Thursday, September 16, 2021

[DFOlmanac] Basic System Setting

  • You can open the system setting by pressing "Esc" key then select "Setting" option. Here you can adjust "Graphics", "Sounds", and "System". I'll briefly walk you through them.
  • This is where you can adjust your game screen setting. I like to play as window and not full screen.
  • I have my "UI Size" as large because I'm too old to read small letters. Here's a comparison between Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right)
  • I have my chat window setting on the right size so my screen won't get too clustered. But you can change it to whatever you want.
  • Protip: Use "Hide Mode" to your advantage. In the example below, the chat window overlapped my vault so I can't select. By activating Hide Mode, I can click through the chat window.
  • The rest of the graphic setting is pretty self explanatory. But I want to emphasize the Opacity setting because while playing in dungeon, you can quickly learn that many classes have flashy skills and sometime it can be very hard to see anything on the screen. So use this option to adjust where you see fit.

Game Play
  • There's one thing on there I want you to pay attention to. You can prevent dead monster sprites from juggling endlessly by enabling "Remove Killed Monster Sprites". This will improve your game play experience by a lot.

Hotkey Settings
  • This is where you can change any function keys in DFO.
  • Protip: Use the "Chat" setting to its full potential. Think of this like a chat macro. For example, I put "Welcome to DFOArchive" as number 8. So every time I press number 8, my character will say that line.
  • Why is this a Protip? because there are command line you can use in this game.
  • "//setitem" is the function to gather every items on the map to your character's location. I have it as number 9. So every time I press 9, it gather everything to my character.
  • "//setcharacter" will teleport you to the entrance of the room. This is useful if you got stuck on a map due to some bug.
  • NOTE: Both "setitem" and "setcharcter" function can only be used once per dungeon.

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