Table of Contents
Basic Arad Pass UI
- You will see 3 main tabs on the top.
- (1) is your timeline, it basically shows what rewards you can get based on your Pass level.
- (2) is your task summary, here can see your daily weekly seasonly missions.
- (3) is your privilege summary, it shows you detail of perks based on your Pass.
- (4) is basically your mission counts for you keeping track of.

Timeline Tab
- Each time you clear daily weekly seasonly mission, you get EXP that would level up your Pass level.
- And based on that level, you get certain rewards. Note that all Passes will have a free version reward (top row) and pass version (bottom row). If you purchase a pass, you get both top and bottom row.
- If you're free-to-play, you can still get benefit from this system, just not as many rewards.

Task Summary Tab
- You can find all your task here: (1) Daily, (2) Weekly, (3) Seasonly, (4) Mileage.
- You can also see how many time the task can be completed and the amount of EXP it gives.

Privilege Summary Tab
- Lots of benefits here including title pet equipment boxes, raid discounts, exp bonuses, etc.
- You can also specify your "Royal Pass Character" in this screen. You basically telling the system which character to give the boxes to.
- Some basic bonuses include free raid entry passes, more raid reward materials, Guide of Wisdom discounts.

- "Royal Pass Character" boxes:
Royal Pass Equipment Box: This gives you a weapon box and a title box
Royal Pass +10 Reinforcement/+3 Refining Epic Weapon Box. This is a SELECTIVE level 100 epic weapon box.
Selective title box. It gives 10% town movement speed AND +3 level to your BUFF skill
Royal Pass Title Box. This is your damage title.
- All stat +110
- All elemental damage +12
- Physical / Magic Critical + 10%
- Attack / Cast / Movement Speed + 5%
- Hit Rate, Evasion Rate + 2%
- HP / MP Max +300
- HP / MP 24 recovery per minute
- Attack damage +15%
- Additional damage +12%
Royal Pass Avatar Box. These are Admiral avatar box.
- All stat +93
- HP, MP Max 150
- HP, MP recovery 12
- Attack speed / movement speed +6.4%, cast speed +8.4%
- Inventory weapon 6kg
- Physical critical / magic critical +8.8%
Royal Pass Creature Box. This is a SD type creature
- All stat +50
- Physical / Magic / Independent Attack +50
- Physical / Magic Critical + 10%
- All elemental damage +15
- Town Movement Speed + 10%
- Attack Speed, Cast Speed, Movement Speed + 4%
- MP Max +15%
- Attack damage +15%
- Additional damage +10%
Mileage Tab
- This is there so that if you can't clear a particular mission, you can clear it using Mileage Point.
- Up to 2,400 EXP can be purchased with 25 Mileage per 100 EXP.
- Basically all the odd levels are for free-to-play people.
- Even levels are for people who purchase Plus or Royal passes.
- AND every 8th level, you get an additional reward box for Royal pass.
Pass Level

Pass Level Rewards (80 Levels)
- Level 01 -
Life Token x1
- Level 02 -
Life Token x2
- Level 03 -
Remy's Sparkling Touch x2
- Level 04 -
Remy's Sparkling Touch x10
- Level 05 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 06 -
Fatigue Pot x1 (recover 30 fp)
- Level 07 -
Abyss Fragment Box x1 (200 pieces)
- Level 08 -
Master Kaleido Box x1 (Change grade to superior but NOT 100% superior. Works for all equipment grade)
- Level 08 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #1 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY )
- Level 09 -
Antimatter Particles Box x1 (25 particles)
- Level 10 -
Kaleido Box x1 (2 Kaleido)
- Level 11 -
Kaleido Box x1 (1 Kaleido)
- Level 12 -
Remy's Sparkling Touch x10
- Level 13 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 14 -
Kaleido Box x1 (2 Kaleido)
- Level 15 -
Abyss Fragment Box x1 (200 pieces)
- Level 16 -
Master Kaleido Box x1 (Change grade to superior AND 100% as well. Works with all equipment grade)
- Level 16 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #2 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 17 -
Antimatter Particles Box x1 (25 particles)
- Level 18 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 19 -
Remy's Sparkling Touch x5
- Level 20 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 21 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 22 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 23 -
Abyss Fragment Box x1 (200 pieces)
- Level 24 -
Fatigue Pot x1 (recover 156 fp)
- Level 24 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #3 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 25 -
Antimatter Particles Box x1 (25 particles)
- Level 26 -
Fatigue Pot x1 (recover 30 fp)
- Level 27 -
Fatigue Pot x1 (recover 30 fp)
- Level 28 - Superlative Box [Arad Pass] 2 (not sure what it has)
- Level 29 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 30 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 31 -
Master Contract x1(3 days)
- Level 32 -
Character Safe Upgrade Kit x1
- Level 32 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #4 gives Admiral weapon avatar (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 33 -
Obsidian Eye of Eternity Box x1 (20 Eyes)
- Level 34 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 35 -
Bind Cube x1
- Level 36 -
Bind Cube x2
- Level 37 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 38 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 39 -
Extinction Crystal Box x1 (200 Crystals)
- Level 40 -
Golden Amplification Grimoire x1 (+3 ~ +12 Amp)
- Level 40 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #5 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 41 -
Obsidian Eye of Eternity Box x1 (20 Eyes)
- Level 42 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 43 - Superlative Box [Arad Pass] 1 (not sure what it has)
- Level 44 -
Bind Cube x3
- Level 45 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 46 -
Bind Cube x1
- Level 47 -
Extinction Crystal Box x1 (200 Crystals)
- Level 48 -
Avatar selection ability value change ticket
- Level 48 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #6 that gives 9 pieces Admiral with stat included (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 50 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x5
- Level 51 -
Portable Refinement Box x2
- Level 52 -
Portable Refinement Box x5
- Level 53 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 54 -
Portable Refinement Box x5
- Level 55 -
Extinction Crystal Box x1 (200 Crystals)
- Level 56 -
Character Safe Upgrade Kit x1
- Level 56 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #7 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 58 -
Portable Reinforcement x5
- Level 59 -
Portable Reinforcement x2
- Level 60 -
Portable Reinforcement x5
- Level 61 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 62-
Reinforcement Protection Ticket x1
- Level 63 -
Extinction Crystal Box x1 (200 Crystals)
- Level 63 -
100% +10 Reinforcement Ticket x1
- Level 64 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #8 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 65 -
Obsidian Eye of Eternity Box x1 (20 Eyes)
- Level 66 -
Portable Amplifier x5
- Level 67 -
Portable Amplifier x2
- Level 68 -
Portable Amplifier x5
- Level 69 -
Guide of Wisdom Pass x2
- Level 70 -
Amplification Protection Ticket x1
- Level 71 -
Black Crystal Box x1 (300 crystals)
- Level 72 -
100% +7 Amplification Ticket x1
- Level 72 -
Royal Pass Limited Box #9 that gives
Emoji box (Royal Pass ONLY)
- Level 73 -
Black Crystal Box x1 (300 crystals)
- Level 74 -
Rare Avatar Option Change Cube x1
- Level 75 -
Kaleido Box x1 (1 Kaleido)
- Level 76 - Master Worker's Box [Arad Pass] 1 (not sure what it has)
- Level 77 -
Character Silver Safe Upgrade Kit x1
- Level 78 -
Character Safe Upgrade Kit x1
- Level 79 -
Black Crystal Box x1 (300 crystals)
- Level 80 -
Arad Pass Achievement Box x1 (show off Title)
- Level 80 -
Royal Pass Limited 1 Arad Royal Pass Achievement Box (Royal Pass ONLY)
SD Operator Creature Change Ticket
I don't know ~? Emoji
Launch! Emotional expression ticket
Pass Cumulative Level Rewards
- This is based on the number of times you earned the reward by raising the Pass level.
- Up to 40 times for Basic Free Pass (since you can only collect the top row)
- Up to 80 times for Arad Plus Pass (since you can collect both top and bottom rows)
- Up to 90 times for Arad Royal Pass (both top and bottom rows, +10 additional for every 8th level)
- Here are your rewards:
- 20 times -
Fatigue Pot x1 (recover 30 fp)
- 40 times -
Arad Pass Creature Box (RB Ver.P creatures)
- All Stat +50
- Physical / Magic / Independent Attack +50
- Physical / Magic Critical + 10%
- All Elemental Damage +15
- City Movement Speed + 10%
- Attack Speed, Cast speed, movement speed 4 Pasento Tasu
- MP Max +15%
- Attack damage +15%
- Additional damage +10%
- 60 times -
Character slot expansion kit
- 80 times -
Skill style expansion ticket
- 90 times -
Arad Pass Makeover Costume Box
- Transform you into SD Operator creature for 5 minutes.
- Increase Town movement speed +10%

Pass Cosmetic Rewards
- Admiral Avatar, Admiral Weapon Avatar. Default box CAN'T be dyed

- Admiral Avatar that can be obtained from the Arad Royal Pass Box No. 6 can be dyed.

- RB Ver.P & Pet image:

- Custom Emoji:

- Others:

Available Daily Weekly Seasonly Missions
Daily Missions
- You get 3 missions per day (randomly generated from a set of mission).
- Each mission gives 100 EXP (300 EXP total daily, 600 EXP total daily if you have paid passes)
- Chest Town Dungeon Clear, Wisdom Guidance Dungeon Clear Mission will be replaced with Alternative Missions 1 and 2 if there are no 100Lv characters in your account.
- Possible daily missions:
- Use 10 skills (not sure what type)
- Clear 2 optimal dungeons
- Clear 2 optimal dungeons without using life token
- Clear 2 optimal dungeons with S tier or higher
- Kill 30 monsters in optimal dungeons
- Kill 2 Bosses in optimal dungeons
- Kill 10 Bosses in optimal dungeons
- Dissemble equipment 3 times
- Visit the point shop 1 time (not sure what this shop is)
- Complete 1 quest / dungeon missions
- Burn all Fatigue points 10 times (aka 10 characters)
- Equipment repair or all repair 1 time
- Earn 100 Adventure Tokens 1 time
- Clear 1 Chest Town Dungeon Basement of Pain / Black Shrine / Land of Memory / Bottomless Tunnel (Change to Alternate Mission if there are no 100 level characters)
- Clear Guide of wisdom 2 times (Change to Alternate Mission if there are no 100 level characters)
- [Alternative Mission 1] Use the Portal to the right of Seria's room 1 time
- [Alternative Mission 2] Visit the training room
Weekly Missions

- From the weekly mission list, you get 1 fixed mission and 4 random missions.
- Random missions will be selected randomly from 12 missions.
- The total weekly experience for weekly missions is 4,800
- Fixed Mission:
- Basic Free Pass / Plus Pass players will have fixed mission of 6 daily log-in (display on top).
- Royal Pass fixed mission will only require 3 daily log-in instead.
- Random Missions:
- Dissembling Equipment 9 times
- Clear optimal dungeon 10 times
- Kill monsters in optimal dungeon 150 times
- Kill boss in optimal dungeon 10 times
- Flip Gold / Premium Cards in reward screen 3 times
- Complete quests / dungeon missions 3 times
- Joan Ferrero's Voyage Dungeon Clear 3 times
- Get 300 Adventure Tokens 1 time
- Clear Guide of Wisdom 10 times (Change to Alternate Mission if there are no 100 level characters)
- Earn 200 Undaunted Determination 1 time (Change to Alternate Mission if there are no 100 level characters)
- Clear any raid 1 time (Change to Alternate Mission if there are no 100 level characters)
- [Alternative 1] Use the Portal to the right of Seria's room (only once a day) 3 times
- [Alternative 2] Visit to the training room (only once a day) 3 times
- [Alternative 3] Use colorless cube fragment skill) 20 times
- [Alternative 4] Visit point shop (only once a day)
Seasonly Missions
- 10 types of missions will be set for the character specified as the Royal Pass character.
- Each season mission can be completed only once during the period.
- Here're the missions:
- Clear optimal dungeon 50 times
- Clear Guide of Wisdom100 times
- Dissembling Equipment 50 times (Item type does not matter)
- Clear Basement of Pain 20 times (Any difficulty)
- Clear Black Shrine 20 times (Any difficulty)
- Clear normal Oculus 3 times
- Clear Pandemonium War 3 times (Challenge / Hard / Normal / Guide)
- Clear Fiend War Raid 3 times (Normal / Guide)
- Clear Prey Raid 3 times (Hard / Normal / Guide)
- Note that DFOG doesn't have Prey Hard mode
- Clear Sirocco Raid 3 times (Normal / Squad / Guide)
Pass Level EXP Table

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