Wednesday, September 08, 2021

DFOlmanac, What is This New Project?

  • The original idea of DFOArchive is a place where you can find guides and learn about the game. So in the beginning, New Player! Start Here page was created as an index page to quickly guide players through the game.
  • Looking back, although this page is useful, I thought it's a bit barebone. So I want to expand it to the next level through the inspiration of choco's blog.
  • When you look this blog page, it includes the most basic information about DFO for new players. Things like how to navigate UI, what are cubes, how to use auction hall, how to trade with other players, etc. So I want to make a page just like it and this page would eventually be where new players can go to to learn about the game.
  • This project will be called "DFOlmanac" which is a combination of DFO and Almanac (I thought it's a clever name).
  • What the heck is an Almanac? it's basically a guide for farmer that has lots of information to help them decide what and when to plant for the year. It has information like weather, moon phase, etc. So basically DFOlmanac will be a place that contain DFO most basic information to help you progress through the game. You get the idea.
  • The plan: When I have free time, I'll write simple and basic posts about the game. These posts will have [DFOlmanac] in the title and the "Newbie Friendly" tag. They will then be organized and indexed so new players can find everything on one page. In order to reduce cluster, these posts won't show up on "Latest Articles".


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I hope to get this project up and running as soon as possible.

  2. Nice to meet you! I always enjoy reading your articles.

    Thank you very much for introducing my blog to you.
    When I found your blog, I was struck by the amount of information and the sophisticated layout.
    From that moment on, your blog became a role model and a goal for me.

    I'm so happy to have my blog introduced to someone I admire so much!
    It gave me the impetus to work hard on updating my blog.

    I wish you all the best for the future of DFOArchive.

    I'm using a translator for this post, so I apologize if it's hard to read.

    1. It's always a pleasure with meet people with great DFO passion.
      Thank you for inspiring me to start this project.


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