Wednesday, January 26, 2022

[Korea] Male Nen and Male Spitfire Revamp

  • As promised in the Winter Festival, we finally have the changes for Male Nen Master and Male Spitfire. This also include several character buffs as well.
Table of Contents
Male Nen Master
  • Dev's Note: The Spiral Absorption.png Spiral Absorption has been improved. The energy supply and consumption of some skills have been adjusted, and the damage ratio of the spiral energy has been increased. In addition, to improve the lack of active skills compared to other classes, a new skill level 25 Lightning Cannon and a new skill level 35 Thunderous Blast were added. In addition, some skills max level have been changed, and SP consumption adjustments have been made so that SP can be intensively invested in attack skills. The effects of some old skills have been improved and the overall performance has been supplemented.
  • Lightning Leg Strike.png Lightning Leg Strike: Att. +5%. Cooldown 8 sec → 7 sec.
  • Nen Shot.png Nen Shot: Att. +5.3%. Range increased, skill effect improved.
  • Nen Cannon.png Nen Cannon: Cooldown 8 sec → 6.5 sec. Skill effect improved.
  • Spiral Nen.png Spiral Nen: Att. +5.2%. Cooldown 20 sec → 15 sec.
  • Spiral Nen Press.png Spiral Nen Press: Att. +5%.
  • New Level 25 skills: Lightning Cannon
    • Each TP level (2 points) increase Att. +10%.
  • Nen Guard.png Nen Guard: Cooldown fixed to 10 sec.
    • Master/Max level is changed. Master level: 10 → 1. Maximum level: 20 → 11.
    • SP consumption changed: 20 → 50.
  • Spiral Nen- Stone.png Spiral Nen Stone: Skill duration fixed to 80 sec for all level.
    • Master/Max level is changed. Master level: 10 → 1. Maximum level: 20 → 11.
    • SP consumption changed: 30 → 50.
  • Spiral Nen- Stone Upgrade.png Spiral Nen: Stone Upgrade: Skill deleted.
  • Doppelganger Blast.png Doppelganger Blast: Att. +5.1%, Effect changed so that all clones merged then explode.
  • Tiger Flash (Male).png Tiger Flash: Increases attack range, SP consumption changed: 25 → 20.
  • Lion's Roar.png Lion's Roar: Att. +5%.
  • New skill level 35 skill: Thunderous Blast
    • Each TP level (2 points) increase Att. +10%.
  • Energy Shield (Male).png Energy Shield: Att. +5%.
  • Haitai Summon.png Haitai Summon: Att. +5%.
  • Lion of Suju.png Lion of Suju: Att. +5.3%
  • Nen Spear.png Nen Spear: Att. +5%.
  • Electric Energy Sphere.png Electric Energy Sphere: Att. +5.2%
  • Overlord Spiral Blade.png Overlord Spiral Blade: Att. +5.4%
  • Windstorm Spiral Power.png Windstorm Spiral Power
    • Thunderous Blast added to application skills.
    • Spiral Orb Atk.: 60%  → 70% of target skill's total Atk.
    • Overlord Spiral Blade.png Overlord Spiral Blade Talisman damage adjusted:
      • Basic effect will have Lighting Explosion Att. +68%  → +77%.
      • Additional effect will have Lighting Explosion Att. 34% → 38%
  • Moonlight Land.png Moonlight Land: Att. +5.1%
    • Spiral Energy Recovery While Attacking: 5% → 6%.
  • Resplendent Form.png Resplendent Form: Att. +5.4%
  • State of Nature.png State of Nature: Windstorm Spiral Power Gauge Passive Recovery 0.3 sec → 0.2 sec.
  • Tiger Blast.png Tiger Blast: Att. +5%.
  • Celestial Annihilation.png Celestial Annihilation: Att. +5%.
Changes From Test Server
  • Dev's Note: As we saw that the difficulty of Spiral Energy management based on the current first server is rather high, we have change the supply and consumption of Spiral Energy for some skills.
    • In addition, we checked the problem that the effect of increasing Electric Energy Sphere.png Electric Energy Sphere attack damage was not fully applied when the skill was equipped with Talisman.
  • Electric Energy Sphere.png Electric Energy Sphere
    • Dry Lighting Talisman
      • Basic effect: Attack increase (87% → 94%)
      • Additional Effect: Additional attack increase (16% → 22%)
    • Capella's Stigma: Dry Lighting Talisman
      • Basic effect: Attack increase (87% → 94%)
      • Additional Effect: Additional attack increase (29% → 36%)
  • Spiral Absorption.png Spiral Absorption:
    • Spiral Energy supply changes for the following skills
      • Nen Cannon.png Nen Cannon: 40 → 50
      • Lightning Leg Strike.png Lightning Leg Strike: 60 → 70
      • Doppelganger Blast.png Doppelganger Blast: 80 → 90
      • Tiger Flash (Male).png Tiger Flash: 10 → 14
    • Spiral Energy consumption changes for the following skills
      • Spiral Nen Press.png Spiral Nen Press: 40 → 20 
  • Moonlight Land.png Moonlight Land: Spiral Energy Recovery While Attacking: 5% → 7%
Male Spitfire
  • The Author thanks JKRowling for the amazing translation.
  • Dev's Note: Through this renewal, we tried to supplement the monotonous gameplay pattern and create a unique gameplay for Spitfire (male).
    • Burst Bomb and Piercing Bullet and related passive skills have been improved to enhance the utility of basic attacks.
    • In addition, the pistol carbine skill has been changed to the High Voltage Bullet: Maxwell skill, so that the performance of the basic attack can be further strengthened through this skill.
    • And Neil the Sniper, a must-have skill from the past, was improved and reproduced as a Returned Sniper, and some skill improvements were made to strengthen the characteristics of the Bowgun, which is somewhat less competitive than the Musket.
  • Magazine Drum.png Magazine Drum: Changed the musket / bowgun's max basic attack count at the certain skill level.
  • G-14 Buster.png G-14 Buster
    • Dev's Note: The previous grenade-type skills were used to cancel the basic attack motion, but there were parts that were difficult to use as a secondary DPS skill due to the short cooldown. To improve this part, we have removed the maximum stack function and adjusted the cooldown and attack power, and the delay between basic attacks that can occur through these improvements has been compensated for by improving the magazine drum and dual flicker. 
    • Custom UI has been removed.
    • Max stack changed (3 → 1).
    • Cooldown changed (2 sec → 4 sec).
    • Skill damaged adjusted due to max stack and cooldown time change.
  • Firearm Mastery.png Firearm Mastery: Added tooltip related to equipment cooldown decrease.
  • M18 Claymore.png M18 Claymore: Att. +5.4%
  • Cross Fire.png Cross Fire: Att. +5.2%
  • G-35L Flash Bang.png G-35L Flash Bang
    • Custom UI has been removed.
    • Max stack changed (3 →1).
    • Cooldown changed (3 sec → 8 sec).
    • Skill damage and shock damage adjusted due to max stack and cooldown time change.
  • Grenade Mastery.png Grenade Mastery: Fixed an issue where Flash Bang shock damage wasn't increased.
  • G-18 Freeze Grenade.png G-18C Freeze Grenade
    • Custom UI has been removed.
    • Max stack changed (3 → 1).
    • Cooldown changed (4 sec → 10 sec).
    • Skill damaged adjusted due to max stack and cooldown time change.
    • SP consumption changed (40 → 30).
  • Burst Bomb.png Burst Bomb:
    • Dev's Note: The effect and process have been changed to enhance the feeling of bombing the front with a basic attack.
    • Skill effect and process improved.
    • Chain explosion when landing.
  • Piercing Bullet.png Piercing Bullet
    • Dev's Note: In order to differentiate it from Burst Bomb, we have added a function that causes a penetrating wound to the enemy being hit.
    • Skill effect and process improved.
    • Gives bleeding damage by chance.
  • Buster Shot.png Buster Shot
    • Dev's Note: In order to give the characteristics of the bowgun, a process has been added so that it can be used more effectively against the enemies spread along the Y axis when the bowgun is equipped. 
    • Att. +5.3%
    • Added a process for scattering projectiles to attack a wider area before the burst fire when equipped with a bowgun. (PvP not applied).
  • Flying C4.png C4: Att. +5.1%
  • Lock-on Support.png Lock-On Support/TP: Skill removed.
  • Returned Sniper
    • Dev's Note: The previous Neil the Sniper skill was renewed as a shooting skill that improved the effect and compensated for some issues. In addition, to compensate for the situation of being exposed to danger while defenseless during the casting time, a function has been added to reduce the damage received while casting the skill. 
    • This is level 45 skill, consumes 2 cubes
    • This skill applies a powerful sniper attack by requesting support from the returned sniper Neil Sniper.
    • Additional effects and damage are applied according to the applied bullet buff effect. 
    • Returned Sniper TP skill is added. Increases 10% damage per level (costs 2 TP).
    • Returned Sniper Talisman Effect
      • Capella's Stigma: Snapshot Trigger:
        • +10% Aiming Speed
        • +15% Sniping Range
        • -25% Sniping Damage
        • +3 Snipe Count
      • Additional Talisman Effects:
        • Press Skill Key (Z) for Semi-Automatic Fire
        • -37% Sniping Recoil
        • -62% Post-Sniping Delay
        • +9% Additional Sniping Damage
    • Dual Flicker.png Dual Flicker: Changed so that the dual flicker effect is also applied to the last shot. When equipped with a bowgun, the extra rounds for the last shot will fire 3 shots instead of 1. 
    • Special Forces 'Black Roses'.png Special Forces "Black Roses": Att. +5.3%
    • Pistol Carbine.png Pistol Carbine/TP: Skill removed
    • High Voltage Bullet: Maxwell
      • Dev's Note: It was judged that the skill performance and conceptual appeal were insufficient, so through this skill has been renewed, the skill usability and usability were improved, and a function to further strengthen the characteristics of the basic attack of the Spitfire (Male) was added. 
      • This is level 70 skill, consumes 3 cubes.
      • Fires a bullet armed with a strong voltage to attack the enemy in front.
      • Among the enemies hit by the skill, a bullet is embedded in the strongest enemy and creates a magnetic field for a certain period of time.
      • The magnetic field target will have a special effect for the duration.
        • Increases damage dealt by Elemental Bullet, Burst Bomb, and Piercing Bullet.
        • When G-14 Buster, G-35L Flash Grenade, and G-18C Freeze Grenade reach the magnetic field range, they will be dragged to the target and explode.
        • When the G-14 Buster, G-35L Flash Grenade, or G-18C Freeze Grenade explodes, the attack range is extended to the entire magnetic field.
      • High Voltage Bullet: Maxwell TP added, 10% damage increase per level (consumes 2TP).
    • High Voltage Bullet: Maxwell Talisman 
      • Capella's Stigma: Ionizer
        • +10% Magnetic Field Range
        • +4s Magnetic Field Duration
        • Explodes when Magnetic Field ends (19% of Maxwell's Damage)
      • Additional Talisman Effects:
        • +14% Additional Magnetic Field Explosion Damage
        • -5% Cooldown 
    • G-38ARG Reactive Grenade.png G-38ARG Reactive Grenade: Att. +5.2%
    • Super Nova.png Supernova: Att. +6.3%
    • Changes From Test Server
      • High Voltage Bullet: Maxwell no longer have a recoil that push the character back.
    Other Class Balances
    • Dev's Note: After the synergy deletion, we adjusted the damage for some classes to better their performance.
    • Soul Bender: Straight damage increases
      • Plague Rhasa.png+5.1%, Ghost Slash- Overdrive.png+5.2%, Dark Flame Sword (Soul Bender).png+5.3%, Ghost Slash- Abyss.png+5%, Tombstone Swamp.png+5.2%, Blade Phantom.png+5.1%, Blade Phantom Possession- Technique.png+5%, Descent of Sieg.png+5.1%
    • Summoner
      • Contract- Conqueror Kasijas.png Contract Conqueror Kasijas: Att. +5.1%, skill duration increased 90 sec → 200 sec.
      • Spirit- Fusion Spirit Hailom.png Spirit Fusion Spirit Hailom: Master/Max level is changed. Master level: 10 → 1. Maximum level: 20 → 11
      • Running Amok.png Running Amok: Att. +7.1%
      • Dark Moon.png Dark Moon: Att. +6.5%
      • Legendary Summon- The Moonshade.png Legendary Summon The Moonshade: Att. +7.4%
      • Legendary Summon- War Maiden Lamos.png Legendary Summon War Maiden Lamos: Att. +5.2%, skill duration increased 80 sec → 200 sec.
      • Eclipse Fall.png Eclipse Fall: Att. +5.2%
      • Spirit King of Sublimity.png Spirit King of Sublimity: Att. +8.1%
      • Ravenous Delarion.png Ravenous Delarion: Att. +6.5%
    • Blood Mage: Straight damage increases
      • Offering.png+5.1%, Lilroi.png+5.3%, Shikari.png+5.1%, Torment.png+5.3%, Soul Steal.png+5.1%, Corruption.png+5.2%, Marauder.png+5.3%, Phantom Veil.png+5%, Fatality.png+5.3%, Blood Stinger.png+5.2%
    • Inquisitor: Straight damage increases
      • Christening Fire.png+5.3%, Summary Justice.png+5.1%, Noble Rage.png+5.3%, Decollation.png+5.2%, Infernal Vortex.png+5.3%, Purifying Flames.png+5%, God's Wrath.png+5.1%, Burning Wheel.png+5.2%
    • Mistress: Straight damage increases
      • Lurking Greed.png+5.2%, Scythe Massacre.png+5.5%, Scud the Wrathful Demon.png+5.4%, Envious Kiss.png+5.1%, Expel Gluttony.png+5.6%, First Prana- Forbidden Fruit.png+5.2%, Second Soul.png+5.3%, Redeeming Spines.png+5.1%, Wings of Sabbath.png+5%
      • Sin Awakening Touch.png Sin Awakening Touch: Reduce staggered hits. Reduced hit delay.
      • Cardinal Execution.png Cardinal Execution: Can hit skill key repetitively to increase attack speed. 
    • Lightbringer: Straight damage increases
      • Sweeping Wave.png+7.3%, Purify.png+7.3%, Shield Break.png+7.3%, Wrath.png+10%, Retribution.png+10%, Disruption.png+7.1%, Confession.png+7%, Forgiveness.png+7.2%, Estrangement.png+7.1%, Conciliation.png+7.3%, Price of Mistrust.png+6%, Integration.png+7%, Mandate of Heaven.png+7.2%, Obstruction.png+7.1%, Engagement.png+7.1%, Judgment Call.png+6%, Transcendent Light.png+7.2%, Last Revelation.png+6.1%
    • Creator: Straight damage increases
      • Firewall.png+5.2%, Meteor Drop.png+5.2%, Ice Stone.png+5%, Ice Plate.png+5%, Flame Hurricane.png+5.1%, Ice Shield.png+5.2%, Wind Press.png+5.1%, Wind Storm.png+5%, Wormhole.png+10.1%, Ice Age.png+5.1%, Time Forward.png+5.1%, Creative Space.png+5.2%, Light of Genesis.png+5.1%
      • Creation.png Creation: Provide Super Armor when skill is casted

    Skill Icon - DFO Wiki
    Male Spitfire Translation - JKRowling
    Returned Sniper & Maxwell Talisman Translation - Jay
    YouTube - 히카리타마

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