Monday, June 08, 2020

Male Striker Guide

  • The author thanks Strikers discord group for the useful feedback on the skill build
  • This page has been reviewed by two other players Pre-3A
  • Overview: General information can be found at DFOWiki
  • Guides from the community
    • u/LargestRock (posted August 2017): This is the only written guide I can find. Unfortunately, this guide is outdated.

My Personal Guide
  • Mechanics
    • 1st awakening
      • Casting the skill the second time will activate "Dual Release Attack", adding the  next to your .
      • While  is active, the damage boost is added to your  Mortal Assault.png and , only one time though, so pick and choose which one you want to apply the damage to.
    • Flash Move
      •  is a generic skill for all male fighter. But for striker,  can be used to cancel into other skill. 
        • For example:  →  →   below
      •  cooldown can also be bypassed when used with other low cooldown skills.
        • For example: Tornado Kick.png →   Low Kick.png         below
  • Skill Build
    • Max these passives
      •         Limit Break.png
    • Then max these actives first
      • Infernal Destroyer.png Mortal Assault.png     
    • Use the remaining SP for these
    • My hotkey
  • Skill Rationale
    • Leave   and  at level 1 for utility and clearing trash mobs.
    • Popular Talisman :
      • Fiery Onslaught   > Faster Than the Eye  > Mountain Clever 
    • Super armor 
      • Leaving at level 1 is an option among kdnf players.
      • Level 1 vs 20 has pretty much the same effect since higher physical defense and vitality are not beneficial for male striker.
      • At level 1, the skill has lower duration and also lower cool down, so the duration/cooldown ratio is similar to level 20.
      • In a way you can use that extra SP for other skill but then you will have to recast  every 25-30 sec, which can be a hassle.
    • 3rd Awakening linInfernal Destroyer.png
      • Link Infernal Destroyer.png to  will require  to be activated before Infernal Destroyer.png can be used, however that will take away your ability to use "Dual Release Attack" 
      • Link Infernal Destroyer.png to Tyrant Strike.png would free up the  for potential damage increase on  Mortal Assault.png and . Also Tyrant Strike.png has a long cast time so in a way you're buying yourself a few more seconds in 25-sec rotation to use other skills.
      • Looking at the damage dealt by the top 20 Korean strikers on dundaoff, you're looking at a difference of average 4.22% in total damage with linking to  deal more damage.
      • At the end of the day, unless you're min-maxing, link to whichever fit your playstyle, rotation, and muscle memories. 
    • SP dump in order of recommendation
      •  - Highly recommended
        • Used with Faster Than the Eye  making the skill flow a lot smoother
        • It would be a crime not to max
      •   - Moderately recommended
        • After the 3A update, only have enough SP to max 2/3.
        • There are lots of debate about which one to max due to  has long cool down 
        •  is good at skill connection and  has good burst.
        • From sandbag testing, when maxing with TP on both  :
          •  will outdamage 2 
          • With cooldown reduction gears and runes, you can easily fit 2  in 25-sec rotation. Whereas for , you're lucky if you can fit 3.
        • The general consensus among the top kdnf players from is to max  last after maxing   post 3A
        • From my testing, I have to take SP off Physical Critical.png  if I want to max both  
      •    - Mildly recommended
        • Damage is not high enough to use in endgame even with Limit Break.png boosting  
        • Best to leave at level 1

    • 8/23/20
      • ADDEDMortal Assault.png as Dual Release activation
    • 8/18/20
      • UPDATED: Post to match 3A update
        • ADDED: Super armor rationale
        • ADDED: 3A link rationale
        • CHANGED: SP dump recommendation
        • CHANGED: Skill figures to match 3A build
    • 7/14/20
      • ADDED: Acknowledgement statement
      • ADDED: Talisman popularity
      • ADDED: SP dump recommendation
      • CHANGED: Skill figures to match current build

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