Friday, August 04, 2023

2023 KDnF Summer Festival Summary

  • Summer Festival is a yearly event in Korea where the developer showcase what're coming. A schedule for the the rest of the year has been released. For the sake of easy digestion, this post is be organized base on the roadmap. Also the primary information are based on the amazing translation of "halfmango". All credits goes to the user.

    Table of Contents
    • Aug. 10th: Codename: Gaebolg improvements
    • Aug. 17th: KDNF Summer & 18th anniversary: epic road, uncharted forest
      • KDNF Summer & 18th anniversary
        • Special gifts: clone rare ava, full set gold emblem, selectable plat boxes, swap ava & plat, title, aura, creature, +12/8 weapon, Siv enchant, 1-shot amp scroll (apply amp on all slots except weapon instantly) 
        • Epic road event: all drops will be considered as resonant epics as well, and growth will be free. 
      • Uncharted Forest: An 8-man event dungeon. A pilot dungeon to test out the waters for potential future expanded parties. 

    • Aug. 17th: August Balancing Patch 25 classes
      • Demon Slayer, Male Ranger, Female Ranger, Female Spitfire, Female Nen, Male Strike, Female Strike, Female Grapplere, Summoner, Glacial Master, Bloodmage, Blitz, Rogue, Shadow Dancer, Elven Knight, Chaos, Lightbringer, Monk, Exorcist, Dragoon, Skirmisher, Impaler, Troubleshooter, Specialist, Hitman 
      • Glacial Master: grand shatter hitbox will be improved. 
      • Female Grappler: turnheel 2A whiffing issues will be improved.

    • Aug. 24th: KDNF official website revamp -  KDNF’s official website will be completely overhauled to improve visibility and convenience. 

    September 14th
    • Celesti Major Update: A new region, White Sea, is added. 

      • This area will include 6 new normal dungeons and 2 Advanced dungeons. Advanced dungeons will have weekly reward count: 6 for preexisting dungeons (Destroyed Castle of the Dead, Noblesse Code, Meister's Lab) and 2 for new Celesti dungeons. More entry tickets will be obtainable through some sources such as weekly missions. 

      • Whitecloud Vale: An Advanced dungeon where you fight through the sentinels of Celesti as we take our first step. Focus: utilize mist gears and techs of the Celesti to your own advantage.

      • Solidaris: An Advanced dungeon where a fleet of the Blue Hawk pirates that Ludmilla and Saint Horn were a part of. Focus: leap across ships and make your way through the fleet, making use of various bonuses and finding optimal paths. 

      • Arbiter of Balance: This is special dungeon. The aftermath of Timelords failing to repair the echoing ripple in time. RNG-based farming alternative similar to Storm’s Wrath normal. 

    • Gearing System:
      • The new farming system will have 3 focus points: Preservation of current schematic , Expanded possibilities & alternatives, and additional farming elements 
        • They tried to find a good balance of continuous & guaranteed methods of 105 epics and the unexpectedness of RNG based farming. They’ll keep the current schematic of regular epic farming (normal & advanced dungeons) + RNG farming (Storm’s Wrath normal) to satisfy a wider spectrum of players.
        • Also NO MYTHICS
      • Fixed option epics: New fixed option epics will be added. Examples: 
        • Footstep of promise (shoes): Attacks freeze enemies in 500px for 5 sec (cd 1 sec). Burn duration from you +4 sec. Skill attack +15% on frozen enemies. When eternal sleep preparation is equipped: remove cooldown for immediate burn damage on frozen enemies effect. When freeze is applied to freeze-immune enemies, apply the following effects for 30 sec (does not stack): skill attack +5%, apply a third of the skill attack bonus on frozen enemies. 
        • Nightgazing engineer (ring): awakening skill atk +20%, awakening skill cd recovery rate +40% (excluding buffers) 
        • Engraved oath (bracelet): max ‘hit stack’ +50 (shared with other ‘hit stack’ gears). Obtain 50 hit stacks on dungeon entry. Gain 5 hit stack on skill use, lose 1 hit stack per attack. +5% skill attack for every 25 hit stack (up to 15%). All ele +30. 
        • Overwhelming valor (ring): press ↑↓+ equipment control key to consume 50 hit stacks and apply the following effect for 10 sec (cd 20 sec): store up to 10 hits of attacks on boss monsters. When duration runs out or the command is used again: detonate all damage at once, stored damage is amplified by 10%. ASPD +50%, CSPD +75% while storing damage.
      • Option level condensation & improvement:
        • 4 lines of option levels will be merged into 1 for easier reading (max level is still 320). 
        • Option growth simplified, all growth will be complete growth. Cost will also be adjusted. 
        • Followup to option growth cost discount in KDNF: discount will be expanded to lvl 80 options. Some Celesti dungeon mats will also be usable to further reduce growth costs. 
        • Option growth exp cost after lvl 320 will no longer increase exponentially to make feeding & growing easier and simpler. 
        • Sacrosanct gear & system will also be adjusted so that it will be able to keep up with increasing damage values & fame. 
        • Most new dungeons will not drop level 320 epics, and even level 300+ epics will be very rare.
      • New additional epics including custom epics (blue pyrite set?) will be added, but it is planned to complement the existing equipment.

        • New custom cube: Farm custom options strategically with the new custom cube item.
          • Pellucid Mist Cube: lock 2 options and roll the other 2. 
          • Aberrant Dimensional Cube: completely reroll a piece into a different piece.

          • Level 110 equipment upgrade
            • We will maintain the option level system in new area, but we will prepare for a more advanced look than before by making as many improvements as possible.
            • When completing the option level 320 of the existing 105 level equipment, a system that can upgrade to the equipment level 110 level is added. This level 110 gear will have 40 additional option level (i.e. 360).
            • It will not be necessary to replace current epics with new ones. Some new epics will augment preexisting setups, while others will open possibilities for new setups.
          • Gear Specialization System:
            • Gears above level 320 will automatically gain specialization points when leveling up. These points can be spent to select new options to be added to the gear. Only 3 will be available on update, but more will be added with later updates. 
            • Materials & cost are still in discussion, but there will be no restriction on changing specialization otherwise. 
            • 6 different branches: Ailment, MP Management, Utility, Skill, Control / Survivability, Buffer. 
            • Example: 
              • ‘Skills’ tree: Awakening skills no longer share cd for being linked. 1A CD -50%, skill atk +20%, buff effect -70% for buffers. 2A CD -50%, skill atk +20%.  
              • ‘Buffer’ tree: CD -10%, all skill AOE +10%. +15% all speed aura for party members in 500px. +10% damage reduction aura for all party members in 500px. Skill atk +10% while solo*3.
          • Custom epic changes:
            • 3~4/4 custom epics will be preserved to be optimal or BiS. 
            • Currently unused custom epics (such as bracelets) will have some options balanced to be usable, mostly by augmenting setups that are not used currently.
            • Reroll count on custom pieces will be removed. 
            • Visibility will be improved with unique effects for high-value options drops in dungeons & rerolls. 
            • Enemy type specific skill attack options (ex: dragon skill attack) will be tweaked accordingly.
          • Custom epics encyclopedia: Store certain custom epics and their options to create custom epics of your choice. Options you do not need can also be refunded into cubes. 

          • Custom epic selection system: Provides equipment that can freely convert the type/part/option of custom equipment.

          • Damage Ailment balancing:
            • At the moment only bleed is really used as it is superior compared to other ailments, and ailment setups are in general still the best in terms of raw damage potential. They hope to alleviate this with the new epics, but will also directly tweak some effects to balance out the ailments. 
              • Bleed: no change 
              • Burn: burn damage multiplier on frozen enemies increased from 1.05 to 1.1. 
              • Shock: no longer does delayed damage and immediately deals all damage on hit. After damage: applies shock ailment that lasts for 10 sec (doesn’t do anything except to help trigger ailment options). Dmg increased by 0.5% with every shock stack (up to 5%). 
              • Poison: dmg increased by 2% with every poison stack (up to 10%). 
          • Farming Guide System
            • As various farming systems are added to the new update, we plan to actively provide information as a customized comprehensive guide.
            • Even if you play only by looking at the guide system, the setting is complete
            • It was created with the goal of being able to use all the contents of DFO naturally.
          • Custom Epic UX Improvements
            • Improves the UX of custom Epic equipment, which was difficult to appreciate due to the many options.
            • Even if you have little understanding of custom options, it was created with the goal of being able to distinguish the equipment that is useful to you or the value of the equipment of others.

          • Adventure Encyclopedia: Expanded collectibles & achievements including lore, cards, characters, gear and more.

        • September Balancing Patch
          • Dark Templar, Male Nen, Male Grap, Male Spit, Female Mechanic, Witch, Enchantress, Elemental Bomber, Swift Master, Female Sader, Mistress, Avenger, Male Sader 
          • Battle Sader will likely get nerfed. 
          • Male Sader: QoL improvements in plan. Fountain of life will only use count when the target gets revived. 2A will be changed so that it has max stack on use regardless of awakening link. 
          • Buffer support indicators: supporting skills such as heals will have visual indicators to better show that they are doing something. 
          • Epics with AoE increase having lower buff power will be improved. 
        October 26th
        • Male Slayer sprite renewal. The long waited update is here. also includes skill effects renewal and revamp for Blademaster and Berserker. 
          • Blademaster: 2A skill will be improved to have better tracking. 
          • Berserker: new level 20 and 30 skills will be added, and Burst Fury will be replaced with a new skill. 
        • Female Fighter sprite renewal will follow next year

        • Female Mage 3A transformation will be changed. Current Presencia is too bright and messy, and many people have been asking for Apostilize again. They’ll completely redesign the transformation to be closer to Apostilize in design.

        November 9th
        • Legion dungeon: Darkholm
          • Will be the most difficult Legion dungeon yet. 
          • Will also have a ‘c4’ difficulty, dubbed ‘liberated’ instead of ‘transcendence’. It will have some differences compared to transcendence. 

        • Solace of Kashipa:
          • New gold farming dungeon. 
          • As the current gold farming dungeon (Storm’s Castle) requires very high fame, this new dungeon will provide opportunities for players at lower fame. 
          • Will have 2 routes: low fame route and high fame route. 
          • Will be updated in November. Delayed in order to allow the economy to stabilize after the major update in September. 
        • KDNF Fest 2023: Will return to expo-style from pre-Covid days. 
        • Future revamps: Inquisitor, Sword Master and Male Brawl will be revamped in December.
        Other Information
        • Raid: No concrete info on the new raid. However, they implied that the first new raid in Celesti will not be an Apostle raid. 
        • Preexisting dungeon changes:a
          • Current Legion and raid dungeons will drop fusion epics, and quests will be added to get one fusion epic of your choice. 
          • Other QoL improvements are in plan to reduce fatigue of running older contents. 
        • Font overhaul:
          • All fonts will be replaced with DnF unique font: Forged Blade
          • This update will also involve various optimizations, as some fonts & texts are included in images and are inconsistent with their resolution & usage.
        • Avatar changes:
          • KDNF currently has an ‘Avatar essence’ system for buying certain avatars. An improvement for this is in plan. 
          • They will also start selling ‘Avatar of the month’, revisiting old but popular avatar packs to be sold every month
        • Dev super account exploit:
          • In 2020, a dev was found taking fraudulent profits by using a dev account to generate high-value ingame items and many other illegal actions. This case was taken to court, and they were found guilty and were sentenced to 18 months in prison, and they will follow with a civil suit to further indict the person in question. Details in today’s dev diary
          • From A Message from Live Director Jong. This misconduct in the global server was also mentioned in the above dev diary. 

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