Sunday, August 28, 2022

Option Level Made Simple

  • With the new level 110 cap, it can be hard to understand these Option Level and how they work. And as we all know, the main way to get higher fame is to grow these levels. This post aims to explain it so new and returning players can maximize their growth potential.
What's Option Level
  • Level 105 epics and legendaries come with 4 options that apply automatically. Some options are unique to the piece and some are the same. Each option also have their own level, and the higher the level, the higher the Damage Value you will get. The highest level you can currently get is 80.
  • In the example below, the left Ender's Gaze is a clean all options level 1 . The one on the right is what I'm currently wear. As you can see, my piece is about almost twice the amount of damage value and almost 1,000 fame higher at about level 35~38.

How They Work
  • Each level carries a certain number experience (EXP) points, and knowing how these numbers work will help you a long way in your fame journey.
  • Look at the table below, the second column is the amount of EXP needed to hit the next level. The third column is the amount of EXP each level carries. One thing you will note on the second column is the bolded number. Each 10 levels, the level before that needs a lot more EXP to level up.
    • For example, at level 59 you will need 630,000 EXP to hit 60, but at level 58 you only need 301,800 EXP to hit 59.
  • How They Work: Let's look at level 64 as an example. In order to level up to 65, you will need 1,338,000 EXP, so you will need to feed at least a level 58 option, which carries 1,431,700 EXP. Let's say you don't have a level 58 option, you can also feed a level 51 (376,500 EXP) and a level 56 (976,200 EXP), what would work too.
  • The Core Principles: If the options are the same, 100% of EXP from the material epic will transfer to your option. If the options are NOT the same, only about 30% of EXP will transfer (at lower level options, you will see about a 5% margin of error, so be aware of that). (NOTE: With the Ispins update, complete growth option was added)
    • Example 1: Here I'm feeding 2 duplicate items (aka same options description). As you can see, the option levels would increase tremendously. Looking at option 1, the feeding epic is platinum class jacket level 16, which carries 2,100 EXP. When you feed this level 16 to level 4, you will transfer 100% of EXP to your equipment. So you will have 600 EXP of level 4 + 2,100 EXP of level 16 = 2,700 EXP, which is option level 19.
    • Example 2: Here I'm feeding 2 different items (aka different options). As you can see, the option levels wouldn't increased as much. Looking at option 1, feeding a level 31 pure nature, which carries 13,300 EXP, will only carry about 30% of EXP over. Genius Engineer's Multi-Tool Belt Level 34 at 63.33% is 22.099.9 EXP and Level 33 at 19.23% is 18,099.98 EXP. So 22.099.9 - 18,099.98 is 3,999.92 EXP, which is about 30.07% of pure nature 13,300 EXP
    • Example 3:  Here I'm feeding lies in lies to dodeca hologram. As you can see, dodeca hologram's 4th option and lies in lies's 3rd option are the same (HP +460.2 per min). So similar to example 1, 100% of EXP from lies in lies's 3rd option will be transferred to dodeca hologram's 4th option. 
      • Since lies in lies's 3rd option is already used, the EXP from lies in lies's 4th option will be used to feed  dodeca hologram's 3rd option, and as you can see here, only about 30% of EXP will be transferred over.

How to Approach
  • So what to do with all this information? The trick here is to feed duplicate options to maximize your growth. So be aware of what option your equipment have. Let's look at an example.
  • I found a custom epic called Treant Spirit's Belt "Ent Spirit Belt". All 4 options are trash, but it has decently high level options. So should I just feed it straight to my Genius Engineer's Multi-Tool Belt? The answer is NOOOO, I would only gain 41 fames here.
  • What I did here was transferring this Treant Spirit's Belt to a duplicate Genius Engineer's Multi-Tool Belt. I ended up using 1,527 Ominious Crystal to buy the selective box. This transfer costed me a hefty 500 Golden Beryl, but the end result is much better. Instead of gaining 41 fames, I now gained 117 fames, that's like almost 3 times the mount (granted it costed me an arm and a leg, but you get the point).
  • I'm doing this example at level 30s and 40s option. Imaging trying to get 35k fame and dealing with level 60s-70s options, I hope you will use these concepts to maximize your growth potential. Cheers!
YouTube - Lukepwn
Loton Image - DFO Wiki


  1. Shouldn't you always feed the lower level gear into the higher level gear to gamble for Great Success? Unless it's an armor piece in which case you have to decide if it's worth inheriting + retexturize. Or unless it's a weapon that already has a 100% superior grade.

    Also, DFO website says "If the material equipment's option levels are lower than the target's, that creates a chance of Great Success"

    Does that mean Great Success only works if ALL of the fodder option levels are lower than the target, or is it based on the average of the levels (by fame)?

    1. -You're correct. What I should have done in this case is inherit my current belt to the new higher option duplicate belt. Then feed my old belt the new belt. Thanks for pointing that out.
      -About the great success question, I'm not sure if ALL the folder option levels need to be lower or not.

    2. It appears that the level of the main epic’s option must be at least that of the fodder - it does not need to be greater.

  2. Thank you this information. I am dabbling back in DFO after not playing for years and last I remember uniques were extremely rare lol. It seems very difficult to find information about the game! I am sitting about 20k fame by luck because of the fast level event so I’m trying to learn systems. Like epic set pieces and all that. I’m so lost lol. This article helped me understand a little better. I appreciate your time to put this out (even though I’m a year behind) ๐Ÿ˜‚


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