when the current season ends, the current season information becomes the previous season information and replaces it.
      • The records of those subject to usage restrictions will be excluded from rankings and their records will be hidden.


    • Dev's Note: We have revamped the score system given to achievements and added trophies that can be obtained based on the score. We hope that the revamped achievements will become a space where adventurers can record and remember their adventures.
    • Change Achievement: Due to the achievement revamp, the achievement UI will change.
      • You can check your achievement progress. Unachievable achievements do not count towards progress.
      • You can check the total number of achievement points you have achieved.
      • I can check the top percentile of achievement scores I have achieved.
        • The top percentiles are tallied every Thursday from 05:50 to 06:10.
        • If not included in the achievement score calculation, the top percent information will not be displayed until the next calculation date.

    • Achievement Score:
      • Achievement scores have been revamped and trophies have been added.
      • Due to the achievement reorganization, the content and achievement conditions of some achievements will change.
    • Achievement Achievement Date:
      • When an achievement is achieved, the date of achievement is displayed.
      • Achievements achieved prior to the update will be displayed in bulk with the update date.
    • Unachievable Achievements:
      • Some achievements that cannot be achieved due to the conditions not being met will be marked as unachievable.
      • If there is no accumulated data for an achievement that has been marked as unachievable, the achievement will not be displayed.
    • Achievement Hyperlink:
      • Added ability to hyperlink chat windows by Shift + clicking on completed achievements.

      • When you click on an achievement, a pop-up with achievement information will appear. You can check your achievements by viewing my achievements.

    Transfer / delete existing system functions

    • Control Panel, Custom Machine NPC functionality removed and relocated:
      • The area movement function of the control panel NPC located in the Philasia will be removed.
      • The functions of the custom machine located in the Philasia will be transferred.
      • Adventure Group Information - You can set the Adventure Group symbol by clicking on the Adventure Group symbol.

    • Skin Warehouse - Teleportation Effect:
      • Due to the removal of the Custom Machine's functionality, the teleportation effect will be transferred to the Skin Warehouse.
        • The effect of boarding the Philasia ship will be changed to a teleportation effect.
        • The teleportation effect can be set in Skin Warehouse - Character Customization - Teleportation.
    • Remove circle:
      • The circle is removed.
      • Additional rewards obtainable from circles will be transferred to clear rewards for each content.
    • Arad Adventure Ends: The Arad Adventure will be removed.
      • The following items will be removed:
        • Adventure Token
        • Adventure Ruby
        • Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Ticket
        • Adventure Reward Box
      • The items below will be changed to unusable.
        • Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Ticket Box
      • Achievements related to adventures will be rendered unachievable.
      • All Adventure Rubies and Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Tickets purchased from the Sera Shop and Mileage Shop will be extracted and paid out as Remy's Sparkling Touch.
        • All Adventure Rubies and Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Tickets you purchased will be exchanged for the full amount, regardless of whether they were used or not.
        • For every Adventure Ruby and Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Ticket you purchase, you will receive 1 Remy's Sparkling Touch in exchange.
        • The exact payment schedule will be announced later.
      • Live Server:
        • All Adventure Rubies and Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Tickets purchased from the Sera Shop, Mileage Shop, or obtained from the Arad Pass will be extracted and paid out as Remy's Sparkling Touch after the maintenance on 1/9 (Thu).
          • Adventure Ruby and Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Tickets will be exchanged in full regardless of whether they are used or not.
          • 1 Adventure Ruby and 1 Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Ticket can be exchanged for 1 Remy's Sparkling Touch.
          • Mail will be stored for 180 days from the date of payment. If you do not receive it within this period, it will be difficult to recover, so please receive it before the expiration date.
        • The contents of Seria's settlement support package will be changed.
          • The box of 100 Mercenary Recruitment Tickets will be changed to 100 Remy's Sparkling Touch.
          •  The 100 Adventure Mercenary Recruitment Tickets box that could be obtained when purchasing Seria's Settlement Support Package will be changed to a 100 Remy's Sparkling Touch box.
    • Collection Album:
      • An album item that allows you to collect the mercenaries from your acquired collection will be issued at a later date.
      • Granted if you have at least one mercenary in your collection before the update on January 9, 2025.
      • We plan to provide payment information through a separate notice.
    • Adventure Store Closed:
      • The Adventure Token Store will be closed.
    • Added items to the Crystal of Bravery shop:
      • Character Proficiency Level Experience Potions will be added to the Valor Crystal Shop.
      • Adventurer's level: 10
      • Purchase Materials: 25
      • Purchase restrictions: 10 per month
      • Level restriction: 115

    Item Interaction

    • Dev's Note: We want to add interaction features to item tooltips to provide context-sensitive actions. For example, when you click on a link for a non-enchanted / fused part, it will guide you through how to enchant/fuse it, and when you click on a link for an enchanted part, it will provide information about the enchanted item, providing a fluid guide.
    • Added interactive functionality to item tooltips.
    • Left-clicking on an item icon will fix the item tooltip.
    • You can check each piece of information by clicking on the links for item name, grade, rarity, fusion options, and enchantment options in the fixed item tooltip.

    Adventure Guide Changes

    • Dev's Note: We have created a new guide system to help new and returning adventurers who log into the game and don't know why they can't go to this dungeon or what to do to get there.
      • The newly created 'Adventure Guide' guide will provide information on the appropriate fame and corresponding specs for each dungeon, and will provide detailed guides on which parts to improve and where to improve specs.
      • We hope that this will allow for smooth character growth until you enter dungeons with higher fame.
    • A guide has been added that checks the appropriate specs and fame for the level 115 dungeon, and provides detailed information on what and how to improve to reach that fame.
    • When you click on each tab of the graph achievement conditions, you can go to the 'Equipment Improvement' and 'Character Improvement' tabs to check the details and recommended items for each part.
    • You can refer to the Tip area below to learn how to obtain items for equipment and character enhancement.
      • If you have an item that can increase set points registered in your armory or have it in your possession, a red dot will appear in the [Equipment] tab.
      • If you have the materials to upgrade the badge, a red dot will appear in the [Badge] tab.
      • For areas where some end items exist (creatures, artifacts, etc.), we recommend end items and cost-effective recommended items.
      • If you are already wearing a finished item and there are no more items to upgrade, the recommendation function will not work.
    • In the "Content Guide" tab, you can check information for each dungeon.
    • Dungeons that the currently connected character can go to are recommended, and movement to dungeons with insufficient fame will have restricted movement functions.
    • If you cannot enter a dungeon due to insufficient fame, you can check which items you need to improve in the Adventure Guide tab.
    • If you clear all dungeons that have entry/reward counts, a Complete mark will be displayed.
    • The default key setting for the Adventure Guide is F7. If a key has already been set, it will not be changed.

    World Map Improvements

    • Dev's Note: We have improved usability by reorganizing the functions of the outdated and unified world map.
      • We wanted to provide an experience of directly checking the map of each region through the warp point and traveling the world of Arad.
      • We hope that you can enjoy the game comfortably without getting lost in the wide world of Dungeon & Fighter.
    • Enhanced world map classification/search function: As the scenario progresses, the world map image changes to match the world view perceived by the character.
      • The previously separate celestial regions have been reorganized to fit the worldview, and separate optional depths have been removed. A scroll function has been added to allow viewing of long horizontal celestial regions.
      • Unified search functionality is added. You can directly search for NPCs / functions / dungeons, etc. and activate location guidance.
      • NPC mouseover tooltips are fixed.
    • Enhanced world map interaction:
      • The map movement function using name tags, which was previously only available in the White Ocean region, has been expanded to all regions.
      • Location guidance features are expanded.
        • When location guidance is activated, you can check the target location on the world map and move to it.
        • The expansion targets are as follows:
          • Quest location guide
          • Character Dictionary NPC Location Guide
          • Move encyclopedia acquisition information
          • Click on the World Map NPC/Dungeon
    • Add warp point:
      • The various fragmented teleportation features are integrated into the world map.
        • Warp portal/dock functionality is integrated into the world map.
        • A warp point will be added based on Seria's room.
      • You can move to that point by clicking on the warp point in the town on the world map.
    • Favorites feature: A favorites feature has been added to allow for more convenient use of the teleportation feature integrated into the world map.
      • You can freely add frequently visited warp points/dungeon content.
      • For 4:3 screens, you can open and close favorites by using tab operation.
      • Favorites are saved per account.

    • Recommended Favorites:
      • Dungeon content/warp points are recommended based on character fame, so you can use them right away without having to save separately.
      • Recommended favorites can be moved around, but not deleted.
    • Other improvements:
      • When in Seria's room, the user's location is displayed in that area. This photo was taken at Hendon Myre. Before (left) vs. After (right)
    • Enhanced party guidance function: Add a party member slot within the world map, and when you click on the character icon, the world map will immediately move to the party member's location.
    • Live Server:
      • Due to the transfer of functions, the control panel icon will be removed from the Philasia region minimap.
      • Empty slots in the Favorites area will also be improved to allow for repositioning.

    Dungeon & Fighter Mission Renewal

    • Change daily/weekly missions
      • Daily/Weekly mission items will change to fit the Sunken Depths Season.
    • Added daily mission limit
      • There is a limit to the number of characters that can receive rewards after completing daily missions, with a maximum of 20 characters per account.
      • Character affiliation restrictions reset daily.
    • Added limited bonus
      • Daily Missions - Bonus features added to limited missions.
      • The bonus feature is activated when you log in on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, and you can receive additional rewards.
    • Added ability to change weekly missions
      • You can change the weekly missions and select and change the desired missions through the list.
      • You can change it freely before receiving the reward, but if you change the mission, the progress will be reset.
    • Mission Reward: Detailed mission rewards are as follows.
      • Daily Mission
    itemObtainable ItemsTradability
    Daily Achievement Reward
    5 Doom Oracle
    System Mission
    2 Industry Silver Coin
    Dungeon Mission
    3 Industry Silver Coin
    Limited mission

    3 Industry Silver Coin

    8 Doom Oracle

    200 Leiern Core
    Limited Bonus Mission
    11 Revelations of the End
      • Weekly Mission
    itemObtainable ItemsTradability
    Weekly Achievement Rewards
    12 Abyss Doom Oracle
    Clear the dungeon with a party of 2 or more

    Clear the raid

    Clear the legion dungeon

    2 Abyss Doom Oracle

    3 Industry Silver Coin

    1 Weekly Mission Equipment Jar
    Clear the upper dungeon

    Use the rest bonus

    Clear the limited mission with the limited bonus

    2 Abyss Doom Oracle

    2 Industry Silver Coin

    1 Weekly Mission Soul Pot
    Clear the appropriate dungeon (regardless of type)

    Clear the Worshiper of Extinction

    Kill the appropriate dungeon regular monsters

    Clear the daily mission

    2 Industry Silver Coin
    • Live Server:
      • As the content and rewards of the Dungeon & Fighter missions in the Sunken Depths have changed, the daily mission rest bonuses will be reset at once.
      • Weekly Mission - Clear conditions for 'Clear the Worshiper of Extinction' item will be changed (3 times → 1 time)
      • Weekly Mission - The guide button for the 'Legion Clear' item will be removed.
      • Weekly Mission - The reward for 'Abyss Doom Oracle' will be changed to be acquired as an account-bound attribute.

    Improved Old UI

    • Transcendence/Seal UI improvements and new effects applied. Before (left) vs. After (right)

    • The presentation of the Kaleido Box UI and new purchase convenience features are applied. Before (left) vs. After (right)
    • You can select the Kaleido Box you have by clicking the Change button.
    • You can purchase Kaleido Box/Master Kaleido Box through the purchase button.
    • In the Seria NPC menu, the Magic Seal function will be changed to Reset Rank. Before (left) vs. After (right)

    • Kaleido Box / Seria NPC - You can change the option grade of the magic seal equipment through the grade reset UI.
    • Avatar Selection Ability Change Ticket UI improvements and new production effects will be applied. Before (left) vs. After (right)

    • You can select a ticket to change the avatar ability you have by clicking the Change button.
    • The avatar transformation UI through Daphne NPC has been improved and new direction has been applied. Before (left) vs. After (right).

    • Bind Cube UI improvements and new presentation are applied. Before (left) vs. After (right).
    • You can select the bind cube you have by using the change button.
    • Added ability to select user preference options. Applicable UI:
      • Avatar conversion UI
      • Bind Cube UI
    • When selecting a user preference option in the UI below, label information is added.
      • Avatar selection ability change ticket
      • Avatar conversion
      • Bind Cube
    • Strengthening guidance on non-application of buffs: The notification that buffs are not applied when entering a dungeon has been strengthened.


      • Live Server: Added ON/OFF function for notification of non-applied buffs. Added to the bottom of Game Settings - System - Gameplay.

    • The character status display will change as follows.
    Before: Displays current character training level as default

    After: If not the highest level, display by level

    After: Marked with fame when reaching max level

    After: When selecting character proficiency, the training level is displayed.

    • When enchantment is completed, the selection status changes to the consumables tab instead of the equipment tab.

    Costume Storage

    • Added costume storage: A new 'Costume' item will be added to the Skin Warehouse.
      • You can register costume items in the skin warehouse, except for those that are consumed immediately upon use.
      • When you select an item, a preview is displayed on the left.
    • Use item:
      • Items registered in the Skin Warehouse can be used in the following ways.
        • Select the 'Instant Transformation' button from the list
        • Use random transformation function
        • Use items using the 4-way arrows (same as using emoticons)
      • When selecting a random transformation, the preview speech bubble on the right is displayed as shown below.
      • When selecting a random transformation, up to 10 items will be selected sequentially, with your favorites given priority.
      • To use the random transformation function, you must set the costume usage shortcut key. When you input the set shortcut key, a random costume from the selected costumes will be applied.
    • Skin Warehouse Improvements - Add to Favorites. Favorites items will be added to all tabs.
      • You can register up to 10 favorites per subtab.
      • When you hover your mouse over the Favorites button, the currently registered quantity information is displayed.
      • As you add favorites, a 'Favorites' menu will be added to the drop-down list.
      • The output rules for the position of the drop-down menu by tab are unified.

    • Add shortcut key: Shortcut keys related to costume settings are added. You can also assign hotkeys in the Skin Warehouse - Costume tab.
    Set shortcut keys

    Skin Warehouse - Costume Edit

    Party/Raid related UI/UX improvements

    • Dev's Note: We wanted to improve the inconvenient actions that adventurers have experienced when searching for parties/raids or companions. With this improvement, adventurers are expected to experience the following changes.
      • With the use of the party search filter, the process of entering search terms to find the desired party will be reduced compared to before, and when a request to join notification arrives, even if you accidentally close the notification window, you will be able to check it in the request to join list.
      • In addition, adventurers are expected to check the adventurer group information in the recent companion system instead of recording previous party members.
    • Party/Raid Finder UI improvements:
      • The search conditions for existing dungeons, difficulty, and required number of people will be changed to dropbox type.
      • The icon indicating the number of players required will change depending on the number of dealers, synergy, and buffer players in the current party/raid.
        • When the required number of recruits in a party/raid is met, the icon for that target will be removed from the required number of recruits.
        • The number of people required to be recruited will change dynamically depending on the maximum number of people.
      • Up to 10 recently searched keywords are stored on the PC you are using.
      • If the party/raid leader does not make any key input for 15 minutes, the party/raid will be put in an 'Absent' state.
      • A 'Recent Colleagues' UI button is added.
    • Party/Raid registration UI improvements:
      • Up to 10 recently used party/raid names are stored on the PC you used. Existing party title selection items will be removed.
      • If you do not enter a party title, the character name will be registered as the party/raid name.
      • The selection of required personnel is removed.
    • Improved my party/raid info UI:
      • 'Character Information' UI button and 'Party Request List' UI button are added.
      • The character position display for party/team members will be changed from text type to icon type.
      • The 'Party Recruitment' UI button will be removed.
    • Recent improvements to the peer feature:
      • The 'Recent Colleagues' system within the Colleagues window UI will be moved to the 'Recent Colleagues' tab within the Community UI.
        • When a party/raid changes to 'In Progress' status, the current party/raid members will be registered at the top as recent allies.
        • Changed from an existing character companion to an adventurer companion.
        • Recent companions are saved up to a maximum of 15, and older companions below that exceed 15 are removed.
        • The ‘Party Request List’ UI button and the ‘Go to Character Information’ UI button are added within the tab.
      • The recommended colleagues and PC room colleagues features will be removed.
      • The companion window UI buttons in the ESC menu are removed.
      • The UI shortcut key settings in my colleague window will be removed from the shortcut key settings.
    • Added party/raid request list:
      • This is a system where you can check the list of requests to join a party/raid, and only the party leader or raid leader can check it.
        • Party join request notifications, Community-Recent Companions, My Party/Raid Information can be accessed.
      • If a user whose membership application request was rejected applies for membership again, 'Rejected Request' will be displayed.
        • If the party/guild leader changes or you proceed with the dungeon, the rejection history will be reset.
      • If a user who applied for membership 'selects a character, selects a channel, or exits the game', the application request will be changed to 'expired request'.
    Party Request List UI Image

    Access UI Location - My Party Information or Party Request Notification

    Add Quick Menu

    • A quick menu for the items below will be added.
      • Succession
      • Equipment tuning/upgrade
      • Equipment conversion
      • Armory
      • Mist God Weapon Upgrade
      • Activate/Change Starfield of Memories
      • Restore Starfield of Memories
      • Transfer Starfield of Memories
      • Equipment simulator

    Equipment reinforcement / amplification UI improvements

    • Improved guidance on enchantment loss during amplification and reinforcement
      • The pop-up UI that appears when enchanted equipment is amplified or reinforcement to a certain level has been improved.
      • Amplification: Attempt +11 or more in all splot
      • Reinforcement
        • Weapon: +13 or more attempts
        • Other equipment: +11 or higher attempts
      • Attempt to amplify or reinforce equipment equipped with enchantments or fusion stones.
      • No amplification/equipment protection tickets.

    • Improved expression of amplification and equipment protection quantity:
      • The display of the number of protection tickets has been improved.
      • When you click the Amplify /  Equipment Protection icon, a quick menu is added.
        • Auction House Search - When selected, the search results for amplification / equipment protection ticket in the auction house will appear.
        • Purchase from Sera Shop - When selected, you will be connected to the Sera Shop where you can purchase amplification/equipment protection ticket.
    • Improvements related to the Golgolion equipment booster ticket:
      • The tooltip for the Golgolion equipment boost ticket and the pop-up that appears when attempting to boost it have been improved.
      • The tooltip for the +10~+14 stage Golgolion equipment amplification ticket emphasizes that the amplification protection ticket cannot be applied.
      • The pop-up that appears when attempting to amplify a +10~+14 stage Golgolion equipment amplification ticket has been improved. Before (left) vs. After (right)

    Improved Location Guidance

    • Dev's Note: For some quests, location guidance was not provided to the destination, so it was confusing to know where to go while moving, or the guidance target was often obscured by other adventurers or stores after moving.
      • With this improvement, we focused on intuitively providing location guidance, and improved visual elements along with channel guidance reinforcement.
      • We hope that the reflected improvements will help adventurers play more comfortably.
    • Improved location guidance visual effects and added widgets
      • Visual effects will be improved when providing location guidance, and a navigation widget will be added to reinforce guidance. New animation effects are added when providing location guidance.
      • Widgets can be moved by dragging them to the desired location.
        • The position of the moved widget is applied to each adventure group.
        • The “Guide Target” such as quest name, NPC name, dungeon name, etc. will be displayed in the widget.
        • You can cancel location guidance by selecting the X button.
      • When providing location guidance, a message indicating the start of guidance is displayed in the center of the screen.
    • Added some quest location guides: Improvements have been made so that location guidance can now work for some quests that previously did not support location guidance.
    • Enhanced channel transition guidance:
      • When guiding the location of a quest that requires channel movement, the guidance will be improved so that it does not get interrupted.
      • When a channel change is required, the target channel will appear immediately and a visual effect will be added. A location guide function will be added to side quests that can only be performed in separate channels, such as content, legions, and raids.
      • After completing the channel change, location guidance will resume.
      • When guiding you to a location that requires channel change, the guidance will remain even if you close the "Channel Selection" pop-up and reopen it.
    • Improved NPC interaction features
      • When guiding the location of an NPC target, you can now interact with the NPC by clicking the interaction panel.
      • The NPC interaction panel will be improved to be displayed at the top, rather than other users or professional occupations.

    Improved Game Popup

    • The game end pop-up has been improved as follows:
    • Adventure Results
      • The total amount of fatigue consumed, number of contents completed, and number of equipment acquired recorded while playing Dungeon & Fighter until reset the next day are displayed.
        • Fatigue Consumption - The total amount of fatigue consumed by the character is expressed in units of adventurers. When you select “Add Fatigue”, you can immediately check the search results for “Fatigue Recovery Potion” in the Auction House.
        • Number of content completed - The number of content completed by a character is expressed per adventurer, divided into raid, legion, advanced, and normal.
        • Equipment Acquisition Count - The total number of equipment of rare grade or higher acquired by the character is expressed per adventurer.
      • Only equipment acquired in dungeons is counted, and equipment acquired through mailbox receipts or trading between users is excluded.

    Dungeon Life Online

    • Pioneer Aega, the Dungeon Life Online entrance NPC, has moved to Elven Guard.
    • A button has been added to allow entry to Dungeon Life Online via the main menu.
    • Added the ability to turn the Dungeon Life Online Hud icon On/Off. This feature can be accessed via the life journal.

    Philasia Video Communicator

    • A new NPC designer, Rollumber, has been added to the Sunken Depths and can be registered on the video communicator.

    Training Room

    • Preset: Preset function is added.
      • You can set up to 4 training room presets, and they are saved per character.
      • You can set a name for each preset.
      • When you press the "Save Preset" button, all information currently set except "Apply Burning Buff" and "Use Shortcut Key" will be saved.
      • After selecting the desired preset from the saved presets and clicking the "Summon" button, the information saved in the preset will be loaded.
      • If you select an already saved preset and then press the "Save Preset" button again, the information in that preset will be overwritten.
      • If you select a preset that has already been saved and press the "Reset Settings" button, the preset information will be initialized.
    • Sort reorganization:
      • The sorting of content by top level has been reorganized.
      • Sorted by most recent updates with high usage.

    Monster Encyclopedia

    • The sorting of content by top level has been reorganized.
    • Sorted by most recent updates with high usage.
    • As the amount of content increased, a sub-category was added: Heaven/Sky.

    Other Improvements and Changes

    • A guide related to the Zhongtian equipment system will be added.
    • Platinum's Lucky Ellie NPC Shop - The White Sea Coin related tab will be removed.
    • Platinum's Lucky Ellie - Excluded from Seria's room layout.
    • A material shop will be added to the refining system.
    • The drop beam effect for equipment/consumables below Lv. 110 will be removed.
    • Lv. 105 ~ Lv. 110 custom equipment, set equipment icon effects will be deleted.
    • The custom Pokedex in the menu selection window will be transferred to NPC Ricky in the Sunken Depths area.
    • If there is no enchantment on the equipment to be equipped, the inheritance pop-up will appear.
    • The Weapon Reinforcement Ticket [Reno] item tooltip has been improved.
    • The layout of tooltip content for the titles Lucky One of the Month and Chosen by Fate has been improved.
    • DnF Chronicle - The way items are organized in Season 13 will change.
      • 'New Beginning' is moved to 'Road to the Heavens' section.
      • The way titles are displayed for each event is improved.
    • The output position of right-aligned text is adjusted.
    • Dungeon System - Scores and ranks are removed from Advanced, Legion, and Raid dungeons.
    • Auction House - When registering a 1-time tradeable type item, the AP fee for the amount exceeding 50% of the auction house price will no longer be charged.
    • The guide HUD icon for the Joan Ferrero Sailing Dungeon has been removed.
    • The Cera shop sound will be changed to the original sound.
    • Asrahan: God of the Mist, the quest to preserve no memory will be removed
    • The location and spacing of character nicknames will change depending on the nickname information settings.
    • Gabriel's contract name is changed to Gabriel/Bannibu's contract.
      • Item icons will change according to the changed name.
      • When applying Gabriel/Bannib's contract, the probability of Bannib's shop appearing increases and the types and quantity of items for sale increase.
    • When attempting to synthesize an avatar using a Bind Cube (including Golden/Master), the avatar that appears with a certain probability will change into a 7th Rare Avatar.
      • When using avatar conversion, a 7th rare avatar appears.
      • When using the Ancient Bind Cube, one of the 1st to 14th (excluding the 7th) rare avatars will appear. (Archer profession cannot be used.)
    • When clearing the act quest 'Overflowing Threat', the quests below will be cleared, and related information will be added to the quest guide.
    • The spacing between my party window and party window UI will be adjusted.
    • When equipping equipment without enchantments, a pop-up notification for the inheritance function is added.
    • Immortal Will will be removed and the Immortal Will item will be removed from the Raid Shop.
    • When dismantling equipment, the 'Include my job' option is removed.
    • The usable item limit for single-use one-shot equipment boosters has been changed.
      • Before: Level 55 or higher, Legendary or higher grade equipment
      • After: Level 105 or higher, rare or higher grade equipment cannot be traded
    • A seasonal cinematic video will be added at the start of the game.
    • Some of the official website/Dungeon & Fighter ON character search functions will change depending on content updates.
      • When searching for characters, only characters with a login history after the maintenance on January 9, 2025 will be shown with their fame and abilities.
      • When searching by adventurer fame, only characters with a login history are displayed.
      • The top adventurer data in the Dungeon & Fighter ON character check menu will be re-aggregated for characters with a login history.
      • Character check use may be restricted for a certain period of time after inspection due to data re-aggregation.
      • Only characters with a login history will be shown for buff enhancement skill levels.
    • The secondary trait content in the trait tab of the Dungeon & Fighter ON character card will be disabled.
    • The settings search function in the Adventurer World on the official website will be discontinued.
    • Features such as character set point inquiry and equipment tuning information inquiry on the official website will be applied through future updates.
    • When a secret shop appears after clearing a dungeon, you must close the secret shop to be able to re-challenge the dungeon.

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