Thursday, September 02, 2021

[China] Golden Autumn Package

  • CDnF dropped the review of its 2021 Autumn package, and it's pretty nice. Here I'll show you what they look like and the items that come with it.
  • Since this is CDnF, I won't bother trying to translate the stats, but I'll include the images if you want to see them. If you see any mistranslation, please let me know.
2 Avatar Versions & Weapon

  • There are 4 different variants: Faith, Endurance, Courage, Hope. 
  • They will all have the same base stat, and depends on the title, you will get a different modifier. Looks like +15% modifier depends on the type of title.

  • I like the gold and blue aura. The stat is again good too. +1 to level 1-80 skill, and +5% modifier depending on the aura type. For sader aura, looks like you get 3% buff strength to your level 30 skill.

  • The more package you buy, the more gift boxes and vouchers you can receive. Then you can use them to get RNG rewards including hidden aura and avatar.
  • Here's the hidden aura and its stat

  • Here's the hidden avatar and its stat. The left picture is while you're in town. Right picture is in dungeon.

  • Here's the hidden weapon avatar and its stat.



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