Wednesday, February 08, 2023

[Korea] Season 8 Act 6: Hot Debut : MUSE

  • As promised in the 2022 KDnF Winter Festival, new Archer class has been released. The first subclass is called Muse. This updates also adds various conveniences and improvements.
Table of Contents
New Class Archer
  •  Level 1: Piercing Gaps - Jumps backwards and shoots, creating a shockwave on the ground that launches nearby enemies.
  •  Level 5: Full Swing: Swing your bow wide to strike nearby enemies and push them forward.
  •  Level 10: Rising Moonsault: Quickly dash forward and tumble back upon collision, kicking enemies up.
Subclass Muse
  • New character Archer's first class and awakening quest Muse is updated.
  •  Level 1: Muse's Plate Armor Mastery
    • When equipped with plate-type armor, she receives bonuses to intelligence, physical strength, mental strength, max HP, max MP, MP recovery speed, magic critical rate, and casting speed.
  •  Level 1: Relax your hands: Lightly flicking the bowstring creates a wave on the ground in front of you, dealing damage to enemies.
  •  Level 5: Active Equalizer: After pulling the bow, release it to attack enemies by releasing equalizer-type magic forward.
  •  Level 10: Night and Dream: Plays a short melody and restores a certain amount of HP to those who hear it.
  •  Level 10: Hot Debut: Muse disappears, moves a certain distance, and then sets off firecrackers to make a surprise appearance. You can specify the direction of movement according to the direction key input, and it can be used on the ground or in the air.
  •  Level 15: Feast of Sound: Upon learning, you can equip bow, and you can attack while backstepping. Muse's basic attack is changed to independent attack power, and basic attack and skill attack power are increased.
  •  Level 15: Sensation: When acquired, Muse's mental power increases, and an amplifier driven by divine power appears, allowing you to perform various performances using note skills. Power gauge increases while attack and decrease when note skills are used.
  •  Level 15: Effector On: Power
    • By activating the power effector built into the amplifier, you can play power-type scores for a certain period of time.
    • Some skills will be changed to Quarter Note (♩) / Eighth Note (♪) / Sixteenth Note (♬) skills while playing sheet music.
    • Among the acquired scores, power-related scores are displayed, and you can play the scores by inputting notes in the correct order.
  •  Level 15: Happy Mood: This is the first sheet music in the power series. It increases the attack speed/movement speed/casting speed of those who listen to the performance for a certain period of time.
  •  Level 15: Culture Shock: In line with Muse's stroke to check the output, sound waves are emitted from the amplifier to damage the enemy.
  •  Level 20: Today's Hero: The refreshing energy overflowing from Muse increases nearby allies' HP MAX, MP MAX, Physical Defense, Magic Defense, Vitality, and Spirit.
  •  Level 20: Effector On: Groove
    • By activating the groove effector built into the amplifier, you can play groove-type scores for a certain period of time.
    • Some skills will be changed to Quarter Note (♩) / Eighth Note (♪) / Sixteenth Note (♬) skills while playing sheet music.
    • Among the acquired scores, groove-type scores are displayed, and you can play the scores by entering notes in the correct order.
  •  Level 20: Mood Change: This is the first sheet music in the Groove series, which cancels the status ailments on those who listen to the performance.
  •  Level 20: Street Performance: When you play bow, the magic note tracks enemies within a certain range and puts them in a hold state.
  •  Level 25: Vivid: Jumps backwards and fires a sound orb. The sound orb turns into an equalizer the moment it hits the ground, dealing damage to enemies.
  •  Level 30: Lovely Tempo: Boosts the morale of nearby allies with Muse's charming sound, increasing strength, intelligence, physical attack power, magic attack power, and independent attack power for a certain period of time.
  •  Level 30: My Heart is Rubato: This is the second score in the Groove series. It creates a prism shield that absorbs damage for a certain period of time to those who listen to the performance.
  •  Level 30: Popping Popping Spectrum: The amplifier amplifies the sound according to the Muse's stroke, and the magic contained in the amplified sound is expressed in the form of an equalizer to attract enemies along the y-axis.
  •  Level 35: Da Capo: Sweep the bow vigorously, then sweep it back inside. The equalizer generated according to Muse's movement advances and then returns, dragging enemies that have been hit.
  •  Level 40: Power Forte: Pulls the string wide and fires a ball of light with concentrated magical power. When the light orb collides with an enemy, it explodes and turns into a swarm of dazzling butterflies, dealing multi-hit damage to the enemy.
  •  Level 40: Adrenaline Rhapsody: The second score in the power series enhances the effect of the Level 30: Lovely Tempo being applied to those who listen to the performance for a certain period of time.
  •  Level 45: Sweet Cantabile: Recovers the HP of those who listen to the performance for a certain period of time with the third score in the groove series.
  •  Level 45: Sound of Muse: Starts playing with a fierce stroke to stun nearby enemies, then emits waves with an exciting performance, dealing multi-hit damage to enemies.
    1st Awakening: Headliner
    •  Level 48: Famous: With her unique music and excellent performance, she is noticed as the headliner at the end of all her performances, and her aura increases the strength, intelligence, vitality, spirit, attack speed, and movement speed of allies around her. Muse's stat has been further strengthened, increasing basic attack and skill attack power, and a random note that gives special additional effects is added at the end of all scores.
      • Mood Change: Increases the target's resistance to all abnormal conditions for a certain period of time
      • Happy Mood: Additional increase in all speed increases
      • My Heart is Rubato: Increased shield duration
      • Adrenaline Rhapsody: Additional increase in Sensation's property damage increase rate
      • Sweet Cantabile: Increases HP recovery
      • Lucky Crescendo: Increased buff duration
      • In single player, if the vitality stat is higher than the intelligence stat, a function that compensates the intelligence stat by the amount of the vitality is applied.
    •  Level 50: On the Stage (1st Awakening)
      • Muse's powerful performance on stage, which appears with the spotlight, makes the listener's heart beat, increasing strength, intelligence, attack speed, and movement speed, and inflicts multi-hit damage to enemies that touch the wave.
      • A random note score is printed during the performance, and an encore stage can be presented when 3 or more random notes are successfully played. Encore playing time increases according to the number of successful random notes played (Buff duration is added by 5 seconds. 8 seconds if all 6 notes are successful)
    •  Level 60: Drop the Beat: When the headliner sends a signal, a giant concert amp will fall in front of you and explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
    •  Level 60: Fan Service: An ally with Headliner can ask Muse to play for resurrection when her HP reaches 0, and if she complies with the request, she can be revived.
    •  Level 70: Dazzling Sight: Sweeps the bow in succession to send out variously manifested magical lights and butterflies to inflict multi-hit damage to enemies.

    2nd Awakening: Trendsetter
    •  Level 75: Brand New
      • Armed with new performances, her stage presents a new trend in the fairy world.
      • Due to her constant effort and sparkling talent for music, the trendsetter's strength and basic attack and skill attack power increase, and her seasoned stage experience allows her to escape the crisis with ad-libs even if she occasionally makes mistakes while playing the sheet music.
    •  Level 75: Special Opening: Illuminates colorful lights, inflicting damage and blinding enemies that touch the light, causing darkness status abnormalities for a certain period of time.
    •  Level 75: Lucky Crescendo: For a certain period of time, the attack range of those who listen to the performance is increased with the third power series score.
    •  Level 80: Variation of Light
      • A specially manufactured large prism for stage directing is installed in the front.
      • The installed prism lasts for a certain amount of time, inflicts multi-hit damage to enemies, and then explodes to deal additional magic damage. In the light emitted from the prism, allies become super armored.
    •  Level 85: INTRO: Shine on Me (2nd Awakening)
      • A sensuous intro stage that only trendsetters can show begins.
      • After the surroundings are darkened, the lighting emits a brilliant light, dealing multi-hit damage to enemies that touch the light and putting them in a hold state.
      • When her figure is fully revealed in the main spotlight, an explosion occurs with her signal, dealing additional damage to enemies.

    Neo Awakening: True Muse
    •  Level 95: Episode of Harmony
      • In order to create the stage that the true muse dreams of, a project team 'Harmony' is formed by gathering the people of the ancestors who will achieve musical harmony with themselves.
      • Episode of Harmony is their first album, and while preparing for this album, True Muse's basic attack and former class skill attack power will be increased, and some skills will be strengthened.
      • Hot Debut: When she uses it during her hit, her bodyguard Lane appears and evacuates her to her place of safety.
      • Street Performance: Changed to immediately hold enemies within the range, and when used during active skill casting, excluding awakening, one of the sessions of harmony appears and uses the skill instead.
    •  Level 95: Dreaming Trilogy
      • With the introduction of the true muse, one person will appear during the session and perform a special solo performance.
      • While on the stage, the defense of allies increases and the Muse's water power gauge recovery increases, and super armor is applied when using effector-type skills.
    •  Levels 100: FINALE: Special Story
      • For the fans, Harmony presents the special tour concert 'FINALE: A Special Story' that has been painstakingly prepared for a long time.
      • The true muse and Session's heartfelt performance impresses the listeners. Different abilities are activated depending on the awakening period registered as an activated skill.

    • Da Capo / Fan Service (Kimbunpa):
     Default Options Additional Effects
     [Da Capo]
    - Skill ends after equalizer forward attack
    -- Removed the ability to move enemies to a certain point
    - Multi-hit attack power increased by 122%
    - Create 3 more equalizers
    - Equalizer size increased by 10%
     [Da Capo]
    - Multi-hit attack power increased by 44%
    - Equalizer size increased by 10%
     [Fan service]
    - Resurrect target's HP/MP recovery increased by 50%
    - Increases the duration of the resurrected target's speed increase effect by additional 5 seconds
     [Lovely Tempo]
    - Strength/Intelligence increase by 6%

    • Power Forte / Sweet Cantabile (Fortissimo)
     Default Options Additional Effects
    [Power Forte]
    Changed to a stacked skill
    - Multi-hit attack power reduced by 44%
    - Light orb speed increased by 10%
    - 15% increase in butterfly swarm explosion range
    - 1 charge every 10 seconds (up to 2 charges)
     [Power Forte]
    - Additional multi-hit attack power increased by 11%
    - 10% increased Butterfly Swarm explosion range
    [Sweet Cantabile]
    Energized by the excitement of music
    - As soon as the performance starts, the HP of party members within range is immediately restored by 25%
    [Lovely Tempo]
    - Strength/Intelligence increase by 6%

      • Sound of Muse / On the Stage (Best Stage):
       Default Options Additional Effects
      [Sound of Muse]
      Invincible while casting skill
      With the first stroke, the amplifier generates a wave and hits enemies within range.
      - The wave attack power of the amplifier is 53% of the opening magic attack power
      [Sound of Muse]
      - 10% cooldown reduction
      - Amp's wave attack power change rate increased by an additional 46%
      [On the Stage]
      When the following conditions are met, the currently applied cooldown time is reduced by 1 second (up to 25 seconds)
      - When consuming divine water power
      - Night and Dream: When applying a recovery effect to an ally
      - Sweet Cantabile: When applying a buff to an ally
      - Sensation: When the property damage increase effect is applied (Cooldown 5 seconds)
      [Lovely Tempo]
      - Strength/Intelligence increase by 4%

          • Drop the Beat / Happy Mood (Energetic Beat):
           Default Options Additional Effects
          [Drop the Beat]
          - The landing position of the amp can be specified
          - Recovers 10% HP/MP of party members within the amp's explosion range
          - Attack power increased by 16%
          [Drop the Beat]
          - Enemies hit by the shock wave are stunned for 3 seconds
          - Shockwave, explosion range increased by 10%
          - Attack power increased by 21%
          [Happy Mood]
          Attack/Movement/Casting speed increase +5%
          The moment the music starts, the remaining cooldown of Drop the Beat is reduced by 10%
          - Remaining cooldown reduced by 10% when a random note succeeds
          [Lovely Tempo]
          - Strength/Intelligence increase by 4%

              • A Dazzling Sight / My Heart is Rubato (Showmanship):
               Default Options Additional Effects
              [Dazzling Sight]
              - Immediately wipes the bow outside when casting the skill
              - Can be cast while using Street Performance or Sound of Muse.

              In this case, the Butterfly swarm will spread around the character.
              - Number of multi-hits for Butterfly swarm: 4 times
              - Butterfly swarm multi-hit attack power: 225% of one multi-hit attack power
              Attack power increased by 9%
              [Dazzling Sight]
              - 10% cooldown reduction
              - Attack power increased by 13%
              [My heart is Rubato]
              - Increases shield HP by 50%
              - Increases shield duration by 1 second
              [Lovely Tempo]
              - Strength/Intelligence increase by 8%

                  • Special Opening / Lucky Crescendo (Perfect Opening):
                   Default Options Additional Effects
                  [Special Opening]
                  - Lighting production is added to illuminate a wider range
                  - Attack range increased by 15%
                  - Attack power increased by 12%
                  [Special Opening]
                  - 10% cooldown reduction
                  - Attack power increased by 18%
                  [Lucky Crescendo]
                  Perfect performance heightens the atmosphere
                  - Buff duration increased by 10 seconds
                  - Additional 5 seconds increase when a random note succeeds
                  [Lovely Tempo]
                  - Strength/Intelligence increase by 8%

                      • Variation of Light (Season's Greetings):
                       Default Options Additional Effects
                      [Variation of Light]
                      An enchanting halo of light occurs together
                      - Increases the evasion rate of party members who touch the light by 30%
                      - Super armor and evasion rate increase effect maintained even when out of the area of light

                      Holds the hit enemy for 3 seconds at the moment the light is refracted
                      Light deflection attack power increased by 23%

                      Light duration increased by 5 seconds
                      - Doubled the number of light multi-hits
                      - Light multi-hit attack power reduced by 50%
                      Prism withdrawal after light blast
                      [Variation of Light]
                      - Hold time increased by 2 seconds
                      - Light deflection attack power increased by additional 40%

                      [Lovely Tempo]
                      - Strength/Intelligence increase by 6%

                      Changes From Test Server
                      • Dev's Notes: After introducing of Muse on the first server, I was grateful for the interest and various opinions from many adventurers. We have made improvements so that more people can have a positive and enjoyable experience when playing Muse.
                        • Awakening skill is a very important part for Buffer. Considering the random difficulty of the entire score, play stability was secured by changing it so that it can continue playing even if the note input fails. In addition, when you successfully play the sheet music with the Effector-on skill, you can cancel the performance and use the awakening skill, so that speedy linked play is possible depending on the situation.
                        • We also made improvements related to sheet music performance. When using the Effector-on skill, the random notes given to each sheet music have to pay attention even after playing the fixed notes, so the gaze has no choice but to go back and forth between the character and the sheet music. We unified the random notes that were different for each score, and displayed random notes around the character so that even if you only keep an eye on the character, you can complete the Effector-on performance.
                        • In addition, after using the Effector-on skill, the musical note skill input is possible even during the extension of the new hydraulic power gauge UI, so that it can be played more smoothly. Of course, we also improved visibility for adventurers who want to improve the new gauge UI. It has been improved so that you can drag the UI to the desired location with the mouse.
                        • If you select a specific score after using Effector-on skill, other scores will be disabled. Inactive scores have been made darker to make it clear which score is being played. In addition, an additional review was conducted on the performance of some sheet music playing skills.
                        • In addition to adjusting the effects of scores that are deemed to require some adjustment, the difficulty of maintaining buffs has been alleviated and the convenience of some active skills has been improved.
                        • For more information, please refer to the update notice below, and we hope that you will have a more attractive and improved Muse play experience.
                      • Moveable Gauge UI: It is changed so that you can select and drag the new power gauge UI with the mouse to move it to the desired location.
                        • Fortissimo Talisman and Capella's Stigma version: The stack UI added when Fortissimo is equipped can also be moved.
                        • UI movement is only possible during non-combat, and the movement function is locked during battle.
                      • Skill Attack Readjusted Street Performance,  Vivid,  Popping Popping Spectrum,  Power Forte,  On the Stage
                      •  Sensation: The visibility of selected/unselected scores is enhanced.
                        • Added a blinking effect when one of the divine power gauges is fully charged.
                        • If you try to select a sheet music in a state where the new power is insufficient, the expanded new power gauge will be changed so that it remains without closing.
                      •   Effector On: Power, Effector On: Groove
                        • When casting a skill, it is changed so that you can input musical note skills during the expansion of the divine power gauge UI.
                        • The delay of the playing motion output when using note skills is reduced.
                        • Skill casting voice is changed so that party members cannot hear it.
                      • Score skill common changes
                        • Changed so that you can use Awakening by canceling the performance while casting the score skill.
                        • The post-delay of performance motion is slightly reduced.
                        • Buff icon color is changed.
                      •  Street Performance: Changed so that re-entering the skill key is possible even during other actions.
                      •  My Heart is Rubato
                        • The HP of the shield is changed to apply a certain percentage of the Muse's HP (14% based on level 10).
                        • The duration and HP ratio of the shield are applied differently in the Legion and Raid channels.
                        • Showmanship Talisman and Capella's Stigma: Showmanship options are changed as follows.
                      [Dazzling Sight]
                      - Immediately wipes the bow outside when casting the skill
                      - Can be cast while using Street Performance or Sound of Muse.

                      In this case, the Butterfly swarm will spread around the character.
                      - Number of multi-hits for Butterfly swarm: 4 times
                      - Butterfly swarm multi-hit attack power: 225% of one multi-hit attack power
                      Attack power increased by 9%
                      [Dazzling Sight]
                      - Immediately wipes the bow outside when casting the skill
                      - Can be cast while using Street Performance or Sound of Muse.

                      In this case, the Butterfly swarm will spread around the character.
                      - Number of multi-hits for Butterfly swarm: 4 times
                      - Butterfly swarm multi-hit attack power: 225% of one multi-hit attack power
                      Attack power increased by 9%
                      [My heart is Rubato]
                      - Increases shield HP by 50%
                      - Increases shield duration by 1 second
                      [My heart is Rubato]
                      Shield HP rate increased by 30%
                      - Increases shield duration by 1 second
                      •  Adrenaline Rhapsody: Buff duration is increased. (10 seconds → 12 seconds)
                      •  Famous:
                        • Random notes added at the end of all scores are changed to be the same.
                        • A speech bubble is added to inform you of a random note when using the Effector-on skill.
                      •  Variation of Light:
                        • Changed so that re-entering the skill key is possible even during other actions.
                        • Prism additional holding time is reduced by 3 seconds. (8 seconds → 5 seconds)
                        • Capella's Stigma: Season's Greetings Talisman options are changed as follows.
                      [Variation of Light]
                      An enchanting halo of light occurs together
                      - Increases the evasion rate of party members who touch the light by 30%
                      - Super armor and evasion rate increase effect maintained even when out of the area of light

                      Holds the hit enemy for 3 seconds at the moment the light is refracted
                      Light deflection attack power increased by 23%

                      Light duration increased by 5 seconds
                      - Doubled the number of light multi-hits
                      - Light multi-hit attack power reduced by 50%
                      Prism withdrawal after light blast
                      [Variation of Light]
                      An enchanting halo of light occurs together
                      - Grants super armor and a 20% evasion buff to party members who touch the beam for 10 seconds
                      (This buff is applied only once per skill)
                      - Super armor and evasion rate increase effect maintained even when out of the area of light

                      Holds the hit enemy for 3 seconds at the moment the light is refracted
                      Light deflection attack power increased by 23%

                      Light duration increased by 5 seconds
                      - Doubled the number of light multi-hits
                      - Light multi-hit attack power reduced by 50%
                      Prism withdrawal after light blast
                      •  INTRO : Shine on Me: When using the skill, the ability to fully charge the divine power is added. 
                      •  FINALE: Special Story:
                        • Changed so that you can input the next note even if you fail to input the random note that appears while using the skill.
                        • The time limit for encore use is changed to be displayed in the new power gauge UI.

                      Convenience Improvement
                      • Inventory and Vault Search:
                        • Dev's Notes: We thought you might have had a hard time finding a specific option among the many custom gear we have in your inventory and vault. The search function has been improved so that you can use the custom equipment options and level search provided by the Dungeon APP by character in the game.
                        • Inventory and vault search function and UI are improved. Press the magnifying glass button to activate the search-only window.
                        • It is now possible to search options for equipment in inventory and safes.
                          • Growth, transfer options
                          • Option level search (individual, total)
                        • When using the search function without entering options and level search, you can use it the same as before.
                      • Encyclopedia Transfer Options Favorites:
                        • Dev's Notes: You must have wondered if the desired options were given when the custom equipment item was dropped. Added a function to easily know if a favorite growth option is given when a custom equipment item is dropped using the favorites function of the encyclopedia. Favorites can be set by right-clicking on the transfer option you want.

                        • New From Live Server:
                          • Options stored in the inventory and vault are displayed in the Transfer Options list. It is indicated by a green dot on the list and the storage location is displayed on the equipment list.
                          • Encyclopedia - A separate effect is provided when a custom equipment with a favorite option is dropped in the transfer option tab. Different effects are provided depending on the number of favorited options. (1~2 options vs. 3~4 options)
                      • Chat Emoji Set:
                        • Dev's Notes: Accessibility has been improved for enjoyable gameplay through various emoticons, and options have been added to apply settings for each account or character. In addition, we have improved the visibility of the emoticons shown during the setting process and what phrases have been set after setting, so that you can easily check through mouse over.
                        • The chat emoticon setting button position is moved to the top. The entered phrase is displayed when the mouse is hovered over the chat emoticon for which the phrase has been set.
                        • Chat emoticon settings can be saved by dividing into account/character units. You can register up to 10 per account/character. Before entering the phrase, select an account or character to apply the option to.
                        • When you mouse over the conversation emoticon you want to set, the image is enlarged and displayed.
                      • Item Slot Cooldown:
                        • Dev's Notes: When using an item placed in the item slot, some items with a long cooldown time are not well recognized, so the cooldown time has been improved. In addition, we have improved it so that it does not overlap with the limit on the number of items used in certain content.
                      • PC Room Vending Machine:
                        • Dev's Notes: Improvements have been made to alleviate the inconvenience of not knowing the number of tokens you have when using the vending machine in the PC room, and the inconvenience of moving to the store when you run out of tokens. In addition, a separate product guide function has been added so that you can see the items obtainable through the PC room vending machine at a glance.
                        • 10 consecutive draw function is added. Rewards are shown as final results. Added a store connection button that allows token purchases to the vending machine. Added a list of obtainable items button.
                      • Seria's Welcome:
                        • Dev's Notes: New/returning adventurers find it difficult to know how much benefit is left when Seria's Welcome is applied, so it has been improved so that they can easily know the remaining period and expiration date. In addition, an icon has been added for adventurers who find it difficult to distinguish repetitive missions that can be performed after clearing the mission.
                      • Legion Shop NPC Added:
                        • Dev's Notes: Some of you may have experienced a situation where you could not acquire the dropped item due to a full inventory when clearing the Legion Dungeon. In order to solve this situation and continue to be immersed even after clearing the content, a character suitable for each content story, other than 'Delilah', has been added to perform repairs and shop functions.
                        • Legion - Upon clearing the Ispins and Archmage's Dimensional Corridor dungeons, a fixed NPC will appear depending on each content. Gabriel and favorable NPCs do not appear.
                        • You can use repair and shop functions through the NPC that appears at the end of the content.
                      • Auction House Improvements:
                        • Dev's Notes: When using the auction house, it was judged that there were inconveniences according to the search or sorting criteria of detailed conditions, and the inconveniences were improved through the reorganization of the auction house structure. When using the search function, you can search for the information you want, including setting additional conditions and items with specific enchantments.
                        • Rarity and adventurer fame conditions can also be entered when searching for auction house prices. Detailed equipment search is available when searching for quotes for items traded after the update.
                        • When selecting an item registered as a favorite, the item name will be automatically registered in the search input window.
                        • When using the item minimum / highest price sorting function, it is improved so that it is sorted according to each price condition.
                        • When searching for a title, it is improved so that you can search for an item by enchanting skill name through detailed search.
                      • Other Improvements:
                        • From Live Server, Dev's Notes: We have improved some of the basic guides to help new and returning adventurers a little bit.
                          • When granting or changing dimensional abilities using amplification and distortion books, a recommended mark is displayed in the dimensional ability selection list for some jobs.
                        • Dev's Notes: There must have been a time when a cube fragment ran out during dungeon and made an emergency purchase. At this time, if there is not enough gold in the inventory, he may not be able to make purchases. So, when you urgently purchase cube pieces in the dungeon, if you do not have enough gold in your inventory, you can use the gold stored in the safe to continue the battle.
                        • Urgent cube fragment purchase is improved to activate when the number of cube fragments in use is less than 100. Improvements have been made to use the gold in the account safe if the inventory lacks gold when urgently purchasing cube pieces. If there is not enough gold in the account vault, purchases will not be made as before.
                        • Dev's Notes: The security release phrase that appears when killing monsters in Meister's Lab is necessary for dungeon production, but if it is excessive, it was judged to be an element that interferes with adventurers' play. In order to maintain the dungeon production, we have adjusted the production time so that adventurers do not interfere with their play.
                        • Meister's laboratory security release phrase production time is reduced by 50% compared to before.

                        • It will be improved so that you can follow the arena channel.
                        • A report function is added to the following systems.
                          • Guild application
                          • Accept adventure team friends
                          • Create a party
                        • Act and episode replay tabs are added to enhance the visibility of replay quests.
                        • The quest replay icon image has been changed.
                      • From Live Server: Material change function is added so that you can use Condensed Ryan Core in safety enhancement. A material change function is added so that you can use Radiant Harmonious Crystal in Safety Amplification.

                      Account Postal System
                      • Dev's Notes: When a problem occurs, the first thing to do is to solve the problem, and then the follow-up compensation is provided to minimize the damage to adventurers. In particular, when providing account rewards, we often receive inquiries that adventurers have not received rewards while providing rewards to specific characters. So this time, we added an account mail system to solve the problem.
                      • The "Adventuring Club Inbox" tab is added to the mail system.
                      • The following notification will be added when an adventurer letter arrives. When opening the Mailbox, the Mail tab will be opened with priority based on the last mail received.

                      Feb 9th LIVE Server Updates
                      • Integration of equipment-related systems
                        • Dev's Notes: In order to improve the unnecessarily complicated phenomenon due to the existence of many systems with similar functions, equipment-related systems have been integrated. In addition, some necessary functions related to equipment setting have been transferred to the 'Mystical Magic Book of Power' NPC to make it easier to access.
                        • Equipment Engraving / Inheritance UI Improvement
                          • The equipment engraving and equipment succession systems are integrated, making it easier to engrave or inherit in the integrated engraving/succession UI.
                          • It is changed to put the equipment to be transferred first.
                          • A smart function is applied that applies the engraving/inheritance system by comparing the wearing limit level based on the equipment to receive the enchantment.
                        • Equipment fusion/separation UI improvements
                          • The equipment fusion and separation system is integrated, and it is improved to facilitate equipment fusion or separation in the fusion/separation integration UI.
                          • Level 100 fusion equipment is not included and can be progressed from the existing content NPC.
                          • A smart function that checks the fusion status of equipment registered in the UI and applies the fusion/separation system is applied.
                        • Mystical Magic Book of Power Improvements: Menu will be changed as follows. Before (left) vs. After (right)
                        • The system available from the Mystic Magic Book NPC will be changed as follows.


                      Provided function

                      Engraving / Inheritance

                      Equipment Engraving Equipment Inheritance

                      (New Added) Equipment Fusion

                      Equipment fusion/separation Fusion weapon crafting/option conversion Fusion equipment conversion

                        • Add NPC shop sales list: The items below will be added to the shop. 

                      New Sale Items


                      Fragment Of A Blurry Memory

                      Brilliant Memory Fragment X1

                      Divided Energy In All Directions

                      1 Fused Energy From All Directions

                      Dimension Corridor Fusion Epic Equipment Selection Box

                      360 Fogged Memory Fragments

                      Dimension Corridor Fixed Epic Equipment Selection Box

                      360 Fogged Memory Fragments

                      Dimension Corridor Selection Card Album

                      360 Fogged Memory Fragments

                      Ispins Convergence Epic Equipment Selection Box

                      480 Fragmented Energy In All Directions

                      Ispins Fixed Epic Equipment Selection Box

                      480 Fragmented Energy In All Directions

                      Ispins Selection Card Album

                      480 Fragmented Energy In All Directions

                      Various Refund Pots

                        • Holy Grail of Contradiction Improvements: The systems available will be improved as follows. Before (left) vs. After (right)
                          • The Dimensional Corridor, Machine Revolution, and Ispins menus are integrated into Equipment Fusion.
                          • The 'Tales of Bravery' menu is changed to be displayed in the top menu.
                          • The system menu below will be deleted.
                            • Equipment option/level change
                            • Ozma
                            • Sirocco
                            • Black Purgatory
                            • Features and items that have been deleted from the Oculus Holy Grail NPCs will continue to be available from the existing NPCs.
                          • The following items will be deleted from the NPC shop sales list.
                            • Destructive Energy Box (21)
                            • Destructive Energy
                            • Fearsome Eye Box (1)
                            • Fearsome Eye
                            • Ore of Despair
                            • Grim Seeker's Dark Soul
                            • Encroached Grim Seeker's Dark Soul Pot
                            • Sealed DarkSoul Put
                            • Refund Pot: Destructive Energy Box (21)
                            • Refund Pot: Fearsome Eye Box (1)
                        • Equipment repair convenience improvement:
                          • Improvements have been made so that gold stored in the account safe can be used when repairing equipment.
                        Before (left) vs. After (right)
                          • Equipment with reduced durability will be improved so that equipment can be repaired when using the system below.
                            • Use Equipment Enhancement Ticket, Equipment Enhancement Ticket, Equipment Refining Ticket, Pure Amplification Scroll, and Mutated Distortion Scroll
                            • Crafting Fusion Weapons
                            • equipment sealing
                            • Auction house registration
                            • Use recipe
                            • Modification of fighting equipment options
                        Before (left) vs.  After (right)
                          • (Additional) The following changes are applied to the security service in accordance with the improvement of equipment repair convenience. Changed so that security service authentication is not required when storing or taking out items/gold from the account safe.
                        • Equipment option tooltip improvements:
                          • Dev's Notes: In fact, even though the equipment options have the same function, there are options that cause confusion among adventurers because the internal implementation method or tooltip notation method is different, so we unified them.
                          • Skill Attack Power Tooltip Improvements
                            • Improvements have been made so that the skill attack power of some equipment that is not reflected in the detailed information of My Info is reflected when applying options in the dungeon.
                            • The buff icon of the Level 105 custom epic equipment 'Increase n-level skill attack power' option is improved to be displayed.
                            • Option tooltips and buff icon tooltips for some items have been simplified.
                              • Equipment option tooltip
                                • Existing: Class Level 1~100 All skill attack power increased by 10%
                                • Changed: All skill attack power increased by 10%
                              • Buff icon tooltip
                                • Existing: Level 1~100 skill attack power increase
                                • Change: Increased skill attack power
                          • Skill range tooltip improvements
                            • Among the game terms in the encyclopedia, the details of the range increase are reinforced and the guidance phrase 'The range increase option does not apply to all awakening skills' is added.
                            • According to the addition of the game terminology guide, the tooltip excluding the awakening period is added to the range increase option in the ticket enhancement guide tooltip.
                            • Level 105 Epic Head Shoulder  'Strength-reinforcing Shoulder' 2 option range increase related tooltips are unified in the same format as other range increase tooltips.
                              • Existing: Skill attack range increased by 10%
                              • Changed: All skill ranges increased by 10%
                        • Improvements and Changes:
                          • Dev's Notes: To stabilize the supply of in-game items, along with the pure white Butterfly Princess creature, the Scroll of Memory, Book of True Awakening Title Change Ticket, and Special Title Orb items will be updated in the Premium Coin Shop. Sale items and purchase restrictions may change in the future. We are preparing a special package (?) including creatures for the muse, so please look forward to it. 

                        sale item

                        More information

                        purchase price

                        purchase restrictions

                        Pure White Butterfly Princess Creature Box

                        - When used, you can obtain a pure white butterfly princess creature. - Creatures are paid in a non-exchangeable, period-indefinite state.

                        8 Premium Coins

                        5 purchases per account

                        1 Box of Memory Scrolls

                        - When used, you can obtain 1 Scroll of Memory. - The scroll of memory is paid in exchangeable state and will be deleted on April 6, 2023 if not used.

                        2 Premium Coins

                        20 purchases per account

                        10 Book of Neo Awakening Title Change Ticket

                        - When used, you can get 10 Book of Neo Awakening Title Change Tickets. - The components are paid as account bound, and if not used, they will be collectively deleted on April 6, 2023

                        1 Premium Coins

                        50 purchases per account

                        [Premium Coin Shop] Book of Neo Awakening Special Title Orb Box

                        - It can be obtained by selecting 1 Book of True Awakening Special Title Orb. - Orbs are given as account bound, and if not used, they will be deleted at on April 6, 2023.

                        1 Premium Coins

                        5 purchases per account

                          • Storm's Wrath is added to the warp portal in Seria's room.
                          • Female Launcher - Improvements have been made so that the Neo Launcher's Pandora backpack is covered.
                          • Disposable Equipment Option Batch Transfer Ticket - Improved so that it does not change to the non-transcendence state if there is no enchantment during batch transfer.
                          • If the character's adventurer fame is lower than the entry adventurer fame of the content, the equipment's party synergy option will not be activated.
                            • During the dungeon, if the adventurer fame of the character is lower than the adventurer fame of entering the content, only the party synergy option of the equipment will not be activated, and the other options will be activated normally.
                          • Encyclopedia - Among the game terms, an explanation of activation restrictions is added to the terms below.
                            • Enemy attack, movement, casting speed reduction
                            • Decrease enemy defense
                            • Decreased resistance to enemy status ailments
                            • Enemy attribute resistance reduction
                            • Party member HP, MP MAX increase
                            • Increase party member attack, movement, and casting speed
                            • Party member invincibility buff
                            • Party member physical, magic, and independent attack power increase
                            • Increase party member attribute enhancement
                            • Party member super armor buff
                            • Party member skill level increase
                            • Party member skill cooldown reduction
                            • Party member critical hit increase
                            • Increase party member strength, intelligence, stamina, and spirit
                          • Some motion positions of SD First Seria Creatures are improved.
                        NamuWiki - Talisman Info
                        YouTube - 히카리타마

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