- DFO ExStream is a traditional live stream from the DFOG developer team where they showcase what contents, event, and sale are coming on the following week.
- The following are confirmed to be released on the next weekly maintenance (February 4th).
- No new contents
- We Need More Chocolate - Use 15 fatigue points in optimal level dungeon to encounter Dessert Box on the next dungeon.
- You can encounter up to 5 Dessert Boxes per day per account.
- The box drops some consumable and event material.
- Event shop here. Aura appearance here.
- Pipi's Rosy Pink Valentines' Attendance - Clear optimal level dungeon daily to get points to get rewards including emotes. Cumulative rewards here.
- Item of the month will be updated.
- Valentine's Day Special Sale - Package includes flower weapon avatar.
- Here are some quiz questions from today's stream.
- DFO Content Creator Recruitment ending soon.
- Female Fighter Renewal Giveaway Event ending soon.
- They need your help on A Decade of DFO: Share Your Story
Discord Q&A
- Currently, creature and title transfer stones are only available during certain events/sales for "free" or through the coin shop at a high cost. What are the challenges in making these stones more accessible, such as being purchasable with gold? Alternatively, could their price in the coin shop be reduced to make them more affordable?
- Right now for the current package, we can't change the price. But we look at reducing price for the future.
- We don't have enough time to get the Deep Forest White Branch avatar from Forest of Awakening Extreme. It requires 30 Unwithering Silver Sprig. We get 2 per week. Most of us are assuming that Sunken Depths is going to be released on Mar 18. Assuming this is the release date, we will have had 14 weeks to obtain the Sprigs. At 2 per week, this means we will have 28 total, without a lucky drop giving us an extra sprig. Because the total required is 30, we don't have enough time. Can you lower the amount of sprigs required to obtain the aura to an amount we can reasonably achieve, like 20?
- Unfortunately we're not looking at adjusting the time. The system is intended for players that play regularly.
Stream's Chat Q&A
- I just bought a SD DFO Mage nendroid today! cant wait to display it. I know theres a Blade Master too. Im getting him next. Come out with more figures!!!
- We will let you know when we know more about those additional figures.
- 10th anniversary is in march right?
- Yes, March 4th
- Niagu's costume is bugged! used once and gone!
- We received the report and looking into it.
- Do we get another character event on march update?
- Nothing confirmed yet.
- Will the Neo Awakening packages ever be brought back? I keep missing my chance to whale lol.
- If we plan to, will let you know.
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