Friday, June 18, 2021

How I Plan To Farm Aeterna Synergy Epics

  • Aeterna is a continent exclusively for farming its synergy sets. I have made a post about this content in great detail.
  • Here I'll show you how I plan to to gear up my alts for solo contents with some simple math of how many alts are needed.
How Many Materials?
  • First of all, it's important to know what boss essences are needed for each materials. You can craft total of 80 boxes including armor, accessory, and special equip. Each boss kill will drop 3 essences, so you can get 9 boss essences per character per day due to the 3 entry limit. Below is a simple table of the materials needed.

  • Sadly there're RNG involved. Each of these synergy boxes give you a piece randomly. You can dissemble unwanted pieces for 100  each. 600  will get you 1  Legendary Synergy Selection Box.
  • So assuming you get the worst luck, 11 synergy pieces will require 66 dissembles. So how many boss essences are required to craft them?
    • 66 boxes will need 198 boss essences.
    • Upgrading 11 synergy legendary to synergy epic will need 297 boss essences (this upgrade part is guaranteed, no RNG).
    • So in total, you will need 495 boss essences
How Many Alts?
  • Since each character can get up to 9 boss essences per day, to get 495 in a week, you will need about 8 characters minimum. 
  • I plan to organize my farming characters in 7 teams. Each team will only farm 1 boss daily. I do this because I don't want to run one character to multiple places and keep tract of which essence it carry.
  • Team 1 and 2 will strictly farm Kurkra & Agnat for the essences needed for Armor box. These 2 teams really only need one character to farm enough mat to craft, but I want to have 2 so I can have extra materials to craft the Fused Essences.
  • Team 3 will strictly farm Geldrager, you will need 99  to craft 66 boxes and 11 epic upgrade, so 2 characters should be plenty. Team 4, 5, 6, 7 will farm the remaining essences for crafting accessory, special equipment box, and their respected Fused Essence upgrades.
  • Really with this composition, you don't even need to farm them all everyday. 3 to 4 out of 7 days should get you enough materials.
What Gear?
  • From a little bit of testing, Unique Aeterna is the minimum you will need to start this farming process. You literally can't upgrade them further without the Geldrager hard mode drops.
  • Edit (1/2/22): I went back to this content after character buff, and my F Nen did pretty well even with Unique gear against the Hard bosses. Apparently they changed the spawn time to 20 mins so now you will have plenty of time to get your 3 runs in, even with soloing. I would recommend bringing plenty of potions though.
Worth the Time and Effort?
  • If you're playing the game as a Solo Fighter Online like myself and many other people, I think this content is worth it. When farm with enough alts, you get an epic set that is much stronger than regular level 100 Legendary, and only require a fraction of the time to make with little RNG involved.
  • From the video below, you can see that he can clear 2+2 expert mode no problem. And the guide modes too, ezpz. If you're one of those stormy farming people, this is great too. I can get a stormy ready character in a week? sign me up.

  • But what if you don't play solo, does it still worth it? well, that kinda depends on you. It's quite controversial. On paper analysis translated by Jay, on test server, if you're wearing 8-piece synergy + 3-piece Bloody Sheen + Marbas pet, you're providing more benefit to the party.
  • The good thing is with live server, the synergy sets were nerfed. But regardless, you will provide good benefit to the party with little gearing effort, just not as good as a well rounded synergy with 12/12 regular epic gears.
  • AegisRick in this podcast at about 24 minutes explained his concern about this content quite well. You can also read the comment to see the main points for both sides of the argument.


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