Sunday, February 14, 2021

Male Ranger Talisman Review and Recommendation

  • This review is only for the talisman version from Pandemonium War dungeon.
  • This article outlines pros and cons of Male Ranger 5 talismans and recommendation of which one should you use. 
Table of Contents

1. Level 35 Skill - Wild Shot  (Acceleration Revolver )
  • 1.1. Description
    • Always max speed and max hit count.
      • Min hit count increased to match max hit count.
      • Multi-attack removed.
      • Atk. +14%
      • Attack Speed +50%
    • Talisman Additional Effects
      • Shot count +10%
      • Wild Shot attack range +20%
Without Talisman

With Talisman

Damage Without Talisman

Damage With Talisman

  • 1.2. Advantages
    • Structure change: The main point of this talisman is to always fire the bullets at max speed without scarifying any damage. Originally you need to continuously hit the "attack" button to increase firing speed.
    • Damage: Great damage increase (+29.7% from my testing). Based on the coefficient table, this skill is not the top in term of raw damage increase. However, the damage/cooldown ratio is amazing. With 25-sec rotation in sirocco, you can definitely fit 2 Wild Shot.png.
  • 1.3. Disadvantages
    • There's none really. This talisman fires so fast that you don't need to worry about missing any shot even if the boss move around a lot.
  • 1.4. Overall Review
    • Great structural improvement to the skill plus damage increase with pretty much no penalty. 
    • This talisman is a MUST-have.


2. Level 40 Skill - Multi Headshot  (Wide Out )
  • 2.1. Description
    • Scans and attack all enemies in front when cast.
      • Changes to a single-hit attack.
      • Basic Atk. +480%
    • Talisman Additional Effects
      • Attack/detection range +30%
      • Targeting speed -30% in case of multi-attack
      • Additional Basic Atk. +30%
Without Talisman

With Talisman

Damage Without Talisman

Damage With Talisman

  • 2.2. Advantages
    • Structure change: Originally, you need to tap the arrow keys 5 times to fire all the shot. The main point of this talisman is to combine all to just 1 shot. It also scan all the area around you and hit every target in those area. Personally it's a great quality-of-life improvement to the skill, but at the same time, I'm not butt hurt if I need to press the same key 5 times.
    • Cast time: Both with or without talisman, you're immobilized for a very similar amount of time. Although if you can hit the key fast enough, this talisman could be a no-no for you.
  • 2.3. Disadvantages
    • Damage: The increase is not that great (+21.8% from my testing). Again with the ecoefficiency table, the damage increase and damage/cooldown ratio are both worst than Wild Shot.png.

  • 2.4. Overall Review
    • This talisman offers great structural improvement to the skill. You now don't even need to press the skill multiple times. Which I can see as selling point for some players.
    • But at the same time, the damage increase is not great. There are other better talismans out there, thus I can't recommend this talisman for regular usage.
    • Thus, OKAY to use if you don't have other better talisman


3. Level 45 Skill - Death Hawk  (Double Grinder )
  • 3.1. Description
    • Throwing count -1
      • Starts throwing the Hawk after its first return.
      • 1st and 2nd attack multi-hit interval -30%
      • 1st attack Atk. +8%
    • Talisman Additional Effects
      • Hawk size +40%
      • Hawk interval +100%
      • Catching the Hawk doesn't push you backward.
    • Firing skills can be used to auto re-throw the Hawk.
      • Consumes 1 Stylish  stack.
      •  Headshot,  Wild Shot,  Multi Headshot,  Suppressive Barrage,  Fast Draw, and  Wipeout
Without Talisman

With Talisman

Damage Without Talisman

Damage With Talisman
  • 3.2. Advantages
    • Structure change: This talisman in a nutshell decrease the cast time of the skill in a specific way. You lose 1 hawk throw, but in return, the throw spin longer, bigger, and more multi-hit. This is very important because the bread-and-butter of male ranger is not just Death Hawk, it's the skills you cast in between the throw that gives him damage and make him unique.
    • Without talisman, it's close to impossible to cast more than 1 big skill in between throw because the spin interval is way too short. In the example below, I couldn't fit Wipeout.png and Fast Draw.png in between the spin.
    • With talisman, due to the longer spin time, even through you're losing 1 throw, you can cast more than 1 big skills in between throw, thus making him more viable. In the example below, I can cast  Wipeout.png and Fast Draw.png with the 1st throw, and Suppressive Barrage.png with the 2nd throw. This extra time definitely gives you more opportunity to play around with for all your rotation practice.
    • Damage: In term of coefficient table, this talisman is top of the chart, AND it's damage/cooldown ratio is amazing as well. 
  • 3.3. Disadvantages
    • None really, this talisman is so good, pretty much everyone uses it.
  • 3.4. Overall Review
    • This talisman offers great structural changes to the skill and is a complete game changer for male ranger. Even though it takes away 1 spin, but in return, you get higher damage and the spin last longer so you can fit more skills in between.
    • On the plus side, its damage and cooldown ratio is on the top of the damage chart among all male ranger talisman.
    • This talisman is a MUST-have.


4. Level 60 Skill - Deadly Approach  (Prey Hunt )
  • 4.1. Description
    • Auto-casts  Western Fire upon landing.
      • Auto Western Fire Atk.: 17% of overall Deadly Approach Atk.
      • Does not consume  stacks when cancel-used.
      • Can't be used at 0  stacks.
    • Talisman Additional Effects
      • The auto Western Fire replenishes 1  stack on hit.
      • Additional Auto Western Fire Atk. +5%
      • Cooldown -10%
Without Talisman

With Talisman
  • 4.2. Advantages
    • Structure change: The only thing this talisman has to offer is the extra Western Fire.png. Note that this does NOT share cooldown with the actual Western Fire.png skill. So technically you can cast Deadly Approach.png (with Western Fire.png as bonus), then Headshot.png, then Western Fire.png again)
  • 4.3. Disadvantages
    • Damage: It offers a small cooldown to the skill but absolutely does nothing to the skill Deadly Approach.png itself. All you're getting is an extra Western Fire.png. Its damage/cooldown ratio is not great either.
  • 4.4. Overall Review
    • This talisman really doesn't do anything to the skill itself. It only add an extra Western Fire.png. In a way, it automatically re-direct yourself so you face the target as you land (if you can call that an advantage).
    • Beside that, there's nothing great about this talisman.
    • Highly NOT recommended.

5. Level 70 Skill - Suppressive Barrage  (Magazine Handling )
  • 5.1. Description
    • Firing duration +0.3 sec.
    • Talisman Additional Effects
      • Finishing Atk. +52%
      • Attack Speed +20%
      • Attack range +30%
Without Talisman

With Talisman
  • 5.2. Advantages
    • Damage: Coefficiently speaking, it's the 2nd best in damage. Here you also have higher range and higher attack speed.
  • 5.3. Disadvantages
    • Cooldown: Damage/cooldown ratio is really at the bottom of the list. The skill itself already has a 50 seconds cooldown, lots of male ranger players don't max this skill (I do personally). Even though the damage increase is high, its cooldown is the main downfall.
    • Skill duration: The description said only increase of 0.3 second. But when I tested the skill, it seems to increase much more significantly (look at the gif comparison above).
  • 5.4. Overall Review
    • From a technical point of view, the skill cooldown already way too long to put SP on. And adding the terrible damage/cooldown ratio, this talisman is really the bottom of the list.
    • Highly NOT recommended.


6. Overall Recommendations
  • Since you only have 2 slots, I highly recommend Death Hawk and Wild Shot.

Skill Icon - DFO Wiki

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