Sunday, January 02, 2022

Legendary Dungeons After Farming Improvement Patch

  • After Farming Improvement patch was released, everyone has been talking about how difficult it is for new player to progress. So just like with Ghent Palace, I used some of my alts and ran these dungeons to see what was all the fuss was about.

How They Changed
  • Before the patch, your daily reward count was at 5 runs for each dungeons. Looking at my previous data, you can earn about 600 Extinction Crystal.png per day. So pretty much you can get 1 legendary piece every 2 days, which is about 24 days to complete your legendary set if you don't count any drop.
  • After the patch, your daily reward count is changed to 3, and the amount of materials you get are as follow:

  • So just like what I did to Ghent Palace, I used 20 of my alts and ran these dungeons 120 times full clear on Normal mode with premium contract. I did normal node this time because this is the difficulty most new players with Ghent unique will be doing.
  • I sold everything and also record what Legendary dropped. There are 2 things I'm looking for:
    1. How much Crystal and gold can I get?
    2. If the drop rate is increased, how long can I get all 12 pieces?

Data and Observation

  • Gold
    • From 20 alts, I got 4,371,310 gold. Comparing this to Ghent Palace (5,921,002), you're look at about a 26% less gold.
    • So in average, each time I do my daily 6 runs, I get about 218,566 Goldicon.png (using Aiolite price of 5,383).
  • Character Progression
    • Looking at this chart, you're definitely getting less Extinction Crystal.png. On average, if you're just playing 1 character, you can expect to get about 125 crystal per day. Since each piece cost 600, you're looking at about 58 days to complete the 12-piece not counting the drops. This is pretty bad since before the patch, you only need like 24 days.
    • If you're running multiple characters, you can expect to get enough account materials to buy 1 legendary piece for about every 10 alts.
    • From my 120 runs, I got 28 legendary pieces, so the 23.3% drop rate is decent and not as good as Ghent.
    • Some observation about these drops though. (1) You don't always get the weapon for your class. (2) Unlike Ghent Palace, the armor pieces don't often match your mastery.
  • Powerful Energy
    • In Ghent I got 562 account bound PE, and in legendary dungeons I got 581. 
    • So far with these small amount of runs, the different doesn't seem to be significant. Although Ghent runs were in Expert and Leg dungeons were in Normal mode. So maybe you will get significantly more if you run Expert mode?
How Long to Get 12 Legs Pieces?
  • It's hard to tell due to RNG. But let say I don't care about armor mastery, and I assumed all the above 20 alts are the same character and from using the above data:
    • Day 1: I would have nothing
    • Day 2: I would have Shoes and Sub Equip
    • Day 3: I would have duplicates
    • Day 4: I would have Shoulder
    • Day 5: I would have nothing
    • Day 6: I would have Bottom
    • Day 7 ~ 14: I would have nothing
    • Day 15: I would have Earrings
    • Day 16: I would have Ring and Magic Stone
    • Day 17 ~ 20: I would have nothing. Then used my 2,500 total mats to buy the last 4 pieces. 
    • In these 20 days, if I was lucky to play one of the class that uses the weapons dropped on the table, I would have been done.
  • So I would have been done in 20 days, which is much faster than the 24 days before the patch? Right? Well, I can't say After Patch farming would be faster for solo player because I didn't record what legendary pieces dropped before the Patch. Regardless, it would probably still be slower.
Final Thoughts
  • For new player who only have 1 character, it probably will take about 58 days to complete if you don't take drops into account. But if you count the drops, it will be much faster and most likely still slower than before the patch. I highly recommend you run Night of Revelation dungeon to speed up this gearing process.
  • Since you can upgrade Legs to Epic now, older players will actually have a reason to clear these dungeons as part of daily task to gear up more alts.
  • Plus you can get Powerful Energy and dissemble gear of Legendary Souls.

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