Tuesday, February 07, 2023

[Archived] Share Your Expertise!


It's time to share your expertise on your characters!
Submit a detailed character guide for a chance to receive special rewards!


 Submission Period: February 7 ~ March 3 
 Winners Announcement: March 7 



Any guide related to one of the DFO Advancements.
* Including screenshots, photos, videos, as well as taking a different approach (class PoV guides, your own tips and tricks, etc.) will give you a higher chance of being selected!


* Explorer's Club Lv. 15+
* You may submit more than one guide
* Google Docs / Blog Posts / YouTube videos are all eligible formats as long as they can publicly be accessed online








The following must be included in your guide.

110lv Character traits and how to play itSkill buildTalisman, Runes
EnchantsBeginner-friendly equipment buildAvatars, Emblems, Creatures, Titles




Go to our Official Site > Game Info > Adventurer Academics > Character > Login and click the Upload Post button.

Register your post title, description, thumbnail image, guide link and select the Category.
One of the character categories must be selected to be eligible for the event.

  • Register your guide as a YouTube video, blog post, Google Docs or any online source publicly accessible online.
  • Your guide must be related to one of the DFO Advancements.
  • Your guide must include a screenshot of your character and Explorer Club level.
  • For YouTube guides, you can include a image link containing Explorer Club level info in the video description.





Danji Pot BoxAdventuring Instructor's Party Frame
Contains 50 Danji Pots
Applies Adventuring Instructor's Party Frame to your character.



#Please Note:

  • Event period may change depending on the circumstances.
  • If Character is not selected as a category when uploading your guide, it will not be considered for evaluation.
  • Number of Likes/Replies does not have any impact on the outcome.
  • If information from guides of other users are used without citing sources (including guides from different service versions of Dungeon & Fighter), it will be considered as plagiarism.
  • Plagiarised guides will be removed immediately and will not be considered for evaluation or rewards.
  • Users who submit plagiarised content will not be able to participate in any future events and may receive in-game account-ban as punishment.

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