
[DnF Duel] Manual Command Lists

calendar_month Published On: Friday, December 17, 2021     calendar_month Updated on: June 27, 2022
person Posted by: DressUp_Fighter_Online     rate_review 22 Comments so far
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  • DNF Duel is a brand new fighting game that has been on the radar for a while now. It's based on the original Dungeon and Fighter RPG franchise of 16 years (which is the primary focus of this blog).
  • Anyway, with the beta testing coming very soon, below are the command lists for all the characters so far in English, Korean, and Japanese. Full PDF versions will be included as well.
  • The author thanks Neople for their beautifully made images, all credit goes to them.

Table of Contents

Berserker EN
Inquisitor EN
Grappler EN
Striker EN
Ranger EN
Hitman EN
Dragon Knight EN
Vanguard EN
Kunoichi EN
Crusader EN
Ghostblade EN

Berserker KR
Inquisitor KR
Grappler KR
Striker KR
Ranger KR
Hitman KR
Dragon Knight KR
Vanguard KR
Kunoichi KR
Crusader KR
Ghostblade KR

Berserker JP
Inquisitor JP
Grappler JP
Striker JP
Ranger JP
Hitman JP
Dragon Knight JP
Vanguard JP
Kunoichi JP
Crusader JP
Ghostblade JP

  • 3/25/22: Added Ghostblade command lists  


  1. I'm waiting:

    The game:

  2. Input shortcuts for motions?
    lets hope the game dies as quickly as possible then.

    1. waaaah motion input shortcut waaaaah they're making the game too easy waaaah now I'm gonna get shit on by both beginners and veteran players waaaah.
      Shut the fuck up scrublords lmao

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. shut the fuck up retard

    4. Personally I feel that by moving away from purely motion inputs more people will be able to participate and the deciding factors in the matches will lean more towards strategy and matchup knowledge. This also makes the game more accessible for those who find performing inputs on standard controllers difficult. Additionally the game still contains motion inputs for ex moves so there will be room for execution and hand dexterity to play a role if it suits you.

    5. Spoken like a true troglodite.
      There is nothing wrong with new games being accessible, so they can serve as gateway for older ips.

      I take new games being easier than older ips being dumbed down.

      There is nothing wrong with variety.
      Also, i bet that you will still be clapped even if the game had an auto win button just for you.

      Just by that post, you reek of those idiots that think so high of themselves on games but are actually trash XD

    6. You're acting like you never played BFTG not 2 days ago...

    7. LOL Screw off? If easy inputs make the game easier, then Ed and Falke should have been top tier since their release. GBVS also had easy inputs but that didn't make the game any easier to play and optimize.

    8. Lots of fucking dumbasses in the comments, it's about balance not accessibility. You're the kind of assholes that scream about games being more accessible when you won't even play the fucking game.

  3. I think it would strike a fantastic balance if they just make it so that traditional input commands are slightly stronger (or perhaps even have slightly better frame data) than their easy input counterparts.

    1. Would serve a similar function to L-Cancelling in Smash. Casuals don't need to use it, but it adds a layer of depth for those that wish to engage with it. That's good game design, even if in that case it was (I believe?) accidental.

    2. The game needs to be built around that. GBVS has shortcut inputs, but people will still use regular inputs. Using easy input allows you to react faster to, let's say, an anti-air, and not fuck up your input.

    3. Personally I'd say make the MP cost a bit smaller as a way to balance. I also think it's very likely that's how it will work considering that all the moves with motions are ones that cost MP.


  5. Are they putting in the lame subclasses on purpose?

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