Wednesday, May 29, 2024

[Korea] May's Updates and Improvements

  • This patch adds many convenience and accessibility improvement to the game before the next major update.

Improved Convenience

  • Weekly Dungeon UI Improvements
    • Dev's Note:  There were inconveniences such as having to change the weekly dungeon information section to check it because there were not enough spaces for the weekly dungeon information compared to the available content.
      • The total number of spaces has been expanded from 8 to 10 spaces, and a custom function has been added so that even spaces containing character information can be set as content information.
      • In addition, we have made improvement to the weekly dungeon information in a way that is helpful when managing multiple characters.
      • We added it to the settings list so that you can view various information such as daily missions, liberation proof quests, fame, fatigue, etc.
      • After checking the character that has not been done, a function has been added so that you can move to that character directly within the UI without going through the character selection window.
      • Character hiding and separation tab functions have also been added as functions for classification.
    • Weekly Dungeon Information name has been changed to Content Status.
    • The ability to move character pages by scrolling the mouse is added.
    • The content selection field is expanded to a total of 10 fields.
      • All fields will be changed to allow settings for content and character information.
        • Dusky Island Proof Quest, Daily Mission, Exceed Mode, Fame, and Fatigue are added.
        • Black Purgatory (daily) and Guild Dungeon will be deleted.
      • If more than 6 contents excluding daily missions are set, the content status window in the character selection window will be expanded.
    • Depending on each character's fame, a no-entry status and highest difficulty level are added.
      • No entry status
      • Normal 
      • Expert 
      • Master 
      • Hard 
    • A character display setting function has been added
      • Only characters from the currently selected server are displayed.
      • Characters whose checkboxes are cleared will be converted to a hidden state in the content status UI.
      • If you check 'Only show characters below the highest level', only characters below the highest level will be displayed.
      • Only 100 characters can be hidden per account.
    • A pop-up menu is added when you click on a character: The functions of each pop-up menu are as follows.
      • Character Switching: Switches to the selected character while maintaining the current channel and location. The pop-up menu will not be displayed when the character cannot be changed.
      • Add division tab: A separator tab in the form of a space is added to the top of the selected character.
        • More than one division tab cannot be created on one character.
        • A total of 20 separate tabs can be created.
        • You can enter text in the blank space using the pencil button.
      • Hide character: The selected character will be converted to a hidden state.
  • Improved Guild Management
    • Dev's Note: Adventurers managing guilds had the inconvenience of having to select only one guild member at a time when dropping a guild member or changing their level.
      • To make guild management easier, a withdrawal function was added based on adventure group.
      • To enable overall management, the guild member settings UI has been changed and a bulk dismissal/grade change function has been added.
    • When you select a character and drop/withdraw, it will be changed so that you can proceed all at once based on the adventure group.
      • Guild Master / Deputy Guild Master selection is disabled.
      • When a representative character withdraws, the representative character will be changed to the character that joined first among the remaining characters.
Bulk Withdrawal

Bulk Dismissal
    • Guild Settings - Guild member settings UI will be changed.
    • Changes will be made so that the assistant guild master character can also access the guild member settings UI. Only the withdrawal function can be used; other functions are disabled.
    • A rating setting function has been added.
    • A guild member search function has been added. When entering a search term, characters that include the search term in the character name and representative character name are displayed.
    • A bulk withdrawal function has been added.
      • The button is activated only when the grade to be changed is not selected.
      • When you click the drop button, the selected characters will be kicked out all together.
    • A batch grade change function has been added.
      • The button is activated only when the grade to be changed is not unselected.
      • When you click the change button, the grade of the selected character will be changed to the grade you want to change.
      • When selecting ‘Guild Master’ as the grade to change, only one character among the assistant guild master characters can be selected.

  • Top Bar Menu Improvements
    • Dev's Note: After the addition of the top bar, some adventurers were able to use the game screen comfortably, but there were also some who experienced inconveniences, such as accidentally moving the screen or pressing buttons.
      • By adding a ribbon menu within the top bar, we have added the ability to lock the screen movement function or adjust it to stick to the edge of the screen like a magnet.
      • A setting function has been added to hide additional features if they are not needed or to prevent accidental button clicks.
        • In addition, while adding the ribbon menu, we also added the ability to turn on/off the overall sound as suggested by some adventurers.
    • A ribbon menu is added to the top bar: The following features will be added. Each function is switched in ON/OFF format.
      • Full sound  : Full sound on/off toggle function
        • Settings - Sound - Synchronized with overall sound.
        • Shortcut - System - Turn on/off overall sound is added.
      • Magnetic function :  A function where the game screen sticks like a magnet to the edge of the monitor screen
      • Lock screen movement : A function that makes it impossible to move the screen through the top bar
    • Ribbon menu setting function is added: Changes when unchecking the checkbox for each function are as follows.
      • Clock, Full sound, Magnetic function, Screen movement lock: The buttons corresponding to each function are converted to a hidden state.
      • Minimize, Maximize, Close window: The buttons corresponding to each function are disabled.

  • Improved Name Change Rights
    • A duplicate check button is added to the adventurer group name change ticket.
    • UI has been added when using the character name change ticket. When you click the OK button, you will be moved to the character name change and character selection screen.

  • Mailbox Improvements: If there is an item that has not been received from the mailbox, a corresponding tab and mail notation function will be added.
  • Arad Adventure Improvements:
    • The ability to place characters by right-clicking is added in Adventure > Normal, Limited, and Subjugation Battles.
    • The method of using growth capsules in Adventure > Character Management has been changed based on level increase.
      • If the number of growth capsules required to level up is insufficient, it will be disabled.
      • When you mouse over the button, the number of uses is displayed in a tooltip.
  • Improved saturated channel notifications:
    • A warning notification window feature has been added when creating a party/raid in a saturation channel. When you click the channel move button, you will be moved to a channel that is not saturated.
    • A function will be added so that if channel transfer fails due to acceptance of party/raid participation, a notification will be sent to the inviter/participant.
  • Deletion of growth capsule:
    • Dev's Note: There were many adventurers who experienced inconvenience due to notifications related to growth capsules. In order to improve the excessive notification of growth capsules and the division of growth support into two types (growth capsules and valor crystals), growth capsules were deleted and some items were added to the valor crystal store.
    • The growth capsule is deleted.
    • The number of items available for monthly purchase of the '(Level 50-69) Level Up Ticket' item in the Adventurer > Store > Valor Crystal shop is changed from 5 to 7.
  • Improvements to store purchased materials:
    • Dev's Note: Dungeon & Fighter's store structure allows one item to be set to only one price and purchase material, so if it can be purchased with a variety of materials or if separate purchase restrictions are needed, additional box items for each item are produced and sold.
      • We judged that the current structure has various inconveniences, such as high item production costs, inventory slot space occupancy, and the need to use additional boxes even after purchase.
      • Accordingly, we reorganized the store-related structure so that it could be sold in a variety of ways, and applied the function first to the Mystical Grimoire and some items in the Hugh FitzLarry store.
    • The items sold below will be changed. The price and materials required to purchase are the same.
      • Condensed Leiern Cores (10) (Clear cube fragment) → Condensed Leiern Cores (10) 
      • Mist Core Box (1) (Leiern Core) → Mist Core Box (1)
      • Condensed Mist Core (1) (Condensed Leiern Core) → Condensed Mist Core (1)
    • Grail of Contradiction - The Retexturize tab in the store will be deleted.
  • Improved convenience of account-bound and untradeable material exchange purchases:
    • Dev's Note: With the update to expand the use of safe materials on April 25, we have improved so that account-bound materials can be consumed together without purchasing exchange products.
      • First, it was applied to some items that were purchased after exchanging untradeable  purchased materials for <account bound> items and then purchasing other products. We plan to expand it to additional necessary items in the future.
      • We hope that this will help with convenience when purchasing goods by shortening the process of purchasing goods.
    • A feature that allows you to purchase account-bound items by combining them without changing them to untradeable version has been added. The set untradeable materials are deducted first, and if insufficient, account-bound items are consumed.
      • Target items: Pale Mist, Leiern Core, Abyss Battery, Quad-color Split Emergy, Cruel King of Dragon's Seal, Blurry Memory Fragment, Precipitated Purple Malefic Energy, Flow of the Five Elements, Ominous Crystal, Fragmented Red Twilight Crystal, Frost Crystal Fragment, Chaos Grudge, Petal Quartz, Eternal Black Eye, Antimatter Particle, Mist Core
    • The store's material quantity information tooltip will be changed as shown below. The changed tooltip will only be applied if items of a different transaction type can be used together when purchasing.
    • When making a purchase, a pop-up will be added to confirm the consumption of account-bound items. You can purchase it by checking the consent to use box.
    • The safe material usage confirmation pop-up will change in accordance with the above changes.
Before (left) vs. After (right)
  • Improved incapacitating status abnormality system:
    • The effect of HP recovery when the sleep status effect is applied is removed.
    • Status abnormality effects applied to some monsters have been improved.
    • The effect that increases physical/magical defense when the petrification status is applied is removed. Some item options that had petrification-related options will be changed depending on the change in status.
Attack power increase +251.9%
Removes Physical / Magical damage reduction from your outgoing Petrification
Attack power increase +251.9%
Movement Speed +5%
Atk. Increase +444.6% for 60 sec. on Petrification attempts
Removes Physical / Magical damage reduction from your outgoing Petrification
Atk. Increase +444.6% for 60 sec. on Petrification attempts
Physical / Magical defense +5,000

Enhanced Accessibility
  • Dev's Note: Safety devices have been put in place to prevent mistakes when transmitting Verge of Recollection synchronization rates, options, and enchanting.
    • In the case of the Verge of Recollection, many adventurers continue to use it. We were able to confirm the opinion of simplifying the selection of the synchronization level, and we added stage settings to make it easier to strengthen the synchronization rate.
    • In addition, when transferring a custom epic option, option 1 is selected by default, so if an unintended option is transferred or an enchantment with a low fame is performed after comparing reputation during enchantment, a notification has been provided to prevent mistakes.
    • Lastly, when changing options through the Harmonious Mist Cube, the transfer record for that item is reset only when you change the option for an item that has a transfer record. Even if you use an option without a transfer record, you may misunderstand that the transfer record will disappear, so we have provided a notification to prevent confusion.
    • We hope that these improvements will provide a more positive experience for adventurers.
  • Improved synchronization rate in Verge of Recollection: Improvements have been made so that you can quickly strengthen up to the selected level by selecting the synchronization level.
    • A ‘Set Tune Rate’ button is added to allow you to set the tune rate directly in the tune rate display window at the top right of the screen.
    • Improvements will be made so that when attempting to strengthen the synchronization rate while clearing the Verge of Recollection, a notification will be displayed as to whether or not the dungeon has been cleared.
  • Improved option transfer accessibility:
    • When attempting to transfer a custom epic option, the default (option 1) is changed to unchecked.
    • Improvements have been made so that an additional confirmation notification message appears when attempting to change a valid option.
  • Prevent enchantment mistakes: When attempting to enchant with the same fame or a lower value than an existing enchantment, it will now check again whether to proceed.
  • Improved guidance for the Harmonious Mist Cube: Notifications when using the Harmonious Mist Cube have been improved.
    • When attempting to use the Harmonious Mist Cube on equipment that has a transfer record, the following notification will be displayed.
    • When attempting to use a Harmonious Mist Cube on equipment without a transfer record, the following notification will be displayed.
  • Improved guidance on not using character buffs: The message displayed when a character buff is not being used has been improved to now show the buff skill icon as well.
  • Cube Contract Improvement: When in standby mode after clearing a dungeon, the cube will not be consumed even if the cube's contract is activated. Like the training room, the buff icon is displayed, but actual cube fragment are not consumed.
  • Improved limited-time item notifications: The sorting method for limited-time item notifications has been improved as follows:
    • Mileage will be changed to be displayed at the top.
    • The remaining items will be changed to be displayed in order of remaining period.
Removal of the Stealing System
  • Dev's Note: The steal learning skill and quest process that was mentioned in the last DDC will be deleted. In the case of some skills that may affect the play experience, we have added common skills or similar skills to replace them to prevent excessive changes in play.
  • System changes:
    • The steal learning UI in the skill window (k) is removed. SP for previously acquired Steal-Learn skills will be returned.
    • Quests related to learning by stealing will be removed. Character Quest 'Learn Skills from Albert'
  • Character changes:
    • The stealing system will be removed, and the skills listed below can no longer be acquired by other characters.
      • Male Slayer: Flip Side Counter.png Unshackle.png Spirit Crescent.png
      • Male Fighter: Lightning Leg Strike.png Torpedo.png Poison Throw.png Neck Snap.png
      • Female Fighter: Suplex Thunder.png Apply Poison.png Crushing Fist.png Neck Snap.png
      • Male Gunner: Secret Land Runner.png Steyr AMR.png
      • Female Gunner: Secret Land Runner.png Steyr AMR.png 
    • Male Slayer: The Bloodlust skill is changed to a common skill and the skill command is changed to the '↓↓ + Z' key.
    • Asura: A new skill ‘Contemplation’ has been added. This is a new passive skill that can be learned at level 20. When learning a skill, the magic critical rate increases.
    • Gunner (male, female): The Fastest Gun skill is changed to a common skill. When learning as a character other than a ranger (male or female), the master level decreases.
  • Emblem changes:
    • The emblems below will be added to the list of emblems that appear when dismantling an avatar or synthesizing an emblem: Asura Platinum Emblem [Observation]
    • When disassembling an avatar or combining an emblem, the emblems below will no longer appear: Berserker Platinum Emblem [Bloodlust], Gunner (male, female) Platinum Emblem [Fastest Gun]
  • Title changes:
    • The skills below will be added to the list of title granting orb skills: Asura [Observation]
    • The skills below will be deleted from the title granting orb skill list: Berserker [Bloodlust], Gunner (male, female) [Fastest Gun]
    • The title-granting bead skill will be changed as follows:
      • Berserker [Bloodlust] → [Raging Fury]
      • Male Ranger [Fastest Gun] → [Air Raid]
      • Female Ranger [Fastest Gun] → [Chain Snatch]
  • Avatar changes:
    • The optional skills on the avatar will be changed as follows
      • Added: Asura [Observation]
      • Deleted: Berserker [Bloodlust]
      • Deleted: Male Ranger [Fastest Gun]
      • Deleted: Female Ranger [Fastest Gun]
    • The following skills will be added to the list of selectable skills for the special avatar.
      • Berserker [Bloodlust]
      • Male Ranger [Fastest Gun]
      • Female Ranger [Fastest Gun]
    • Selective skills are added to some special edition avatar bottoms for Gunner (male) and Gunner (female).
    • The items in the Platinum Emblem Pouch [Solus of Kashipa] are changed.
Additional Changes
  • The recommended configuration icon for unavailable Legion channels will be disabled.
  • Party Registration - Region and dungeon selection when changing characters will be improved so that previous party information is saved.
  • The purchase limit for items exchanged in Pumpkinball's Junk Box and Red-Tailed Jonathan's Package Shop will be changed from n per account to n per day per account. Applicable purchase restrictions are the same as before.
  • Asrahan Record Room - The number of simultaneous appearances of common monsters has changed.
    • Dev's Note: We have changed the summoning logic of regular monsters as abnormal phenomena due to inverse stiffness were confirmed when using some of the characters' skills.

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