Friday, April 30, 2021

Manual Inputs: Simple Tips and Tricks

  • As a Beat-'em-up MMORPG game, DFO has a function that allowing you to manually assign commands to all your skills.
  • Here I'll go over some simple tips & tricks so you can get the most benefit out of this system.
Why Would You Use This?
  • You only have 12 quick slots. Well, every class in the game has at least 1 buff skills, among many many other skills. So you will not always have enough space to put them. 
  • Take Female Nen for example, she has at least 3 buffs that I cast at the beginning of every dungeon Khai.pngSun's Breath.pngTiger Flash- Nen Creature of Light.png. If I put those 3 on the hot bar, where would I put the other skills.
  • How about Female Spitfire, I need to cast 3 buffs Overcharge.pngBurst Bomb.pngAerial Fire.png, so there's no way I would have enough space for other skills if I put them on the hot bar. If you play sader classes, you will even need more manual skills.
How to Assign Manual?
  • First, click on a skill, then click "Change".
  • A window will open where you can put in whatever manual you in it.
General Principles
  • A manual input usually contain a set of arrow key and one letter.
  • So which letter can you use? There're only 4 letters you can use. They're letter used for "Skill", "Skill2", "Normal Attack", and "Jump" skills. You can see which those letters are under "Settings" then "Hotkey Settings".
  • As you can see, my "Skill", "Skill2", "Normal Attack", and "Jump" skills are Z, Space, X, and C. So I can only use those for manual input.
  • What do input usually consist of? In a nutshell, at least 1 arrow key & 1 letter. For example, most of my character's buff skills are "↑+Space"
    • You can register up to to 4 arrow keys, so go ham and be creative. You can use whatever input as long as you follow those simple principles. For example, "←↓→→ +C", "←↓→+Z, "↓↓↑↑+Space", etc.
  • Can you just put a letter? Yes, a manual input can just be a letter (for example, Z or Space). HOWEVER, you CANNOT use Normal Attack key and Jump key by themselves.
What Key To Avoid
  • I would say don't use the "Jump" key as an input because it can get confusing because sometime in dungeon, you want to jump to avoid certain gimmicks.
  • I would avoid using "→→ + Normal Attack" as a manual, especially if you're a gunner. Because that's the combination for doing run and dash move.

Which Skill?
  • Which skill should you use manual inputs? Generally speaking, buff skills are the ones you don't really want to put on hot bar. I put all my buff skill on all my character as "↑+Space".
  • High cooldown skills are good options, such a 1st 2nd or 3rd Awakening skills. I have the majority of my Awakening skills as "↑↑+C" and "↓↓+C".
  • For example: My female sader, I used "↓↓+C" for 3A, then when that's going, I used "↑↑+C" for 1A.
  • Not many people know this, but this system can register an arrow as HOLD. On the command, you will see it register as "↑&" (right pic) instead of "↑+" (left pic).
  • To register this, simple press the arrow key, hold it for a few seconds, then register you letter key. Note that if you use this hold function, you can only use ONE arrow key.
  • Why does this hold function matter? Well, you can use this as a "combo" manual. In stead of using 2 different manuals for 2 skills, you can now just use 1 similar input.
  • For example: For my Female Nen, I used "↑+Space" for Khai.png, then "↑&Space" for Sun's Breath.png
    • Remember the Hold function? After casting Khai.png, because I already have my finger on the ↑ arrow (it will register it as a hold), now all I need is to press "Space" again for Sun's Breath.png.
    • So instead of using like "↑+Space" and "↑↑+Space" for 2 skills, I pressed "↑+Space+Space" and casted 2 skills spontaneously.
  • Here's another example using THREE skills: Overcharge.pngBurst Bomb.pngAerial Fire.png
    • I used "↑+Space" for Overcharge.png, "↓+Space" for Burst Bomb.png, then "↓&Space" for Aerial Fire.png.
    • Why the Down arrow? because after casting Overcharge.png, the Down function is "Neutral Bullet" which increases Skill attack.
    • So "↑+Space" to cast Overcharge.png, then since my finger already on ↓ arrow after picking the element, I pressed Space to cast Burst Bomb.png, THEN since my finger already HOLD ↓ arrow, I pressed Space again to cast Aerial Fire.png.
    • There you go, I pressed "↑+Space+↓+Space+Space" to cast 3 skills spontaneously like a pro.


  1. I've always used commands for my buffs but never knew you could use tap and hold, that was so mind blowing lmao.

  2. the "↑+Space" then "↑&Space" tip is useful. Great job dude.

  3. Wont let me enter a key after holding a arrow it just sits at arrow &

    1. Which key did you use? remember that when you do manual input, only certain keys can be used. See "So which letter can you use?" section.


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