Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pandemonium War: A Guide to Talisman System

  • The purpose of this page is to provide everything about the Talisman system.
  • General information about Pandemonium War patch can be found in this update page.
  • Brave yourself because this is one of the most RNG system in DFO. The worst part is this system is required for endgame contents. Don't expect to get accepted into party if you don't have any talisman. 
How Does This System Work?

  • This system is designed to customize and strengthen your skills.
  • You can open this system through the "Talisman" tab in the inventory window.
  • Upon opening the "Talisman" tab, you will see Picture 1. The green squares are for Talismans. The blue circles are for Runes. Clicking the Book (circled in red) will open up Picture 2 and 3. Picture 2 is the list of the current 5 talismans. Picture 3 will give all available runes.
  • So this system consists of 2 parts: Talismans and Runes.
  • Talismans:
    • Currently with the Pandemonium War patch, there are 5 talismans for each class, and you can only equip 2 talismans. Korea added a 3rd slot with the "Black Church" update.
    • Each talisman comes in 2 rarity: "Rare" and "Unique". You can read their descriptions and demonstrations in the section at the bottom.
    • Each talisman also has 3 rune slots, and the colors are randomized between 5 colors. More info in the runes section below.
    • Generally speaking, the best talisman would consist of Red, Blue, and Violet rune slots. This is where the RNG is worst. The talisman itself is RNG to get, and the rune slots are also RNG.
  • Runes:
    • Looking at Picture 3, there are multiple skills that has runes.
    • Each skill has 5 possible colors, and each color has 3 rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare):
      •  Violet runes increase attack damage
      •  Green runes reduce attack damage and also reduce cooldown
      •  Blue runes only reduce cooldown
      •  Yellow runes only increase range
      •  Red runes increase attack damage and also increase cooldown
    • Reading through each runes, the 3 most desired colors are  for each talisman.
  • Example using male ranger:
    • Two popular talismans for male ranger are Acceleration Revolver and Double Grinder.
    • In Picture 4, you can see that the colors for those 2 talismans are not best-in-slot. The author has Blue Red for top talisman and Violet Red for bottom talisman. 
    • Upon equipping the appropriate color runes, the talismans will light up (Picture 5) and activate all their effects.
    • The author picked  runes because it's one of the highest DPS skill. Even then you could see that the author still has works to do because both Red runes and one Green rune are still at Uncommon rarity.

How to Acquire Talismans and Runes
  • Talismans and runes are drops from Pandemonium War dungeon.
  • You need to be level 95 to access this content through its specific channel.

  • There are plenty of guides out there explaining the mechanics. You can learn more through this dungeon guide page.
  • Of course this dungeon drops talismans and runes among all kinds. So with the unwanted drops, you can use them for crafting other talismans and runes through "Monica of the Library" NPC.
  • The "My Class" option will only use talismans and runes specifically for your class. The author recommend only use this option if you have multiple duplicates or if you know for sure you don't use any of them.
  • Other ways to get talismans and runes include buying from mileage shop and explorer shop using Glory Crystals. 

The Terrible RNG System
  • To give you an idea of the RNG with this system, we need to see how big the drop pool is.
  • For Talismans:
    • With 61 sub-classes and 5 talismans for each sub-class, there are 305 possible drops.
    • Each talisman has 2 rarities, drop pool increased to 610.
    • So the chance of drop for the desired Unique talisman from clearing Pandemonium War dungeon is 0.16%. AND that doesn't account for the combination of rune colors. 5 colors give 10 possible combination of 3-colors. 
    • Therefore, the chance of the desired drop is 0.16%. And when that drops, the chance of the best-in-slot color combination is 10%.
  • For Runes:
    • Each class has a set number of skill that have runes. Ranging from 9 skills (Female Nen) to 17 skills (Summoner).
    • Using Female Nen as example: 9 skills, with 5 color runes, with 3 rune rarities give 135 drop pool.
    • Even if we assume all 61 sub-classes have 9 skills, that still give a pool of 8,235 possible drops. 
    • Therefore, without compounding, the chance of each desired rune is 0.012%.
    • Although clearing Challenge mode will drop about 25 runes, so that increase your chances a bit.
Descriptions and Demonstrations for Each Talisman
  • You can access these information along with their popularity ranking through this Talisman Archive page.

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