Wednesday, March 31, 2021

[Korea] Director's Note: Sirocco Farming Improvements and Regarding Upcoming Ozma Raid

  • NOTE: This article is a direct archive of Yong*'s translation. All credits go to him.
TL; DR (Summary)
  • Sirocco Farming Improvements (April 1, 2021 update on KDnf)
    • 220 Petals to buy Sirocco Weapon Material (Residue).
    • 55 Petals to buy “Ark of Circulation”: combiner that fuses 3 Sirocco Epics (of any piece) to produce a random piece from the selected set (May produce the piece used to combine.) 
      • In other words, you have ⅓ chance to snipe a piece you want. 
    • Defusing Sirocco Epic will be free
    • Cost of Sirocco Ditto will drop to 220 petals (from 437) and material needed to change ditto will drop to 55 petals (from 110)
  • New Mechanics in Ozma Raid (Planned within First half of 2021)
    • “Sanity Level”: Every player will have a “Sanity Level” that Ozma will drain. Certain debuff “that will force players to completely change the game style” will be casted if the level drops to a certain level.
    • Interactive Difficulty selection: Raid members will be able to change the difficulty of raid interactively during the raid (Instead of choosing “Hard Ozma raid” at the start, the difficulty and the reward would fluctuate depending on path players take during the raid. I.E. skipping x maps will increase the raid difficulty to high, but doing y maps will decrease it back to normal, or even to an easy-mode raid.)  
    • Reward Auction: Raids cleared with Hard difficulty will have a chance to encounter “Jackpot Reward” (on top of normal rewards that every member receives) that will be put up on auction within the raid. Players will bid gold to win the prize, and gold from the winning bid will be distributed among the raid.
  • Xlation Note: From the language he uses, it seems like this “Mega Flip” will happen on top of normal gold cards. 
    • My attempt as an analogy to Sirocco raid (100% MY GUESS):
    • Extra Account bound mats, Sirocco Epics, Monster Cards, Weapon Residue would be Normal Gold flip (players win individually)
    • Mythic and Primal Dream Weapons (PoW) would be put up on Auction.
Full Note
  • Greetings, This is Jeong Ho Kang, Lead Director of DnF
  • First, we thank every adventurer playing and observing Dungeon and Fighter as it progresses.
  • This Director’s Note will focus on improvements on Sirocco Farming and new mechanics currently under development for the upcoming (within first half of this year) Ozma raid .
Sirocco Farming Improvements
  • Considerable amount of time has passed since Sirocco Raid has been released, and many adventurers made significant progress in farming their gears.
  • However, we acknowledge that many are struggling to graduate due to the RNG nature of the raid, as well as many newcomers who started farming later than others.
  • With anticipation of the upcoming Ozma raid, we wanted many more people to attend the new raid with satisfactory gears. Thus, we allowed the players to buy Residue with a set amount of Petals, as well as introduce a method to fuse “deadweight pieces” into a random piece from the selected set.
  • We also decreased the cost of Sirocco Ditto, materials needed to convert the ditto, and removed the petal cost to defuse Sirocco Epic, as an attempt to decrease the overall cost of changing Sirocco gears to the desired set.
  • Above improvements will be implemented in Live server on April 1st, and we anticipate this to benefit not only those struggling, but also allow graduated characters to grow even stronger (optimize with stronger set).
  • With more people trying their best to prepare their characters for the Ozma raid, we (neople) will also try our best to develop a high quality raid.
New Raid: Ozma Raid
  • We are developing multiple new mechanics in an attempt to appeal “Ozma” to as many adventurers as possible, from those who remember him in Otherverse dungeons to new adventurers who have never heard of an Apostle named Ozma. 
  • Today, I am introducing a few of the many systems we are currently developing.
  • First, “Sanity Level” mechanic. 
    • Adventurers fighting Ozma in “Dark Side” will be under the influence of Ozma. Each player will have its own “Sanity Level” gauge that will fluctuate depending on the battles fought against the mobs. 
    • Players who lost sanity (gauge hits 0) will receive significant debuff that will put them in disadvantageous position, thus we expect the players to pay close attention to their gauge.
    • Additionally, we will implant various gimmicks to utilize the Sanity Level, one of which the raid (as a whole) can upgrade to soothe the subjugation process.  
    • We are avoiding this system from becoming dull by only encouraging players to maintain high sanity. For example, certain stats (damages) would be amplified at low sanity (as a reward for taking high risk). We are striving this new mechanic to be as dynamic as possible.
  • Next is the interactive difficulty selection, first introduced in “Dark Purgatory” dungeon. 
    • Xlation note: Dark Purgatory has a mechanism where players choose the difficulty (up to 4 levels) depending on what path the party takes. Instead of choosing “Hard mode” at the start like P. War, every party starts at level 1, and will be given the option of increasing the difficulty to receive better rewards. Oculus has a similar mechanism where players can choose to skip Luiese or Roseberry to change the difficulty of Shoyun but it doesnt change the rewards. In Black Purgatory, and the Ozma raid, the party will receive additional rewards for taking the harder route.
    • We added an interactive method of difficulty to give players freedom to make decisions based on the current situation (being able to decide AFTER observing the power level and pattern proficiency of the party).
    • However, we noticed that the current system implanted in Black Purgatory provides an insufficient amount of freedom to make optimal decisions. In Ozma raid, we will allow players to not only increase the difficulty of the raid, but also an option to revert the choice to provide even more degree of freedom. 
    • We are hoping players to take a shot at challenge mode without burden of risk.
  • Finally, We are planning to introduce first ever (in DnF history) system: Raid Auction System.
    • Xlation note: This system has been in WoW for eons, but the raid leader was able to lead the auction (for whom to attend, and how the item and gold to be distributed, etc). I was told other kMMOs such as Lost Ark and Blade&Soul have similar systems… but there has always been some degree of controversy in each of the games. I am both excited and worried about this system, especially knowing how prevalent “sells” are in the endgame contents of DNF.
    • Will customers be able to attend the auction? Will they receive the cut of the winning bid? Would it be fair? Will “friendship” between static raid members be at risk? Who knows. We don’t even know if this system will be 100% automatic by the game, or raid leaders (or players) would have influence in the process.
  •  Throughout many raids, we found the need of raid scale “feedback*” on top of the individual feedback that previous raids provided..
    • Xlation note: *Kang uses word “feedback” to mean “rush of Adrenaline” or “sense of winning”
  • Thus we are preparing to implant a Raid Auction system to Ozma raid.
  • Normal Rewards will be provided to every participant similar to Sirocco raid, while the raid cleared in certain difficulty will drop a shared loot that can be auctioned among the raid participants. Player with the highest bid will win the item.
  • Additionally, we are designing a system where the gold from the winning bid can be distributed among the raid members to allow other players to enjoy the sense of victory.
  • On top of systems introduced in this note, we will try our best to make Dungeon and Fighter as enjoyable as possible to our adventurers.
  • Thank you.

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