Petal Gimmicks
- At the start, Nympha will assign either Red or Yellow petal to party member. P1 P2 will be yellow, P3 P4 will be red.
- During the fight, she will spawn various flowers around the map. You need to stop these from blooming (as it will cause damage and sleep) by stepping on the flower with the same color.
Flower Drop Pattern
- Nympha says "I will give you blessings!" and start dropping petal from the sky. You will see 30 stack number on the bottom middle screen.
- Pretty simple, clear out the flowers that were dropped using the matching petal color. Each cleared flower will reduce 1 stack. Clear out all 30 stack will end pattern.
Flower Number Matching Patterns
- These patterns have 1 simple concept. She summons various blue circles on the map. Each circle will have yellow and red flowers in them. You need to match the color and number of color in the circle to clear it out. That's it EZPZ.
- The issue here is that the time window is very narrow, so you can't afford to make any mistake, and communication is very important. A common strategy here is to pair up and assign members to different section of the map.
- These patterns have 3 variations: 4 circles, 5 circles, and 6 circles.
4 Circles
- This variations come in 2 pairs, both appear diagonally and they are designed so that there's always someone that will be separated from the other. Here's an example of party not working well together.
- Here's how you should have done it. Complete your 1st diagonal circles, then do the other pair.
5 Circles
- Complete this by going in order of Top-Middle-Bottom, or vice versa. The middle one usually require everyone to stay inside.
- They will line up in a circle. The key here is to complete them in diagonal pair and go clockwise. For example, do 11 o'clock - 5 o'clock pair, then 1 o'clock - 7 o'clock pair, then 3 o'clock - 9 o'clock pair
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