Monday, February 05, 2024

White Cloud Vale Made Simple

General Approach

  • Entry Fame: Depending on the dungeon difficulty
    • Normal: 36,132
    • Expert: 47,624
    • Master: 54,098
  • How to Proceed:
    • After entering the content, you can fight while checking the progress in the dungeon through the status board.
    • A special object "Mist Collector" is provided in the dungeon. If you defeat the monsters and collect the fog energy in the "Mist Collector", you can use it to your advantage in battle.
    • White Cloud Valley consists of a central area where regular monsters constantly appear and a dedicated area where named/bosses are located.
      • Dungeon Progress:
        • Defeating monsters increases dungeon progress.
        • New boss monsters are unlocked according to the dungeon progress level.
        • When the dungeon progress is maxed out, the final boss "Luton the Eldest" is unlocked.
        • Excluding Largo and Luton, which you must encounter, you can deal with 2 additional mini bosses on Normal difficulty, 3 on Expert difficulty, and all existing mini bosses on Master.
        • Additionally, when a 50% progress is reached, the named White Cloud Watcher Largo invades from the central map.
      • Mist Collector:
        • This is an special object that collects fog energy by defeating normal monsters or fighting boss monsters.
        • You can possess and install it when you approach the fog collector and use the 'special dungeon key'. The Mist Collector can be owned by up to one person.
        • When the collected fog energy is at its maximum, it can be installed to greatly reduce the neutralization gauge of the boss monster.
      • Emergency Operation:
        • The party will receive a total of 2 emergency operations while the content is in progress.
        • If you complete an emergency operation, you can collect a huge amount of mist energy in the mist catcher.
        • When retreating, operation progress is saved.

    Boss Mechanics

    YouTube - 히카리타마
    YouTube - 오형짱

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