Wednesday, April 17, 2024

[Korea] Season 9 Act 4: Goddess of Mist Raid

  • This patch add new Raid content, new dungeon Asrahan archives and library, along with many changes and improvements
Table of Contents
  • Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu
    • Phase 1
    • Phase 2
    • Phase 3
    • Mist God Weapon
    • Dungeon Clear Reward
    • Raid Auction Reward
    • Monster Card
    • Tale of Bravery Store
  • Asrahan Archives
  • Asrahan Libraries
  • Restoration of Stardust Rock
  • Asrahan: Veil of Mist Hard Mode
  • Farming System Changes
  • Expand Growth Level
  • Add / Change Existing Content Rewards
  • Mediator of Balance Changes
  • Fusion System Reform
  • Platinum's Luck, Eliv Store
  • Character Balance
  • Improvements and Changes
  • Item Other Changes
  • References
  • A new act ‘Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu’ is added.
    • This act can be accepted by characters with a fame of 23,259 or higher.
    • Can be performed when accepting the level 110 act quest ‘The Only Way’.
  • New region:
    • A new region ‘Northern White Sea’ is added to the world map.
    • You can enter upon completing the level 110 act quest ‘Restarting Exchange’.
  • New Town:
    • A new town, ‘Muui Nunnter’, is added to the world map.
    • You can enter upon completing the level 110 act quest ‘Restarting Exchange’.

Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu
    • Arts and IllustrationsGoddess of MistLopez of IncongruitySinister SaveliSerene Rosalind
    • Summary:
      • <Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu Raid> A new scenario quest will be added. Can be performed when accepting the level 110 act quest ‘The Only Way’.
      • <Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu Raid> content will be added. A dedicated channel will be added. You can enter by completing the level 110 act quest ‘Preparing to go to the Awakened Forest’.
      • <Asrahan: Goddess of Mist, Mu Raid> can be entered on the same days as existing raids.
        • Admission is available on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
    • Content Information:
      • Entry Level: 110
      • Recommended Party Size: 12 players
      • Fame Requirement: 58,087
      • Entry Fatigue: None
      • Weekly Entry Limit: 1. Your Weekly Entry count will be decreased at the beginning of the content. If the raid fails, the weekly entry limit is restored.
      • Weekly Reward Count: 1. Raid reward share with Asrahan: Veil of Mist
      • The number of weekly rewards will be deducted when you obtain the reward.
      • If you use up all of your weekly rewards, entry to the content will be restricted.
      • You must defeat at least 3 bosses to receive the reward.
      • The number of boss kills is recorded for each party member.
      • If you do not meet the conditions, you cannot obtain rewards, and the number of weekly rewards and weekly entries will be deducted.
      • You can obtain weekly rewards by defeating the final boss within the time limit. When receiving a reward, the number of weekly rewards is deducted.
      • Weekly entry limit and reward count are reset every week.
    • Content Position:
      • When you clear the quest ‘Preparing to go to the Awakened Forest’, you can enter the raid <Goddess of Mist Raid>. You can enter the <Goddess of Mist Raid> channel with a fame level of 58,087.
      • You can create a raid through the NPC [Forest Messenger Camilla] in the <Goddess of Mist Raid> channel. It can be created through the NPC [Forest Messenger Camilla] or the raid creation button in the raid search UI.
      • After creating or joining a raid, you can go to the right area and start the content through NPC [Forest Messenger Camilla].
    • Content Rules:
      • Content Failure
        • If the time limit is exceeded, clear failure is processed.
        • In case of failure, the number of weekly entries will be restored.
      • Restrictions
        • A 15-minute time limit applies at the start of the raid.
          • When clearing Phase 1, the attack time limit is added by 10 minutes.
          • When clearing Phase 2, the attack time limit is added by 10 minutes.
        • If you fail the mission of each phase during the phase attack, the time limit is reduced.
        • The number of coin uses is limited.
          • The number of coins used is shared on a per-raid basis.
          • A total of 15 coins are charged at the start of the raid, and 1 coin is consumed when revived.
          • Coins are renewed to 15 at the end of each phase.
        • The number of uses of restorative consumables is limited.
          • At the start of each phase, recovery consumables and Dungeon Life Online throwing consumables is limited to 10.
          • Puppet items are restricted from use in this content.
      • Recovery penalty
        • When moving to town due to being wiped out or retreating from a dungeon, all party members will be in a "recovering" state for a certain period of time.
        • If there is even one party member in “recovering” status, you cannot enter any dungeon.
        • The “Recovering” application time increases depending on the number of retreats.
      • Area Buff
        • The regional buff ‘Ergon’s Magatama’ buff has been added.
        • The 'Ergon's Magatama' buff is applied in the Ashrahan Passage of the exclusive channel village.
        • Strength and intelligence increase when entering a dungeon.
        • As HP/MP increases due to regional buffs, the [Suppressed Mana Bracelet] recovery options change as follows: MP recovery equal to 100% of HP recovery amount
        • The increase in ability due to the ‘Ergon’s Magatama’ buff does not affect the buffer’s buff skill.
      • Consumables in Content: You can purchase the following consumables through NPC [Traveling Bonoz] in the Mu channel.
        • Gypsum Restoration Potion, 5 max carrying limit
        • Restores 30% of HP/MP.
        • Cancels all harmful Abnormal Status effects.
        • Can be used at all Levels.
        • Shares cooldown with items of the same kind.
    • Raid Voting:
      • Raid begins
        • You can vote through the raid start function of NPC [Collapsed Border Gate].
        • The raid will begin if everyone agrees to start the raid within the voting time.
        • The raid start function also applies to existing raids (excluding Fiend War Raid)
      • Abandon the raid
        • During a raid, the raid leader can vote through the raid abandonment function of the NPC [Ground Keeper Shume].
        • If everyone agrees to abandon the raid within the voting time, the raid will end.
        • After the raid is over, the raid entry material [Magatama of Harmony] will be sent by mail.
        • Those who do not enter anything within the voting period will be approved.
        • Afterwards, you can hold a raid regeneration vote and reorganize the raid with existing personnel.
      • Raid Respawn
        • If you fail to complete the raid or the raid ends due to the raid abandonment function, a vote will be held to regenerate the raid.
        • At the end of the vote, the raid group will be reorganized with those who voted for the raid regeneration.
        • Persons who voted against the vote will be excluded from the raid group composition and will be withdrawn from the raid group.
        • Those who do not enter any input within the voting period will be opposed.
    • Coordination of the Five Elements:
      • When entering a dungeon, the dungeon special key function is activated for each character.
      • After entering the dungeon, you can acquire [Energy of the Five Elements] through battles with monsters, and you can use the Five Elements Attunement by entering the dungeon special key (default TAB key).
      • When using the Five Elements Attunement, the [Energy of the Five Elements] is consumed and an effect appropriate to the type of [Energy of the Five Elements] consumed is activated.

    Phase 1 - The World of Rumination
      • A Corner of the Reflected World:
        • It consists of a total of 5 dungeons. You can move between each dungeon through the <Passage Of Dreams>, which is activated after a certain period of time.
        • Each dungeon can be entered by the party leader accessing the portal.
        • If you kill all monsters within the time limit, you can clear Phase 1.a
        • Dream Manipulation:
          • You can select one of three active buffs and three passive buffs to help you conquer raids. Buff types appear randomly every week.
          • When using a buff, the buff effect is immediately applied to all raid members. Active buffs can only be used by raid leaders, and can be used by pressing the ( ~ + 1 ) key.
          • The attribute dungeon indicated in the “Revelation” text at the top of the dream control selection window is strengthened to “Runaway” status. In the case of deluge memories, the berserk level increases more quickly.
        • Dungeon Configuration:
          • The following monsters appear in each dungeon. When fighting each monster, you can obtain [Energy of the Five Elements] that matches the dungeon's attributes. 
        DungeonBoss AppearsDungeon Description
        A Dream Of A Shadowy DawnBrim Of The Furious MistWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
        - All Monster HP Recovered By 30%
        - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
        Dream Of Burning SufferingBlazing Divine Beast SemianiWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
        - Fireballs Fall In All Dungeons, Reducing All Raid Members' HP By 50%
        - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
        A Dream Of A Warm Spring DayClaudius In The TentWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, The Following Penalty Effects Occur.
        - [Cladis In The Veil] Recovers 100% HP
        - Resurrects All Monsters On Standby For Resurrection
        - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
        Dream Of Imprinted WoundsDiane ShinesWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
        - Grants Level 4 Disappearance Debuff To All Players
        - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
        Dream Of Polluted EyesForce Of MisfortuneWhen The Berserk Level Reaches 100%, Two Penalty Effects Occur.
        - All Monsters' Berserk Increase By 30%
        - Raid Time Limit Reduced By 60 Seconds
        Passage Of DreamsN/AA Giant Umu Appears That Connects All Dungeons.
        - Created 1 Minute After The Raid Starts.
        - When You Reach The [Energy Of The Five Elements] Acquired HP Section In Each Dungeon In Phase 1, The Gate Opens And You Can Enter.
        - If There Is A Party Occupying <Passage Of Dreams>, Other Parties Cannot Enter.
          • Monsters' HP and neutralization values ​​are maintained even if you move through the dungeon.
          • When defeating a monster, each monster will attempt to resurrect over a certain period of time. If you fail to prevent resurrection, the monster will reappear with all its health restored.
        • Berserk: All monsters' berserk level increases over time, and when the berserk level reaches the maximum, a fatal penalty is incurred on the raid.
          • When the berserk level reaches 100%, each monster's unique "berserk penalty" and "raid time limit reduction" occur.
          • In the case of deluge memories, the berserk level increases more quickly.
          • You can lower the berserk level of each monster through [Ergon's Magatama] placed in <Passage Of Dreams>.
        • Ergon's Magatama: The monsters' berserk level can be reduced by using [Ergon's Magatama] located in the <Passage Of Dreams>.
          • [Ergon's Magatama] is placed in the Passage Of Dreams.
          • You can reduce the berserk level by investing [Energy of the Five Elements].
          • The dungeons that can be reduced vary depending on the coexistence of energy invested.
          • The win-win relationship for each dungeon can be checked through help in the situation board.
        • Timeline:
          • Weather approaches in a random order, and when it arrives, monsters with that attribute launch threatening attacks.
          • When the "Timeline" arrives, if the party in the dungeon fails to respond to the monster, the berserk gauge increases significantly.
          • If there is no party in the dungeon when “Timeline” arrives, it will be judged as a response failure.

        Phase 2 - Reflecting World Fruit
        • Consists of three dungeons:
          • The dungeons <Gateway of the Serene Sun> and <Gateway of the Ominous Moon> are created at certain times.
          • The gateway dungeon moves to the center toward the <Collapsed Backside Border>.
          • When the two gates reach the center, they collide, and “harmony” or “disharmony” occurs depending on the type of dungeon they collided with.
          • If you defeat [Lopez of Disharmony] within the time limit, you can clear Phase 2.
        • Emblem Engraving:
          • At the start of Raid Phase 2, the raid leader can assign one emblem to each party. Each party can only acquire [Energy of the Five Elements] of the designated emblem.
          • The three emblems appear in an enhanced state, and each enhanced emblem also has a curse effect applied to it.
          • You can learn information about enhanced enemies through the phrase “Revelation” displayed at the top of the emblem engraving selection window.
        • Dungeon Configuration: The following monsters appear in each dungeon. Each area dungeon can be entered by the party leader accessing the portal.
          • The Collapsed Border: Lopez of Disharmony
            • When [Lopez of Disharmony] is defeated, Phase 2 ends.
            • When the dungeon is unoccupied, two penalty effects occur.  
              • Damage received from all dungeon monsters is greatly reduced.
              • [Lopez of Disharmony] enters recovery mode and recovers 0.5% HP per second.
            • When entering the <The Collapsed Border> dungeon, the exile gauge is activated.
              • The exile gauge gradually increases. When the exile gauge reaches 100%, [Lopez of Disharmony] exiles the party in battle.
              • The exile gauge rises more quickly when [Lopez of Disharmony]'s pattern fails or when disharmony occurs.
              • In this dungeon, when the fighting party retreats or is expelled, it is reset.
              • The exile gauge can be checked from the dungeon icon on the situation board.
          • Calm Sun Gate: Calm Rosalind & Normal Monsters
            • When defeating [Calm Rosalind], the properties of the gateway can be reversed.
              • When colliding with <Calm Sun Gate>, “Disharmony” occurs.
              • When colliding with <Ominous Moon Gate>, “harmony” occurs.
              • A more powerful [Calm Rosalind] appears at the strengthened gate.
            • When you kill regular monsters, you can get buffs that help you with the raid.
            • After killing all monsters, you can call [Calm Rosalind]. If [Calm Rosalind] already exists, it cannot be called.
          • Ominous Moon Gate: Sinister Saveli & Normal Monsters
            • When defeating [Sinister Sabelli], the properties of the gateway can be reversed.
              • When colliding with <Ominous Moon Gate>, “Disharmony” occurs.
              • When colliding with <Calm Sun Gate>, “harmony” occurs.
              • A more powerful [Ominous Sabelli] appears at the strengthened gate.
            • When you kill regular monsters, you can get buffs that help you with the raid.
            • After killing all monsters, you can call [Sinister Sabelli]. If [Sinister Sabelli] already exists, it cannot be called.
          • When a gateway dungeon collide, “Disharmony” or “Harmony” occurs depending on the collision combination.
            • "Disharmony” occurs when gates with the same properties collide
              • At the time of collision, the raid time limit is reduced by 60 seconds.
              • The expulsion gauge in the <The Collapsed Border> dungeon increases significantly.
              • Buffs attached to the gateway are lost.
            • “Harmony” occurs when gates of different properties collide.
              • The Lopez weakening buff attached to the gateway is applied to the <The Collapsed Border> dungeon.

        Phase 3 - Species of the World Reflecting
        • It consists of a total of 3 dungeons. You can clear the raid by defeating [Mu, goddess of Mist] that appears in <The Source of Unconsciousness> within the time limit.
        • Shume's Song: The raid leader can choose one of four fixed buffs. You can find out information about the enhanced attributes through the phrase “Revelation” displayed at the top of the song selection window of NPC [Earth Keeper Shume].
        • Dungeon Configuration: The following monsters appear in each dungeon. Each area dungeon can be entered by the party leader accessing the portal.
          • Source of Unconsciousness: Mu, goddess of Mist
            • When [Mu, goddess of Mist] is defeated, the raid is cleared.
            • When the dungeon is unoccupied, two penalty effects occur.  
              • Monsters in the <Boundary of Memories> and <Hidden Boundaries> dungeons become invincible.
              • [Mu, goddess of Mist] enters recovery mode and recovers 0.5% HP per second. 
          • Boundary of Memories & Hidden Boundaries
            • Terminus of Blurred Consciousness
              • When [Terminus of Blurring Consciousness] is defeated, the HP of [Mu, goddess of Mist] is unlocked. Recovers all HP over a certain period of time after killing.
              • When retreating directly from a dungeon during battle, 1 random battle restriction is added to <Source of Unconsciousness>.
            • Terminus of Blurring Boundaries
              • When defeating [Terminus of Blurring Boundaries], the HP of [Mu, goddess of Mist] is unlocked. Recovers all HP over a certain period of time after killing.
              • When retreating directly from a dungeon during battle, 1 random battle restriction is added to <Source of Unconsciousness>.

        • Timeline:
          • The weather approaches in a random order, and upon arrival, monsters from the Boundary of Memories & Hidden Boundaries dungeons launch threatening attacks.
          • If you fail to respond to a monster's attack, [Mu, goddess of Mist]'s "Battle Restrictions" will be added. The same type of “combat restriction” as the attribute that failed to respond is added, and the attribute strengthened by “Revelation” has additional restrictions.
          • If there is no party in the dungeon when the timeline arrives, it will be judged as a response failure.
          • If you successfully respond to a monster's attack, [Mu, goddess of Mist]'s "combat restrictions" will be removed.
            • All “combat restrictions” of the same type as the attribute successfully countered are removed.
            • If there are no “combat constraints” that can be removed, the last added constraint is removed.
          • When the maximum number of “combat restrictions” is reached, the last 5 added restrictions are removed and the following penalty occurs.
            • Recover 1 HP lock (If there is no HP lock to be added, it will not be added.)
            • Raid time limit reduced by 60 seconds (180 s with LIVE server)

        Battle Reporting
        • The overall presentation and composition of battle reporting has been improved.
        • The presentation of the ‘Ace of the Battlefield’ title has been further strengthened.
        • The title ‘Ace of the Battlefield’ has been added to the Buffer profession.
        • A new reporting title ‘Accidental Award’ has been added.

        Other Info
        • Monsters related to this raid are added to the Monster Encyclopedia.
        • Equipment related to the Mist God Raid will be added to the Equipment Encyclopedia.
        • Cards related to the Mist God Raid are added to the Monster Card Encyclopedia.
        • The Mist God Raid achievement will be added to the Achievement ‘Asrahan’ tab.
        • The Mist God Raid achievement will be added to the Achievement Challenge-Content tab.
        • ‘Mu, goddess of Mist’ is added to the equipment guide raid tab.
        • ‘Mu, goddess of Mist’ is added to the training room.
        • ‘Mist God Raid’ will be added to the adventurer’s weekly dungeon information.
        • ‘Prey-Isys’ is removed from the adventurer’s basic information content proficiency, and ‘Mist God Raid’ is added.
        • ‘Savior of the Mist God’ will be added to the ‘Special Achievements’ tab of the title book.
        Changes from Test Server
        • System:
          • Phase 1 - An issue where the summoner's 'Wait' skill is forcibly turned on in the dream passage has been fixed.
          • Phase 1 - An issue where it was possible to move to the dream passage before the timeline pattern ended during battle has been fixed.
          • Phase 1 - The issue where the Awakening cooldown reduction is applied to the “Skill Reacceleration” buff among the dream manipulation buffs has been fixed.
          • Phase 1 - The issue where revived monsters did not appear intermittently is fixed.
          • Phase 1 - An issue where the berserker penalty for “Burning Divine Beast Semiani” was not applied intermittently has been fixed.
          • Phase 1 - Some typos in the situation board penalty description are corrected.
          • Phase 2 - A portal from the colorless gateway to the village is added.
          • Phase 2 - An issue where the penalty was not applied intermittently when gates collide and cause “disharmony” has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - The issue where the "Restriction on the use of restorative consumables" penalty, which is the curse effect of the Five Elements Energy (Eye), was not reset when the raid regenerates, has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - An issue where casting did not stop when a buff cannot be acquired during the process of selecting a buff has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - An issue where casting is obscured by a title during the process of selecting a buff has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - An issue where the BGM of the Gateway Dungeon was being played incorrectly has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - The issue where some skills were not visible when crossing a room in the Gateway Dungeon has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - The issue where buffs could not be obtained intermittently after catching a normal monster has been fixed.
          • Phase 2 - An abnormality in the text for selecting a buff after catching a normal monster has been corrected.
          • Phase 2 - The movement speed of the gateway dungeons is changed.
          • Phase 3 - The timing of phase transitions has been modified.
          • Phase 3 - An issue where the neutralization gauge lock UI was not displayed during Mu's "Memory Loss", God of Fog, has been fixed.
          • Raid Clear - The issue where the dialogue image for ‘Earth Keeper Shume’ is displayed abnormally has been fixed.
          • Recovery Item - An issue where ‘Gystbloom Recovery Potion’, which can be purchased through NPC [Traveling Bonoz], can be used without restrictions has been fixed.
        • Monster:
          • Force of Misfortune
            • An issue where the “sword effect” is repeatedly generated intermittently has been fixed.
            • The phenomenon of intermittently floating in the air has been fixed.
            • The issue of not being hit by some patterns has been fixed.
            • An issue where the “Sum of Faces” pattern progresses abnormally has been fixed.
            • An issue where some effects in the “Sum of Faces” pattern were not displayed properly will be fixed.
          • Blazing Divine Beast Semiani
            • An issue where the shadow of a pillar remained for a long time in some patterns will be fixed.
            • An issue where pillars created before the start of the Burning Ordeal pattern remain will be fixed.
            • An issue where bound characters could unbind each other will be fixed.
            • An issue where fireballs were intermittently created in areas where movement is impossible in the Explosion Assault pattern will be fixed.
            • An issue where Semiani repeats the appearance scene every time you re-enter the dungeon has been fixed.
          • Brim of the Furious Mist
            • An issue where damage is not received in certain locations will be fixed.
            • An issue where the incapacitation gauge is recovered in transformation when executing the “Contaminated Fog Runaway” pattern while incapacitated has been fixed.
            • An issue where the neutralization gauge is locked when executing the “Endless Illusion” pattern while in a neutralized state has been fixed.
            • An issue where the lidar is not intermittently disabled during the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern will be fixed.
            • An issue where the lidar is released intermittently during the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern has been fixed.
            • An issue where the lidar hardens intermittently during the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern is fixed.
            • An issue where you would not receive damage intermittently when the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern fails has been fixed.
            • An issue where a riderable weapon is intermittently created after the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern will be fixed.
            • An issue where mace objects are intermittently deleted during the “Contaminated Fog Explosion” pattern will be fixed.
            • An issue where the priest's "Cure" skill does not activate when taking damage from Semiani's berserk attack when riderable is fixed.
            • (Additional) An issue where the character is displayed abnormally when the riderable state ends during the “Contaminated Fog Runaway” pattern is being corrected.
          • Shining Diane and Moose
            • An issue where the player becomes transparent when executing some patterns has been fixed.
            • An issue where the player intermittently gets stuck in the air has been fixed.
            • Sinister Saveli
            • An issue where tiles are not restored to their original state after neutralization has been fixed.
            • An issue where damage received while incapacitated is intermittently applied abnormally has been fixed.
            • An issue where animations of some patterns remain is fixed.
            • The hit detection range is slightly adjusted during groggy.
          • Serene Rosalind
            • An issue where tiles are not restored to their original state after neutralization has been fixed.
            • An issue where neutralization is applied abnormally during a core pattern has been fixed.
            • An issue where damage received while incapacitated is intermittently applied abnormally has been fixed.
            • An issue where animations of some patterns remain is fixed.
            • The hit detection range is slightly adjusted during groggy.
          • Lopez of Incongruity
            • An issue where the “Final Damage Increase” message is repeated during Phase 2 will be fixed.
            • An issue where the “black mark” effect was displayed abnormally during Phase 2 will be fixed.
            • Attack power has been adjusted.
              • The attack power of the “area activation” pattern is reduced.
              • The attack power of some patterns where the attack power was applied differently than intended will be slightly increased.
            • (Additional) An issue where the pattern is destroyed when all objects are removed during the “Test of Harmony” pattern is corrected.
            • (Additional) An issue where object hit judgment was abnormal during the “Test of Harmony” pattern will be fixed.
          • Terminus
            • An issue where the “Engraved Wounds” pattern ends abnormally has been fixed.
          • Goddess of Mist
            • Overall attack power is increased.
            • Some attack patterns are added.
            • An issue where the damage received intermittently during “Memory Loss” is applied abnormally has been fixed.
            • An issue where attack objects created in the “Halo Conclusion” pattern may remain even after the pattern ends has been fixed.
            • An issue where the pattern could be forcibly failed while the “Harmony of the Five Elements” pattern is in progress has been fixed.
            • An issue where the alter ego image of the “Unconscious Gaze” pattern was abnormal has been fixed.
            • An issue where a character could get stuck in an area where they cannot move during the “Memory Seal” pattern will be fixed.
        • Dev's Note:
          • We would like to thank the adventurers who participated in the first server test. Thanks to your participation, we were able to check the adventurer's play experience in more cases.
          • As the difficulty level of the raid-specific gimmick for each phase appeared to be more imbalanced than intended, the level of the raid penalty was adjusted as mentioned in the previous notice.
          • Additionally, it has been confirmed that playing with certain settings has an excessive impact on raid clearing. There is also the problem that excessive effects of a specific setting may deprive adventurers of other settings due to the advantages and disadvantages between settings.
          • When it occurs in high-status content, a side effect may occur that forces existing settings to be changed semi-forcibly. In order to minimize the gap between settings, the damage bonus through neutralizing monsters was inevitably reduced.
          • If you fully utilize the raid system, we expect that you will be able to clear it without much difficulty. We ask for your interest from adventurers.
        • Difficulty Adjustments: When all monsters are neutralized, damage received is reduced.
          • Phase 1
            • The stamina recovery value during the berserk penalty of “Cladis in the Veil” is changed from 100% to 50%.
            • “Shiny Diane’s” berserk penalty, the disappearance penalty, is changed from level 4 to level 8.
          • Phase 2
            • The neutralization gauge for “Ominous Saveli” and “Calm Rosalind” has been slightly increased.
            • The “Energy of the Five Elements (Wind)” curse effect during pattern engraving changes from disappearance level 2 → disappearance level 4.
            • The encroachment penalty applied to the “Collapsed Back Border” dungeon is changed from 300 seconds to 420 seconds.
          • Phase 3
            • The encroachment penalty applied to the “Source of Unconsciousness” dungeon is changed from 300 seconds to 240 seconds.
            • When the maximum number of “combat restrictions” is reached, the time limit reduction value changes from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.
            • When the pattern response executed by the timeline fails, the number of combat restrictions added by default is changed from 1 to 2.
            • Changed so that hardening is applied while Terminus is recovering.
            • When the “God of Fog, Radish” pattern is successful, the amount of damage applied to the character is slightly increased.
        Goddess of Mist Raid Reward
        Mist God Weapon
        • Appearance of a memory cluster :
          • The emergence of a cluster of memories can be done through the ‘Constellation Appearance/Change’ menu in the NPC’s Incomplete Border Examination.
            • Cluster manifestation progress requires a fixed option epic weapon that has reached option level 40 or an Sacrosanct area legendary weapon that has reached option level 70.
            • Last Breath of Fire: You can proceed after disabling weapon fusion.
          • When the Cluster of Memories appears, all enchantments given to the equipment are maintained.
            • Sacrosanct area - For weapons, options 1 to 4 are maintained.
          • Sacrosanct Area - When the Cluster of Memories appears with a weapon, the exchange attribute changes to untradeable.
          • Details of the Memory Cluster Appearance are as follows:
        Fixed Option When An Epic Weapon Cluster AppearsWhen The Sacrosanct Area Weapon Cluster Appears
        Item NameFire: Weapon Of Burning Suffering
        Water: Weapon Of Polluted Snow
        Wood: Weapon Of Shadowy Dawn
        Metal: Weapon Of Imprinted Wounds
        Earth: Weapon Of Warm Spring Days
        Disharmony: Weapon Of Broken Boundaries
        Fire: Weapon Of Memories Beyond
        Water: Weapon Of Memories Beyond
        Wood: Weapon Of Memories Beyond
        Metal: Weapon Of Memories Beyond
        Earth: Weapon Of Memories Beyond
        Cluster Appearance ConditionsSeon Epic Weapon Reached Option Level 40Sacrosanct Area Weapon Reached Option Level 70
        Energy SelectionTuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Energy Of Disharmony Can Be SelectedOnly The Energy Of Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday Can Be Selected, And
        The Energy Of Disharmony Cannot Be Selected.
        Select Weapon TypeSelectableNot Selectable
        SuccessionAvailableNot Available
        Materials Required For Cluster ManifestationMemories Of Nothingness: 1 Out Of 10,000 Stars
        Disassembly Of EquipmentImpossible To Dismantle
        Transcend EquipmentImpossible To Transcend
        Option GrowthNot Available
        Optional TransmissionNot Available
        Option Level TransferNot Available
        Change Option LevelNot Available
        Change OptionsNot Available
        ResealNot Available
        Fusion SystemNot Available

        Appearance of a cluster of memories

        Select energy and weapon type

        Cluster of Memory Manifestation Weapon

        • Cluster of Memories Changes:
          • Changing the cluster of memories can be done through the ‘Cluster Appearance/Change’ menu at the NPC Incomplete Boundary Survey.
          • You can change the energy and weapon type by changing the cluster of memories. For weapons of beyond memory, only the energy can be changed, and the weapon type cannot be changed.
          • When changing the Memory Cluster, the enchantment given to the weapon, the Memory Cluster restoration stage, and the Memory Destination activation stage are maintained.
          • When changing the Cluster of Memories, the materials below are consumed: 1 Memory of Nothing: Ten Thousand Stars
        • Restoration of the Cluster of Memories:
          • The restoration of the Cluster of Memories can be done through the NPC Unfinished Border Paper - 'Restoration of the Cluster of Memories' menu - 'Restoration of the Cluster' tab with the Fog God weapon equipped.
          • When restoring the Cluster of Memories, the options for each energy are strengthened depending on the stage.
          • Restoring the Cluster of Memories requires the following materials: 136 Meteoria & 22 Power Essence
          • Depending on the level of restoration of the Cluster of Memory, the options below are applied to each energy.
        StrengthCluster Restoration StageOption
        Level 1
        Final Damage Increases By 3%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Flame Blast]
        Casts Flame Blast When Attacking (Cool Time 3 Seconds)
        - Flame Blast Damage 2,751%
        Step 5
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Fire Blast Enhancement]
        Flame Blast Damage Increased By 100%
        Step 10
        Final Damage Increases By 2%.
        Buff Power 380.

        [Echoing Flame]
        When Casting Fire Blast 3 Times, Additional Fire Blast Is Cast.
        Step 15
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Fierce Flames]
        Flame Blast Cooldown Reduced By 1 Second
        Level 1
        Skill Cool Time Recovery Speed +11% (Excluding Awakening Period)
        Buff Power 380
        All Speeds +10%
        [Card Of Fate]
        Draw A Card Of Fate Every 10 Seconds And Apply The Following Effects
        * Fate Of The Red Sun (50%)
        - Evasion Rate +10%
        * Fate Of The Blue Moon (50%)
        * Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +10%
        Step 5
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380

        [Enhanced Fate]
        Fate Of The Red Sun Increases Evasion Rate By Additional 5%
        Blue Moon Fate Physical/Magical Damage Reduction Increases By Additional 5%
        Step 10
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380

        [Fate Of A Brilliant Star]
        Add Fate Of A Brilliant Star To The Card Of Fate
        * Fate Of A Brilliant Star (10%)
        - Evasion Rate +20%
        - Physical/ Magic Damage Reduction +20%
        Step 15
        Skill Cool Time Recovery Speed +10% (Excluding Awakening Period)
        Buff Power 380

        [Fate Manipulation]
        Chance Of Appearance Of Fate Of The Brilliant Star +20%
        Level 1
        50, 85, 100 Lv Active Skill Attack Power Increased By 10%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Groaring Storm]
        When Using Awakening, A Swirling Storm That Attacks Enemies Is Created
        - Swirling Storm Damage 4,585%
        Step 5
        50, 85, 100 Lv Active Skill Attack Power Increased By 7%
        Buff Power 380

        [Wind God's Protection]
        All Speed +15% With The Wind God's Protection
        Step 10
        50, 85, 100 Lv Active Skill Attack Power Increased By 7%
        Buff Power 380

        [Gurthing Storm Strengthening]
        Swirling Storm Damage Increased By 100%
        Step 15
        50, 85, 100 Lv Active Skill Attack Power Increased By 7%
        Buff Power 380

        [Wind Flow]
        Number Of Swirling Storms Created +1
        Level 1
        Final Damage Increased By 3%,
        Buff Power 380
        [Thunder Acceleration]
        All Speed +15% Thanks To The Power Of Thunder
        Step 5
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [High-Speed Movement]
        The Power Of Thunder Is Strengthened, All Speed +10%
        Step 10
        Final Damage Increases By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        The Power Of Thunder Is Overcharged And Electricity Is Released When Attacking (Cool Time 5 Seconds)
        - Lightning Discharge Damage Is 3,053%
        Step 15
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Efficient Energy Consumption]
        Electric Discharge Cooldown Reduced By 2 Seconds
        Level 1
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of The Four Seasons]
        Receive The Blessing Of The Four Seasons To Strengthen Yourself And
        Apply A Blessing With A 50% Effect To All Party Members
        - Same Blessings Cannot Be Applied In Duplicate
        * Blessing Of Warm Spring
        - Final Damage 1% Increase
        Step 5
        Final Damage Increased By 2%
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of A Lively Summer]
        * Blessing Of A Lively Summer
        - Recovers 10% Of Hp/Mp For 10 Seconds Every 10 Seconds
        Step 10
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of Bountiful Autumn]
        * Blessing Of Bountiful Autumn
        - Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +10%
        Step 15
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of Dazzling Winter]
        * Blessing Of Dazzling Winter
        - All Speeds +10%
        Level 1
        Final Damage Increased By 3%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Fatal Strike]
        Increased Probability Of Inflicting A Critical Hit By Identifying The Opponent's Weakness
        - Physical/Magical Critical Hit +5%
        Step 5
        Final Damage Increases By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Body Acceleration]
        Move Your Body Nimbly To Increase Movement Speed
        - Movement Speed +15%
        Step 10
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Quick Attack]
        Increase Speed By Moving The Body More Nimbly
        - Attack Speed +15%
        - Casting Speed +15%
        Step 15
        Buff Power 380

        [Increase In Attribute Affinity]
        Affinity For Attribute Increases, Strengthening All Attributes +14
        • Activating the destination of memory:
          • Activating the Destination of Memories can be done through the NPC Unfinished Border Paper - 'Restoration of the Cluster of Memories' menu - 'Activate Memories' tab with the Mist God weapon equipped.
          • When activating the Destination of Memories, the options of the Mist God weapon are enhanced depending on the level.
          • When you activate the destination of memories, memory fragments corresponding to each stage are unlocked, and you can check additional stories by clicking on the memory fragments.
          • Restoring the Cluster of Memories requires the following materials:
            • Step 0 → Step 1: 2 Pieces of Memory
            • Step 1 → Step 2: 4 Pieces of Memory
            • Step 2 → Step 3: 8 Pieces of Memory
            • Step 3 → Step 4: 16 Pieces of Memory
            • Step 4 → Step 5: 32 Pieces of Memory
        • Transmission of the Cluster of Memories:
          • The memory cluster transfer can be done through the ‘Memory Cluster Transfer’ menu at the NPC Incomplete Border Paper.
          • The Memory Cluster restoration stage and the Memory Destination activation stage given to the Mist God weapon of the main equipment and material equipment are replaced with each other.
          • The following materials are consumed to transmit the Memory Cluster: 108 Meteoria, 250,000 gold & 22 Power Essence

        Dungeon Clear Reward
        • When clearing the dungeon, you have a 100% chance to obtain the items below.
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Flow Of Five ElementsUse It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘Asrahan’.
        - Asrahan Fusion Armor Selection Box
        - Custom Option Epic Selection Box
        The Flow Of Pure Five ElementsUse It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘Asrahan’.
        - The Flow Of The Five Elements
        MeteoriaUsed To Restore The Memory Cluster From The NPC's Incomplete Border Paperweight.Untradeable
        Tales of Bravery: AsrahanUse It To Purchase The Next Item At The NPC Incomplete Border Paperweight Store.
        - Tales of Bravery - Asrahan Is Deleted Every everyweek
        Epic SoulAccount-bound
        Pale MistAccount-bound
        Mist CoreNot Exchangeable
        Floating Stone Of GlimmerUntradeable
        Records Room Key
        - You Can Enter The Aslahan Archives Dungeon.
        Obtained With A Certain Probability Using The Account-Bound ‘high-Ranking Believer’s Record Room Key’.
        Short Story MemoryYou Can Enter The Aslahan Archives Dungeon.Untradeable
        A Vivid Fragment Of Memory
        You Can Enter The Aslahan Archives Dungeon.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At NPC Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        - Short Story Memory
        Fragments Of Memory
        Restore The Cluster Of Memories From The Npc's Incomplete Boundary Paper - Used To Activate The Destination Of Memories.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘Asrahan’.
        * Priest's Record Room Key Box
        Stable Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain A Lot Of Experience Points When Using It For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain Experience Points When Used For Option Growth.Untradeable
        A Jewel Filled With The Fog Of Ignorance
        You Are Guaranteed To Obtain 5 Or More Epic Souls, And You Can Additionally Acquire 1 Of The Following Items At A Set Probability.
        - Custom Option Epic, Record/Trace Set Epic, Glim Floating Stone, Flow Of The Five Elements, Meteoria, Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock], Record Room Key, Power Essence
        - The Optional Level Of The Equipment Is Acquired At Level 1.
        When You Acquire A Custom Option Epic, You Can Obtain Valuable Custom Option Epic Equipment.

        • When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability. 
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Custom Options Epic
        55 Types Of 105lv Custom Option Epics
        - When You Acquire A Custom Option Epic, You Can Obtain Valuable Custom Option Epic Equipment.
        - Main Option Level: 76~78
        Records / Trace Set Epic
        33 Types Of Record / Trace Set Epics
        - Main Option Level: 76~78
        Beginning Grade Fusion Stone
        This Is Equipment With Powerful Performance Compared To The 7 Types Of Epic Fusion Stones Each.
        It Was Created As An Option That Allows You To Relive The Equipment That Boasted Powerful Performance And Status In The Past.
        Epic Grade Fusion Stone6 Types Of Accessories/Special Equipment For Each PartUntradeable
        Legendary Grade Fusion Stone
        When Acquiring One Type Of Special Equipment,
        Each Option Is Given With Equal Probability, And The Same Options May Overlap.
        It Is Dropped In A Untradeable Form And Can Be Exchanged By Resealing.
        Five Elements: Armor Fusion Stone
        You Can Obtain The Five Element Armor Fusion Stone With A Certain Probability.
        - The List Of Drop Items Can Be Found In The Growth/Equipment Guide, Channel Selection, And Party Creation Screen.
        Fragment Of Complete BoundaryYou Can Gain A Lot Of Experience When Using It For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Halo Of Mist
        You Can Select One Of The Two Categories Below To Obtain Items Belonging To That Category With Equal Probability.
        - 1 Of 55 Types Of Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        - 1 Of 33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        Fragments Of Engraved Memories
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘Asrahan’.
        - Fragments Of Memory
        Harmonious Mist CubeAvailable For Custom Option Epics, You Can Change One Option To The Desired Option.Untradeable
        Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment Pot
        You Can Obtain One Type Of Inviolable Realm Legendary Equipment.
        - Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment Appears In A Sealed State.
        - Main Option Level: 51~60.
        Lv. 105 Unique Equipment Pot (Dark Fragmented Abyss)
        You Can Obtain One Type Of Equipment From The Dark Abyss.
        - Dark Abyss's Favorite Equipment Appears As One-Time Exchangeable (Account Binding After Transaction).
        Monster CardThis Is A Monster Card From The Asrahan Raid Dungeon.Tradable (Once)

        Goddess of Mist Raid Auction Reward

        IconRatingReward NameExplanationTradability
        EpicSD God Of Fog, Mu Creature BoxWhen Used, You Can Obtain SD God Of Fog And Radish Creatures That Cannot Be Exchanged.Account-bound
        EpicReflecting World Wallpaper Registration Ticket Box
        When Used, You Can Obtain The Right To Register The Reflecting World Wallpaper.

        The Reflecting World Wallpaper Registration Ticket Item Can Only Be Used Once Per Account.
        EpicGuardian Of The Reflecting World Aura Avatar Box
        When Used, You Can Obtain The Guardian Of The Reflecting World Aura Avatar.
        (Aura Does Not Have An Emblem Socket, And Is Given In A Non-Exchangeable, Non-Dismantlement, And Unlimited Form.)
        PrimalPrimordial Fusion Stone Selection BoxWhen Using It, You Can Obtain It By Selecting The Primordial Fusion Stone From The Necklace Or Ring.Untradeable
        PrimalBeginning Fusion Stone Jar [Account Bind]When Used, You Have An Equal Probability Of Obtaining One Of The Primordial Fusion Stones On The Necklace And Ring.Account-bound
        EpicRefined Custom Option Epic Pot [Account bound]
        You Can Obtain 1 Of The level 105 Custom Option Epic Equipment With Equal Probability.
        The Custom Epic Gear You Acquire Consists Of Four Custom Options, All Of Which Are Valuable.

        Main Option Level: 76~78
        EpicShabby Forgotten Pot [Account Bind]
        When Used, Various Items Can Be Obtained At A Set Probability.
        - SD God Of Fog, Radish Creature Box
        - Guardian Of The Reflecting World Aura Avatar Box
        - God Of Memory And Fog, Radish Card
        - Terminus Card Of Unconsciousness
        - Lopez Card Of Disharmony
        - Sinister Sabelli Card
        - Serene Rosalind Card
        - Harmonious Mist Cube
        - Dark Fragmented Abyss Unique Equipment Pot
        - Lv. 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Pot
        - Mist God Fusion Armor Selection Box [Account Bind]
        - Record/Trace Set Epic Selection Box [Account Bind]
        - Light Of Mist
        - Primordial Fusion Stone Pot
        - Legendary Fusion Stone Pot
        EpicA Shabby Forgotten PotUntradeable
        EpicEpic Soul Box (x300)When Used, You Can Obtain 300 Epic Souls.Account-bound
        LegendaryGod Of Memory And Mist Card
        Asrahan: God Of Mist, This Is An Enchantment Card That Can Only Be Obtained At The Mu Raid Auction.
        Tradable (Once)
        LegendaryTerminus Card Of The UnconsciousTradable (Once)
        LegendaryLopez Card Of DisharmonyTradable (Once)
        LegendaryOminous Saveli Card-Tradable (Once)
        LegendarySerene Rosalind Card-Tradable (Once)
        LegendaryTerminus Orb Of Unconsciousness
        Asrahan: God Of Mist, This Is An Enchantment Orb That Can Only Be Obtained From The Mu Raid Auction.
        Comes Fully Upgraded.
        LegendaryLopez Orb Of DisharmonyUntradeable
        LegendaryLegendary Card Album
        This Is A Card Album In Which One Card Appears With Equal Probability Among The Obscure Monster Cards.
        Cards Are Provided For One-Time Exchange.

        <Acquired Item Information>
        One Of The Following: Forest Messenger Camilla Card, Shining Diane Card, Serene Rosalind Card, And Ominous Sabelli Card
        EpicHarmonious Mist CubeWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, You Can Change One Option To The Desired Option.Untradeable
        UniqueDark Fragmented Abyss Unique Selection Box
        You Can Acquire One Of The Following Equipment: Weapons, Armor, Accessories, And Special Equipment From Dark Abyss.

        The Acquired Dark Abyss Piece Equipment Can Be Exchanged Once (Account Bound After Transaction) And
        Is Acquired In A Non-Exchangeable State When Equipped.
        UniqueSleek Pot Of Dark Abyss
        When Used, One Piece Of Unique Equipment From The Dark Abyss Appears With Equal Probability.

        The Acquired Dark Abyss Piece Equipment Can Be Exchanged Once (Account Bound After Transaction) And
        Is Acquired In A Non-Exchangeable State When Equipped.
        Unique1 Piece Dark Fragmented Abyss-Can Be Exchanged Once
        (Account Binding After Transaction)
        LegendaryLv. 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Box
        When Used , You Can Select And Acquire One Of The Level 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Weapons, Armor, Accessories, And Special Equipment .
        - Main Option Level: 51~60
        LegendaryLv. 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Pot
        When Used , You Can Obtain One Of The Level 105 Inviolable Area Legendary Armor, Accessories, And Special Equipment With Equal Probability.
        - Inviolable Area Equipment (Excluding Weapons)
        - Main Option Level: 51~60
        Legendary1 Piece Of Sacrosanct Area Equipment-Exchangeable
        Epic1 Box Of Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesWhen Used, You Can Obtain 1 Fragments Of Engraved Memories.Untradeable
        Epic2 Boxes Of Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesWhen Used, You Can Obtain 2 Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesUntradeable
        Epic3 Boxes Of Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesWhen Used, You Can Obtain 3 Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesUntradeable
        EpicAsrahan Fusion Armor Selection Box [Account Bind]You Can Select And Obtain One Of The Asrahan Fusion Epic Equipment.Account-bound
        EpicRecord/Trace Set Epic Selection Box [Account Binding]
        You Can Select And Obtain One Piece Of Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment.
        - Main Option Level: 76~78
        EpicHalo Of Mist
        You Can Select One Of The Two Categories Below To Obtain Items Belonging To That Category With Equal Probability.
        - 1 Of 55 Types Of Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        - 1 Of 33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        PrimalPrimordial Fusion Stone PotWhen Used, You Have An Equal Probability Of Obtaining One Of The Primordial Fusion Stones On The Necklace And Ring.Untradeable
        LegendaryLegendary Fusion Stone PotWhen Used, You Can Obtain One Of The Legendary Fusion Stones With Equal Probability.Untradeable
        Legendary1 Box Of Complete Boundary FragmentWhen Used, You Can Obtain 1 Complete Boundary Fragment.Untradeable
        Legendary1 Box Of Complete Boundary Fragment [Account Bound]When Used, You Can Obtain 1 Complete Boundary Fragment.Account-bound
        Unique3 Boxes Of Stable Boundary FragmentsWhen Used, You Can Obtain 3 Stable Boundary Fragments.Untradeable
        Unique4 Boxes Of Stable Boundary FragmentsWhen Used, You Can Obtain 4 Stable Boundary Fragments.Untradeable
        Unique5 Boxes Of Stable Boundary FragmentsWhen Used, You Can Obtain 5 Stable Boundary Fragments.Untradeable
        Unique3-10 Boxes Of Stable Boundary FragmentsWhen Used, You Can Obtain 3-10 Stable Boundary Fragments.Untradeable
        Unique3 Boxes Of Stable Boundary Fragments [Account Bound]When Used, You Can Obtain 3 Stable Boundary Fragments.Account-bound
        Unique1 Record Room Key BoxWhen Used, You Can Obtain 1 Record Room Key.Untradeable
        Unique2 Boxes Of Records Room KeysWhen Used, You Can Obtain 2 Records Room Keys.Untradeable
        Unique3 Boxes Of Records Room KeysWhen Used, You Can Obtain 3 Records Room Keys.Untradeable
        Unique200 Boxes Of Short Story MemoryWhen Used, You Can Obtain 200 Short Story Memory.Untradeable
        Unique300 Boxes Of Short Story MemoryWhen Used, You Can Obtain 300 Short Story Memory.Untradeable
        Unique400 Boxes Of Short Story MemoryWhen Used, You Can Obtain 400 Short Story Memory.Untradeable

        Monster Card
        New legendary cards are added.

        Card Name

        Applicable Area


        (Based On Max Upgrade)

        God Of Memory And Mist Card


        Adventurer Fame: 210

        PMI +30,

        All Element +15

        Terminus Card Of The Unconscious


        Adventurer Fame: 210

        All Stat +70,

        All Element +15

        Lopez Card Of Disharmony


        Adventurer Fame: 210

        All Stat +200

        [Buffer-Only Option]

        All Stat +70

        All Element +15

        Ominous Saveli Card


        Adventurer Fame: 210

        All Element +35

        Final Damage +1%

        Serene Rosalind Card


        Adventurer Fame: 210

        All Stat +100

        Former Passive Skill Level +1

        [Buffer Only Option]

        All Element +35

        Final Damage +1%

        Add NPC Store Sales List
        • Sales listings will be added to the following NPC stores: Raid Shop - 'Asrahan' 
        IconNew Items For SaleExplanationSale PriceTradability
        Pot Of Obscure Records
        You Can Obtain One Of The Following Items According To A Set Probability.
        - 1 Record Room Key
        - 16~160 Short Story Memory
        Meteoria 216Untradeable
        Stable Boundary Debris Chest (Meteoria)When Used, You Can Obtain 1 Stable Boundary Fragment.Meteoria 100Untradeable
        Priest's Record Room Key Box
        When Used, You Can Obtain 1 Priest's Record Room Key.
        You Can Purchase 4 Items Per Week Per Account.
        1 Piece Of MemoryUntradeable
        Fragments Of Memory
        Restore The Cluster Of Memories From The Npc's Incomplete Boundary Paper - Used To Activate The Destination Of Memories.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘asrahan’.
        * Priest's Record Room Key Box
        1 Fragments Of Engraved MemoriesUntradeable
        Memory Of Nothing: Ten Thousand StarsUsed As A Material For Manifesting / Changing Memory Clusters.Meteoria 324Untradeable

        Side Story Quest Reward
        • When you clear the quest ‘[Asrahan: God of Mist, Mu] End of a Long Dream’ quest, you can obtain the rewards:  3 streams of the five elements
        • When you clear the quest ‘[Asrahan: God of Mist, Nothing] Passed Down’ quest, you can obtain the rewards:  Memory Of Nothing: Ten Thousand Stars
        Tale of Bravery Store
        IconNew Items For SaleSale PriceTradability
        1 Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks] [Account Bind]20 Conqueror's Token - AshrahanAccount-bound
        When Used, You Will Receive 1 Pure Fog Cube [2 Locks] [Account Bind].
        You Can Purchase 2 Items Per Month Per Account.
        DPS Bracelet Orb (All Element +33)10 Conqueror's Token - AshrahanAccount-bound
        When Used, You Can Select The Bracelet Part Equipment To Grant All Attribute Enhancement +33.
        Buffer Bracelet Orb (All Stat +90)10 Conqueror's Token - AshrahanAccount-bound
        When Used, You Can Select The Bracelet Part Equipment To Grant All Stat +90.
        Adventurer Circle Benefits
        • Asrahan: As the entry reputation for the Veil of Mist is adjusted, the fame required for level 1 and 2 rewards will be adjusted.
        • Asrahan: God of Mist raid and Asrahan: Veil of Mist circle rewards are the same.
        • Rewards for Stage 3 and 4 of the Asrahan Adventurer Circle have been added.
        Circle Level
        Claim Fame
        Reward Item
        Compensation Amount According To Number Of Characters (Number/Probability)
        Level 153,680 → 51,693Flow Of Five Elements123567810Untradable
        Level 255,034 → 53,680Flow Of Five Elements123567810Account-bound
        Level 355,034Asrahan Fusion Equipment1.00%2.00%3.00%5.00%5.50%6.00%6.50%7.00%Untradable
        Level 458,087Meteoria123567810Untradable

        Hazy Scenario Dungeon Reward
        • When defeating a boss monster in scenario dungeon, an additional level 105 Epic Set optional equipment item with option levels 57 to 59 will be dropped only once.
          • The specifications of the equipment items that were originally dropped will remain the same, and additional items will be dropped additionally.
          • Additional dropped equipment items do not have a store sale price and are subject to a restriction that cannot be repurchased in the store.
        • When defeating monsters, you can obtain the items below with a certain probability. Rules for obtaining each reward are the same as existing regular dungeons. 
        Obtainable Items
        Obtainable Difficulty

        Level 105 Epic Equipment (Fixed Option Epic)

        Pale Mist

        Refined Mist

        Mist Core

        Golden Beryl

        [Untradeable]Golden Beryl

        Leiern Core

        Crystal Of Harmony

        Boundary Fragment

        Growth / Equipment Guide
        • Growth guide quests are added. 
        Quest NameDetailCompensation
        Asrahan: God Of Mist, Clear Mu RaidRaid - Asrahan: God Of Fog,
        Can Enter After Creating A Party Through Npc Forest Messenger Camilla In Mu Channel
        - Entry Adventurer Fame: 58,087
        400 Golden Beryls
        Equip Mist God Weapon EquipmentEquip Asrahan: God Of Fog, Mu Weapon - [Asrahan: God Of Fog, Mu] Obtain Mu's Memories: 10,000 Stars
        By Clearing The Passed Down Quest.
        1 Coin
        Equip An Enchanted Bracelet With A Fame Of 210 Or Higher.Final Damage' Recommendation
        - Enchantment Possible Through Enchantment Cards And Orbs
        - Can Be Obtained In Dungeons Or Purchased Through Auction Houses And Stores
        1 Highly Concentrated Elixir Selection Box
        Equip An Enchanted Bracelet With A Fame Of 210 Or Higher.All Stat' Recommendation
        - Enchantment Possible Through Enchantment Cards And Orbs
        - Can Be Obtained In Dungeons Or Purchased Through Auction Houses And Stores
        1 Highly Concentrated Elixir Selection Box

        Changes from Test Server
        • Improvements will be made so that you can select properties in the Memory Cluster Appearance/Change UI even if you do not possess the 'Memories of Nothing: Ten Thousand Stars' material.
        • An improvement has been made so that when you mouse over the activated attribute icon in the Cluster of Memory Appearance/Change UI, you can check the cluster options for that attribute.
        • Restore the Cluster of Memories Some sounds will be replaced.
        Before (left) vs. After (right)
        • Improvements have been made so that when hovering the mouse over a locked cluster in the Cluster of Memories restoration UI, options for that step are displayed.
        Before (left) vs. After (right)
        • Some mist god weapon options have been adjusted.
        Item NameBefore ChangeAfter
        Fire: Weapon Of Burning Suffering
        Attack Power Increased +2142.4%,
        Buff Power 19165,
        Final Damage Increased By 114.7%
        Attack Power Increased +2142.4%,
        Buff Power 22780,
        Final Damage Increased By 116.9%
        Water: Weapon Of Polluted Snow
        Attack Power Increase +2142.4%
        Buff Power 18579
        Final Damage Increased By 92.5%
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +30% (Excluding Awakening Period)

        [Cold Strike]
        [Ice Strike] Option Converted To Final Damage Increase Of 5%

        Freeze Resistance +40%
        Attack Power Increase +2142.4%
        Buff Power 22194
        Final Damage Increased By 92.5%
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +30% (Excluding Awakening Period)

        [Cold Strike]
        [Ice Strike] Option Converted To Final Damage Increase Of 5%

        Freeze Resistance +40%
        Wood: Weapon Of Shadowy Dawn
        Attack Power Increase +1927.2%
        Buff Power 18651
        All Jobs Level 1~100 All Skills Lv +2 (Excluding Attribute Skills)
        Final Damage Increase 60.8%
        50, 85, 100lv Active Skill Attack Power Increase 30%
        50, 85, 100lv Active Skill Cooldown 20 % Reduction
        (Does Not Apply To Buffer Characters.)

        When Unequipped, A Mana Burn Debuff Occurs, Reducing Mp By 10% And 5,000 Per Second.
        - ๆœจ: Mana Burn Is Removed When The Weapon Of Shadowy Dawn Is Reequipped
        - The Mana Burn Debuff Continues Even After Resurrection, Including Coins. Apply
        Attack Power Increase +1927.2%
        Buff Power 22266
        All Jobs Level 1~100 All Skills Lv +2 (Excluding Attribute Skills)
        Final Damage Increase 60.8%
        50, 85, 100lv Active Skill Attack Power Increase 30%
        50, 85, 100lv Active Skill Cooldown 20 % Reduction
        (Does Not Apply To Buffer Characters.)

        When Unequipped, A Mana Burn Debuff Occurs, Reducing Mp By 10% And 5,000 Per Second.
        - ๆœจ: Mana Burn Is Removed When The Weapon Of Shadowy Dawn Is Reequipped
        - The Mana Burn Debuff Continues Even After Resurrection, Including Coins. Apply
        Metal: Weapon Of Imprinted Wounds
        Attack Power Increased +2142.4%,
        Buff Power 19165,
        Final Damage Increased By 114.7%
        Attack Power Increased +2142.4%,
        Buff Power 22780,
        Final Damage Increased By 114.7%
        Earth: Weapon Of Warm Spring Days
        Attack Power Increase +2142.4%
        Buff Power 18651
        Final Damage Increase 114.7%

        - Buffer Exclusive Option
        All Jobs Level 1~100 All Skill Lv +2 (Excluding Attribute Skills)
        Level 30 Buff Skill Lv +3
        Level 50 Active Skill Lv +4
        Final Damage 20 % Increase
        When Unequipped, The Effects Of The 30lv Buff, 50lv, Active, And 100lv Active Skills You Cast Are Deleted.
        Attack Power Increase +2142.4%
        Buff Power 22666
        Final Damage Increase 108%

        - Buffer Exclusive Option
        All Jobs Level 1~100 All Skill Lv +2 (Excluding Attribute Skills)
        Level 30 Buff Skill Lv +3
        Level 50 Active Skill Lv +4
        Final Damage 20 % Increase
        When Unequipped, The Effects Of The 30lv Buff, 50lv, Active, And 100lv Active Skills You Cast Are Deleted.
        Disharmony: Weapon Of Broken Boundaries
        Attack Power Increased +204.8%,
        Buff Power 11887,
        Final Damage Increased By 78.6%
        Attack Power Increased +204.8%,
        Buff Power 15502,
        Final Damage Increased By 78.6%
        Energy: Weapon Of Beyond Memories
        Attack Power Increase +100.0%
        Buff Power 11695
        Final Damage Increased By 78.6%
        Attack Power Increased +100.0%,
        Buff Power 15310,
        Final Damage Increased By 78.6%
        • Some adjustments to the Cluster of Memories options have been made.
        StrengthCluster Restoration StageBefore ChangeAfter
        Level 1
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +11% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380

        [Card Of Destiny]
        Draw A Card Of Destiny Every 10 Seconds And Apply The Following Effects
        * Fate Of The Red Sun (50%)
        - All Speed ​​+10%
        * Blue Lunar Fate (50%)
        - Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +10%
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +11% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380
        All Speeds +10%

        [Card Of Destiny]
        Draw A Card Of Destiny Every 10 Seconds And Apply The Following Effects
        * Destiny Of The Red Sun (50%)
        Evasion Rate + 10%
        * Fate Of The Blue Moon (50%)
        * Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +10%
        Step 5
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380

        [Enhanced Fate]
        Fate Of The Red Sun Increases All Speeds By Additional 5%
        Blue Moon Fate Physical/Magical Damage Reduction Increases By Additional 5%
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10% (Excluding Awakening)
        Buff Power 380

        [Enhanced Fate]
        Fate Of The Red Sun Increases Evasion Rate By Additional 5%
        Blue Moon Fate Physical/Magical Damage Reduction Increases By Additional 5%
        Step 10
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10%
        Buff Power 380

        [Fate Of A Brilliant Star]
        Add Fate Of A Brilliant Star To The Fate Card
        * Fate Of A Brilliant Star (10%)
        - All Speed ​​+20%
        - Physical/Magic Damage Reduction + 20%
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10%
        Buff Power 380

        [Fate Of A Brilliant Star]
        Add Fate Of A Brilliant Star To The Card Of Fate
        * Fate Of A Brilliant Star (10%)
        Evasion Rate +20%
        - Physical/Magical Damage Reduction +20 %
        Step 15
        Skill Cooldown Recovery Speed +10%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Fate Manipulation]
        Chance Of Appearance Of Fate Of The Brilliant Star +20%
        Level 1
        Final Damage Increased By 3%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Thunder Acceleration]
        Obtain ‘thunder’ When Attacking Or Dashing (Cooldown 0.2 Seconds, Maximum 10)
        - All Speeds +1% Per 1 Stack Of Thunder
        - 0.5 When Waiting Or Walking -1 Stack Of Thunder Per Second
        Final Damage Increased By 3%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Thunder Acceleration]
        Receive The Power Of Thunder And Gain All Speed +15%
        Step 5
        Final Damage Increases By 2%%,
        Buff Power 380

        [High-Speed Movement]
        All Speeds Increase By An Additional 1% Per 1 Stack Of Thunder
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [High-Speed Movement]
        The Power Of Thunder Is Strengthened, All Speed +10%
        Step 10
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        Lightning Discharge When Attacking When Thunder Is Fully Charged (Cool Time 5 Seconds)
        - Lightning Discharge Damage 3,053%
        Final Damage Increases By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        The Power Of Thunder Is Overcharged And Electricity Is Released When Attacking (Cool Time 5 Seconds)
        - Lightning Discharge Damage Is 3,053%
        Step 15
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Efficient Energy Consumption]
        Thunder Stack Reduction Time +1.5 Seconds
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Efficient Energy Consumption]
        Electric Discharge Cooldown Reduced By 2 Seconds
        EarthStep 5
        Final Damage Increased By 2%,
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of A Lively Summer]
        * Blessing Of A Lively Summer
        - Recovers 1% Of Hp/Mp Every 1 Second
        Final Damage Increased By 2%
        Buff Power 380

        [Blessing Of A Lively Summer]
        * Blessing Of A Lively Summer
        Recovers 10% Of Hp/Mp For 10 Seconds Every 10 Seconds

        Asrahan Archives
        • <Asrahan Archives> content has been added.
        • <Asrahan Archives> is open on all days of the week.
        • Content position:
          • After accessing Asrahan through the normal channel, you can enter through the <Asrahan Archives Room> dungeon.
          • <Asrahan Archives> can only be entered by a one-person party.

        • Content information:
          • Entry level: 110
          • Recommended party size: 1
          • Recommended fam: 51,693
          • Fatigue when entering: 30
          • Admission material: 1  Records Room Key
          • Weekly entry restrictions: 7 times per character
            • The weekly entry limit is deducted when the content starts. If all weekly entries are used up, entry to the content will be restricted.
            • The weekly entry limit is reset weekly
        • Content progress:
          • Asrahan Archives consists of a total of 5 rooms, and monsters that have been encroached during this period appear in each record room. Occasionally, you can obtain rare loot by defeating powerful enemies here.
          • You can move to the next records room through the constellation door in the records room. The constellation door can be opened using the constellation key found somewhere in the record room.
          • When you access the constellation key, you can open the constellation door.
          • If you successfully open the constellation door, you will be able to move to the next record room with all the loot you have acquired so far intact.
          • If you do not open the constellation door, the content will end after all loot obtained so far has been acquired.
          • If a constellation door that has been eroded by Malefic is opened, some of the loot you have will be eroded by Malefic and you must return some of it.
          • Some loot will be returned on a fixed basis, and you can complete the return by selecting some remaining loot.
          • You must select and discard the eroded loot to move to the next record room.

        Return completed
          • As you explore the records room, there is a low probability that you will be able to move to a hidden secret records room.
          • If you give up on opening the door or reach the 5th Record Room, you will receive the loot you have obtained so far and the content will end.
        • Asrahan Archives Rewards: When defeating dungeon monsters, you have a chance to obtain the items below. 
        Obtainable Items
        Monster Classification
        Is It Subject To Erosion?
        Diane ShinesForce Of Misfortune
        Pale MistXXXXUntradeable
        Golden BerylXXXXAccount-bound
        Short Story MemoryXXXXYou Can Enter Aslahan Libraries Dungeon.Untradeable
        A Vivid Fragment Of MemoryXXXXUsed to buy Short Story MemoryAccount-bound
        Boundary FragmentXXXXUse for Option Level GrowthUntradeable
        Perfect Boundary FragmentXXXXUse for Option Level GrowthXUntradeable
        Afterimage Of A StarXXXXUsed To Restore Stardust Rock From Npc Knowledge Guardian Hazel.Untradeable
        Short Story Memory Box (x200)XXXXWhen Used, You Can Obtain 200 Short Story Memory.XAccount-bound
        Alien Dimension CubeXXXXWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, It Can Be Converted To Other Custom Epic Equipment.Untradeable
        Warped Dimension CubeXXXXOptions Can Be Changed When Used On Custom Epic Equipment.Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock]XXXXWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, One Option Is Locked And The Option Can Be Changed.Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks]XXXXWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, Two Options Are Locked And The Options Can Be Changed.XUntradeable
        Harmonious Mist CubeXXXXWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, You Can Change One Option To The Desired Option.XUntradeable
        Halo Of MistXXXX
        You Can Select One Of The Two Categories Below
        To Obtain Items Belonging To That Category With Equal Probability.
        * 1 Of 55 Types Of Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        * 1 Of 33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        White Sea Legendary Card AlbumXXXX
        You Can Obtain One Of The Legendary Grade Monster Cards That Can Be Obtained In The White Sea Area With An Equal Probability.
        * Cards Excluding Dark Island, Asrahan: Veil of Mist, And Asrahan: Goddess of Mist Raid

        Are Provided As Tradeable Once.
        Custom Options EpicXXXX
        55 Types Of Custom Option Epics
        Main Option Level: 73~76
        Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment (Sacrosanct Area)XXXX
        52 Types Of Sacrosanct Area
        Main Option Level: 41~60
        Dark Fragmented AbyssXXXX-XTradedable Once
        Records / Trace Set EpicXXXX
        33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        Main Option Level: 73~76
        Epic Grade Fusion StoneXXXX6 Types Of Accessories/Special Equipment For Each PartXUntradeable
        Legendary Grade Fusion StoneXXXX
        When Acquiring One Type Of Special Equipment,
        Each Option Is Given With Equal Probability, And The Same Options May Overlap.
        It Is Dropped In A Non-Exchangeable Form And Can Be Exchanged By Resealing.
        Primal Grade Fusion StoneXThis Is Equipment With Powerful Performance Compared To The 7 Types Of Epic Fusion Stones Each In The Necklace/Ring .
        It Was Created As An Option That Allows You To Relive The Equipment That Boasted Powerful Performance And Status In The Past.

        Asrahan Libraries
        • <Asrahan Libraries> content has been added.
        • <Asrahan Libraries> is open on all days of the week.
        • Content position:
          • When you clear the quest ‘Preparing to go to the Awakened Forest’, you can enter the <Asrahan Archives>.
          • You can enter the <Asrahan Archives> dungeon with a fame level of 51,693.
        • Content information:
          • Entry level: 110
          • Recommended party size: 1~4
          • Recommended fam: 51,693
          • Fatigue when entering: 8 (A minimum of 1 fatigue is required to enter the dungeon.)
          • Admission material: 23  Short Story Memory
          • Daily entry limit: none
          • There are several levels within the dungeon, and the higher level you get, the better the items that are dropped.
        • Asrahan Archives Rewards:
          • When clearing a dungeon, you have a 100% chance to obtain the items below.
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Light MistIt Is Used As A Material For The Systems Below Through The Npc Mistlocking Facility.Untradeable
        Golden BerylUsed As A Material For Equipment Option Growth/Transfer/Level Transfer.Account-bound
        Short Story MemoryYou Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.Untradeable
        A Vivid Fragment Of Memory
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At Npc Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        - Short Story Memory
          • When clearing a dungeon, you have a chance to obtain additional items below. 
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain Experience Points When Used For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Perfect Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain A Lot Of Experience When Using It For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Afterimage Of A StarYou Can Restore Stardust Rock From Npc Knowledge Guardian Hazel.Untradeable
        Short Story Memory Box (x200)When Used, You Can Obtain 200 Short Story Memories.Account-bound
        Alien Dimension CubeWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, It Can Be Converted To Other Custom Epic Equipment.Untradeable
        Warped Dimension CubeOptions Can Be Changed When Used On Custom Epic Equipment.Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock]When Used On Custom Epic Equipment, One Option Is Locked And The Option Can Be Changed.Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks]When Used On Custom Epic Equipment, Two Options Are Locked And The Options Can Be Changed.Untradeable
        Harmonious Mist CubeWhen Used On Custom Epic Equipment, You Can Change One Option To The Desired Option.Untradeable
        Halo Of Mist
        You Can Select One Of The Two Categories Below To Obtain Items Belonging To That Category With Equal Probability.
        - 1 Of 55 Types Of Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        - 1 Of 33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        White Sea Legendary Card Album
        You Can Obtain One Of The Legendary Grade Monster Cards That Can Be Obtained In The White Sea Area With An Equal Probability.
        - Excluding Dark Island, Asrahan: Veil Of Nothingness, And Asrahan: God Of Fog Raids
        - Cards Are Provided For One-Time Exchange.
        Custom Options Epic
        55 Types Of 105lv Custom Option Epics
        - When You Acquire A Custom Option Epic, You Can Obtain Valuable Custom Option Epic Equipment.
        - Main Option Level: 73~76
        Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment (Sacrosanct Area)
        Level 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary 52 Types
        - Main Option Level: 41~60
        Dark Fragmented Abyss-Tradable (Once)
        Records/Trace Set Epic
        33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        - Main Option Level: 73~76
        Epic Grade Fusion Stone6 Types Of Accessories/Special Equipment For Each PartUntradeable
        Legendary Grade Fusion Stone
        When Acquiring One Type Of Special Equipment,
        Each Option Is Given With Equal Probability, And The Same Options May Overlap.
        It Is Dropped In A Non-Exchangeable Form And Can Be Exchanged By Resealing.
        Primal Grade Fusion Stone
        This Is Equipment With Powerful Performance Compared To The 7 Types Of Epic Fusion Stones Each In The Necklace/Ring .
        It Was Created As An Option That Allows You To Relive The Equipment That Boasted Powerful Performance And Status In The Past.
        • New Record:
          • You can obtain new records by clearing the Asrahan Archives dungeon.
          • Once the new record is completed, you can additionally obtain the items below when clearing the Asrahan Archives dungeon. If the new record exceeds 100%, the accumulated amount will be applied to the next round.
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Custom Options Epic
        55 types of 105Lv custom option epics
        * When you acquire a custom option epic, you can obtain valuable custom option epic equipment.
        * Main option level: 73~76
        Clear Mist Cube [2 Lock]When used on custom epic equipment, two options are locked and the options can be changed.Untradeable
        Harmonious Mist CubeWhen used on custom epic equipment, you can change one option to the desired option.Untradeable
        Perfect Boundary FragmentYou can gain a lot of experience when using it for option growth.Untradeable
        Epic grade fusion stone6 types of accessories/special equipment for each partUntradeable
        Halo Of Mist
        You can select one of the two categories below to obtain items belonging to that category with equal probability.
        * 1 of 55 types of Sealed Mist Gear equipment
        * 1 of 33 types of Record/Trace Set Epic
        Legendary grade fusion stone
        When acquiring one type of special equipment for each part,
        each option is given with equal probability, and the same options may overlap.
        It is dropped in a non-exchangeable form and can be exchanged by resealing.
        Short Story Memory Box (x200)When used, you can obtain 200 Short Story Memories.Account-bound
        Records/Trace Set Epic
        33 types of record/trace set epic
        * Main option level: 73~76
        • Record of the beginning:
          • You can obtain guaranteed drop points by clearing the Asrahan Archives dungeon.
          • If you clear the Asrahan Archives dungeon with all guaranteed drop points, you can receive the following rewards:  Primal grade fusion stone
        • Gabriel Shop:
          • NPC Gabriel appears with a certain probability when clearing the Asrahan Archives dungeon.
          • You can purchase the following items from NPC Gabriel.
        IconItems Available For PurchaseExplanationTradability
        Refined Mist
        It Is Used As A Material For The Systems Below Through The Npc Mistlocking Facility.
        * Set Synchronization Rate And

        Use It To Purchase The Next Item.
        * Light Mist
        Golden BerylUsed As A Material For Equipment Option Growth/Transfer/Level Transfer.Account-bound
        Condensed Leiern Core
        Used As A Material To Enhance Equipment Safety.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items.
        * Leiern Core
        Radiant Harmonious Crystal
        Used As A Material For Equipment Safety Amplification.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items.
        Harmonious Crystal
        A Special Fragment Of Memory
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At Npc Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        Fragment Of Memory
        Essence of the Rift-Tradeable
        Vestige of Hope-Tradeable
        1 X Disposable Inviolable Domain Equipment ExtractorInviolable Area Energy Crystals Can Be Extracted From Inviolable Area Equipment.Tradeable
        Wraped Dimension Cube (Account-bound)Options Can Be Changed When Used On Custom Epic Equipment.Account-bound
        Pot Of Dark AbyssWhen Used, One Type Of Unique Equipment From The Dark Abyss Can Be Obtained With Equal Probability.Tradeable
        Level 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary PotWhen Used, One Type Of Lv. 105 Sacrosanct Area Equipment Can Be Obtained At A Set Probability.Tradeable
        Cube Of Clear Fog [1 Lock]When Used On Custom Epic Equipment, One Option Is Locked And The Option Can Be Changed.Untradeable
        • Guardian of Knowledge Hazel Shop: You can purchase the following items from NPC Hazel, Guardian of Knowledge, located in the Asrahan Records Room area.
        IconNew Items For SalePurchase MaterialsTradability
        Records Room KeyHigh-Ranking Record Room KeyUntradeable
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Archives Room Dungeon.
        High-Ranking Record Room KeyPriest's Record Room KeyAccount-bound
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Archives Room Dungeon.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At Npc Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        * Records Room Key
        Short Story MemoryA Vivid Fragment Of MemoryUntradeable
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.
        A Vivid Fragment Of MemoryA Special Fragment Of MemoryAccount-bound
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At Npc Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        Short Story Memory

        Restoration of Stardust Rock
        • Starburst restoration content has been added.
        • You can proceed by clearing the side story quest ‘[Restoration of Star Cluster] In Search of the Lost Light’.
        • You can start restoring the Star Cluster by consuming 5  Afterimage Of A Star through the Guardian of Knowledge NPC Hazel.
        • When star cluster restoration begins, 12 unrestored stars will be created.
        • You can proceed with restoration by clicking on the unrestored star.
          • When restoration is successful, the restoration rate increases, and depending on the restoration rate, you can obtain rewards upon completion of restoration.
          • If restoration fails, the durability of the star swarm decreases, and restoration ends when the durability of the star swarm becomes 0.
        • Stars have various effects and set probabilities, and the amount of durability reduction occurs equally among all stars.
        NameEffects When RestoredRestoration ProbabilityDurability Reduction In Case Of Failure
        Burning Star Of SufferingAll Stars Change With Equal Probability.55%25 To 40
        Star Of Engraved WoundsChanges All Connected Stars To Equal Probability.55%25 To 40
        Polluted Eye StarNothing Happens.65%25 To 40
        Shady Morning StarRestores All Connected Stars.
        Stars Restored By This Effect Do Not Trigger The Effect.
        40%35 To 50
        Star On A Warm Spring DayThe Next Star To Be Restored Will Be Restored Regardless Of The Probability.40%35 To 50
        • Stardust Reward: Depending on the restoration rate of Stardust Rock, you can obtain the following rewards.
        Restoration RateIconEarned RewardsExplanationTradability
        2 Starlight Memories
        Platinum Luck Can Be Used To Purchase The Following Items At The Eliv Store.
        * Can Be Used As A Sealing Material For The Halo Of Mist,

        Piece Of Eternity, And Legendary Fusion Stone.
        25%5 Starlight Memories
        50%8 Starlight Memories
        75%20 Starlight Memories
        100%Primordial Fusion Stone PotWhen Used, You Have An Equal Probability Of Obtaining One Of The Primordial Fusion Stones On The Necklace And Ring.Untradeable

        Asrahan: Veil of Mist Hard Mode
        • Content information:
          • Asrahan: Veil of Nothingness hard mode is added.
          • Asrahan: The Entry Fame of Nothingness's Normal Mode has been changed.
          • Entry level: 110
          • Recommended party size: 1~4 people
          • Recommended fame:
            • Normal: 51,693
            • Hard: 55,034
          • Fatigue when entering: None
          • Weekly entry restrictions: 3 times
            • The weekly entry limit is deducted when the content starts.
            • <Asrahan: Veil of Mist (General)> content and number of entries are shared.
        • Content position:
          • When you clear the ‘Same Direction’ quest, you can enter the raid <Asrahan: Veil of Mist >.
            • You can enter the <Asrahan: Veil of Mist> channel with a fame level of 51,693.
            • You can create and participate in a party in the <Asrahan: Veil of Mist (Normal)> content when you reach a fame of 51,693 or higher.
            • You can create and participate in a party in <Asrahan: Veil of Mist (Hard)> content when you reach a reputation of 55,034 or higher.
          • You can enter the content through the NPC ‘Forest Messenger Camilla’ in the <Asrahan: Veil of Mist (Hard)> channel.
          • You can create a party through Forest Messenger Camilla in the channel or the party creation button in the party finder.
          • You can start the content through NPC ‘Forest Messenger Camilla’ in the party waiting room.
        • Monster Hard Mode Highlights
          • The HP of monsters that appear in Hard Mode will be strengthened.
          • Monsters that appear in Hard Mode use more powerful patterns.
          • The HP of monsters that appear in normal mode is weakened.
        • Common changes in normal and hard modes
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - Shiny Diane's hitbox has been adjusted to be greater.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - Changed so that you can backstep and jump on the sad lightning spirit summoned by Shiny Diane.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - When the Blazing Divine Beast Semiani casts Blazing Veil, the visibility of the safe zone is enhanced.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - The frame drop phenomenon when using Blazing Shroud during the Battle of Blazing Divine Beast Semiani has been alleviated.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where some objects were displayed awkwardly during the battle with the Blazing Divine Beast Semiani has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where some effects of the Blazing Divine Beast Semiani were displayed awkwardly has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where the gauge would not be reset intermittently when resurrected after death while the gauge is full in the Blazing Divine Beast Semiani has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - The logic of some patterns of Blazing Divine Beast Semiani has been changed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where Cladis in the veil inflicts HP reduction damage will be fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - The awkwardness of the Cladis effect in the veil has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where the life gauge correction function does not work when the key pattern of Cladis in the Veil fails has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - The z-axis range of some attacks from Brim of the Furious Fog has been modified.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where the pattern is not canceled when the Force of Misfortune is neutralized has been fixed.
        • Other fixes:
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - Coins provided at start increase to 4.
          • When clearing Asrahan: Veil of Mist - Memories of Aware Birth, the amount of additional coins increases to 6.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - A sound effect is added when the door to the Asrahan internal passage opens.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - A typo in the dungeon name has been corrected.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - God of Fog illustration has been changed.
        • Hard Mode Reward:
          • When clearing a dungeon, you have a 100% chance to obtain the items below.
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Flow Of Five Elements
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘asrahan’.
        * Assassin Fusion Armor Selection Box
        * Custom Option Epic Selection Box
        The Flow Of Pure Five ElementsUse It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘asrahan’.
        * The Flow Of The Five Elements
        Account Attribution
        MeteoriaUsed To Restore The Memory Cluster From The Npc's Incomplete Border Paperweight.Untradeable
        Tale of Bravery: Asrahan-Account-bound
        Pale Mist-Untradeable
        Ryan Core-Untradeable
        Floating Stone Of Glimmer-Untradeable
        Records Room Key
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Archives Room Dungeon.
        Obtained With An Account-Bound ‘high-Ranking Believer’s Record Room Key’ At A Set Probability.
        Short Story MemoryYou Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.Untradeable
        A Vivid Fragment Of Memory
        You Can Enter The Asrahan Libraries Dungeon.
        * Use To Purchase The Following Items At Npc Guardian Of Knowledge Hazel's Store.
        Short Story Memory
        Fragments Of Memory
        Restore The Cluster Of Memories From The Npc's Incomplete Boundary Paper - Used To Activate The Destination Of Memories.
        Use It To Purchase The Following Items At The Raid Shop ‘asrahan’.
        * Priest's Record Room Key Box
        Stable Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain A Lot Of Experience Points When Using It For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain Experience Points When Used For Option Growth.Untradeable
        • When clearing a dungeon, you can obtain the following items according to a set probability.
        IconObtainable ItemsExplanationTradability
        Custom Options Epic
        55 Types Of 105lv Custom Option Epics
        * When You Acquire A Custom Option Epic, You Can Obtain Valuable Custom Option Epic Equipment.
        * Main Option Level: 75~77
        Records/Trace Set Epic
        33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        * Main Option Level: 75~77
        Beginning Grade Fusion StoneThis Is Equipment With Powerful Performance Compared To The 7 Types Of Epic Fusion Stones Each In The Necklace/Ring .
        It Was Created As An Option That Allows You To Relive The Equipment That Boasted Powerful Performance And Status In The Past.
        Epic Grade Fusion Stone6 Types Of Accessories/Special Equipment For Each PartUntradeable
        Legendary Grade Fusion StoneWhen Acquiring One Type Of Special Equipment For Each Part,
        Each Option Is Given With Equal Probability, And The Same Options May Overlap.
        It Is Dropped In A Non-Exchangeable Form And Can Be Exchanged By Resealing.
        Five Elements: Armor Fusion Stone
        You Can Obtain The Five Element Armor Fusion Stone With A Set Probability.
        The List Of Drop Items Can Be Found In The Growth/Equipment Guide, Channel Selection, And Party Creation Screen.
        A Jewel Filled With Broken Harmony
        You Are Guaranteed To Obtain 5 Or More Epic Souls, And You Can Additionally Acquire 1 Of The Following Items At A Set Probability.
        * Custom Option Epic, Record/Trace Set Epic, Floating Stone Of Glimmer,
        Cube Of Clear Fog [1 Lock], Record Room Key, Essence Of Power
        * The Option Level Of The Equipment Is Acquired At Level 1.
        * When You Acquire A Custom Option Epic, You Can Obtain Valuable Custom Option Epic Equipment.
        Perfect Boundary FragmentYou Can Gain A Lot Of Experience When Using It For Option Growth.Untradeable
        Halo Of Mist
        Select 1 Of The 2 Categories Below To Obtain Items Belonging To That Category
        With Equal Probability
        * 1 Of 55 Types Of Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        * 1 Of 33 Types Of Record/Trace Set Epic
        Account Attribution
        Harmonious Mist CubeAvailable For Custom Option Epics, You Can Change One Option To The Desired Option.Untradeable
        Lv. 105 Sacrosanct Area Legendary Pot
        You Can Obtain One Type Of Sacrosanct Area Legendary Equipment.
        * Sacrosanct Area Legendary Equipment Appears In A Sealed State.
        * Obtainable Option Lv Is 46~60.
        Sleek Pot Of Dark Abyss
        You Can Obtain One Type Of Equipment From The Dark Abyss.
        * Dark Abyss's Favorite Equipment Appears As One-Time Exchangeable (Account Binding After Transaction).
        Monster CardThis Is A Monster Card From The Asrahan Raid Dungeon.Tradable (Once)
        • Asrahan: Veil of Mist Reward Changes:
          • When clearing a dungeon, you have a 100% chance to obtain additional items below:  Short Story Memory
          • When clearing a dungeon, you can additionally acquire the following items according to a set probability:  Records/Trace Set Epic
          • When clearing a dungeon, the items obtained change according to a set probability:
            • Before:  Sealed Mist Gear
            • After:  Halo of Mist
        Changes from Test Server
        • Blazing Divine Beast Semiani
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- An issue where characters bound in the Blazing Divine Beast Semiani were able to unbind each other will be fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- The issue where the shadow of the pillar remained for a long time in some patterns during the Battle of Blazing Divine Beast Semiani will be fixed.
        • Brim of the Furious Mist
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist - An issue where explosions would not occur intermittently during the Battle of Brim of the Angry Mist will be fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- An issue where warning marks were not created intermittently during the Battle of Brim of the Angry Fog will be fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- An issue where players would intermittently die immediately after resurrecting during battle with Brim of the Angry Mist will be fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- An issue where skills could not be usd intermittently upon resurrection during the Battle of Brim of the Angry Fog has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- Brim of the Furious Fog's tornado attack range is modified.
        • Force of Misfortune
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- An issue where the dice would not occasionally get stuck in the “Illusory Binding” pattern of Force of Misfortune has been fixed.
          • Asrahan: Veil of Mist- Some effects in the Force of Misfortune pattern have been adjusted.
        • Five Element Attunement Changes
          • Burning flame energy
            • Defense no longer decreases when used.
          • The energy of unlucky eyes
            • When the player who used the energy is frozen, all party members become invincible.
            • When the frozen state of the player who used energy is lifted, the invincibility state of all party members is also lifted.
          • Common
            • The information displayed when hovering over the energy icon of the Five Elements will be changed to be the same as that of Asurahan: God of Mist and Mu Raid.
        Farming System Changes
        • New set epic equipment: A total of 4 types of set equipment will be added.
          • The new set consists of 5 pieces of armor + bracelet / necklace, ring + special equipment.
          • The set options are maintained even if you wear a mix of equipment from each set.
          • It consists of an easily obtainable 'Memory' set, and a powerful 'Record' and 'Trace' set.
        ClassificationSet NamePart CompositionExplanation
        Memory Set
        Memories Of A Fierce BattleArmor + Bracelet
        When Worn In Combination With 'record' Set Equipment, The 'scattered Records' Set Option Is Applied, And
        The Set Option Becomes Stronger As The Number Of 'record' Set Equipment Worn Increases.
        Memories Of Times Gone ByNecklace, Ring + Special Equipment
        When Worn In Combination With 'trace' Set Equipment, The 'fragmented Trace' Set Option Is Applied, And
        The Set Option Becomes Stronger As The Number Of 'trace' Set Equipment Worn Increases.
        Record Set
        Record Of A Veteran
        Armor + Bracelet
        The 'scattered Records' Set Option Can Be Applied Even When Worn Mixed With Other 'record' Set Equipment, And
        The Set Option Becomes Stronger As The Number Of 'record' Set Equipment Worn Increases.
        A Record Of A Never-Ending Pilgrimage
        Records Of Unknown Life Forms
        Trace Set
        Traces Of Veterans
        Necklace, Ring + Special Equipment
        The 'fragmented Traces' Set Option Can Be Applied Even When Worn Mixed With Other 'trace' Set Equipment, And
        The Set Option Becomes Stronger As The Number Of 'trace' Set Equipment Worn Increases.
        Traces Of A Never-Ending Pilgrimage
        Traces Of Life In The Unknown
        • New rarity ‘Primal’ grade:
          • New Rarity’s ‘Primal’ equipment has been added. Primal is equipment with more powerful performance than epic equipment.
          • When dismantling, additional material items with account-binding properties are acquired:  Recorded Light.
          • When transcending a primordial grade item, an additional 7 ‘Recorded Light’ are required in addition to the transcendence cost.
        • New Fusion Stone: New fusion stone equipment items are added.
          • Level 110 Primordial Fusion Stone
            • This is equipment with powerful performance compared to the 7 types of epic fusion stones each in the necklace / ring .
            • It was created as an option that allows you to relive the equipment that boasted powerful performance and status in the past.
          • Level 110 Epic Fusion Stone:
            • 6 types of accessories / special equipment for each part
          • Level 110 Legendary Fusion Stone
            • When acquiring one type of special equipment, each option is given with equal probability, and the same options may overlap.
            • It is dropped in a untradeable form and can be exchanged by resealing.
        • Refined Mist Gear conversion system change: With the addition of record/trace set epic equipment, the Mist gear conversion system is improved.
          • Record/Trail set epic equipment is added to the list of target equipment that can be converted.
          • As before, the records/trace set epic equipment does not consume any materials when first converted through Mist gear conversion system.
          • After the initial conversion, you can consume materials to convert to other record/trace set epic equipment or mist gear equipment.
          • You can convert previously converted refined mist gear equipment into record/trace set epic equipment by consuming materials.
        Expand Growth Level
        • The optional growth level of equipment is expanded:
        Item ClassificationTypeBeforeAfter
        Seon Epic Equipment
        Equipment Other Than Weapons4060
        Sacrosanct Area Legendary Equipment
        Equipment Other Than Weapons7080
          • As the option level increases, fame/attack power increase/buff power increase.
          • The expanded option level of epic equipment requires the following materials when transcending the equipment.
        SpotOption LevelEpic SoulHigh Grade Elemental CrystalPale Mist
        Special Equipment
          • When growing equipment, the number of materials that can be registered is adjusted (100 → 300)
          • The maximum level of the equipment will be displayed.
        • Sacrosanct Area equipment option level change system: The Sacrosanct Area option level change system has been changed.

          • If the Sacrosanct Area equipment option level is 70 or higher, the option level will increase.
        Option LevelLevel +2Level +1MaintainLevel -1
        Below Level 691%38%31%30%
        Level 70 Or Highern/a100%n/an/a
          • Costs for changing option levels are as follows: For Option Level 70 Or Higher
            • Gold: 1,800,000
            • Golden Beryl: 800
            • Power Essence: 13
            • Sacrosanct Area Energy Crystal: 29
          • As the option level is expanded, the attack power increase value increases further.
        Option LevelAttack Power Increase Value

        Secondary Attribute Extensions
        • The attribute point related system will be changed:
          • You can obtain up to 1,300 attribute points.
          • Attribute points can be acquired based on the total option level of the level 110 epic equipment items equipped on the character.
          • The Mist God weapon is treated as level 110 epic equipment and level 40.
          • When the total of option levels is 590, an additional 60 points are earned.
          • When the total option level is 700, an additional 60 points are earned.
          • Other points acquisition and consumption methods are the same as before.
        • Attribute categories and option effects are changed:
          • The maximum acquisition level of some characteristics has been expanded.
          • Powerful Blow / Meditation characteristics are not expanded.
          • Additional effects are activated when certain characteristics are acquired above a certain level.
        Add / Change Existing Content Rewards
        • Add/Change Dungeon Content Rewards:
          • Existing dungeon content rewards Memory Set and Record/Trace Set Epic will be added.
          • Among the existing dungeon content rewards, the Mist Gear item will be replaced with the  'Halo of Mist' item with the same probability.
          • The quantity of Abyss Batteries acquired from Storm's Wrath (daily) has been increased.
        DivisionContent NameMemory Set EpicRecords/Trace Set EpicMist Gear → Halo of Mist
        Advanced Dungeon
        Noblesse Code: DuskOXX
        Destroyed Castle Of The DeadOXX
        Meister's LaboratoryOXX
        White Cloud Valley (Normal)OXO
        White Cloud Valley (Expert, Master)XOO
        Archmage's HoDOXX
        Dusky IslandXOO
        Mechanical Revolution: Total WarOXX
        Mechanical Revolution: Bakal Raid (Normal, Hard)XOX
        Asrahan: Veil Of Mist (Normal)XOO
        Special Dungeon
        Storm's Wrath (Normal, Weekly)OXX
        Arbiter Of BalanceXOO
        Verge of RecollectionXOO
          • The following rewards will be added to some of the existing dungeon content:  Short Story Memory and  A Vivid Fragment Of Memory
            • Verge of Recollection - Master Difficulty
            • White Cloud Valley / Solidaris - Master difficulty
            • Dusky Island - Liberation Difficult
        • Additions / Changes to Verge of Recollection Synchronization Rate Compensation: Some synchronization level 2 and 4 rewards have been added/changed.
        Tuning RateExisting RewardsRewards After Change
        Step 2Level 105 Custom Epic Equipment Selection Box2 Stable Boundary Fragments
        Step 4
        Remnant Hope PotRemnant Hope Pot
        Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment Added
        Remnant Star Pot
        1 Mist Gear Part
        Remnant Star Pot
        1 Halo of Mist
        • Bakal (normal, hard) auction items added Records/Trace Set Epic Pot. Main option level: 70~75
        • Added Epic Equipment Reward to My Set in Gem: The expected value of existing rewards is maintained, and a set epic within the gem has been added. Records/Trail/Memory Set Epic Equipment added to various Gem pouches.
        • Growth/Equipment Guide Recommended Equipment Changes:
          • The custom equipment guide provided in the existing growth/equipment guide will be changed to the new set of epic equipment.
          • The category within the recommended equipment settings has changed.
            • The unique category is changed to the ‘[Beginner] Fixed’ category.
            • Custom categories are changed to ‘[Intermediate] Memory’ and ‘[Advanced] Records/Trace’ categories.
          • The recommended equipment guide has changed.
            • The mission to equip ‘custom equipment with 3 or more highlight effects’ will be removed.
            • The following missions have been added.
              • Common: Equip ‘Memory Set of Fierce Battle’ and ‘Memory Set of Past Time’
              • Dealer: Equip ‘Record/Trace Set of Unknown Life Form’
              • Buffer: Equip ‘Veteran’s Record/Trace Set’
        • NPC Store Item Changes:
          • The following items have been added to the Mystical Grimoire.
            • "White Sea fixed option epic equipment selection box": All fixed option epics except memory and record/trace set equipment are added.
          • A ‘Memory Set Epic Selection Box’ will be added for each content item in the existing NPC store.
            •  Cost 170 Abyss batteries
            •  Cost 240 Quad-color Split Energy
            •  Cost 220 Cruel King of Dragon's Seal
            •  Cost 180 Blurry Memory Fragment
        Changes from Test Server
        • Dungeon mission rewards added: Dungeon mission rewards change when character fame is 51,693 or higher.
          • Achievement point rewards for 0 point reward: 1 Mediator of Balance ticket → 1 Ashrahan Library admission ticket
          • Mission rewards:
        Combat Mission RewardsTown Mission RewardCombat Mission RewardsTown Mission Reward
        12 Mist Cores10 Mist Cores5 Short Story Memory4 Short Story Memory
        1 Refined Mist1 Refined Mist1 Refined Mist1 Refined Mist
        7 Pale Mist6 Pale Mist7 Pale Mist6 Pale Mist
        • Limited mission rewards:
        Compensation Before ChangeCompensation After Change
        20 Mist Cores8 Short Story Memory
        6 Boundary Fragments6 Boundary Fragments
        Power Essence & 30 Golden Beryl BoxPower Essence & 30 Golden Beryl Box
        • Weekly mission rewards: Some mission conditions and rewards will change when the fame of the character with the highest fame on the account is 51,693 or higher
        Mission ConditionsReward DetailsMission ConditionsReward Details
        Clear Mediator Of Balance (1 Time)
        10 Refined Mist
        Clear The Asrahan Library (1 Time)
        10 Refined Mist
        200 Condensed Mist Cores150 A Vivid Fragment Of Memory

        Mediator of Balance Changes

        • Mediator of Balance fatigue consumption and entry cost have changed.
          • Fatigue consumption: 8 → 12
          • Mist Core entrance cost: 48 → 72
        • As fatigue consumption changes, the following changes:
          • Number of rewards and probability
          • Increase in the Mediator of Balance Gauge
          • Probability of Gabriel Store appearance
          • Probability of appearance in Special Gabriel Store
          • Completely balanced drop point increase
        • The following rewards are added to the probability rewards obtained when clearing Mediator of Balance.
          •  Records/Trace Set Epic
          •  Halo of Mist
        • Among the rewards available from Mediator of Balance, the Sealed Mist Gear reward has been changed.
          •  Sealed Mist Gear →  Halo of Mist
        • The following rewards have been added to the rewards that can be obtained through Mediator of Balance.
          • A portion of the chance to obtain custom epic equipment has been replaced with the chance to obtain new record/trail set epic equipment.
          • However, the expected acquisition value of high-value custom epic equipment with 3 or more valid options is the same as before.
        • Improved encyclopedia notation:
          • If upgradeable equipment is selected, a 'Show Upgrade Equipment' button is added to the details.
          • When you click the button, Level 110 Seon equipment with the same options will be displayed.
          • The encyclopedia's hashtags are being reorganized.
          • The hashtags for the equipment will be changed from hashtags based on existing options to hashtags tailored to the characteristics of each equipment.
          • Hashtags in custom options are changed to match unique attributes and parts.
          • The ‘List of hashtags you are searching for’ feature on the right side of the hashtag search window will be removed.

        Fusion System Reform
        • Fusion stone item:
          • The 'Fusion Stone' category will be added to the encyclopedia and auction house.
          • The fusion equipment notation in the growth/equipment guide will be changed to fusion stone.
          • The fusion equipment below will be changed to fusion stones.
            • Ispins
            • Hall of Dimension
            • Dusky Island
            • Bakal Fusion Weapon
            • Goddess of Mist
          • Fusion stone changes compared to fusion equipment:

        Before (Fusion Equipment)After (Fusion Stone)Note
        Adventurer FameFame Based On Equipment LevelSame As Increased Fame When Fused
        Item Grade
        (Lowest ~ Highest)
        ExistDoesn't Exist
        Basic Stats
        (PMI, All Stat, Physical/Magical Defense)
        ExistDoesn't Exist
        DurabilityExistDoesn't Exist
        EquippedCan Be EquippedCannot Be Equipped
        TranscendenceImpossiblePossibleEquipment In A Fused State Cannot Be Transcended.
        This Only Applies To Equipment That Changes From Fusion Equipment To Fusion Stone.
        - The New Fusion Stone Does Not Have The Corresponding Icon Mark.

          • Fusion stone transcendence cost:
        RarityEpic SoulHigh Grade Elemental CrystalMale MistRecorded Light
        (Legendary Soul)
          • Fusion stone sealing cost: Legendary grade cost 36s Legendary Soul and 50 starlight memories
        • Fusion reorganization:
          • The fusion system UI for levels 105 and above will be reorganized, and the fusion cost will be removed.
          • The fusion/separation function in the NPC 'Mystical Grimoire' menu has been transferred to the inventory quick menu. How to use the fusion system in the inventory:
            • Fusion Stone: When right-clicking
            • Equipment that can be fused: Left click - select fusion/separation
          • Game Settings: ‘View equipment before/after fusion’ in shortcut settings has been removed.
          • Item icons and item tooltips change before and after fusion.
          • The ‘Equipped Information – Hashtag Tab’ in the inventory is changed to the ‘Equipped Fusion Information’ tab. This change will be applied when updated on April 25th.
          • Fusion/separation system UI before (left) vs. after (right):
          • Item before fusion before (left) vs. after (right):
          • Item after fusion before (left) vs. after (right):
          • The ‘Equipped Information – Hashtag Tab’ in the inventory is changed to the ‘Equipped Fusion Information’ tab.

        Platinum's Luck, Eliv Store
        • Add new NPC shop: A new NPC 'Platinum Luck, Eliv' will be added

        IconItems For SaleSale PriceTradability
        Primal Fusion Stone Pot4 Recorded LightsAccount-bound
        When Used, You Have An Equal Probability Of Obtaining One Of The Primordial Fusion Stones On The Necklace And Ring.
        1 Harmonious Mist Cube Box800 Harmonious Dimension EnergyUntradeable
        When Used, Acquire 1 Harmonious Mist Cube.
        LIVE Server: can be purchased twice per month per character.
        100 Harmonious Dimension Energy1 Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks]
        10 Harmonious Dimension Energy1 Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock]
        1 Harmonious Dimension Energy1 Warped Dimension Cube
        When Used, The Harmonious Dimension Energy Is Acquired.
        Records/Trail Set Epic Selection Box1 Harmonious Mist CubeUntradeable
        When Used, You Can Select And Obtain One Of The Level 105 Record/Trace Set Epics.
        <Acquired Item Information>
        - Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment
        - Option Level: 75
        Epic Fusion Stone Selection Box (Bracelet)210 Epic SoulsUntradeable
        When Used, You Can Select And Obtain One Of Three Types Of Epic Bracelet Fusion Stones.
        Records/Traces Set Epic Selection Box (Top, Bracelet)190 Epic SoulsUntradeable
        When Used, You Can Obtain One Of The 105 Lv Record/Trace Set Epic Top And Bracelet Parts.
        <Acquired Item Information>
        - Record/Trace Set Epic Top, Bracelet
        - Option Level: 75
        1 Halo Of Mist
        100 Starlight Memories
        2 Mist Gear Parts
        When Used, Acquire 1 Halo Of Mist.
        Records/Trace Set Epic Pot1000 Glim Floating Stones
        LIVE Server: 200 Harmonious Dimension Energy 
        When Used, You Can Obtain One Of The Level 105 Record/Trace Set Epics With Equal Probability.
        <Acquired Item Information>
        - Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment
        - Option Level: 75
        Mist Gear Pot1000 Glim Floating StonesUntradeable
        When Used, You Have An Equal Chance Of Obtaining Each Sealed Mist Gear Equipment.
        <Acquisition Item Information>
        - Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
        - Option Level: 75
          • With the addition of the new NPC store, the ‘I need more floating stones’ quest through NPC Sweetie Tehiti will be removed.
          • The items ‘100 Harmonious Dimension Energy’ and ‘10 Harmonious Dimension Energy’ items will be improved so that they can be purchased as account-bound or limited-term items.
          • New Items with LIVE Server:
        1 Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks100 Harmonious Dimension Energy
        When Used, Obtain 1 Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks] [Untradeable].
        1 Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock]10 Harmonious Dimension Energy
        When Used, Obtain 1 Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock] [Untradeable].
        1 Warped Dimension Cube1 Harmonious Dimension Energy
        When Used, Obtain 1 Warped Dimension Cube [Untradeable].
        • New secret store added:
          • When clearing some dungeons, there is a low probability that 'Eliv's Secret Shop' will appear to selling special items in Asrahan Libraries and Mediator of Balance
          • The number of items for sale ranges from 4 to 6 depending on the probability.
          • You can only purchase one of the items below at Eliv's Secret Shop, and after purchase, you can no longer use Eliv's Secret Shop.
        Appearance DungeonIconItems For SaleSale Price (Gold)Tradability
        Asrahan Libraries
        Primal Fusion Stone80,000,000Untradeable
        Epic Fusion Stones10,000,000Untradeable
        Legendary Fusion Stones50,000,000Untradeable
        Asrahan Libraries
        Mediator of Balance
        Harmonious Mist Cube80,000,000Untradeable
        Mist Gear Equipment50,000,000Untradeable
        Custom Epic Equipment (4 Valid)25,000,000Untradeable
          Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment25,000,000Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [2 Locks]10,000,000Untradeable
        Mist Gear Parts10,000,000Account-bound
        Glim Floating Stone Pot5,000,000Untradeable
        Clear Mist Cube [1 Lock]5,000,000Untradeable
        • Special treatment:
          • A random discount rate is applied to all items sold in Eliv's Secret Shop.
          • The discount rate value and application probability vary for each product.
          • You can update the list and discount rates of all sale items up to once in Eliv's Secret Shop.
        • Deferral of purchase:
          • After clearing the dungeon, the purchase deferral function is applied for 15 minutes from the time you encounter Eliv's secret shop.
          • While the purchase deferral function is in effect, Eliv's divine beast, Bannibu, follows the adventurer and you can use the secret shop through Bannibu. You can also use the secret store through the HUD button at the bottom right.
          • While the purchase postponement is in effect, if you encounter a new Elev's secret shop, all previously appeared items and discount rates will be updated.

        • Other changes:
          • Add new consumables: As new record/trace set epic equipment is added, new consumable rewards are added.  "Halo of Mist" is account-bound
            • You can select one of the two categories below to obtain items belonging to that category with equal probability. Equipment grades are applied to the acquired equipment with equal probability.
              • 1 of 55 types of Sealed Mist Gear equipment
              • 1 of 33 types of Record/Trace Set epic equipment
            • Main sources of acquisition
              • Asrahan: God of Mist
              • Asrahan: Veil of Mist
              • Dusky Island
              • White Sea Advanced Dungeon
              • Verge of Recollection
              • Asrahan Library
              • Asrahan Archive
              • Mediator of Balance
              • Platinum's Luck, Eliv Store
            • Acquisition item information
              • Sealed Mist Gear Equipment
              • Record/Trace Set Epic Equipment
              • Option Level: 75
          • Changes to existing content rewards
            • With the addition of new record/trace set epic equipment, some existing content rewards will change for White Sea Advanced Dungeon, Dusky Island Legion, Verge of Recollection, Asrahan: Veil of Mist, and Exceed
              •  Sealed Mist Gear Equipment →  Halo of Mist
            • With the addition of the new record/trace set epic equipment, some items for sale at the NPC 'Mystical Grimoire' and 'Hugh FitzLarry' stores will change.
              •  Mist Gear Pot   Halo of Mist
            • The materials required for purchase are the same as before.
          • Gabriel Secret Shop Changed:
            • The prices of some items in Gabriel's secret shop in some dungeons have changed.
              • Mediator of Balance
              • Quantum Casino (Normal, Expert)
              • VIP Club
            • Item subject to change:
              • Warped Dimension Cube: 720,000 ~ 1,100,000 gold → 450,000 ~ 770,000 gold
              • Flawless mist core: 14,400 ~ 19,800 gold → 10,800 ~ 14,300 gold
          • Other improvements: NPC Mystical Grimoire, Village Chief Berners - The item ‘Malefic Mist Cryscal Box (Warped Dimension Cube)’ has been improved so that it can be purchased with limited-time Warped Dimension Cube.
        Character Balance
        • AsuraDamage IncreasesWave Wheel Slasher.png+7%, Wave Manifestation Brand.png+6.6%, Ghost Orb.png+6.4%, Force Wave- Neutral.png+6.2%, Spirit Crescent.png+6%, Wave Radiation.png+6.2%, Ice Wave Sword.png+6.8%, Murderous Wave.png+7%, Fire Wave Sword.png+6.4%, Deadly Enticer.png+6.6%, Ground Quaker.png+6.8%, Agni Pentacle.png+6.8%, Glacial Wave Sword.png+6.9%, Magma Wave Sword.png+7%, Thunder God Energy.png+6.9%, Wave Sword- Indra Net.png+6.6%, Heavenly Vajra.png+6.2%, Thunder God.png+6.4%, Wave Exchange- Blast.png+6.4%, Wave Weaver- Heaven's Thunder.png+6.2%
          • Wave Eye.png Wave Eye: Basic 1~3 hits, wheel attack increases by 6%.
            • Sharp Wave Sword attack increases by 6.6%.
            • Cross Wave attack increases by 6.4%.
            • Spear Wave attack increases by 6.8%.
            • Finishing attack increases by 7%.
        • Female Nen MasterDamage IncreasesNen Shot.png+6.3%, Nen Bead.png+6.4%, Suplex Thunder.png+6.1%, Doppelganger Blast.png+6.5%, Storm Bolt.png+6.2%, Spiral Nen.png+6.2%, Spiralwyrm.png+6.4%, Lion's Roar.png+6.6%, Energy Shield (Female).png+7%, Tiger Flash- Nen Creature of Light.png+6.2%, Raging Light Dragon.png+6.3%, Nen Flower.png+7%, Dragon Fury.png+6.8%, Lion's Grand Roar.png+7%, Saint Illusion.png+6.9%, Nen Implosion.png+6.8%, Brilliant Nen.png+7%, Psychokinetic Rampage.png+6.7%
        • Female SpitfireDamage Increases+8%, +8.3%, +8.5%, +8.2%, +8.6%, +8%, +8%, +8.4%, +8.2%, +8.4%, +8.5%, +8.3%, +8.2%, +8.7%, +8.3%, +8.2%, +8%, 
          • Photovilizer: Atk. +8.4%
          •  Standby Ready: Dev's Note: To alleviate operational fatigue when using skills, an automatic fire function for grenade-type skills has been added in standby-ready mode.
            • Attack power by 8.1%.
            • A feature has been added where the skill automatically fires when the grenade-type skill key is pressed after casting the skill. Applicable skills: 
            • Live Server: The interval between automatic grenade ejection in standby-ready mode is reduced so that more grenades can be thrown.
        • Swift MasterDamage Increases: Basic / dash / jump attack +6.6%, Sonic Move.png+6.5%, Northern Wind.png+7%, Headwind.png+6.7%, Wind Blaster.png+6.8%, Twister.png+7%, Sweeping Wind.png+6.8%, Razor Wind.png+8.5%, Eye of the Storm.png+8.5%, Relentless Biting Wind.png+8.5%, Storm Strike.png+8.8%, Vortex Hurricane.png+8.6%, Gale Highway.png+8.1%, Storm Quaker.png+8.8%, Spiral Press.png+8.5%, Violent Storm.png+8.5%, Stormy Eliminator.png+8.6%, Turbulent Rumble.png+8.6%
        Improvements and Changes
        • Party system improvements:
          • Dev's Note: The content entry criteria has been changed from level to fame. However, in most systems, only the level is displayed, thus requiring the process of checking fame when enjoying content with other adventurers. We hope that this update will allow you to play more comfortably.
          • User fame display will be added to the UI below:
            • Number of party participants
            • Number of participants in the raid
            • Friend
            • Guild - List of guild members
            • Community - Adventurer friends, character friends
            • Trade
          • Party average fame has been added to the party search UI. Average fame is updated when adding/leaving party members.
          • The “Fame + Character Nickname” type has been added to Game Settings - Community - Nickname Information Settings.
          • Character fame information from other channels is updated in certain situations, such as when changing channels.
          • Offline character fame is not displayed.
          • Raid - A aame notation is added to the waiting list.
        • Strengthened dungeon difficulty display:
          • Dev's Note: When adding content, the party difficulty level is applied differently depending on the status of the content. It is divided into Advanced Dungeon, which has difficulty levels for 1 to 4 people, and Legion, which has only 2 levels of difficulty. There are also dungeons that require a buffer and dungeons that do not require a buffer.
            • Because it was not properly marked, it may have been difficult to judge when playing.
            • We have prepared this feature to solve that problem. We hope that through this feature, users will be able to have a more pleasant and enjoyable adventure.
          • A fixed difficulty level is applied to Legion and Pre-Raid (Machine Revolution: Total War, Asrahan: Veil of Mist).
            • In fixed difficulty, the difficulty level and party members are fixed at the start of the process.
            • The number of party members cannot be changed while the difficulty is in progress.
            • If a vacancy occurs during the process, people cannot be replaced or added, except for characters who reconnect due to an abnormal disconnection.
            • The remaining reconnection time for characters that terminated abnormally will be modified to be displayed in the party frame.
          • A vacancy indicator is added.
            • Party Frame
          • Number of party participants
          • ‘Difficulty display by party composition’ provided in dungeons above Level 105 has been added.
            • If all party members from 1 to 4 can progress, it will be displayed as ‘1 to 4’.
            • If only 1 or 4 person parties are allowed, it will be displayed as '1, 4'.
            • If a buffer is required in a party of 4, a buffer icon will be displayed. ()
            • Even if the number of party members decreases, dungeons with fixed difficulty will display a fixed difficulty icon. ( )
          • When Legion starts/abandons, a consent vote will be held.
            • If you do not vote to give up, your consent will be automatically processed.
            • If you give up in Legion and the remaining number of entries is 0 and there are no clear times, you will be restored once (Fatigue is not recovered.)
          • The ‘recommended party’ recommended in the raid raid creation and growth/equipment guide has been changed to ‘recommended raid composition’.
          • The recommended party for general dungeons and special dungeons above Lv 101 will be changed to the recommended configuration notation.
        • Expanding use of safe materials: A checkbox for using safe materials is added to the items below.
          • Fusion Equipment Converter
          • Equipment Transcendence / sealing
          • Raid Shop
          • Mystical Grimoire
          • Kiri - Equipment Upgrade Menu
          • Verge of Recollection - Synchronization rate
        • Quick menu system improvement:
          • Quick Menu: Response to changes in fusion system. 
            •  - The fusion information notification will be changed to be displayed depending on the fame applied to the fusion stone.
            •  - When you hover the mouse over the item on which the above fusion notice has been printed, a new cursor design is applied.
          • Added instructions related to quick menu: Quick menu information is added to the tooltip of items to which the quick menu is applied.
          • Quick Menu: The menu name below will be changed. Mist gear equipment conversion → Mist gear set equipment conversion
          • Improved text related to shortcut keys at the bottom of the tooltip: Contents with different expressions are changed to match the content applied to the equipment.

        Quick View (F4)-
        View Set Options And Combination Equipment (F8)-
        Turn Off Comparison Tooltips (Shift)-
        <Open With Right Click>Open (Right Click)
        <Multiple Opening With Shift+Right Click>Multiple Opening (Shift+Right Click)
        <Check Component Information With Alt+Left Click>Check Component Information (Alt+Left Click)
        <Automatically Open With Shift+Right Click>Automatic Opening (Shift + Right Click)

        Item Other Changes
        • The ‘Synthesis[X]’ restriction tag notation in the item tooltip has been removed.
        • The NPC ‘Spell Book of Mysterious Power’ menu category sorting has been changed.
        • The following items will be added to the NPC ‘Luton, the Elder’, ‘Bowmaster Ludmilla’, and ‘Mystical Grimoire’ store.
          •  Capella's Stigmata Talisman Selection Box (Pale Mist)
          •  Unique rune selection box (Pale mist)
          • Talisman Recalibrator Box (Pale Mist)
        • Growth/Equipment Guide - ‘Target Equipment Tab’ has been removed.
        • NPC ‘Item Recommendation Board’ will be removed.
        • Hashtags for each item in the encyclopedia are changed. This change will be applied when updated on April 25th.

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