Thursday, July 14, 2022

ExStream Confirmations

  • This Stream is special because it's the first time we're provided with a ROADMAP. We also have more transparency comments from developer.
  • MJ supposed to be on the ExStream last week (July 7th), but due to COVID-19, he couldn't attend. Anyway, it has been 7 years since DFOG launched but they have never done any roadmap. It also has been awhile since DFOG has any major contents (since Blitz in April), we're worried that during this time, many people will wonder about what will happen in the future. So the main reason for this stream is to provide just that.
  • The following are major contents and they're fixed on this schedule.
    • September - Meister's lab and Item balance update
    • November - Ispins the Usurped Land
      • Multi-thread update and other QoL should include in this update
      • This include all fusion item as well
    • 2023 Quarter 1 - Machine Revolution - Warpath and Bakal Raid
Developer's Note
  • Item Balance Update:
    • Their biggest concern was that they know DFOG is a few months behind Korea, and many players that follow Korea's news already know what meta gear setting are, therefore the game can be boring. So after September, DFOG will have the Item Balance that KDnf have right now (this one) so you can try out more setting if you wish.
    • MJ also mentioned that since players know the meta from Korea, they may not want to try other gear alternative. So the dev are considering making balance changes that are NOT in Korea. Basically mean they want to change the meta a bit to make the game more interesting.
  • Minor Contents and Events:
    • Again, their concerns were DFOG following KDnF and people already what are coming. So they're trying to provide as many twists as possible. Regardless, the major contents in the road map above will remain as they were.
  • Item Growth Efficacy:
    • They're aware that during the being stage of the cap, gear growth is not efficient and they know people are lacking material to transfer growth option, etc. So it will take some time for them to find solution (probable events to provide those materials). Rest assured that they will do something about it.
  • Dev Team's Appreciation Gift:
    • Many players are returning to the game due to level 110 cap. They're giving away a hyper dimension package for everyone. Pretty much identical to the webpage version, just without the coin and the title. Just log in and claim your package. This kinda segway into the next point.
  • Why everything is account-bound in this package?
    • Since they're giving a free full package for every account, they know that it can be abused since you can just make a new account to get the gift (after all DFOG doesn't require social number to make an account like KDnF), that's why they make it account-bound. This package is supposed to repel players from buying multiple packages. If they make it tradable, people will buy 10 packages and sell them on auction hall, then when they give away this free package, it will not be as valuable.
    • The second point is that they wanted to create an environment where you just need to buy 1 package and get all that you needed.
    • Players that were missing title from the package have been investigated and will be compensated.
    • Regardless, this package will remain account-bound. However, future packages will return to normal (e.g. things are tradable) while trying to make it so that you don't need to buy multiple packages.
  • Prestige items:
    • People still upset that you need multiple coins to buy this package hidden avatar.
    • They have tried to reduce this as much as possible since March 2022 during the anniversary. There are only 3 things on this package you can buy from the coin shop. However, with company policy, there are certain items that are considered prestige items, basically mean requiring you to have a paywall (it's one of those where you bend the rule but don't break it)
  • Broken economy:
    • The direction is to make you spend your gold thus making gold more valuable.
    • There are too much gold in this game and we don't have anything for player to spend on. We're planning to remove those from the game via various way. An example is putting emblem on shop for players to buy. Items that are removed from the mileage shop (e.g. EXP pot, slot expansion, mega phone) will be able to be purchase with gold. NeoPrenium+ getting updated and limited amount can be bought with gold. They're thinking about making more valuable items purchasable with gold too (e.g. clone avatar, grimoire).
  • MJ will take some time off after this stream.
    • Creature update in November?
      • No. Lot of KDnF players hate it when it was in test server. So global team is looking into total revision and will take awhile before DFOG has it.
    • Is there anything left to do with 100 epics??
      • Not really.
    • Can we fuse ozma Bakal epic on lvl 105 equipment?
      • Yes
    • Bakal raid solo mode?
      • Can't reveal yet. We just know that it will be hard.
    • Are you intending to add different methods of monetization since you don't want packages to be your main source?
      • The package is the main source, but we're looking at other way.
    • New collab when??
      • MJ was told by management to not saying anything. but anyway, you will see something in the future.

    • Free package doesn't include title
    • Q&A part, fusing question was referring to Bakal, not Ozma

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