Friday, October 22, 2021

Ozma Raid Tips and Tricks

  • Since the raid released, KDnF players are getting used to the dungeon and its gimmicks. Here I gather tips and tricks from various Korean sources to help you beat Ozma. If you have any other tips you want to add to this post, please let me know.
  • First and for most, let's talk about the strategy used to beat higher level difficulties. If you don't know anything about this raid, be sure to read this Ozma Raid Made Simple guide first. For all other Ozma related info, visit this Ozma category.
Phase 1 Tips
  • In order to reduce confusion because there are so many dungeons in this raid, instead of using the name, I'll refer them to their simple and crossroad name.
    • Key = Liberation dungeon
    • Buff = Buff dungeon
    • Skull = Main dungeon
    • Sword = Chaos dungeon
Difficulty 1
  • Overall principle:
    • Green party will continuously clear both buff dungeons in Destruction and Despair to provide +20% damage boost and sanity point for the whole raid.
    • Red party will clear 1 Sword to increase the raid difficulty. You want to choose the last Sword dungeon (Martyr's Chapel in Crossroad of Terror) to clear because if you clear the Sword dungeon first, the whole raid get harder right at the beginning.
    • Orange party, make sure you wait for red party to call ready before you activate Martyr (just like you wait before shooting Roxy in Sirocco).
Difficulty 2

  • Overall principle: Very similar to level 1 but just some minor differences.
    • Green team will have similar role as level 1 difficulty (clearing buff dungeons), but here they can also help with clearing an extra Sword dungeon. It really up to you to clear either Sword of Destruction or Despair, you can read up the boss mechanics for both of these and judge for yourself.
    • Orange party will need to help Green party clearing Tower of Revelation as they would be busy clearing Sword and the other 2 buff dungeons.
    • Red party, highly recommend you clear buff dungeon first before jumping into Destruction's Key. While you do one buff dungeon, Green party can do the other buff dungeon in Despair, which will give your raid a great head start.

Difficulty 3

  • I haven't found any guide out there that give an example for difficulty 3. If you find one, let me know and I'll add it here.
  • If I had to lead this raid, I would follow similar pattern to difficulty 2. I'll have Red clear Despair's Sword before going to Terror's Sword.
Other Tips
  • The chaos phases affect dungeons after it. When you clear a Sword dungeon, any dungeon you enter afterward will at increased chaos level.
    • For example, you clear Corridor of the Dead, then clear Martyr's Chapel, then clear Eltfel, the Valley of Eternal Flame. Corridor will have chaos level 0, and Eltfel will have chaos level 1.
  • Tower of Revelation timing is important:
    • Once the dungeon open, it will take 450 seconds (7.5 mins) for the first revelation to complete (this 1st one is where meteors fall all over the map).
    • At 10 mins, the 2nd revelation will complete, which will increase monster's defense. So make sure you clear this dungeon before this time.
    • Since Tower of Revelation take 5 minutes after raid start to open. Absolutely at the latest, you should clear this dungeon at the 15 minutes mark after raid start.
  • Damage potion: This this increase damage a whooping 30% for 30 seconds, but has 10 minutes cooldown, and doesn't stack with Warlord pot. Since most of the dungeons here has a 5-6.5 minutes limit, you can only use this pot once per dungeon.
  • Kazan Awakening cut-in happens every 80 seconds after you enter the dungeon. So watch your clock. Also his damage correction changes based on his pattern, some can have correction up to 168%, so pay close attention to the percentage number below his HP bar.
  • The car chasing in Tomb of Rest can only be attacked once per person. And you can only do damage when the word "Attack" is displayed.
Phase 2 Tips
  • If no party is in Ozma, he heals 1% HP every 3 seconds.
  • You don't have to retreat to move between phase 2 dungeons. You can use the map UI to do so.
  • Armis, the Garden of Mirror, will open immediately after entering Ozma. Ellerinon, City of Tragedy, open when Ozma's HP reaches 70%.
  • Ozma's HP bar has red tick marks that indicate particular patterns.
  • When entering Armis, the Garden of Mirror, the damage correction is 50%. So you don't use awakening just yet.
  • In Ellerinon, City of Tragedy, when fighting Astaros of Black Terror at the portal phase. In order to reduce confusion, you should say in the chat which direction she enter and exit.
    • Also instead of using Left, Middle, or Right portal (which take longer to type), you should use number (1, 2, 3) instead.
    • Going clockwise, 1 means left, 2 means middle, 3 means right. So in the middle of all the chaos, you can just type 12, 21, 31, and so on.
    • Here's an example
Naver - hn03049
Naver - zpvmtl -  평범한에반

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