Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Weapon Master Guide


My Personal Guide
  • Mechanics
    •  increases weapon master for all your weapon. Of course weapon master can use all type of weapon      
    •   gives benefit for swapping weapon.
    •  synergy skill, increases output damage for party.
    • Which weapon do I use? Whichever RNG drop. Most players swap between Lightsabre  and Zanbato 
  • Skill Build
    • Max these passive
    • Then max these active first
    • Then use the rest of SP for these
    • My hotkeys
  • Skill Rationale
    •    at level 1 for utilities.
    •  Physical critial
      • Weapon Master can reach crit cap fairly easy.
      • Max based on gear/enchant.
    •  max recommended for party play. Albert quest steal skill  is also popular.
    • Popular Talisman
      • Shadow Work Illusion Sword Dance.png and Whirling Dragon Slash Raging Dragon Slash.png
      • Illustrious Grip is also a good option Draw Sword.png
    • SP dump in order of recommendation
      •    - Highly Recommended
        • Low cooldown, great damage.
        •  and  increase damage for   
        • Max 2 out of 3 skills based on reference. Most weapon masters I see max  and 
        • Can fit at least 3   rotation in 25-sec sandbag.
      •  - Moderately Recommended
        • Damage is decent to use in endgame.
        • Can fit 2  in 25-sec sandbag.
        • Does not  have I-frame but have super armor for boss gimmicks if needed.
      •  - Not recommended
        •  Damage is not good enough to use in endgame.
        •  Skill duration is too long and end game bosses tend to move around alot. Does have I-frame for boss gimmicks if needed.

  • 8/14/2020
    • ADDED: Acknowledgement statement

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