Thursday, March 02, 2023

ExStream Confirmations: DFO 8th Anniversary Live - Feat. Won & Jong

  • DFO ExStream is a traditional live stream from the DFOG developer team where they showcase what contents, event, and sale are coming on the following week. This week featured 2 special appearances: Head Director Lee Won Man and LIVE Director Park Jong Min
  • The following are confirmed to be released on the next weekly maintenance (March 7th).
  • What's your job description?
    • Head director here at DFOG, pretty much a bit of everything here that related to DFOG.
  • What have you done to the game since users may not know who you are?
    • First started as programmer for dungeon like Otherverse, level 70 expansion cap of 2nd Impact. But as I work in program I wanted to move up to plan and design myself, so I created other dungeon like Mirror Arad. It's a bummer that they didn't turned out so great.
    • Then I left for a bit to work on the DFO mobile version, then I got a call from DFOG and now I'm back.
  • So the latest update in DFOG is Total war, do you have any memories in this content?
    • Last July when I first re-join, I know that we shouldn't have unreasonable patterns. If you have a big warning on screen and you die then that's on you. What I meant is that pattern that have little warning that kills you. I also look at the total quality of the dungeon itself, due to the good team we have here, I was able to focus on unreasonable pattern. I tell you this because I play Total War after these unreasonable pattern adjustments were made, so overall the experience was okay.
    • Overall, I think the dungeon overall is good but Hismar pattern was still a bit difficult. We also will look into statistic on how many people die on which boss, then we can make adjustment accordingly.
  • Since you mentioned Hismar, many also say Skasa is difficult, what's your thought?
    • I think Skasa is also hard, although I though Hismar is harder, we will continue to look at our stat and make adjustment when needed.
  • Player able to see your icon on the thumbnail and was excited, is there a reason you wanted to make an appearance?
    • I have a personal wish that the global version to be the highest version, sadly it's not there yet. Also many players from many countries love DFO, it's unfortunately that it's still not as popular around the world.
    • When I returned last July, I wanted to meet everyone right the way but I thought it may be too soon and I came empty-handed so we wanted to lay a foundation first. And now this anniversary is a good opportunity for this appearance. Hopefully we can do this more often.
    • We will also introduce our new LIVE director soon.
  • What do you have prepared for today's stream?
    • We are giving you what type of content are coming and when. Similar to roadmap. We will also have gift at the end of stream.
    • There are other things as well, most of the feedback we have is content and economy related.
    • Contents concerns are about content gap and buffer shortage. Gap is due to quality and stability of our service. I understand that players want the content quickly or wanting QoL, I started new service called "Fast Tracking" process. Basically making our Dev work harder, more on that later.
    • As for game economy, mostly about Golden Beryl and items related to fame growth. We also taking action on Buffer shortage as well. For example amplification is efficient for buffer, which take golds, which affect game economy. I personally have a Seraph and Muse, and it takes lots of gold to growth buffer. We will look internally and address these.
  • What new changes do you have?
    • We kind of complain to Nexon and got us a talented new LIVE director. He will discuss them with you.
  • Thank you so much for talking to us. Do you have any other words for our adventures?
    • As I mentioned, I will be saying hello more often in the future. And to all our users, thank you for playing our game despite many current issues. I hope to give you more great memories in the future.
    • Here we will show you how we make our game great: "LONG LIVE DFO" chant.

  • Tell us about what you do
    • My goal is make the game more fun to play, so I work into the current state of our game much more in dept. When we look at content, we make sure to optimize it to our global audience. I jointed in February, and I actually play in DFO global service so I can know what issue it has. I also have cleared Total War.
  • Do you have any other connection to DFO?
    • I work in the industry for 15 years. About 10 years ago, I worked on the Korean version team. About 9 years ago, I was approached when DFO is about to make a global launch, so it was a good opportunity, but I wasn't able to joint the global team then.
    • Back then, there was not a policy on item return or restore for adventure, so i took it upon myself and make the policy.
    • It's unfortunately I wasn't able to join global team, but it was able to gain lots of experience, and I'm happy to join global team now.
  • Our user is curious able updates plan, so please tell us more about this
    • I know our users probable already what contents are coming out from KDnF, so here's the road map for global version.
    • The main update for this season is Bakal raid, with fame requirement of about 40k and made up of 12 players. Since it's a more difficulty content, so we need to take careful measure on buffer shortage. We will discuss this later.
    • The second Legion dungeon is Archmage's Hall of Dimensions is on May 30th. Entry fame is lower than Bakal at 38k, so it's a good gateway to Bakal raid. Since it's a content after Bakal raid, it also will have harder difficulty for players with 42k+. It will also have more storyline.
    • New class Archer is scheduled for July, even after this, we prepared other high quality content for you. It's not show here, there will be other QoL between contents as well.
  • Will we know the exact date for Archer?
    • We're still make adjustment to prepare for its release, so we'll tell you the date later either through stream like this or through other method.
  • You mention plans for DFOG, could you go to more detail?
    • As mentioned, one of my job is to make the game more enjoyable. We know that our players have lots of feedback about game economy. Some keywords include buffer shortage, power essence, golden beryl, gold shortage, transfer option level tickets, etc.
    • To start thing off on content, users would as about content gap. It's a on going question. Our head director gave the explanation for this is due to prioritization of stability and more transparity regarding updates date.
    • Cons, you can't play the content immediately. Pros, we can foresee what issue the content have so we make adjustment to the quality. For example, when the content first come to Korea, there are lots of bug. When it come to global we can fix it.
  • Could you go more on "Fast Track"?
    • We tried this out on Total War update, so for Feb 21st, our Perified Shoes bug was fixed immediately upon release. Unlike other service where the bug was fixed later.
  • So what do you have prepared for us.
    • Bakal Raid: Pattern visibility improvements, improved auction items. In KDnF, this was added after raid, but for DFO version, we will have this immediately. More improvement on raid leader buff, Eclair of Thunder pattern notification as well.
    • Even with these improvements, many players will still have problem clearing the raid. But in this case, with the info we have on Bakal raid, it can help us with DFO version. Lots of KDnF players start out using Archon set. We could see that after trying out Bakal raid, they diversity their setting. We had a review with data analysis team, and we can see that our DFO player already caught on with the meta.
  • The major issue with getting into Bakal raid is the 40k fame. What's your opinion on this?
    • In our DFO server, we have a lot more users that have lower than 30k fame than KDnF. Only 42% higher than 30k, where as it's 64% in KDnF. So we're making the following adjustment:
      • Distribution of Item Option Growth / Complete growth tickets
      • February 21st, Level up event allows level 110 character
      • March 7th, special mission event with recommend setup box
      • April 18th, we have epic road event prepared for fame growth

  • Are there any other content that can help us with fame growth?
    • We are going to "Fast Track" to use Ryan Core ticket enhancement for Advanced dungeon difficulty on April 4th. KDnF update here. We know you have lots of Ryan Core so we want to bring this faster.
    • We also lower the difficulty for advance dungeon. We will continue to monitor and play the game itself to see how it go.
  • Any changes to Ispins?
    • Also on April 4th update, the Fast Track for this is redistribution of account-bound/untradable clear rewards. Also include weekly purchase limit removal for some NPC shop item. AND life token usable for stage 1. This is also from this KDnF update.
  • What about new and returning user, they may have hard time getting used to with level 110 equipment. What's your plan?
    • 110 cap has lots of new and unique set-up. It will be hard for new and returning users to catch up. But I noticed that we have lots of people in the community that help answering these question, so I think you for that.
    • On our stand point, we introduced "Target Equipment System" on Feb 21st. On Marth 7th, we will provide 8th anniversary recommended Equipment Support Box with guide magazine available to explain to you how to use these set-up.

  • Anything you have planned for our veteran player?
    • On Feb 21st, we added Seria's Special Shop. On April 4th we will have Equipment Option tooltip fixes and equipment system rehaul along with NPC Mystical Grimoire improvement.
  • Another issue is buffer shortage, please tell us about this.
    • From our data, the ratio between buffer and DPS is very bad, and will be an issue with Bakal raid. To address this we hope that content framing improvement can help with this.
    • April 4th, DPS party area buff enhanced up to Ispin along with adding buffer fame boost event
    • After April 4th, we will have Powerful buffer-exclusive event. Hopefully we can improve this. In the long term, we hope to make better environment for buffer to play in. There are lots of classes but only 3 buffers, so we hope to prepare Muse in the highest quality possible.

  • What about game economy, please talk about that
    • We need to talk about item like gold, golden beryl, power essence. Golden Beryl is important for growth, we tried to introduce events like Merchant of the Wind and Campfire event. I think it has improved a bit so we will continue to monitor and supply the item in appropriate level.
    • Aside from these growth item, many users are worry about gold as well. Sometime we don't event have enough gold to prepare equipment. We definitely can't give you gold, but we want approach other way. We will have 50% off repair cost event and will last for one month (longer than usual 2 weeks).
    • Regarding the Master Contact, we couldn't find a way to provide this to player through gold, but we will provide more through events (e.g. 15 days contact from attendant event). We will provide more in our anniversary as well.
  • What about Unique DFO Experience, tell us about that
    • Older raid contents like Fiend War and Prey-Isys entry content is harder to obtain. I was annoyed about this as well, so on Match 7th you will able to buy entry ticket with gold. We know it's hard to completely revamp the old content, but we will try our best to make adjustment for them.
  • Since this our special steam, do you have any special sneak peak?
    • Not confirmed yet, but here it is, we may or may not have DFO English Voice lines. It will be a hard project to dub every line in the game. Looking through the chat we see lots of people against and for this and it's same for us. Many people are against, many are for it.
    • So we're approaching this in small portion. Maybe starting out with which class or which NPC to work on. We contracted some companies (e.g. people that worked with Netflix) to see where this will go.
    • It's definitely not confirmed and simply just an idea. But we want to know what you think.
  • Do you have any final remarks?
    • Our dev are playing DFO more now. And we have a better data analysis team to help us review. We hope to make the game better for you through these data and stream like this. I know there will be issue, and there's limit of how much we can do all at once, but we will try our best. Thank you.
Special Give Away
  • Log-in right now to get special rewards. Full Neo package along with 5,000 Golden Beryl and 1,000 Power Essence.

      • No Q&A this stream.


      1. For some reason, the EXStream on both Youtube and Twitch got deleted. I wonder why...

        Could it be some copyright reason or... something else?

        1. Usually these don't get deleted unless they got a strike or something. I'm not sure.

        2. I went back to check and it looks like the youtube stream is there

        3. Weird. At the time of the post, both were gone.


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