Monday, June 27, 2022

Inside Ticket Support System

  • There's no doubt customer support plays an important part of DFO. Whether you're a new player or veteran, you will find your tumble upon the word "Ticket" or "Zendesk". In this post, I hope to guide you through this process and clear any misconception you may have.
  • Disclaimer: I don't work for Neople, so I do not know how they run their supporting system. However, I work with Zendesk on a regular basis, so this post is my experience from my organization.
Submitting A Ticket
  • On DFO main website, simply go to "Support" → "Submit a Ticket"
  • This will link you to their support system called Zendesk. From there, simply fill out all the required information and hit "Submit". That's it. Simple and easy.

How Zendesk Work
  • To understand what happen to your ticket, you need to understand what Zendesk is and how it works.
  • What is Zendesk? The best way I can explain it, Zendesk is a platform that help YOU, the player, and the game company, Neople, communicate with each other to resolve the problem.
    • You must understand that this is a PLATFORM. There are many misconception that when you submit a ticket, Zendesk looks at them, then communicate with Neople. That's not the case.
  • So how does it work?
    • Zendesk sells subscription service to a company (e.g. Neople). Each plan will come with a certain amount of agent accounts. These accounts are then assigned to the company's employees. So if I was an agent, I will have a Zendesk account, but I'm under Neople's payroll.
    • Therefore, when you submit your ticket, you're not communicating through a third party, you're talking pretty much directly to Neople.
What Happen to the Ticket
  • When you first submit a ticket, you will immediately get a respond to the e-mail you provided in the ticket. This respond will say something like:
    • "Your request (XXXXXX) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. To add additional comments, reply to this email."
    • This is an automatic responds simply saying "hey, you successfully submitted your ticket".
  • What happens next behind the curtain is the "Assignment", basically mean who get the ticket.
    • Within any support system, there are many teams and not one team knows all. You can tell when submitting the ticket, they ask you to select your "Category". Most likely this is the Team that will get the assignment.
    • Then from there, just whoever get to the ticket first will be your agent.
Why It Take Days and Weeks?
  • Just because you didn't get an email respond, that doesn't mean your ticket wasn't being worked on.
  • Within Zendesk, agent can add "Internal Note". This basically means the agent can leave note on the ticket for other agents to see, but the end user (aka YOU) won't see, aka you don't get an email notification.
    • So, you could get ONE reply two days later. What you didn't know was that there already 10 other replies on your tickets from many agents working together to solve your problem. You don't see them because all were internal notes.
  • Ticket get bounced around. Not all ticket are created equal, some require more attention than other.
    • Let's say you submit a ticket, and it was assigned to team A. Down the line, team A got stuck and require expertise from team B (maybe team A only deal with connectivity and team B deal with billing).
    • Team A then can re-assign the ticket to team B asking for their opinion (so now you have to wait for team B to respond). After giving their two cents, team B assign the ticket back to team A. Team A then decide what to respond to you as "public note", then you get a respond e-mail.
    • It will event take longer when this ticket require special permission that the agent doesn't have (like clearance from the team leader).
  • Too many tickets, too many emails. Zendesk is not the only ticket system your agent deal with. DFO is a big game with many intergraded systems, and each system has their own support team.
    • Black Cipher, for example, is an intergraded cybersecurity system within DFO. If your account deal with it, then your agent may have to put a ticket in with Black Cipher, wait for them to respond, then reply to you.
    • I personally work with Zendesk and two other ticket systems to solve problem, along with work email. Sometimes things slip through.
  • Working hours. Support centers often don't have 24 hours nor weekend nor holiday coverage. So be mindful about when you enter the ticket. A Friday ticket may not be looked at until Monday. Other factors may affect as well (e.g. short staffs, call-in).
Other FAQ
  • I just made an account, why I'm trade locked?
    • Bot prevention probably. Send ticket and wait.
  • They haven't replied in "X" days, should I enter another ticket?
    • NO, do not spam tickets. It's annoying and useless.
  • Why their responds seem generic?
    • Consistency is important when you're replying to hundreds of people. Zendesk has Macro you can set up to on your reply. Things like "Good Day, We understand that you are requesting to lift the suspension from your account." or "However, please note that any further offense will result in a permanent suspension." and so on.
  • Why can't I spend money on the Cera Shop?
    • It's the rules about the webstore and privilege system.
  • Neople won't tell me what 3rd program triggered the ban, why?
    • Security reasons of course. If I tell you what it is, you may design it to by pass my system.
Final Thoughts
  • Be patient and professional with the staff. I know it can get frustrated, but typing in ALL CAP will not help. Agent can leave note on your profile for other agents to see (e.g. This guy spam ticket alot).
  • When entering ticket, be as specific as you can. When I look at a ticket, one of my first thought is "well, is this ticket correctly assigned to my team?" and "can I re-create this issue/bug?" A generic ticket of "I can't enter dungeon" will need a lot more infomation.
  • If they're saying you're using a 3rd party program. You probably was using it without knowing it's a 3rd party program.
  • If you're genuinely believe your ticket was not completed in a fair and professional way, reach out to one of community advisers.


  1. Such information is always helpful since not everyone works with ticket systems. But I have another question: Will your SMTP email reply leak your personal information?
    I mean, email reply comes with much, much more information than what you typed. It carries your time zone, your IP address, and your email address(if you have two email addresses, a private one and a public one, then you may reply with your private one accidentally). Will agents see all of personal information?

    1. You will leave digital footprint pretty much where ever you go. It really depends on what you're comfortable with people knowing. Unfortunately I can't tell you what information Neople would see when you reply to their ticket with your personal e-mail. I wouldn't be surprise if they at least know what operation system or web browser was used to send the ticket. I would read Neople's privacy notice ahead of time.

  2. It was an interesting read, although much of it can be summarized in applying common sense and being polite

  3. I just read this essay days ago and I got blocked now! lmao
    It says due to abnormal software which I believe is the 3rd party you mentioned.
    Just sent a ticket and hope they can release asap since 110 is coming.
    You said they dont tell you what 3rd party you used, this is really annoying since they got the power to ban you while you have to guess what software is considered 3rd party.
    I got trade restriced long long ago due to using android simulator, and I have to abandom that software so far. And now I have to guess again which software they dislike.

  4. Its funny read this. Know how exactly time took neople team to remove false ban? 3 MONTHS. Ffs

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