Thursday, September 09, 2021

[Korea] Divine Revelation Package

  • We got a sneak peak of this package from CDnF earlier this month.
  • Since DFOG somewhat follows KDnF a bit closer, I'll go over this in more details. For this package, there are 3 different options you can buy from.
    • Platinum Pack: This includes 9-piece look avatar, Aura box, Title box, Creature box, Bonus box,  Weapon avatar box, Clone weapon box, Tile Orb +2 level. This pack has 3 purchase limit.
    • Accessory Pack: This includes Aura, Title, Creature, Weapon Clone, no look avatar
    • Avatar Combo Pack: This only have 9-piece look avatar and weapon avatar (no clone weapon)
  • From what I can tell, this is probably one of the first time you get a guarantee +2 level title bead from buying one pack. Usually for this type of bead, you need to buy like 10 packs. So with this package, you can get +3 buff swap title easily. I suppose this is one way Director Yoon helps us in gearing up alts.
Look Avatar
  • After opening the title box, you can get 1 out of 5 possible buff titles.
  • The first 4 title are the ones with different skill range. The 1% jackpot title is the "Sanctuary Boundaries" what give +3 buff skill. Great title for everyone, regardless of your class.
  • Since this is a buff title, they also sell Reroll scroll and bead for 500k each as gold sink. Really if you buy the Platinum pack, it comes with the +2 level bead, so you only need to roll for the level range you need.
  • Skill Gauge System: This is basically a fail safe system for you bad RNG. The gauge fills up as you use the bead to roll your luck. Once it's full, you can selectively pick which skill you want the +2 level on. Still not cheap though, the KDnF caster estimated that it costs about 55.5 mil worth of 500k bead to fill this up.
  • These pets are from ozma raid. They act as both DPS and buff swap pet.
  • For sader, you can get +1 level to level 25-30 skill. For DPS, you can get +15% modifier (damage, crit damage, or PMI) and +1 level to buff skill.
  • Of course, too, they sell 500k pet change scrolls so you can roll these.
  • Nothing special really. Each type of aura has the main stat +80, and the rest +60. Then they all have +20 All Elemental Damage, +35 PMI, +5% Crit, +10% Town Move Speed.
  • Again, you can use 500k scroll to roll for the one you want.
Clone Weapon Avatar
  • Beside the regular 2 multicolored emblem slots, you can now select +45 stat of your choice (STR/INT/VIT/SPI).

Special Bind Cube
  • Until December 2, 2021, you can trade regular bind cube for the special bind cube from the Event NPC in Seria's Room. There are 2 kind you can trade for, Avatar Bind Cube and Clone Weapon Bind Cube.
  • Avatar Bind Cube: Pretty simple, you use these to bind avatar of the same slot for a chance of hidden avatar. Combining avatar gives you chance of hidden avatar. Combining weapon avatar gives you chance of hidden weapon avatar, so on.
    • The hidden aura has stat of +20 Elemental Damage, +50 PMI, +100 All Stat, +5% Crit, +10% Town Move Speed.

  • Below are the chances of you getting these hidden avatars.

Clone Weapon Bind Cube
  • By combining 2 regular clone weapon avatar, you get a chance of getting RARE clone weapon avatar.
  • What's special about the rare version is that it has +1 level to a skill ranging level 40-80. Also every time you perform the combination, you get 5-20 Light Energy , which can be used to buy more items from the event shop. Below are the probability tables.
  • Here's the shop for Light Energy. You can by the following:
    •  Level 100 Region Cards: Include cards from Ghent Palace, 5+5, 2+2, and Oculus. Limit 10 purchases. Cost 10 Light Energies.
    •  Level 100 Material Pouch: Randomly get 30~200 . Unlimited purchases. Cost 10 Light Energies. 
    •  Time's Guide Stone Box: Generate 100~200 . Unlimited purchases. Cost 15 Light Energies. 
    •  Kaleido Box: Generate 1~5 box. Limit 20 purchases. Cost 5 Light Energies.
    •  Reinforcement Protection Ticket. Unlimited purchases. Cost 35 Light Energies.
    •  Amplification Protection Ticket. Unlimited purchases. Cost 50 Light Energies.
    •  Personal Safe Upgrade. Limit 1 purchase. Cost 20 Light Energies.
    •  Dual Skill Build License. Unlimited purchases. Cost 30 Light Energies.
    •  Avatar Transfer Stone. Limit 1 purchase. Cost 50 Light Energies.
    •  Elemental King Creature. Limit 1 purchase. Cost 100 Light Energies.



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